I’m in a Shuraba Every Time I Open My Eyes

Chapter 62: second scene


Bai Xiyue didn't argue with the system about this issue, anyway, it's hard to figure it out if you have to dig it carefully, after all, you have different cognitions, and the priorities of things are also different.

She closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

Qiao Song watched as the light on the screen dimmed little by little, knowing that he must not be able to wait for the answer today.

He knew that Bai Xiyue left with Chu Lan today, so...

Qiao Song turned over irritably, in a bad mood.

When Bai Xiyue was with Wei Changxi, he was not so irritable.

But with Chu Lan or others, he was very annoying.

He is so annoying that others ask him out for a drink that he doesn't even want to go, it's boring.

Those people are not as good-looking as Bai Xiyue.

He was too lazy to think too much, and voluntarily gave up control of his body, letting the main character come up and wait, while he fell into the abyss of consciousness and stopped thinking about it.

It was the first time that the main character was pushed out, so it was time for him to frown and think about Bai Xiyue.

When Bai Xiyue woke up the next day, she moved the desk and opened the door, only to find that the outside was a mess. The person who went crazy at the door last night was gone, probably because he was tired and went back to his room to sleep.

Bai Xiyue left the house after washing up.

She doesn't need that aunt to pay her living expenses, so she doesn't need to rely on that aunt to live at all.

A few days ago, she asked the system to accept several translation projects on a professional website, and she took one or two thousand, so it is still a surplus.

After leisurely finishing her breakfast, Bai Xiyue came to the classroom and asked the system to add sickness buffs to her.

Soon she felt a little chilly and had no strength.

She lay prone on the table, waiting for her prey to take the bait.

The first time Chu Lan entered the classroom, she went to see Bai Xiyue. Seeing that he had come to school, she was slightly relieved, but when she got closer, she found that she was lying on the table weakly.

"Are you OK?"

"Are you worried about me?"

Bai Xiyue propped her head up, her voice was a little weary, she raised her eyebrows, and there was a vague smile on her face.

"I didn't know..."

"Stop, you really don't need to be like this. Whatever attitude you had before is fine now, but don't act like this. It makes me feel pitiful."

Bai Xiyue waved her hands and laughed.

"That was not what I meant."

"No matter what you mean, go back to your seat and continue reading if you have nothing to do, I'm a little sleepy."

Bai Xiyue yawned, feeling lazy all over her body.

Chu Lan looked at Bai Xiyue's picture indifferently, or didn't want to be mentioned at all, but felt even more uncomfortable.

He actually wanted to say something, but it seemed unnecessary after thinking about it.

Now that she has become so good, she probably has no shortage of shoulders that can give her warmth.

Chu Lan went to get a cup of hot water after the morning self-study, and was about to put it on Bai Xiyue's table, but found that someone was one step ahead of him.

He paused, the eagerness stopped abruptly, looking at the two people who were talking, hesitating whether to go forward.

He thought for a while, then turned and walked out the classroom door.

Over there, Bai Xiyue drank the hot water brought by Qiao Song to relieve her discomfort.

"You don't look well, are you sick?"


"Then... that's good..."

Qiao Song looked left and right, twisted the corner of his clothes with his fingers, hesitant to speak.

"Is there anything else you want to ask?"

"I want to ask you if you were last night... I don't mean anything else, I just want to ask."

Qiao Song looked a little embarrassed, he hid all his displeasure in his heart, and asked this question carefully, for fear that Bai Xiyue would be unhappy.

Big Qiao is much less courageous than Little Qiao, and he is a little ashamed to speak out about some problems.

If it was Xiao Qiao who came to ask this question, she would be so generous after all, she would even make a fuss about it.

Bai Xiyue hooked her fingers at Qiao Song, Qiao Song lowered his head, his glasses were hooked.

Bai Xiyue's index finger hooked the middle frame of his glasses, but she didn't take them off, she just let the glasses slide down, trying to hang on Qiao Song's face without falling off.

Qiao Song's face turned red with a bang, reaching the base of his neck.

He had never faced Bai Xiyue's teasing so closely before. It was all sub-personality and her before, and he could only recall it in his memory, never experienced it himself.

This feeling is really different from the feeling from memory.

He could feel his heart beating fast, and the heat was rising all over his body, and the heat seemed to be able to drown him.

She is so beautiful and so heart-warming.


Hearing Bai Xiyue's chuckle, he became more and more at a loss.

Bai Xiyue looked at Qiao Song's embarrassment, but didn't tease him anymore, and took another sip of hot water.

"Let's have dinner together at noon today."

With anticipation in Qiao Song's eyes, he was waiting for Bai Xiyue's answer.

He didn't take the lead yesterday, so he must make an early reservation today.


Bai Xiyue nodded in agreement, but did not refuse.

Qiao Song seemed to have received great encouragement, and walked back to his seat with a smile.

Chu Lan stepped in after the class bell rang, looking a little out of breath, with a little sweat on his forehead.

[System]: He went to the infirmary and bought cold medicine.

Bai Xiyue nodded, not surprised.

Although her state was not particularly obvious, Chu Lan was a very observant person. Even if she didn't realize it at the time, she should be able to detect something wrong later.

It's just that Bai Xiyue thought that Chu Lan would drag her to see a doctor at noon, but he didn't expect that Chu Lan would run to the infirmary for her.

That's why she just promised Qiao Song to have lunch together.

Anyway, there are tens of millions of branches, and she is not limited to one.

During class, she didn't let the system remove the buff on her body. This feeling of being sick but not too seriously ill is actually quite comfortable. It must be more comfortable if she can lie on the bed.

She lowered her head and closed her eyes to rest, let the system remind her when the teacher came, and immersed herself in that feeling intently.

After class, Chu Lan came over and put the cold medicine in front of Bai Xiyue.

Bai Xiyue raised her head and looked at him with raised eyebrows and doubts.

"You seem to be sick."

Chu Lan looked at Bai Xiyue whose cheeks were flushed sickly, and opened the medicine.

He bought pills instead of granules, which are easier to swallow.

"Does the sun also rise from the west today? I'm not used to you like this."

Bai Xiyue chuckled, and swallowed the pills with hot water.

She still propped her head up and looked at Chu Lan's eyebrows.

The boy's appearance still looked so indifferent, he couldn't tell he was someone who went to buy medicine for others.

She asked Chu Lan to come closer, and made a gesture of whispering.

Chu Lan leaned over and saw Bai Xiyue approaching.

"I heard that people who are sick will feel very hot and feel very comfortable. Would you like to try it?"

Her breath was scorching hot, and sprayed all over his ears.

Chu Lan only felt that half of her body was crisp, her heartbeat was like thunder, and her heart was scorching hot, with some palpitations.

He watched the man sit back in his seat leisurely, and smiled at him.

"Just kidding."

She laughed so flirtatiously and wickedly that it was unbearable.

The author has something to say: I went out today with a lot of uncles and uncles to eat together, and I was so dizzy from drinking, I just wanted to post a little first, and I will update the rest of the night, but the laptop is not connected to the Internet, and the time has passed , crying

The body is really uncomfortable, and the number of words owed will be made up until tomorrow.

And don’t leave a message saying that the first world is not as good as the first one. This is not the same tone. The two rhythms are inconsistent. It is normal to have a sense of gap. Every time I see it, I feel uncomfortable.

Don't say that the three and a half this time are not as lovable as before. Do you understand that these are three scumbags

I may be a little drunk, so I babbled a lot, everyone forgive me.

ps: The next world is the overbearing workaholic's cheating wife, breaking up Shura field, the tone is similar to the first world, but the feeling will not be exactly the same