I’m Just This ‘Sue’

Chapter 101: The sixth villain (15)


Empress Dowager Zhuo is back!

When the news spread, the officials wished they could beat gongs and drums and feel joy in their hearts. Although they felt at the bottom of their hearts that the queen mother was not solemn enough, what did that matter? The queen mother was found, and the face of the royal family, and even the face of the entire Dalan dynasty, was also found.

Even the absurd behavior of King Xiao in the past two days has become tolerable. After all, he was the one who brought back the Empress Dowager Zhuo. Civil servants who call themselves gentlemen, not people like Xiao Wang who ignore etiquette, naturally don't care about such trivial matters.

As for the Empress Dowager's unauthorized departure from the palace, the civil servants hesitated for a while, but in the end they left the matter behind. The Empress Dowager Zhuo, who was always weak, must have been greatly frightened this time. If someone came forward to accuse him of leaving the palace without authorization, what would be the consequences? Still do it...

Hang Qing had no idea that his weak image had taken root in the hearts of the people.

At this moment, in front of him, Zhong Jinyan and Zhong Heng were kneeling upright, and the palace servants in the room were trembling, not even daring to look up.

"The sufferings my mother and father suffered today are all because of me..." Zhong Jinyan's face turned pale, with more bloodshot eyes in his eyes, looking more haggard than Guan Tian.

In the past two days, Zhong Jinyan and Zhong Heng suffered a lot of torture. Zhong Jinyan already knew that the assassination was aimed at him, but as an emperor, he seemed to have great power in his hands, but at the same time, he was bound by a considerable amount. Guan Tian can go to find people without any scruples, but he can only sit in the town house and hold back the suffering in his heart.

Hang Qing glanced at the top of the two people's heads, a little helpless: "start up, this matter has nothing to do with you, why do you need to apologize?" Hang Qing concealed the sympathy in his eyes. Zhong Jinyan managed to get the emperor to where he is today, but Emperor Ningde was born but not dead...

As a fake who has no feelings for Emperor Ningde, Hang Qing said something to Zhong Jinyan in his heart, hoping that Emperor Ningde would die again. Otherwise, the already broken plot will be messed up even more.

Of course, the most important thing is-

Zhuo Yu's dead husband is alive, so how dare Guan Tian covet him like this? As long as Emperor Ningde is alive, all men who dare to approach Zhuo Yu are trying to cuckold Emperor Ningde. Not to mention how annoyed Emperor Ningde himself should be, all the ministers and officials would never let that person go.

Hang Qing couldn't help thinking seriously about the possibility that Emperor Ningde would take Huangquan Road again in recent days.

Hang Qing in this room was slightly ecstatic, Zhong Jinyan looked at his profile, and felt uneasy in his heart: "... mother and father."

Hang Qing looked down at him again, and before he could speak, two entourages outside the door came in with a box. Next to the box came in another Guan Tian.

The two of Zhong Jinyan, who were still reluctant to move, immediately stood up and stood in front of Guan Tian.

Guan Tian pointed to the box behind him and said with a smile, "This is something that was promised to the Queen Mother earlier..."

Both of them were quite uncomfortable, especially Zhong Jinyan. He had the feeling of watching this goddamn King Xiao, constantly sending things to Zhuo Yu, in order to marry Zhuo Yu. It felt really worrying. For a split second, the thought of killing Guan Tian moved in Zhong Jinyan's mind.

There was something wrong with Zhong Jinyan, even Hang Qing clearly felt it.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly stiffened a lot.

Guan Tian respectfully greeted Zhong Jinyan, and blocked Zhong Jinyan's displeasure back.

Zhong Heng looked at Guan Tian coldly.

If they fight the next moment, Hang Qing will not be surprised.

Only then did Hang Qing say: "carry it to you."

The stiff atmosphere eased slightly, and the two attendants carefully lifted the box to their front.

