I’m in a Shuraba Every Time I Open My Eyes

Chapter 60: Second battlefield


Bai Xiyue's "Chu Lan classmate" had a drawn-out ending, and she said it with a smile, inexplicably with some lingering feeling.

Chu Lan thought, it seemed so.

She didn't hook him up, it was he who wanted to have a relationship.

Emotion and reason have been sticking to each other, and the unknowingly tilted balance makes him want to indulge, but things are always unexpected.

Chu Lan knew that she had no way to force Bai Xiyue to do anything, but she was unwilling to give up just like that.

If it is about first come first served, then he seems to have no reason to let Qiao Song succeed.

Chu Lan looked at Bai Xiyue intently.

They were sitting at a table near the glass door. The afterglow of the setting sun cast a long and narrow shadow on the glass door, and the beautiful girl had a pair of eyes shining in the light and shadow, with a charm that attracted people to stop and fascinate.

"It also depends on your wishes."

Chu Lan said so.

"I like to make friends the most, but I don't refuse everyone."

Bai Xiyue's words were ingenious, as if she was hiding a mystery, but also seemed to have completely left herself behind.

Chu Lan is a person who likes to explain everything clearly, and he can't wait to write it down on paper and put it in front of people. Such vague words make him quite helpless.

Bai Xiyue is like a skater's fish, which makes it impossible for him to completely control it in the palm of his hand.

But the more you can't catch it, the more you want to catch it.

This matter is risky, Chu Lan thought in his heart.

But things that are risky are challenging.

He looked at Bai Xiyue's provocative eyebrows, thinking about the understatement kiss she once gave him.

That was actually their first kiss, and he had never kissed her before because of the relationship of not talking about love or talking about love.

Only then did he realize that it turned out that just a superficial kiss can also cause people's heart palpitations.

After the meal, the two of them didn't communicate any more.

Chu Lan always likes to think over and over again when doing things, so at this moment, she can only want to show off.

After eating, the two walked out of the store side by side. After walking for a while, Chu Lan spoke.

"Is there anything about Qiao Song that attracts you? It doesn't seem like you are from the same world."

"It's not right for you to say that. You and I were not in the same world before. Do you now classify me as being in the same world as you? That really makes people feel honored."

As Bai Xiyue said this, she still had a calm expression on her face.

"Actually, I'm curious what you think."

Could it be that you want to sit back and enjoy the blessings of everyone

Just like when Bai Xiyue was still with Wei Changxi, she fell in love with Qiao Song.

Even though she knew it wasn't that kind of being together, Chu Lan still didn't know why Bai Xiyue was entangled with another person when she was clearly maintaining a relationship with one person.

"No idea."

Bai Xiyue's voice was full of laziness.

"As you please."

Bai Xiyue chuckled, her voice scattered in the cold wind.

"If we hadn't..."

Chu Lan didn't feel guilty or regretful, he just wondered if Bai Xiyue's change was because of him.

"Tsk, it's not like what you Chu Lan would say, but I don't think there is anything."

Bai Xiyue shrugged, with a natural look of indifference.

Bai Xiyue could beg Chu Lan not to imagine the scene where she showed her deep affection for him.

She is not a player with this kind of strategy.

It made Chu Lan feel that she was deeply affectionate and touched by him, and it was almost chilling to think about it.

After being interrupted by Bai Xiyue, Chu Lan didn't know how to continue.

Seeing his appearance, Bai Xiyue actually smiled.

"Chu Lan, I think you've been with Shen Wan for so long, and the girl knew you and didn't mean anything to you. I thought it was a bit strange at first, but now that I think about it, it's really normal."

"How to say?"

Chu Lan was not angry, but rather curious about Bai Xiyue's words.

"Who can stand your cold and emotionless appearance."

Bai Xiyue joked that Chu Lan was not the type she liked no matter when she was a teenager or when she grew up.

Although looking at my appearance will show that my husband is fine, and it's okay to have sex for a while, but a serious relationship is still avoided.

This kind of person's personality is generally more polarized, it is difficult to hook it up, and there is also a very high sense of self-superiority. If you put yourself in your heart, you will be caring. If you don't, you will basically wait for 'death'.

Chu Lan paused for a moment, then fell silent without knowing how to refute.

