I’m Just This ‘Sue’

Chapter 26: The second villain (6)


The eight-legged fish in the water has attracted countless attention.

Fans are looking forward to the final reveal. But no one guessed who he was. Because in the next few games, he began to flexibly change his tone and skills, and the styles of songs he chose were different, and he could sing different tastes every time.

There are also big names in the music scene who participated in this show, but no one really overshadowed him.

After a few months, the eight-legged fish in the water has a large number of fans, who are crazy about Hang Qing's singing, and they start to guess what the face under the mask should look like.

At this time, Hang Qing's new album was also released.

Recently, the exposure rate of Han Wei's identity is not much, Chen Mei said that it is to avoid the public's visual fatigue. Hang Qing also readily agreed. After that, there were a lot of sarcastic words on the Internet, saying that he was short-lived and fake... Hang Qing ignored it. Because when the identity of the show is revealed, a new huge explosion will be re-formed on the Internet. The quiet and low-key now is to pave the way for the future. He also kept a low profile when releasing new records. Hang Qing has no friends in the circle. Chen Mei originally wanted to contact some senior singers for him to help promote it, but he was rejected by Hang Qing in the end.

"Humanqing can't be easily owed. If you owe it, you should use it for more important things." Hang Qing said lightly.

Chen Mei was stunned for a moment, then smiled gratified: "You are right."

After the album was released, many people looked at Hang Qing and laughed, saying that he was lonely and his popularity based on hype was really useless. Of course, some people bought the record, and some people listened to the audition clips on major websites... The positive comments gradually emerged in the comment area, but these influences were not enough. Even if others saw it, they would just laugh at it, not I believe how powerful Hang Qing can really be.

Chen Mei was worried about Hang Qing's unstable mood at first. Who knew that Hang Qing had nothing to do and was surprisingly calm.

When Jiang Moyang called Chen Mei to ask questions, Chen Mei sighed with a complicated expression: "If someone like Han Wei can't be famous, then few can be famous. This kid is really amazing... He is as clean as a crystal man who doesn't touch the dust, but his vision is not narrow, on the contrary, he is very broad. He is too lazy to touch everything, but it happens to be the most correct decision."

Jiang Moyang got the signature pen in his hand and said lightly, "Great wisdom is like a fool."

Listening to Chen Mei's praise, Jiang Moyang's heart is far less calm than his face.

Jiang Moyang was seldom in the country before, and he just heard the names of the popular artists in the company, and briefly understood his life. Even the Song Tianwang who had just terminated the contract was the same. Only this Han Wei is different. Jiang Moyang had a feeling that he was slowly turning red as he watched him... He was actually quite proud of him in his heart.

Jiang Moyang thought this emotion was a bit ridiculous.

But after thinking about it, this kind of single-handedly supporting the youth to grow up actually satisfies his desire to control.

Jiang Moyang picked up his emotions and generously granted Chen Mei the funds.

After Chen Mei went out, the secretary came in quickly.

The secretary put the document on the table and whispered, "I'm calling you again over there." It was referring to Mr. Jiang's father. Every time he said this, Mr. Jiang would be furious, but this one Things cannot be ignored.

The secretary lowered his head and waited for the storm to come. But one second, two seconds, three seconds... no movement? The secretary raised his head cautiously.

"Understood, let's go." Jiang Moyang said.

The secretary was startled again. Is there really nothing at all? Is there anything particularly happy about Mr. Jiang today? The secretary walked out carefully, puzzled. Oh yes, today is the penultimate show of "The Masked Singer". I have to call to get a seat there. It's strange to say that Mr. Jiang, a person with a lot of money, would go to the scene to watch a music program frequently. After thinking hard about it, the secretary finally felt blessed—

Mr. Jiang has a crush on Song Tianwang!

The secretary thought he had discovered the truth, smiled and hurried to make a phone call.


Hang Qing took two mouthfuls of porridge and sighed, he pushed the porridge bowl away weakly, what else could he eat today? Otherwise, let Chen Mei help you hire a cook. As soon as she said it, Hang Qing called immediately. Chen Mei was in a good mood. After listening to Hang Qing's request, she went to find a cook for him without a word.

What a good agent, Hang Qing secretly sighed. Song Ming later changed to be his own agent and partner, and the days were not as comfortable as when he was with Chen Mei.

I have to thank the protagonist for his selfless dedication!

Hang Qing smiled and put away his mobile phone.

Just then, the phone rang with a "ding" sound.

It is the microblog prompt tone.

Hang Qing clicked on Weibo and found that there were countless @ and comments on Han Wei's account. As he opened the Weibo client, the prompt sound continued to sound. Has his identity been revealed? Not so fast

Hang Qing opened @ in doubt.