Originally it was just a dark-looking box, looking at its unremarkable appearance, but at this time, His Majesty the Emperor, and the newly promoted Yue Wangye tightly held it. For a time, the two attendants in charge of unpacking were sweating profusely. And when they held their breath and carefully opened the box—

What caught my eye was a bunch of messy stuff.

It's almost the same as what Hang Qing received before.

It's just that this box looks messier because it's so full.

He was slightly dumbfounded.

Is this what the master wants to send out? The entourage stood there like a needle pierced, and couldn't help but wonder if he had taken the wrong thing.

This time Hang Qing didn't rush people to put them away, and Guan Tian no longer quit after a few words. Guan Tian completely ignored Zhong Jinyan and the two on the side. He stared at Hang Qing, as if Hang Qing was the only one left in his eyes.

Zhong Jinyan pursed her lips and was about to scold.

This Guan Tian suddenly opened his mouth, he pointed at the box without turning his head, and said, "The Queen Mother take a closer look, does it look familiar?"

Guan Tian didn't shout "Azhuo" abruptly, which made Zhong Jinyan's complexion a little better.

But then I heard Guan Tiandao: "That's on the way back..."

The memory in Hang Qing's mind was immediately hooked out: "is this the stuff on the road?"

Guan Tian smiled slightly: "Exactly."

"This is the cake you took a second look at."

"It's a puppet in the hands of a roadside juggler."

"This is a roadside shop. When someone is selling it, you look at the almond cake twice."

After a careful count, it turned out that when Hang Qing came back from the suburbs, he took a second look. The most bizarre thing is that even a piece of unremarkable cloth was bought by King Xiao just because Hang Qing took one more look at it.

If he had looked more at the road under his feet at that time, would it be possible that Guan Tian would have bought the whole street for him? Hang Qing thought about it, and couldn't help but want to laugh. Because if this is the case, with Guan Tian's style, I'm afraid it is really possible.

"How do you know that I took another look?" Hang Qing asked him.

It really surprised him that someone like Guan Tian would be so careful.

Guan Tian didn't expect Hang Qing to ask such a question, he was slightly startled - because I've been looking at you from beginning to end.

This sentence suddenly came out of Guan Tian's heart, which shocked him.

A brother who has been married twice and is already quite old, but makes him unable to extricate himself. Not to mention that no one would believe it, even Guan Tian himself felt a little weird.

The two Zhong Jinyan on the other end also thought of the answer.

If he hadn't paid much attention to Zhuo Yu, how could Guan Tian notice that Zhuo Yu had looked at something more

Zhong Jinyan's expression changed, and finally settled on an angry expression. "Enough." Zhong Jinyan said. In the past, he avoided Guan Tian's edge, firstly because he was still weak and could not match Guan Tian, and secondly because it was all trivial matters. But now... If he is allowed to look at Guan Tianchao and Zhuo Yu as he is, then it would be better to kill him.

"King Xiao has misbehaved on weekdays, and I have never accused him of a single sentence. But did King Xiao ever think that he was so misbehaving in front of the Queen Mother that he threw the face of the royal family on the ground and stomped on it!"

This is a bit more serious.

Guan Tian was unmoved: "Aren't all the subjects in the world all the subjects of the Zhong family? The queen mother is the queen mother of the Zhong family. As a minister, what's wrong with Guan Tian dedicating all the treasures he has to the queen mother?"

The attendants next to him were already stunned.

Isn't it because King Xiao sent a box of messy things? What, why is Your Majesty so angry

treasure? Is this also worthy of a treasure? Zhong Jinyan's face was even more angry, but he also knew better in his heart that these things did not seem to be more precious than treasures, but they should have been selected by Guan Tian himself, and the meaning contained in them was even more irritating. Instead of sending these, Zhong Jinyan wished Guan Tian just sent some vulgar things. Zhuo Yu has been in the palace for many years. His deceased father loved Zhuo Yu a lot. Will Zhuo Yu see less jewelry? At that time, Zhuo Yu will naturally not be seen by Zhuo Yu.

It's just that Guan Tian sent these things!