He is not a talkative person in the first place, he likes to use the most succinct words to explain clearly, he can understand the literal meaning of sentiment, but he seems to understand half of it.

Seeing Chu Lan's silent response, Bai Xiyue felt a little bored, so she stopped teasing her.

In comparison, Da Qiao is cuter and Xiao Qiao is more interesting.

Qiao Song, who was eating dinner alone, felt very depressed.

Ah ah ah why one left and another came!

Why are these people so annoying!

The squad leader doesn't study hard about the relationship between men and women!

Why did you come before him!

Qiao Song roared in anger, but his face was still very calm.

The voice in my heart was lazy, as if not paying attention.

It's no big deal to grab it, so why panic.

The second personality actually didn't care much about this matter. Although I don't know when the two of them had an affair, but according to what Bai Xiyue and Chu Lan said, their relationship should have long since disappeared. Now Chu Lan Lan wants to start over.

ha? restart

The second personality thinks it's funny.

Now that it's over, why join in the fun now

Moreover, the secondary personality felt that Bai Xiyue might be a person who prefers to try new things. Instead of being wary of this kind of old person, it's better to be wary of who Bai Xiyue will meet after him.

Once his personality was as stable as an old dog, Qiao Song calmed down.

After finishing her homework in the evening self-study, Chu Lan thought about what Bai Xiyue said before for a long time.

So he couldn't help but write a small note to ask Shen Wan, and got a few big exclamation marks and added a paragraph.

[Student Chu Lan, what are you talking about! How could it be an unlikable person! In my opinion, you are really a very good person. Although you look cold and unreasonable, you are actually very gentle in your heart and treat others very well! ]

Chu Lan thought for a few seconds, then wrote another paragraph and handed it over.

Shen Wan was shocked when she saw the contents of the note. She bit the cap of her pen and was furious, writing furiously on the paper.

[What! There is such a thing in the world! If you want to sleep with others, you still have to talk about being pao friends first? How could there be such a brazen person in the world? ? ? Monitor, where do you read the news? ]

The content on the note was a challenge to Shen Wan's three views, what kind of guns and friends, it scared me to death, where did she experience such a thing, it was the first time she heard of it.

When Chu Lan saw the brazenness, he was a little shocked. Of course, he couldn't tell where he read it, but he just answered casually that he read it online.

Shen Wan seriously replied again.

[I think that girl probably likes that boy a little bit, so she agreed to such a request. Girls should care about their own things. The boy always asks if he agrees with him when he comes up. Maybe the girl hugs I agreed with a very pessimistic idea, but it still depends on the character, but as far as I think, that boy is really nasty! Shameless! Just want to eat Overlord Meal! You don't pay for free food, right? ]

The system was rebroadcasting this scene for Bai Xiyue in real time. Bai Xiyue thought it was a bit funny when she saw Chu Lan being scolded so bloody, but then she was shocked by Shen Wan's words.

What kind of vivid metaphor is this? To put it bluntly, isn't it just wanting to prostitute without paying

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha very clever.

Chu Lan saw a long exclamation again, twitched the corners of her mouth, and wrote the follow-up.

[When I realized that the girl might like her, I broke up decisively, because I didn't want the girl to have delusions? Oh my god isn't this guy awesome? I don't want to be responsible, so let's just say it. I still feel so good about myself and don't want others to have illusions. What kind of person is this? ]

[what? ? ? After being separated, now he wants to find that girl again, is this person mentally ill? Please let him let that girl go, will you? One difference and two widths, isn't it good for everyone to be happy? Don't you just find out that the girl is actually very good and want to save her? ]

all hit.

Bai Xiyue applauded this little girl crazily in her heart, it was such an assist.

If these words came out of her mouth, Chu Lan might feel that she had some subjective prejudices, and what she said was not completely correct, but it was Shen Wan who said it, so the meaning was different.

Shen Wan, cute, innocent, and also his friend of Chu Lan, speaking from the standpoint of a bystander, there must be no bias.

Bai Xiyue would not take the original owner's responsibility completely, but what Shen Wan said was quite right.

Fortunately, Chu Lan asked Shen Wan. If he asked a boy with the same values as her, then that person must have answered differently.

