I’m Afraid I’m Now a Salted Fish

Chapter 52: Opportunities are falling


Chi Song was so tired, he pinched Song Zhihuai's fingers and fell asleep again.

... a night of chaotic dreams.

In the early morning of the next day, he was exhausted, crawled up with a pair of empty eyes, touched the bathroom and looked in the mirror, he was taken aback by himself.

… His small half of his face was covered in iodophor, and he looked especially scary.

After he came back to his senses, his first thought was: Great, take advantage of this injured state and take advantage of this injury, the current Jane Ning is suitable for this kind of disheveled and embarrassed image.

He picked up the towel, unscrewed the hose, and carefully wiped his face with water.

Before wiping twice, Chi Song raised his head and looked through the mirror to see Song Zhihuai standing at the door of the bathroom with a low-pressure face, so frightened that he almost threw the towel in his hand.

Song Zhihuai was awakened by the sound of water being released, and when he touched his side, it was already empty.

He was especially prone to hypoglycemia when he woke up, and his blood was not smooth. As soon as he entered the bathroom, he found that Chi Song was actually wiping his face, and Song Zhihuai's nameless fire ignited.

He opened the bathroom door, made way for Chi Song, and ordered, "... Come out for me."

Chi Song held the towel and looked at him, Taohua's eyes widened.

Song Zhihuai pinched the bridge of his nose, pinched it hard, and said coldly, "Go to the bed. Don't let me say it again."

Chi Song threw the towel away and ran out.

When Song Zhihuai returned to the bed full of anger, he looked up to see Chi Song, and almost didn't stop laughing.

Chi Song had already got back into the quilt, pulled the quilt and wrapped himself into a potato ball, so obedient that he was speechless.

Song Zhihuai adjusted his mentality, tightened his facial muscles again, and walked to the bedside and said, "I have already asked you for leave, starting today, three days off."

Chi Song was dumbfounded: "... ah?"

Song Zhihuai asked indifferently, "Is there any problem?"

Chi Song has not seen Song Zhihuai so severe for a long time.

In his memory, the last time he was so indifferent to himself was at the annual meeting of Nebula Entertainment a few years ago.

At that time, Song Zhihuai had not yet participated in the audition.

Before the annual meeting, Chi Song was instructed by the manager at the time, Sister Li, to show him well in front of Mr. Song. If he got Mr. Song's green eyes, he might have a chance to come back to life.

Chi Song was so nervous that she was excited by Sister Li's pre-war speech. Before toasting, she ran to the toilet to drain the water, for fear that when facing the big boss, her legs would become weak and there would be a physiological reaction.

It was so hard to die, just as he opened the chain of his pants, a tall shadow pressed over him.

Chi Song's height among male stars in the entertainment industry is probably in the second echelon, and the person next to him is obviously the mainstay of the first echelon.

Chi Song turned to look at him.

Song Zhihuai was standing beside him, noticing Chi Song's gaze falling on him, he glanced at him lightly, and Quan responded.

This sight made Chi Song almost pull up his pants and stand at attention.

Chi Song has a problem. If someone is standing beside him, he can't release it at all.

The atmosphere in the toilet was extremely awkward for a while.

Song Zhihuai was very calm, his face was calm, but Chi Song's back was already sweating.

He silently lowered his head and put on his trousers.

"The leader goes to the toilet by himself" flashed through Chi Song's mind quickly, but in the end he mustered up his courage and could only greet Song Zhihuai respectfully: "... Boss Song is good."

Song Zhihuai: "Well, good."

When Chi Song escaped from the bathroom, his shirt was wet, and he calmed down after drinking a glass of sparkling mineral water.

... Mr. Song is very big.

This first impression lingered in Chi Song's mind, so much so that when he toasted Song Zhihuai after a while, he hardly dared to look him in the face.

Therefore, Song Zhihuai had no impression of Chi Song.

About half a year later, the two officially established their relationship.