Zhuo Yu has always been soft-hearted, what if he is moved

"Ridiculous! This is what you call a treasure? Is King Xiao just entertaining me and the Queen Mother? King Xiao acts freely and easily, but he can't be so presumptuous!" Zhong Jinyan shouted fiercely: "You wait!"

The attendant and the entourage looked at each other in dismay, and neither dared to leave just like that.

Standing in this room are some of the most powerful people in the world. If an accident happens to these people, even 10,000 heads would not be enough to chop off.

"Exit!" Zhong Jinyan almost said together with Guan Tian.

Everyone shivered and had to retreat. For example, if you are worried about the future, you should first worry about being angered in front of you.

After a while, Hang Qing and four were left in the house.

Hang Qing: …

The development of this plot is getting more and more fascinated, why has he begun to not understand it? Originally, it would take a few months for the two to completely tear their faces apart. Has it been brought forward to today? So what should be tomorrow? Will King Xiao raise his troops tomorrow? In addition, Emperor Ningde, who was still staring at him. This plot is probably going to suck.

"Yan'er." Hang Qing called out.

Zhong Jinyan, who was always obedient, did not move.

Hang Qing frowned.

Guan Tian then turned his attention to Zhong Jinyan: "Your Majesty, what do you want?"

Zhong Jinyan's face was even more angry: "I want King Xiao not to enter the harem again in the future! As a foreign minister who entered the harem without permission, if it wasn't for King Xiao's military exploits, he would have died thousands of times!"

Guan Tian smiled slightly: "Why is Your Majesty so angry? Is it because His Majesty also has ulterior motives for the Queen Mother?"

Hang Qing: …

Guan Tian is not crazy, right

Zhong Jinyan's reaction was extremely fierce. He almost didn't even think about it before angrily scolding: "Don't talk nonsense! Do you have a dirty mind, so do you see others like this? It's ridiculous! Zhen, how can I have such thoughts as you? ?"

But Zhong Jinyan's appearance looked very stern.

The more intense he is, the more guilty he appears.

Hang Qing couldn't help raising his hand to stroke his forehead.

He really didn't expect Zhong Jinyan to like him. After all, he and Zhong Jinyan had maintained a father-son relationship for many years. How could he have other thoughts after being revealed that he had no blood relationship

Seeing that his face was already torn, Guan Tian no longer tried to hide it, his expression sank, and said, "Azhuo is still young, does Your Majesty want Azhuo to live in the palace for the rest of his life? That palace is up and down. Treating him disrespectfully, Ah Zhuo is out of the mud, and he doesn't fit in with other concubines. He still has such a long life to go. Are you going to let him live such a cold and boring life?"

Hang Qing: …

How could he not know that he was out of the mud and not stained

Dare to love that he is now a white lotus flower.

Zhong Jinyan was choked.

Guan Tian, however, pursued the victory and said, "Your Majesty and Azhuo have a close blood relationship. Even if Your Majesty has other thoughts in his heart, I am afraid that it will not do. Does Your Majesty want to selfishly keep Azhuo in the palace because of this? Ah Zhuo is afraid that he won't agree... "

Zhong Jinyan's facial features were slightly grim, and he stared at Guan Tian: "Enough! Don't talk about it!" At this time, Guan Tian seemed unimportant. For Zhong Jinyan, nothing was more important than Hang Qing's attitude. He looked at Hang Qing with a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, and he said hoarsely, "Mother and father, don't listen to this villain's nonsense!"

Zhong Jinyan said with difficulty: "Mother and father, don't believe him..."

But when he said this, Zhong Jinyan didn't have much confidence. Because obviously, after calming down, Zhong Jinyan also realized that his reaction just now was too intense. This reaction is of no benefit, it will only push him to the bottomless abyss... Guan Tian is so despicable! Zhong Jinyan couldn't imagine how Zhuo Yu would look at him.

Hang Qing actually couldn't calm down at this moment.

This rhythm is going too fast, how does he react

"Mother and father..."

Seeing Hang Qing's unresponsive and indifferent attitude, Zhong Jinyan's heart sank deeply instead. It would be better to beat and scold than to be silent at the moment.

