I’m Afraid I’m Now a Salted Fish

Chapter 51: Go too deep into the play


Fortunately, the existence or not of the long-haired man is insignificant in terms of the overall situation, only delaying the filming for half a day, and the loss is not very big.

The filming of the second season of "Kong Ming Suo" is proceeding in an orderly manner.

But as the plot progressed, Chi Song once again showed symptoms of getting too deep into the play.

Chi Song's transcripts in college have never been lower than B+, so he can be considered a good student, but his tutor commented in his annual evaluation and graduation message: Please always pay attention to your mental health.

Liu Che once scoffed at this comment, saying that the little old British man was probably Alzheimer's. He Liu Che had never seen a mentally healthier person than Chi Song in his life. , clean-up and good-natured.

If Chi Song is not mentally healthy, isn't he terminally ill

Chi Song said with a good temper: "That's not what the teacher said."

Chi Song knew that he was prone to psychological problems.

He has no other hobbies besides acting, which not only allows him to concentrate highly, but also means that there is no other way to relieve the pressure he has accumulated other than acting.

... Of course, after meeting Song Zhihuai, there was a huge flood drain in his life.

However, Song Zhihuai could not stay by his side forever.

Chi Song's overly easy-going personality is like a ball of plasticine, which can be kneaded at will. He can quickly establish an understanding of the character and integrate into it. This is his advantage, but also his biggest problem and trouble.

Those thunder dramas are not bad, the plot is simple, the characters are thin as paper, and even "Xue Yunyang", which made Chi Song popular again, is quite a routine character to put it bluntly.

"Jian Ning" in "Kong Ming Suo" is the character with the most complicated psychological condition that Chi Song received after returning to China.

Jian Ning cherishes his friendship very much, because he has no memory of the past ten years of life, no family, and no lover, so friendship has become his only spiritual support.

Even though the opportunity to meet these friends was hilarious - it was due to a murder case in a tour group a few years ago.

Jian Ning showed her excellent reasoning ability, solved the case, and became friends with several people in the tour group who were similar to her age.

Several have been close friends for several years. During this period, strange cases continued to occur around them. Jian Ning solved the cases time and time again, and kept discovering the dark side of her friends' hearts.

The beautiful female psychologist is suspicious because of her mother's jealousy and hatred of her beauty when she was a child. Later, her mother died inexplicably, and she is also full of doubts and suspicions about the world.

The female forensic doctor has a vicious tongue and often despises her brother who has a dual personality, but she was a soft girl when she was a child. A strange kidnapping incident changed her ordinary life, split her brother's personality, and caused her personality to become a little distorted. weird.

The only normal young lawyer has a strong sense of justice. His police father died in a strange car accident in his early years. He chose the profession of lawyers to implement his father's concept of justice.

Jane Ning understands everyone's past and secrets and enlightens them. However, no one can understand his own inner world, and he also empathetically hides all his dark sides and shows his most perfect self to other friends.

But no one knew about his memory loss, nor about his bizarre obsessive-compulsive disorder, and no one knew that in the middle of the night, some mysterious person would always send him some fragmentary and ominous hints via fax.

During the continuous investigation, Jian Ning found that behind the perpetrators there was an invisible criminal organization.

But why do the criminal incidents of this organization occur frequently and concentratedly around them

The more she investigates, the more Jian Ning finds out that this organization seems to be here for her.

In other words, the troubles and pressures suffered by Jane Ning's cherished friends may have been caused by Jane Ning.

In short, this is a seemingly cheerful, but actually very depressed character.

And when this complex character meets Chi Song, various chemical reactions gradually begin to appear.

Chi Song has completely entered the role of Jian Ning. On the one hand, the filming speed is constantly accelerated. On the other hand, it is also a great torture and test for Chi Song.

Lu Yuan didn't notice Chi Song's mood changes at first, and was quite happy. After all, the filming progressed so quickly, which could save a lot of costs.

Liu Shu didn't find too many abnormalities. He didn't know anything about acting, and Chi Song's diet and daily life seemed to be quite normal, but he had been in a daze a bit lately.

On the other hand, Ling Lixing observed Chi Song in the camera many times and found a little problem.

- Chi Song is too much like Jian Ning, as if Jian Ning himself is performing.

As the plot progressed, the sluggishness and despair in his eyes occasionally even made Ling Lixing feel a little thrilling.

He asked Lu Yuan, "Is Chi Song not in good shape?"

Lu Yuan was watching the finished film that day, and was very happy: "He's very good, I feel very accurate."

It was completely beyond Lu Yuan's expectations that Chi Song could be so diligent about a small online drama. As a director, he certainly hoped that Chi Song would maintain this "serious momentum".

Ling Lixing still felt something was wrong.

He went to Liu Shu and asked, "How long has it been since Chi Song's family came to see him?"

Liu Shu knew that Ling Lixing, Lu Yuan and Chi Song were good friends, and of course he knew that "people from Chi Song's family" specifically referred to Song Zhihuai.

He thought for a while, and realized that Song Zhihuai had really not been here for a long time.

After learning of this situation, Ling Lixing immediately said to Liu Shu, "Call Song Zhihuai and tell him to come over no matter what."

Although Liu Shu was puzzled, he still called Song Zhihuai.

Song Zhihuai over there said, "It was Chi Song who didn't ask me to go to the crew."

Liu Shu was very strange: "Why?"

Song Zhihuai replied: "This happened a month ago. He said that 'Jianning' seems to be friends with everyone, but in fact no one is his friend. He also has no lover. So he told me not to go there again. Watching him will affect his state."

Now even Liu Shu realized something was wrong.

He recalled it carefully, and realized that the last time Chi Song took the initiative to speak to him was two days ago.

What he said was, "I want to drink black coffee without sugar."