Looking at the angry words on the paper, Chu Lan fell into confusion.

He always felt that what he did was good enough. So, are these things so bad in the eyes of others

Chu Lan wrote down the entanglement between Bai Xiyue and the other two, trying to get 10% back, but she didn't expect Shen Wan to reply more directly.

[So this person is indeed a bit of a brain problem, or can I bluntly say that he is a bitch? Although I know that swearing and swearing is not good, but I really want to describe him this way. If he dislikes that girl who is flirtatious, why do I want to get close to her? If it is necessary to say that the girl has a problem, then it is obvious that the boy has a bigger problem. ]

Bai Xiyue decided to reward Shen Wan with delicious food tomorrow.

Chu Lan decided to change the topic and returned to the original topic about him. He asked Shen Wan what he thought of him.

[Student Chu Lan is super nice, very happy to have a friend like you, so amazing, so proud! ]

Chu Lan compared her long speech above and fell into deep thought.

So Chu Lan asked another question.

Chu Lan: [I probably fell in love with someone, but she said I was boring. ]

Shen Wan: [Hey... is it Xiyue? ]

Shen Wan guessed Bai Xiyue right away, but if it's boring... To be honest, although she spends more time with Chu Lan, and he will always accompany her to some places, it seems that the relationship is very good , but Shen Wan felt that she had never entered Chu Lan's heart.

Chu Lan: [Well, in fact, I am very contradictory, and I don't seem to please her very much. ]

Shen Wan: [If you insist on being nice to her, then she will definitely know your intentions. You are usually too indifferent. Be gentle and make girls like it. ]

Shen Wan: [If you want to chase her, I can try it for you, create opportunities for you, and be your military adviser. ]

Chu Lan was a little surprised, but saw Shen Wan smiling sweetly and writing a few lines.

Shen Wan: [Because I think girls like that should be liked by others, and I also like beautiful and cool girls like Xiyue very, very much. ]

What Shen Wan said about liking was just a little yearning and longing mixed with admiration.

Who wouldn't like such an excellent person.

Chu Lan has always been a person with very strong execution ability. After Shen Wan suggested that it might be easier to win favor by sending girls home at night, he acted immediately.

Although Bai Xiyue already knew about their conversation and was not surprised, she still had a look of surprise on her face.

"Are you going to take me home? I can walk back by myself."

"If you're alone, it's safer for me to send you off."

"I don't know how long the sun has been setting, and it is unlikely to rise from the west. How did you change your sex?"

Bai Xiyue jokingly said that Chu Lan was standing there waiting for her, expressing her determination.

Bai Xiyue simply followed him, waved to Shen Wan and Qiao Song, and left the school with Chu Lan.

Chu Lan didn't know where Bai Xiyue's house was after so long, so this time it's really good to find a place.

Although he didn't have the intention of falling in love with Bai Xiyue as Shen Wan thought, but he did have the idea of wanting to be entangled until the end of the college entrance examination.

Unwilling to give in, even though he knew that his behavior might be inappropriate, and even lost face, he didn't really care about that kind of thing.

He has never had such a strong interest in people, so strong that he wants to find out.

Bai Xiyue's home school is not very far away, about ten minutes' walk away.

Chu Lan walked with her on the road. It snowed a lot today, and the road surface was covered with a thin layer of snowflakes, which made a creaking sound when stepped on.

Bai Xiyue went downstairs to say goodbye to Chu Lan.

"My home is here, bye, you should pay attention to safety when you go back."

Chu Lan nodded, and just took two steps outside when she heard a strange voice.

"Yo, you're quite delicate and want someone else's male classmate to send you back? You can't change the virtue of a bitch in your bones. You are still a student and want to hook up with men? The same virtue as your useless father, I saw that you were not at home several times before, and I didn't know that you went there to make a fool of yourself, but now I know."

Chen Fengyan sneered, her face was gloomy, she raised her hand to hit Bai Xiyue, but Chu Lan grabbed it first.

"Auntie, I think you should be educated."

"My old lady taught her daughter, what do you care?"

Chu Lan was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked at Bai Xiyue.

The author has something to say: I smoked in Jinjiang here... I got stuck for a few minutes, this is the first update, the second update at 0:00, everyone, go to bed early