That Guan Tian seemed to take advantage of his words, but in fact he was not much better. He couldn't help but look at Hang Qing, trying to discern some useful information from Hang Qing's face. But Guan Tian failed. He found that this person who looked soft and weak was very good at hiding his emotions, and even he couldn't get a glimpse of it.

If Zhuo Yu hated and resisted Zhong Jinyan, he might not have a good attitude towards him.

As the silence spread in the house, the hearts of the three were suspended.

until a long time passed.

Hang Qing looked at the three men in front of him. These three people supported a novel and a world, but they all fell on him, a cannon fodder who was doomed to die early. Hang Qing is very clear that his goal is Guan Tian. It seems that it is the best choice to promise Guan Tian at this moment. But Hang Qing quickly rejected the idea.

Guan Tian's favorability is not yet full, indicating that Guan Tian's love for him is still not deep enough, and a deep enough love is useless.

At this time, if Guan Tian promised, the conflict between Guan Tian and Zhong Jinyan would be thoroughly intensified. The son who has been raised for many years should be careful not to say that his liver is broken. Guan Tian is devoted to the cause of treason, where will he put his eyes on him again

Thinking left and right, this is not a good time.

Hang Qing lowered his eyes slightly and said in a cold voice, "today, no matter who has thoughts or what they have. I don't need to mention it in the future, and I will assume that I have never heard of it. "

Zhong Jinyan stood there in a daze, relieved at the same time, but a little lost.

On the other hand, Zhong He and Guan Tian did not respond.

Why be disappointed? It is natural to strive for what you want. Zhuo Yu rejected them today, who can say for sure in the future

Zhong Jinyan didn't give up at this time, he moved his lips and whispered: "Azhuo..."

Guan Tian sneered from the side: "Your Majesty used to only allow state officials to set fires and not allow people to light lamps. Why did His Majesty call 'Azhuo'?"

Hang Qing understood what Zhong Jinyan meant. Zhong Jinyan wanted to remind him by changing his name that there was no blood relationship between them. Zhong Jinyan fell in love with him, although it violated the etiquette a little, but it was not exaggerated to the point of incest.

Hang Qing looked away and didn't look at Zhong Jinyan.

The light in Zhong Jinyan's eyes dimmed a little bit, and then he turned his head sharply. Zhong Jinyan whispered, "Mother and father said yes." But then he looked at Guan Tian sharply. If Guan Tian had not exposed the matter in advance... He would not have been rejected so quickly.

It is natural to be particularly jealous.

Guan Tian also smiled faintly at Zhong Jinyan.

The light in Zhong Jinyan's eyes was even colder. He also smiled at Guan Tian, but the smile was too cold.

"I'll ask King Xiao to be more disciplined in the future, and don't say anything rude. If I let me hear how disrespectful King Xiao is to my mother and father, then I can only teach King Xiao how to write the word "rule"."

"Go away." Hang Qing felt that this scene was so bad, he turned around.

The three thought that it was difficult for Hang Qing to accept this blow, and they were secretly sad not to turn around.

Zhuo Yu is weak, how could he press and hurt him step by step

This idea appeared in the minds of the three of them at the same time. They looked at each other. Although they were still arguing with each other, they all temporarily suppressed the spirit of their bodies and rolled out obediently.

When he came to the door, Zhong Jinyan just paused and said with Guan Tian: "You are right, I am really a selfish person. Therefore, King Xiao should stop expecting to be favored by the empress. I will let the empress dowager. Staying in the palace, I will accompany him for the rest of my life."

Guan Tian's face sank, and his sharp aura was no longer concealed.

The three of them walked away from the door.

The anger in Zhong Jinyan's chest could not be calmed down. Although Zhong Heng also coveted Zhuo Yu, which made him unhappy, it was better than Guan Tian. Guan Tian was obviously more aggressive, and he even acted extremely confident, as if Zhuo Yu would become his possession sooner or later, such a gesture made Zhong Jinyan furious.