In fact, about a month ago, Chi Song began to ask Liu Shu to buy him unsweetened black coffee.

And Jane's favorite drink is black coffee.

This setting appeared too early, and it was mentioned in the first few episodes of the first season.

Later, even the screenwriter Lu Yuan himself forgot to write this setting, and many times he didn't remind the props master to prepare black coffee.

Since the second season, almost every time there is a tea-drinking and chatting plot, Chi Song goes up directly with his own coffee cup.

When Liu Shu told Song Zhihuai about the situation, Song Zhihuai couldn't sit still, saying that he would try to finish the work at hand in half a day, and then came to see Chi Song in the crew.

Who would have thought that something happened to Chi Song before Song Zhihuai arrived on the set.

The fuse was very simple, and Chi Song got the script for the last ten episodes.

In these ten episodes, Jian Ning's life experience was revealed.

Cheng Ding, played by Qian Qi, is the mastermind behind everything, and Jian Ning is actually a monster cultivated by that mastermind.

Cheng Ding has been very smart since he was a child. Because he saw his parents killed by robbers, he was turned on by a strange switch, and he was crazy about the aesthetics of crime.

He has inherited the rich inheritance of his family and has been working on finding potential criminals. Little Jianning is very similar to him when he was a child. He is extremely smart, but has a happy family and a kind nature.

Cheng Ding destroyed everything about Jian Ning, killed Jian Ning's parents, and at the same time faked the appearance of Jian Ning's death, imprisoned and brainwashed Jian Ning, trained him in various ways, and gave him various scenarios. Let him formulate a killing method, try to train him as a criminal planner, and lie to Jianning that as long as he listens to his own words, his parents can live safely outside.

After getting the crime plan drawn up by Jian Ning, Cheng Ding took it out to test it.

The reason why Jian Ning's friends were killed was precisely because of Jian Ning's plans back then.

—The mother of the female psychologist was killed by Jian Ning's plan.

—The father of the justice lawyer was also killed by Jian Ning's plan.

—The reason why the siblings were kidnapped was also within Jian Ning’s plan.

Jian Ning struggled to survive in Cheng Ding's petri dish, suffering so much. He tried to get out of control and escaped without permission, but was hit by a car, lost his memory, and was picked up by his current uncle.

Cheng Ding searched for Jian Ning for several years, and finally found him with complete amnesia. Cheng Ding was deeply interested, so he planned an exploratory tour group, inviting Jian Ning and the victims of that year to participate, and vaguely mentioned the hidden pain in their hearts in the invitation letter.

Because of this vague invitation letter, they went there one after another.

And this is also the beginning of the meeting between Jian Ning and his friends.

Cheng Ding later also entered Jian Ning's life on his own accord as a theatergoer.

Now, Jianning's past has been completely exposed to everyone, and the evidence is conclusive. His friends couldn't forgive him and broke with him one after another.

Jian Ning fled in despair.

In one day, he lost his most cherished friends in this world.

At this moment, Cheng Ding, who had been peeping at him, invited him with a smile, asking Jian Ning, who had nothing, to come back to him and be his only friend and assistant.

Jian Ning pretended to agree to Cheng Ding, but actually planned to die with Cheng Ding.

The first scene in the last ten episodes was Chi Song confronting some friends.

Evidence that Chi Song was slapped by his friends without remembering the past at all.

Due to the intense emotional progression, everyone played very well in this scene, especially Chi Song, who went from calm at first to hysteria at the back, and finally fled in a panic.

After escaping to safety, his legs were weak and he would fall once every step of the way.

Finally, he threw himself in the sand, sobbing in excruciating pain.

When Chi Songpu moaned in the bunker that had been set up, Lu Yuan actually got goosebumps from his suppressed crying.

When he came to his senses, he called Ka.

There was a brief silence on the set.

Not knowing who took the lead, everyone applauded Chi Song together.

Chi Song lay there and didn't get up.

Lu Yuante jumped up from his seat excitedly and ran to Chi Song: "Chi Song, you are amazing! If I hadn't had a boyfriend, I would really fucking want to kiss you."

In the face of such praise, Chi Song has not stopped sobbing.

He knelt down on his knees, his fingers that were red with cold clenched a handful of sand, and his shoulders were shaking violently: "I don't accept...you all don't go...don't leave me, don't leave me alone..."

Liu Shu felt bad, rushed into the bunker a few steps, picked up the clothes and put them on Chi Song's shoulders, reminding him: "Chi Song, it's over, it's over."

Chi Song couldn't get up, he just curled up in the sand pit and wept, and half of his face was covered with sand.

After all, Lu Yuan is inexperienced as a director. He has never encountered a situation where an actor can't play after calling a card, so he panicked: "Chi Song?"

Chi Song, who was completely exhausted, was dragged to the sidelines and filled with water and sleep aids. He gradually calmed down and fell asleep.

When the adrenaline is used up, people are naturally exhausted.

When Song Zhihuai arrived at Chi Song's room, he had already slept under the quilt for most of the day.

Half of Chi Song's face was rubbed with sand and a thin layer of skin was rubbed off, and the wound was densely red, looking particularly distressing.

Song Zhihuai took a deep breath and sat down beside Chi Song's bed.

After feeling the vibration of the bed, Chi Song opened his eyes in confusion.

Seeing who was coming, Chi Song reached out and touched Song Zhihuai's hand: "... Zhihuai?"

Song Zhihuai let out an "um", leaned down, and kissed his forehead.

He and Chi Song have been together for more than two years, and they have known each other for nearly three years. Until now, Song Zhihuai is still the same as when he first saw Chi Song's performance. He firmly believes that an actor like Chi Song deserves more attention. high praise.

… and he definitely deserves the accolade.

The author has something to say:

Let's go to the story~

A good actor deserves a better chance~