I’m Afraid I’m Now a Salted Fish

Chapter 5: marketing effect


When I woke up, it was the weekend.

Chi Song was in Song Zhihuai's arms and didn't want to get up.

Mr. Song's cotton pajamas and Chi Song's legs were comfortably intertwined, and the fresh air system was whirring, making a slight and regular mechanical sound.

And Song Yingjun was lying beside Chi Song's legs, sleeping soundly.

Chi Song stretched his waist in a small range of motion, only to feel back pain.

He thought, he can't sit on the sofa next time, it's too tiring.

He rustled out of bed, took a shower, picked up his mobile phone by the way, and did the daily tasks in the game.

Chi Song originally saved nearly 2,000 Gouyu, but yesterday he used 1,000 for ten consecutive draws. Today, let's collect it, and I've collected enough for 1,000 whole.

He carefully observed the card pool according to the "Card Drawing Metaphysics" guide he found on the Internet.

According to the guide, if the player draws all lower-level shikigami during this period, it proves that the high-level shikigami in the card pool have been drawn almost, and there is no need to join in the fun.

He was watching when Liu Che called.

"You can do it, kid, it's on the hot search."

Chi Song was startled and hurriedly quit the game on Weibo.

Well, not only on the hot search, but also on two. "Chi Song Trumpet" ranked ninth and "Chi Song Hand" ranked fifteenth.

My mistaken Weibo post was retweeted by several entertainment marketing accounts with over a million followers, and each marketing account has a different rhetoric.

One said that every pair of beautiful hands is a gift from God, and the hands Chi Song showed in the video are simply superb, slender and slender, with first-class bones. He also attached several screenshots of unpopular TV dramas that Chi Song has starred in, all of which are close-ups of his hands.

One said that the little child star "Xiao Baizi" in everyone's memory grew up and became a gentle and warm man who loves cats.

One said that so far, the trumpets released by the stars are full of negative energy, and only Chi Song's cat raising blog is a rare clear stream.

... Chi Song was praised with goosebumps.

Tianya and Doubanli also appeared a lot of child star inventory posts overnight, and invariably used the role played by Chi Song when he was a child as the first person to open the post. "Remnant Child Star", "I'm the only one who thinks Chi Song's acting skills are not bad", "A collection of beautiful hands in the entertainment industry, please enter more pictures carefully, let's lick the screen together".

Chi Song became more and more false: "How can I be so good, this is too much praise."

Liu Che sounded even happier than Chi Song: "You are so good."

Chi Song said solemnly: "The marketing account is not so kind. You see, Entertainment XX, Gossip XX, Xing XX, I know these marketing accounts are all raised by our company."

Liu Che didn't care: "Isn't this what it should be? You are an artist of your company, and now I finally have a chance to make you popular, of course I have to seize it."

Chi Song: "...they talk about me like a white lotus flower."

Liu Che hates that iron is not steel: "Now which famous Xiaosheng Xiaohua in the entertainment industry is not set up? What happened to the white lotus? The white lotus is painful."

Chi Song said cowardly: "... I'm afraid of the collapse of the character."

"Song, you are too careful." Liu Che said carelessly, "You are a child star, and your national foundation is so good, one is not scandalous, and two is not a demon, everyone will be very tolerant towards you, after all, it is the childhood of a generation. Memories."

Chi Song finally laughed.

Liu Che cheerfully said, "I figured it out, are you happy?"

Chi Song said happily: "The screenshots of those movies and TV dramas must have been made by Zhihuai. Except for him, few people know which dramas I have acted in."

Liu Che fucked up.

He felt that he called to greet his friend early in the morning, but his friend forced a mouthful of dog food. He was really idle.

After hanging up the phone, Chi Song threw himself back on the bed, lifted the quilt involuntarily, and rolled with Song Zhihuai.

Song Yingjun was awakened by the violent bed vibration, he raised his eyes in dissatisfaction, and saw the red waves rolled up between the duvets, and Song Zhihuai's exposed half of his calf.

She raised her Miao Miao fist and knocked on Song Zhihuai's calf.

… Mr. Song can be said to be very wronged.

Song Zhihuai used to get up a little angry, not only like drinking, but also smoking, and he didn't like those pretentious little stars.

Therefore, before meeting Chi Song, he had three criteria for choosing a mate:

One, you can't be an insider; two, you can't let him smoke and drink; three, you can't make him sleep even if there is a big thing.

... However, Chi Song successfully stepped on every principle of Mr. Song, and Mr. Song was extremely reckless.

The first time he was woken up by Chi Song was in the early morning after the two of them rolled the sheets for the first time.

Song Zhihuai was sleeping soundly and soundly, when suddenly he felt something fluffy rubbing against his arms.

He instinctively opened his eyes angrily, and what he saw was Chi Song who was already awake.

He kissed Mr. Song's ear obediently, and said in a hoarse voice, "Good morning."