Zhong Jinyan asked Zhong Heng who was beside him, "What are you thinking about, brother?"

Zhong Heng raised his head and said calmly, "I'm thinking, it's time for Your Majesty to withdraw his military power."

Zhong Jinyan was silent.

"Only when all the military power in the world is in the hands of Your Majesty, can the family and country be stable."

"Brother said..."

Their voices gradually disappeared in the wind, and no one could hear what they said.

But this does not include Hang Qing.

They didn't go far, whether it was the words Zhong Jinyan and Guan Tian said when they walked to the door, or the conversation between Zhong Jinyan and Zhong Heng after walking a few steps, Hang Qing's inhuman ears could hear it clearly. Clearly.

Hang Qing's mood is very complicated.

Zhong Jinyan actually broke the jar and threw it, so he came up with the idea of detaining him in the palace forever. That's all. Today's farce turned out to be an opportunity to cut the clan.

Hang Qing was in a trance and had the illusion that he had become a woman who would bring disaster to the country.

It wasn't a day or two that Zhong Jinyan wanted to clean up Guan Tian, this was probably just a fuse.

It's hard to tell who's right or wrong at this point. As an emperor, Zhong Jinyan wanted to centralize power and make his decrees better issued. The arrogant and powerful Guan Tian naturally became a roadblock that he had to remove. And Guan Tian's sophistry had a bit of truth. If he wasn't so arrogant and annoying, I'm afraid Zhong Jinyan would be more wary of him. So Guan Tian throws away the rights in his hands and everything will be fine? impossible.

Their positions are destined to be opposites.

Just as in history, Zhang Juzheng, the first assistant of the Ming Dynasty who turned the tide, was a promising and good official. But for the Wanli Emperor at that time, it was a roadblock that had to be removed.

This problem is really difficult to solve.

When he came, Zhong Jinyan and Guan Tian were already at odds, and it was difficult to change the outcome of the rebellion. In this world, Guan Tian is obviously more powerful, and the protagonist who could definitely defeat his protagonist, has now become an unknown.

Guan Tian frowned.

His men told him something. Empress Dowager Zhuo's first husband, the cousin of Empress Dowager Zhuo, was seriously ill and never left home. And Guan Tian's subordinates also specially sent someone to take a look to confirm that the sick man was indeed the cousin of Empress Dowager Zhuo. So... Who is the person who kidnapped Zhuo Yu

Guan Tian has a very keen intuition for danger. He instinctively felt that there was something abnormal about it.

"Is the person who assassinated the loyal king really?" Guan Tian asked.

But his subordinates became stunned.

"Just say anything."

"... This, let's check it down and find out that we are on our own."

Guan Tian sneered: "I think someone is going to put the assassination hat on my head."

The subordinates dare not speak. Because they all thought of one person. The only one who has not dealt with Guan Tian recently is the emperor. But who dares to say that

If Hang Qing was here at the moment, he could not help telling Guan Tian. What is it to give you a hat for assassination, you almost put a green hat on Emperor Ningde's head.

"Zhong Jinyan..."

Guan Tian sneered: "The little emperor with no hair."

The men were trembling and afraid to speak.


In the blink of an eye, it was the second day. Hang Qing had a good rest for a day, and then lived a lazy queen mother's life for a while. It wasn't long before it was broken.

It is said that the loyal king is here to plead guilty.

Hang Qing, as the biggest victim among them, naturally wanted to attend. Hang Qing changed his clothes and walked out surrounded by a group of people. After all, there was an accident, so Zhong Jinyan assigned more people to stay by his side, making sure that the thieves couldn't get close to him.

When Hang Qing entered the hall, because there were many people around him, he immediately appeared mighty and grand.

That King Zhong was not in the capital on weekdays, so naturally he rarely saw the Empress Dowager Zhuo. In his memory, the Empress Dowager Zhuo was born slender and beautiful, completely different from the atmosphere of the deposed queen. To say that he is Xiaojiabiyu is an exaggeration. But Empress Dowager Zhuo has a good face... Well, King Zhong didn't look at it carefully at first, but he remembered that Emperor Ningde loved him very much.

