I’m in a Shuraba Every Time I Open My Eyes

Chapter 59: Second battlefield


"Who comes first, I think you have to figure out who is the school committee."

Chu Lan's tone was neither salty nor weak, he looked at Qiao Song with a calm expression.

Only he knew in his heart how unhappy he was, when Qiao Song would have something to do with Bai Xiyue.

And it seems that the relationship is very unusual, and even came to compete with him.

Moreover, Qiao Song's appearance seemed to be quite different from usual, even very different.

His memory of Qiao Song stayed on the person who was always quiet and gentle with glasses, but he didn't expect him to have such sharp eyebrows and eyes.


Upon hearing this, Qiao Song looked at Bai Xiyue with doubts in his eyes.

what's the situation

Could it be that Bai Xiyue, who was between Wei Changxi and him, took the time to hook up with Chu Lan

Looking at Qiao Song's eyes asking for confirmation, Bai Xiyue nodded.

Ask for a hammer.

"It's true that the monitor is new, but if you want to join the school committee, you can also come together."

come together? ? ? ?

Chu Lan's eyes widened, and Qiao Song was shocked.

"If you don't know how to answer this question, then come and listen together."

Bai Xiyue added the second half of the sentence with a smile, and pointed to her own table.

The melon-eating crowd watching in the classroom knew that this was the case.

It's just a topic. Is it necessary to say what comes first

Maybe this is the world of masters.

Qiao Song's hanging heart was relieved, he was startled just now, he thought Bai Xiyue was proposing a threesome.

4p to be exact.

The main personality would always want to compete for the dominance of his body when he and Bai Xiyue were doing that kind of thing, but sometimes he couldn't win it, so he changed people.

This is not acceptable.

Chu Lan also diverted his thinking like this at first, but he thought that Bai Xiyue was not so bold as this. Fortunately, he was changing the subject, but he still wanted to talk about the relationship between them.

Why did Wei Changxi leave, and Qiao Song came again, and he thought he came earlier than him.

This means that when Bai Xiyue was dating Wei Changxi, did he have other choices

When eating in the afternoon, they blocked Bai Xiyue from left to right.

Chu Lan: "Let's have a meal together."

Qiao Song: "Some things need to be made clear."

Qiao Song was depressed all afternoon. He didn't know what was going on with Wei Changxi, but he felt that there was probably something wrong between them, so he could launch an attack victoriously. Why did he get in a Chu on the way? Lan, and it was earlier than his time

How many times did Bai Xiyue hook up

"What do you want me to say clearly? There is no injustice in the past, and there is no enmity in the near future. There is nothing to explain."

Bai Xiyue remained calm, pointing at Chu Lan and talking about the past, and talking about the recent days to Qiao Song.

Bai Xiyue didn't feel that she owed these two people, there was no promise between them, let alone any agreement, so what responsibility did she have, what obligation did she have to explain the twists and turns to these two people clearly

And if you really want to get together and say it clearly, how can you continue with this task, and can this strategy be successful

"Want to go to the store we used to go to? There seems to be a new product, I'll take you there."

As if Chu Lan didn't hear Bai Xiyue's words, she continued the previous words in a leisurely manner.

While asking Bai Xiyue to have dinner, he threw another message to Qiao Song.

They have a 'before', so Qiao Song can stay where it is cool.

Qiao Song racked his brains to think of a reason, but he was still a step too late.

The place he was able to mention was not a place to eat at all, but the hotel room where the two had made an appointment to do their homework at night.

Being so short of a move, Bai Xiyue waved at Qiao Song and followed Chu Lan.

Putting a long line to catch big fish, if you want to talk about setting the line, Qiao Song's line must be longer than Chu Lan's, unless Qiao Song can find someone who is more beautiful than her and more attractive than her.

It's not easy, Bai Xiyue is still very confident.

And as far as Xiao Qiao's character is concerned, he is simply the type who becomes more courageous as he gets frustrated.

So Bai Xiyue paid obeisance to Qiao Song directly, and followed Chu Lan out.

When they were leaving the school, they bumped into Wei Changxi.

Wei Changxi looked thinner, and when he saw Bai Xiyue, he lowered his head directly.

Bai Xiyue knew that Wei Changxi definitely couldn't let go of it now, and she didn't know how long it would take.

When Bai Xiyue originally thought that they would pass by like strangers like this, Wei Changxi suddenly grabbed her hand.

"Don't come here, I have something to say to her."

Wei Changxi glanced at Chu Lan, and Yu Peng and the other two stepped forward to stop him.

When holding Bai Xiyue's hand again, Wei Changxi felt complicated.

He didn't know whether he should suffer the harm he caused her, or blame himself, as Bai Xiyue said, their relationship never really started.

"I advise you to be kind. Don't find me and find others. How many people do you want to play with before you are willing?"