Chi Song is a southerner. He has been immersed in the language environment of Wu Nong's soft language since he was a child. Although he came to the north to film, he has acquired the ability to master dialects from all over the world, but when he woke up at the beginning, his The accent is automatically reset to zero, restoring the gentle and moving of the Jianghuai region.

Song Zhihuai's heart that wanted to kill immediately softened miraculously, hugged Chi Song, and gently kissed his forehead: "... good morning."

The two have been dating for eight months now. Song Zhihuai has quit smoking and drinking, and has quit getting up. He doesn't know what he will quit in the future.

Song Zhihuai often wondered if love was like this, and would give up the so-called standards little by little and become someone the other party liked.

Chi Song lay on top of him and called him with bright eyes, "Zhi Huai."

Song Zhihuai thought about it and understood why he was so clingy: "You know what?"

Chi Song nodded.

Song Zhihuai thought, sure enough, he said that he didn't want to be popular, but he was happy to see that he was really popular.

When Song Zhihuai began to be glad that he had won the favor of Chi Song, Chi Song crouched on his chest, bit his finger and asked in a low voice, "I read Weibo several times where Yu XX praised my beautiful hands. You did it. right?"

Song Zhihuai was stunned for a moment: "... um."

Chi Song happily hugged Song Zhihuai's shoulder: "Do you watch all such ugly dramas?"

Song Zhihuai was a little dumbfounded: "...with you acting, of course I'll watch it."

Chi Song took the initiative to hold Song Zhihuai's hand, shook it gently, and frankly expressed his feelings: "You can still remember which episodes the close-up of my hand appeared in, I'm so happy."

Chi Song's hands are very good-looking, how good is it to see? When Song Zhihuai saw Chi Song's first face, he felt that these hands were not used to play the piano, it was a waste.

And those TV drama cameras obviously feel the same way. Whenever Chi Song has appeared in a drama, he will always have a close-up of his hand.

After Song Zhihuai planned to support Chi Song, he often looked for his TV series to watch. After falling in love with him, he intensified and began to record the time when Chi Song appeared in each TV series, and which scenes were well shot, which can add chicken legs to the camera.

Every move is like an idiot.

And his habit of collecting all kinds of shots happened to come in handy yesterday. He told the public relations department in detail that there was a close-up of Chi Songshou in a certain episode of a certain TV series, and he clearly asked the marketing account to send him the first draft after taking a screenshot of the picture, only after his review. send out.

Song Zhihuai originally thought that this was normal, but seeing Chi Song's eyes full of light, Song Zhihuai suddenly felt that he was very sorry for Chi Song.

The reason why Chi Song is happy is not that he is going to become popular, but that he has watched his drama seriously.

... I still don't know him too well.

Chi Song pulled Song Zhihuai's pajama collar, buried his face in it, and showed off in a loud voice: "...I have loyal fans, it's great."

Song Zhihuai could vaguely see that behind Chi Song's buttocks, a large furry tail appeared on his head, dangling like a small windmill.

Song Zhihuai, who was deeply lovable, pulled Chi Song and happily and guiltily staged a small private movie.

Song Yingjun lay on the plush foot pad beside the bed, closed his eyes and rested, letting the bed squeak and shake, I stood still.

Afterwards, Song Zhihuai stroked Chi Song's fluffy hair and said, "The acting was great, but the lines were a little too bad. I couldn't just say 'No,' it's too monotonous. Do you understand?"

Chi Song was so embarrassed that he covered his head with a quilt and refused to speak.

No matter how many times he did it, Chi Song still looked stupid, shy and ignorant, as if he had done something bad secretly.

This weekend was so busy at the beginning, it was destined to not be able to relax.

Just after lunch, Chi Song was notified that the audition was set. From today, he will be the star "Xue Yunyang" who is close to the gold master.

And good things always seem to like to rush in one after another, with friends and companions.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou Yaming called Chi Song's work mobile phone.

Zhou Yaming, a female, acts vigorously and resolutely, but has a gentle appearance.

Nebula Entertainment can lose Fan Rui and Guan Shan, but not Zhou Yaming. This shows her importance.

It is for this reason that when Chi Song received a call from Zhou Yaming, he was stunned.

Chi Song asked carefully: "Did you make a mistake?"

Zhou Yaming smiled: "Is it Chi Song?"

Chi Song: "... Well, it's me."

Zhou Yaming: "Then I made no mistake. From today, I will be your agent."

After notifying Chi Song of the incident, Zhou Yaming threw him a piece of good news lightly.

"There is a watch brand in China called Taikoo, do you know?" Zhou Yaming said, "... This brand belongs to the light luxury model and is aimed at the white-collar class. I will contact you, and next Wednesday night, you will go to shoot a new issue for them. poster."

Chi Song put down the phone, and the whole salted fish fluttered a little.

For Chi Song, who has always claimed to have no star luck, today's experience is like ten consecutive draws, like ten SSRs in one breath.

… I just made a mistake on Weibo, how could there be such a big chain reaction