But seeing you again after a long time, King Zhong was stunned.

Even though she was still the petite and weak and easy to bully Empress Dowager Zhuo, he still had the same beautiful face as before. But this beauty seems to have suddenly been enlarged several times. It gradually made his face a little more flamboyant, and the temperament of the connected body revealed a little cold and glamorous taste.

It's probably been raised in the palace for a long time, and it must have developed a little temperament. I

Prince Zhong suppressed the astonishment in his heart and glanced at his side without a trace, then he bent down to greet him.

Hang Qing was also looking at the loyal king at this time.

The appearance of forty years old does not look old, and even because he is from a royal family, he looks outstanding in temperament. It's just that King Zhong was born with an unattractive appearance, and he was tall and strong, looking more like a military general.

Hang Qing didn't look at the man too much, his eyes quickly swept across, and then fell on the attendant behind King Zhong.

The attendant looked very familiar. Although he bowed slightly, Hang Qing still saw at a glance, who is not Emperor Ningde

Hang Qing couldn't help but glanced around the hall.

In addition to Emperor Ningde, there are also Zhong Jinyan, Zhong Heng, and a Guan Tian. It's true that several people are gathered together. Hang Qing can already imagine how exciting it will be today.

Hang Qing's excessive attention to the attendant soon caught the attention of Zhong Jinyan and several others.

They don't care about this loyal king at all. Since Hang Qing entered the door, their eyes have all fallen on Hang Qing. At this time, seeing Hang Qing pay too much attention to other people, they are naturally a little unhappy.

Among them, Zhong Jinyan was the most unhappy. He pointed to the attendant and mocked: "Isn't King Xiao going to buy all the things that the Queen Mother looks at? Why don't King Xiao ask if King Zhong is willing to take this attendant? Cut love?"

Hang Qing: …

Want to buy Ningde Emperor

bold enough.

At that moment, the look on King Zhong's face also became a little subtle. This scene did not escape Hang Qing's eyes. Hang Qing couldn't help but suspect that King Zhong was afraid that he knew the identity of Emperor Ningde, and... Maybe it was under his cover that Emperor Ningde got in.

Guan Tian really looked at Emperor Ningde at this time: "Is King Zhong willing to give up his love?"

Zhong Jinyan's face became ugly. He didn't expect Guan Tian to really ask. Zhong Jinyan immediately realized his gaffe. The fact that they love Zhuo Yu is really inappropriate for others to know, especially King Zhong... Although the world will say that they are absurd when such a thing spreads, it is Zhuo Yu who is a brother who is more critical. Even if Zhuo Yugui was the empress dowager, he would still be severely reprimanded or even convicted for such a thing.

Guan Tian obviously thought of this very quickly.

The two looked at each other and closed their mouths tacitly.

Hang Qing didn't pay attention to the two people's tricks any more, and his focus all fell on King Zhong. He found that King Zhong was a little guilty, and sweat was oozing from his forehead. King Zhong thought that Zhong Jinyan and Guan Tian said that because they suspected the attendant...

Hang Qing felt a little funny.

These people looked guilty at the same time, which was really funny.

Because of his guilty conscience, King Zhong didn't think deeply at all, so he naturally realized the meaning of Zhong Jinyan's words, which represented that Guan Tian had different thoughts on Hang Qing.

The fact that King Zhong didn't notice it doesn't mean that Emperor Ningde didn't notice.

Just when Hang Qing couldn't help bending the corners of his mouth, he felt a burning gaze.

That gaze came from Emperor Ningde.

Hang Qing couldn't help but look back.

Emperor Ningde's eyes were a bit complicated, and seemed to be amazing, but also a little annoyed. Emperor Ningde glanced at him reproachfully, but he did not show his icy and icy side.

Think about Jiang Rong, who was abolished just because he was suspected of being out of the wall. Hang Qing felt that he was not killed, maybe it was the true love of Emperor Ningde...