Love and hate were intertwined, that emotion expanded in his heart, and Wei Changxi couldn't control the sharp and unpleasant words he said.

It was as if Bai Xiyue was a rogue in the world, playing with people's hearts.

Seeing others happy for her, worried for her, sad for her, bitter for her.

Bai Xiyue didn't repeat what she had said before. People will always attribute the fault of something to others intentionally or unintentionally. Even though they know that they have something wrong, they will try their best to beautify their own faults. Then keep telling myself that it was not intentional, and even moved myself once with sincerity.

Bai Xiyue didn't blame Wei Changxi for looking at her like this, that was the attitude she put on at the beginning, playing games in the world.

Bai Xiyue also had no intention of using the original owner's background to sell herself miserably, at least not in front of Wei Changxi.

The person who tied the bell had to be untied, and she had her own plans.

Wei Changxi looked at Bai Xiyue's indifferent appearance, and couldn't help but exert force.

"Don't you feel a little guilty and guilty when you do this?"

"If both parties agree, what is there to feel guilty about?"

Bai Xiyue completely played the role of a scumbag, with a sneer hidden in her eyes.

Isn't your own logic like this? How can you be ashamed to accuse others right now? Consider yourself a victim

Although the original owner was very bad at the beginning, very stupid, and even a negative teaching material among students, but she did not do anything that is unacceptable. After she died, Chu Lan pushed everything away, as if their past did not exist. Same.

What's more, Bai Xiyue didn't know the things that the system didn't tell him these people did after they grew up to be scum.

Don't they feel a little guilty and guilty in their hearts

Not everyone would look at a person like him based on the summary of the previous story, that's why Bai Xiyue wanted to persuade them to be kind.

She stared at Wei Changxi fixedly until Wei Changxi felt a little nervous.

Bai Xiyue's eyes were too calm, like a pool of stagnant water without waves, looking at him quietly like this, seemed to be able to see into the bottom of his heart, but he knew clearly that he was not in her eyes.

It felt icy cold.

"Remember what you condemned me now, and you must remember what you said to me today, and treat the people you should treat well."

This passage sounds rather strange, even inexplicable.

Wei Changxi still wanted to ask something, but Bai Xiyue had already shaken off his hand.

"Let's go."

Chu Lan nodded.

There was a certain distance from where they were standing just now, and he couldn't quite hear what they were talking about, but he could tell that their atmosphere was deadlocked.

But what did it matter to him, it was exactly what he wanted to see.

The place where Chu Lan and Bai Xiyue made an appointment was naturally the bean curd shop.

The bean curd in chicken soup has been launched in the bean curd shop. Many people have tasted it and said they think it is very good.

And the bean curd rice in this restaurant is also delicious. When Bai Xiyue and Chu Lan went there, it was just at the time of meal time, and the business in the store was very good. Douhua, one clears the table.

After ordering food and sitting on the seat, Chu Lan started to ask questions.

"When did you meet Qiao Song?"

"Not long ago, he helped me. He was a very nice person."

"so you… "

Chu Lan hesitated to speak.

Chu Lan kept himself as a principled person, at least he would not find someone else when he was intimate with an agreed-upon girlfriend.

It made him feel a little unclean.

He was wondering if Bai Xiyue became such a loose, unscrupulous and casual person after being stimulated by him.

Could anyone be her guest of honor

"Don't look at me with such eyes, be careful that I put this bowl of bean curd on your face."

Although Bai Xiyue was smiling, there was no smile in her eyes.

"I don't think you should have watched any messy things, so don't try to make up some plots that shouldn't exist."

Bai Xiyue stirred the tofu curd and took a sip of the chicken soup.

The taste of the chicken soup was fresh and sweet, which lifted her mood index a little.

Chu Lan stirred the bean curd rice absent-mindedly, not knowing what else to say.

It seems that he has no position to intervene in this matter. After all, he has nothing to do with Bai Xiyue in name, and they don't seem to have a very formal friendship.

Chu Lan moved her fingers and said something in a low voice.

"What you are doing to him now seems to be no different from what I did to you at the beginning, and you may even go too far."

Chu Lan still remembered what Bai Xiyue said to him when he was in the mall, so how should he explain it now

At first he fell in love with Shen Wan, but did not make any further moves, but Wei Changxi was very hostile to Qiao Song.

"No one is clean, and the relationship cannot be said in this way. The matter between Wei Changxi and me cannot be compared with that between us."

People always like to make comparisons, as if doing something wrong to a person who thinks he is a bad person, he is right or what he did is not so wrong.

"He is him, you are you."

"Then you plan to..."

So how do you plan to choose

"It's not my intention."

Bai Xiyue interrupted Chu Lan with a smile, put a spoonful of bean curd into her mouth, felt the softness and smoothness, and bent her eyes in a good mood.

"It's up to you, dear student Chu Lan."

The author has something to say: I have something to go out today, and there are 3k more updates until tomorrow