Song Zhihuai mentioned the audition and said that it was the first time he saw Chi Song. Chi Song shook his head and said that the first time the two met successfully was in the men's room of the company's annual meeting.

Song Zhihuai suddenly realized: "Is that person you? The one who didn't even dare to go to the toilet when he saw me, and ran out after saying hello?"

Song Zhihuai hadn't treated him coldly in the past few years, but today his face suddenly became stiff, which reminded Chi Song of the fear of seeing him in the men's restroom and running away in fright.

Chi Song gave his opinion weakly: "I want to take pictures before the injury heals. Now I'm in a good state..."

As soon as he heard him say that he was in a good condition, Song Zhihuai couldn't help but feel annoyed.

What a piece of shit, he was almost dragged to the hospital yesterday for a sedative, how about that

Isn't that the same thing as an alcoholic saying "I didn't drink too much"

"No." Song Zhihuai refused coldly, "What should I do if the wound is infected?"

Chi Song said tentatively, "... I'm a little more careful?"

Song Zhihuai took a deep breath and resisted the urge to gouge his forehead: "Lu Yuan has granted you a leave, don't think about it, take a good rest. Lu Yuan will film other people's scenes first in the past two days."

Chi Song insisted: "I managed to find the state with great difficulty. Besides, this injury is rare."

Song Zhihuai: "..."

When it comes to drama, Chi Song will inevitably go offline with emotional intelligence. Pointing to his face, he has reason and reason: "Look, props masters can't produce such good results, and they can play opposite Cheng Ding. I promise, I'll just rest after the scene where he took the initiative to negotiate with me. Really."

Song Zhihuai felt that he was going to be pissed off: "...you can do whatever you want."

Chi Song just woke up in the early morning, his head was still dazed, he cared about the crew wholeheartedly, and when he heard Song Zhihuai's words, he directly understood his words with single-line thinking.

Chi Song crawled out of the bed on both hands and feet, and said happily, "Really?"

Song Zhihuai had an indifferent face, silently brought Chi Song's coat over and threw it on the bed, while he slammed the door out and bought a pack of cigarettes.

He took out a cigarette and took two puffs, but felt that it was tasteless, so he crumpled the cigarette case and threw it away.

When Chi Song appeared on the crew again, Lu Yuan was taken aback: "Isn't it impossible to tell?"

Chi Song expressed his stance very positively: "Quickly, while my wound is fresh, hurry up and film the scene with Cheng Ding, and I will go back to rest."

Lu Yuan vowed that in his career, it was the first time he was so happy to see an actor break his face.

There happened to be Cheng Ding's scene today, and Qian Qi also came to the set, so the first scene in the opening scene was the meeting between Jian Ning and Cheng Ding.

After the filming started, Lu Yuan, who observed the shooting situation of each camera through the monitor, shook his head slightly: "... Qian Qi can't catch Chi Song's scene."

It's not just him who thinks so, everyone finds that Qian Qi's understanding of characters is far inferior to Chi Song.

Qian Qi clearly played "Cheng Ding" as a narcissistic sociopath, with more than arrogance and lack of charm.

Because the effect that Lu Yuan was not satisfied with could not be achieved, Qian Qi NG several times before barely passing.

Chi Song bent down and thanked the crew one by one before taking his vacation, ready to go back to rest with peace of mind.

On the way back, when the passion for acting subsided, Chi Song gradually realized that when he went out in the morning, Zhi Huai seemed to be angry.

After regurgitating his actions in the morning, Chi Song became more and more guilty. He took out his mobile phone and knocked on Bai Zhirong privately. He briefly summarized what happened yesterday and this morning, and sent it to Bai Zhirong, asking him what he should do.

Bai Zhirong was silent for a few seconds, and then sent a "Bian Que Sanlian" emoji: "It can't be cured. It's dead. Farewell."

Chi Song: "… "

When Chi Song returned to the hotel with a guilty conscience, he found Song Zhihuai sitting on the bed watching TV.

