I’m Just This ‘Sue’

Chapter 112: The seventh world (5)


In the next few days, Sheng Yi would unconsciously look at the classroom of the first grade. However, only Liang Yun. The girl's figure gradually blurred in the memory. Sheng Yi briefly forgot about it, but every time he opened the book, he would unconsciously review the appearance of the girl he had seen last time.

I can't tell why, it's probably just because the girl is too good-looking. Sheng Yi has seen many beautiful women of the opposite sex, but only that girl is different from everyone else.

How did he know that boys disguised as girls would of course be different.

This Hang Qing was studying as usual, Liang Yun restrained a lot in front of him, and did not try to persuade him to change his habit of wearing women's clothes, but Liang Yun became more when he followed him. Even if Liang Yun is eating with friends, he will take Hang Qing by his side. Hang Qing also heard them tease Liang Yun by the way.

"Brother Yun, you are so unkind, bring your sister-in-law out another day and let's take a look!"

"Yeah, Brother Yun, you wouldn't let me take a look that day, it's too stingy..."

"We are still bachelors..."

Several people were quite resentful.

Liang Yun's expression immediately became very subtle.

Hang Qing almost laughed out loud.

If I really want to let them see, I'm afraid they will all be scared.

Liang Yun glanced at Hang Qing without a trace: "Shut up, I don't have any girlfriend." Then, he put a chicken leg into Hang Qing's bowl. Hang Qing chopsticks stopped: "no."

Liang Yun took the chicken leg back again without temper: "What do you want to eat?" Liang Yun's tone was really gentle. All of his buddies were stunned. If they hadn't watched Liang Yun head back and pick him up into the dormitory that day, they would have thought it was Liang Yun's younger brother.

"Don't eat." Hang Qing said in a muffled voice. After saying that, he stood up.

Liang Yun thought he was angry, so he quickly stood up.

At this time, Hang Qing suddenly sat back again. He saw Sheng Yi!

Liang Yun also had to sit back: "What's wrong?"

Hang Qing looked in one direction without moving, and Liang Yun had to follow him. At this sight, Liang Yun frowned. It was Sheng Yi who came in from outside the door of the canteen. Liang Yun couldn't help but ask, "What do you think he's doing?" The people around Liang Yun couldn't help but snorted, "That scumbag!"

Hang Qing blinked slowly: "...he's good-looking."

Liang Yun was choked. He could see it, in Ding Ran's world, everything can be judged by looking at it or not.

Liang Yun's buddy was dissatisfied: "Can that compare with our brother Yun? Brother Yun is also good-looking!" Another person smiled: "I can't tell, the little things like to choose who is good-looking or not. ."

Hang Qing didn't speak, but continued to turn his head and stare at Sheng Yi. His eyes were not obscure at all, and he quickly caught the attention of Sheng Yi's group.

Sheng Yi glanced back and quickly averted his eyes, as if he didn't see Liang Yun at all.

Hang Qing was a little disappointed. However, he was not discouraged, but continued to stare at Sheng Yi with his eyes fixed. Liang Yun couldn't sit still. Who is not good to see, why do you want to see Sheng Yi? Liang Yun couldn't help thinking sourly in his mind, he is also very good-looking, why doesn't Ding Ran look at him

"Ding Ran." Liang Yun's hand covered the back of his hand: "Don't look at him, he has nothing to look at."

Liang Yun's buddies looked at each other and reminded in a low voice, "Is the afternoon class about to start?" "It seems so!"

Hearing this, Liang Yun stood up, picked up Hang Qing and went out.

"Brother Yun!" Hang Qing called out.

It was rare for Liang Yun to be called out by him. He only felt that his heart was about to melt, but he did not let go soft-heartedly. Sheng Yi is not a good thing, how can Ding Ran stare at him? Of course take it away! Maybe you can change "Brother Yun" two more times to listen.

Seeing that Liang Yun had no response, Hang Qing said, "… "

Is this still the Liang Yun he knew? If his feelings are correct, the protagonist should be almost in line with him. Especially since he discovered the secret of his women's clothing, he probably couldn't bear to hurt his "fragile" heart, so the protagonist Shou would protect him with extra care. How did it change when I saw Sheng Yi now

When Liang Yun put Hang Qing down, Hang Qing had already returned to the door of the classroom in this way despite the surprised eyes around him.

"Okay, let's go in." Liang Yun patted his head lovingly like an old mother.

Hang Qing: "… "

Liang Yun found that Hang Qing was in a bad mood at the moment, so he reached out and touched Hang Qing's head: "what do you want to eat at night? I'll take you to eat?"

At this moment, a large number of stunned classmates have gathered outside the door.

The top student in the top class, I'm afraid he's not crazy, right? How to face Ding Ran better day by day

Hang Qing turned ruthlessly and walked into the classroom.