Soon he found out what was going on—

Song Ming actually retweeted the Weibo of his release of the new album, and also left a sentence "It's wonderful, come on." Song Ming's image in the entertainment industry has always been a high-end person with high self-discipline and no fireworks. He will not endorse anyone's platform, and will not stir up scandals with female stars... So when he retweeted Weibo and praised, everyone all crazy. Song Tianwang's taste is unquestionable, and he can't be bought with money. He will praise Han Jue, which shows that Han Jue is really capable!

Song Ming's fans also put aside their prejudice against Han Jue and flocked to listen to Han Jue's new songs. After all, their idols have praised Han Jue, if they belittle Han Jue again, wouldn't they be saying that idols have no vision

Looking at the big turning point on the Internet, Hang Qing was immediately amazed.

Song Ming is really a gentleman!

He didn't even regard him as an enemy at all, but praised him so generously.

Hang Qing felt that it was a pity for such a protagonist to deserve such a genuine attack. Of course, the villain attack is not a good thing... I can only blame the original author for not writing a few outstanding candidates. Hang Qing turned off his mobile phone, thinking that he had to invite Song Ming to have a meal.

But he didn't have Song Ming's contact information. After thinking about it, he could only find Song Ming in the background when he was participating in the show. Anyway, today is the final reveal time.

However, at this time, there were still two men who frowned at the same time, watching the storms on the Internet.

At this time, a small group of fans quietly emerged on the Internet.

They are the CP fans of Song Ming and Han Wei.

Here's what they said: "The seniors who have long been famous, never hyped up scandals, and are not close to women, finally waited for the excellent juniors who were clean and clear, and the singing was moving. The moment the juniors started singing, they moved the seniors." And What "The world says I'm like you, that's the best confession, isn't it?"

But at the same time, there are also a bunch of weird CP fans: "Song Tianwang and my fish are the true love!" "Every time my fish finishes singing in the masked singer, Song Tianwang is full of admiration and obsession..."

Someone else asked weakly: "Do you think that Han Wei and the eight-legged fish in the water are the same person?" Of course, this comment was quickly submerged. Because no one thinks they are the same person at all. In their opinion, Han Wei is very good, but he is only a good rookie, but the eight-legged fish in the water is obviously skilled and has a changeable tone. This is clearly a veteran! How could Han Yan be him? joke!

Hang Qing didn't see these, but they all fell into the eyes of others.

Such as Jiang Moyang.

Another example is Cheng Zhou, who appeared on the show, frowning and looking gloomy.

Cheng Zhou was born in a courtyard, with a red background, and his aura is certainly not comparable to ordinary people. He and Jiang Moyang were particularly conspicuous in the audience.

The reason why Hang Qing recognized this man as a genuine attack was because he was too handsome, and he was imposing, and Song Ming glanced over there intentionally or unintentionally. Hang Qing was sure that the other party was Cheng Zhou at once.

When Hang Qing came on the court, he noticed the hostile eyes of the opponent. Hang Qing was a little confused, but he ignored it.

True Attack is a very suspicious and very jealous character. He sees that everyone around the protagonist Shou seems to be interested in the protagonist, so it is not surprising that he will be hostile to himself.

The song selected by Hang Qing today is the Divine Comedy "Uneasy". Many people think that this Divine Comedy is extremely unpleasant, and they don't even know what it means.

When the prelude played, many live viewers couldn't help frowning. They couldn't understand why he chose such a song. This song has nothing to sing, and it has nothing to do with being pleasant to the ears.

However, Hang Qing knew that to sing this song well, it was very important to test the school's skills and atmosphere, and whether it could sound good or not depended on the tone and momentum.

Hang Qing's timbre can be changed to fit the song more, not to mention the momentum.

When he opened his mouth, his aura was immediately brought out, his breath was calm, and he played with his singing skills recklessly.

And when it came to the opera part, the momentum was sonorous, and the audience at the scene couldn't help applauding, and the peak of the scene was almost overturned by the audience's boiling emotions.

I believe that everyone watching this scene will have an idea that this person already has the ability to hold a live concert.

Jiang Moyang clenched his fists tightly again.

Affected by the audience around him, Jiang Moyang felt that his mood was also churning, and even a feeling of dryness and heat slowly rose from his body.

Hang Qing suddenly heard a clear voice in his mind: "The villain's favorability increases by ten points."

It's finally here!

Song Ming sat in the guest seat and didn't even dare to close his eyes.

Looking at the dazzling appearance of the young man, he couldn't take his eyes away, and the surprise and admiration in his heart also surpassed the waves.