After making sure that Zhi Huai didn't run back to the imperial capital in a fit of anger, Chi Song breathed a sigh of relief.

Carrying the newly bought crab noodle dumplings, Chi Song leaned forward, his little tail wagging: "Zhi Huai, I'm back. Do you want to eat buns?"

Song Zhihuai glanced at him, threw the remote control away, turned over and sat up: "...Come here."

Chi Song climbed onto the bed and looked at him flatteringly.

Song Zhihuai checked the abrasions on his face, took physiological saline and iodophor from the head of the bed, dipped it with a cotton swab expressionlessly, and smeared disinfection on Chi Song's face.

As soon as the salt water touched the wound, it stinged so badly that Chi Song took in the cold air in pain.

Song Zhihuai said angrily, "... Endure it."

Chi Song really stopped breathing and held back tears.

When the medicine was finished, Chi Song lowered his head and begged for peace: "Zhi Huai, don't be angry."

Chi Song was unhappy, and Song Zhihuai felt distressed when he saw it, but in order to teach Chi Song a lesson, he still forced the tiger to raise a face, picked up the remote control, and continued to change channels.

Chi Song found that he was being ignored, so he had to silently take out the crab noodle buns and nibble them one by one, his small eyes slipping around Song Zhihuai uncontrollably.

Song Zhihuai couldn't help laughing at his stare, and finally couldn't help but break through.

He opened his mouth slightly to Chi Song.

Chi Song's eyes lit up, and he quickly picked up a small bun and fed it into Song Zhihuai's mouth: "Zhihuai, are you angry?"

Song Zhihuai took the disobedient Chi Xiaomiao into his arms and asked sternly, "Do you know how to cherish yourself in the future?"

Of course Chi Song nodded quickly, like a chicken pecking at rice: "I know!"

Song Zhihuai was satisfied.

Today, he has made a plan. When the crew is finished, he will take Chi Song out for a trip and tell him to drop all work and take a good rest for a month.

at the same time.

While watching today's film, Lu Yuan, whose eyes were red, received a phone call before he could swallow the jasmine film in his mouth.

Lu Yuan picked up the phone and said with a smile: "Uncle Ling, it's so late, why do you remember calling me?"

Ling Lixing's father was on the other end of the phone.

Unlike Ling Lixing, Uncle Ling is talkative and likes to chat with the younger generation.

Uncle Ling said: "I'm looking for Lixing. I can't find a file here. I want to ask him if he has a backup there, but I can't contact him, so I'll come to you."

Lu Yuan said, "his U disk is with me. I'll find you what you want."

The Lu family and the Ling family are family friends, and the relationship between Lu Yuan and Ling Lixing has long been made clear to the parents of both parties. The parents of both sides have been in the circle for a long time, they have seen a lot of things, and they are all very enlightened.

They don't expect these two to inherit the family, as long as the child is happy, it is better than anything else.

Lu Yuan quickly found the document he wanted for Uncle Ling, and asked one more question: "What are you busy with Uncle Ling recently?"

Uncle Ling said, "Isn't this busy with your uncle Sun's new movie?"

Lu Yuan was surprised: "Yo, is Uncle Sun going to come out again?"

Uncle Ling said with a smile: "Hey, don't mention it, you have already written the script for Uncle Sun. As a result, I asked several producers, and they all said that for the sake of the market, a well-known traffic niche must be the male lead, otherwise it will not be. Consider investing. It’s not like you don’t know the acting skills of those children now, your uncle Sun is so angry that he said he didn’t expect his Sun Guangren’s script to be sold one day.”

Lu Yuan touched his chin, his eyes slightly brightened: "Hey, Uncle Ling, can I recommend someone to you?"

Uncle Ling was surprised: "What? Do you have something suitable here?"

Lu Yuanzhua pulled the mouse: "Well, Uncle Ling, I'll pack and send you a few finished films that he hasn't edited yet, all of which are recorded live. You and Uncle Sun can make do with him and see if he can do it. If so, , how about I give you his contact information and let him audition?"