Someone said sourly: "The relationship with Liang Yun is good, but it's different... I have a big temper."

Hang Qing rolled his eyes.

When I hook up with Sheng Yi, then you guys won't be sore

Hang Qing lowered his head and rubbed his fingertips. How to approach Sheng Yi? Diving into his arms? Follow each other every day like a lunatic? … are not very reliable.

In particular, Liang Yun and Sheng Yi were obviously very incompatible, and it was more difficult to get close at this time.

So... go in women's clothing

Didn't Sheng Yi take a photo with him at the maid cafe that day

Thinking about it, Hang Qing unconsciously drew on the paper while holding the pen.

It is very unlikely to meet Sheng Yi again on Saturday, so it is better to take the initiative. Hang Qing's eyes flickered... Then only Monday to Friday is the most suitable time, and he has to be near the school to meet Sheng Yi.

It's a bit of a risk, but it's worth it.

Of course Hang Qing will not be afraid of the risks involved.

After school that day, Hang Qing rejected Liang Yun's invitation, returned home early, and continued to devote himself to brainwashing his grandmother. Grandma Ding is actually a woman with a weak personality. Although Hang Qing was a little angry, she also showed her advantages at this time. She is kind and cowardly. After discovering Ding Ran's quirk a little bit, her first reaction was not to order Ding Ran to change it, but to bury it in her heart and be even better to Hang Qing. Hang Qing knew that such people are the best brainwashed.

With a good start, Hang Qing began to go home early for several days.

Liang Yun didn't know Hang Qing's plans at all, he just thought that Hang Qing was angry with him, so he could only follow Hang Qing secretly every day, watching Hang Qing enter the house and then leave. After a few days, Liang Yun felt that he had grown old, like an old mother worried about her daughter's puppy love.

And with Liang Yun's in-depth understanding of women's clothing, he began to really worry that Hang Qing was going to fall in love early.

And I still love that scumbag Sheng Yi!

Liang Yun gritted his teeth in anger, and when he thought about it, he realized... But if Ding Ran liked Sheng Yi, wouldn't he be gay

Liang Yun suddenly felt that his mind was full of straws, messy, and so stubborn that he even lost his ability to think. The word "homosexual" is like the key to open Pandora's door, and some thoughts that shouldn't have come out suddenly.

Liang Yun hurriedly poured a few glasses of cold water.

At this time, someone around him asked him: "Brother Yun, you really don't plan to bring your little girlfriend to show us?"

little girlfriend

Ding burning.

Liang Yun was even more panicked.


Hang Qing guessed that the heat was almost over, and he changed into women's clothes in the public toilet. Of course not the little Lolita dress that day, but a red knee-length skirt. Ding Ran's legs were straight and slender, and he didn't have the muscles and edges of an adult male, so he still looked charming at the moment. Because of the slender body, the waistline is also very beautiful, and the round neckline reveals the pair of beautiful butterfly bones.

He changed into a long straight black wig and ditched the bangs.

After all, bangs are the symbol of men's clothing, and it is easy to light up the association points of people's minds when they stay at this time.

Hang Qing spent money to draw an eyebrow outside the school.

After the male eyebrows turned into female eyebrows, Hang Qing's temperament suddenly became clear and moving.

It was raining at this time. Hang Qing bought an umbrella and stood outside the school gate holding the umbrella. Who could have imagined that the little boy who had just left the school on sick leave was transformed into a lonely and mysterious outsider. girl.

As the get out of class bell rang, the boys trotted ahead.

They looked at Hang Qing's figure in surprise.

But that umbrella covered most of Hang Qing's face, and they only vaguely knew that she was an extremely beautiful girl. Other, other... Then don't dare to come close to see it. They even slowed down unconsciously, for fear of disturbing the girl and becoming a sin.

Soon, Liang Yun's figure first appeared outside the school gate.

However, Liang Yun didn't notice Hang Qing. He was full of thoughts when he went to the classroom to pick up someone. The teacher told him that Ding Ran was ill and went back first. Under the anxiety of Liang Yun, he rushed out of the school gate in the heavy rain, and then Called a taxi and went away.

Hang Qing stood there motionless, like a landscape in the rain.

Finally, he waited for Sheng Yi.

Hang Qing pretended to be in a hurry to rush into the school gate to pick up someone.

Da da da, the water splashed.

Ding Ran is short, but Sheng Yi is tall. Hang Qing ran up and down like this, and the umbrella was hung on Sheng Yi's head.

Hang Qing: …

This TM is embarrassing.

Sheng Yi grabbed his waist out of instinct.

However, the umbrella was still hanging over his head.

The gap from what I imagined... a little big, ahem, girl manga are all lies.