I’m Just This ‘Sue’

Chapter 41: The Third Villain (4) (1)


The black car slowly drove out of the villa area.

Song Puzhi and Jin Jue tensed up and sat in the car. They looked at the scenery that was passing by quickly outside the window, and a trace of confusion flashed in their eyes. Less than half a year later, they once again left this place that was regarded as hell. so easy...

Song Zhengzhi also felt that he was very strange, because his heart couldn't even stir up the slightest fluctuation.

Those deep longings in the past, the day-to-day imaginings of the outside world... just slipped past calmly.

After a long while, Jin Jue found his voice: "Where will he wait for us?"

"...I don't know." However, Song Zhengzhi found that his mood suddenly relaxed a lot.

Jin Jue is not as relaxed as he is. He is a little nervous, and deep down he is still worried about whether the man will be as unpredictable as before.

From Bianjia Villa to another residential area, it is about half an hour's drive. The two teenagers felt that it only took a while, and the car stopped in the blink of an eye. They looked vigilantly at the unfamiliar environment around them, and strangers kept walking past, looking like residents here. But when they looked at these people, they no longer had the feeling of hope and light that they had seen before. These passing strangers made them feel a sense of tension.

Until the door on the opposite side opens.

They watched the man walk out slowly.

The tension all over his body disappeared immediately.

Someone pulled the door open from the outside.

"Why don't you come out?" The sun was very strong at this time, Hang Qing stopped beside the car and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Jin Jue and Song Quanzhi looked up at him and hurriedly got out of the car. They stood in front of Hang Qing and straightened their bodies unconsciously.

Hang Qing glanced at them as if they were being reviewed, and felt a little funny in his heart.

"Come in."

The two obediently followed him inside.

Hang Qing was a little surprised. It had only been so long, and the two of them were like domesticated wolf cubs. me

As soon as they entered the door, Song Puzhi and Jin Jue could faintly smell the aroma of the food. They were brought over just after the morning class, and the aroma of the food immediately aroused hunger in their stomachs.

When Hang Qing was not too close, he could hear their hungry stomachs grumbling.

"Is the food ready?" Hang Qing asked the maid on the side.

The maid blushed and said, "Put it on."

"Well." Hang Qing didn't greet them, and went straight to the dining room. Song Puzhi and Jin Jue glanced at each other, and consciously followed. In the process of walking, they also took a careful look at the place. Compared with the other side, it is much smaller, and there are not so many people in the villa. It won't be like before, if you can't walk a few steps, you will be able to run into a ferocious subordinate.

Song Puzhi and Jin Jue suddenly felt that it was a good place.

After Hang Qing took his seat, he used the food slowly.

Song Puzhi and Jin Jue stood by and waited, like puppies waiting to be fed. It was the first time the maid in the villa saw such a situation, and her eyes widened in surprise.

When Hang Qing put down his chopsticks, the two sat down.

Song Quanzhi and Jin Jue were really hungry. Without any burden, they used Hang Qing's cutlery and quickly shoveled rice into their mouths.

"In the future, you will come here to eat and sleep every day, and go to class there during the day." Hang Qing said coldly.

Song Puzhi couldn't help but ask, "Why?"

Hang Qing smiled: "because I'm afraid you will do things you shouldn't do when you're not under my nose."

The feeling of not being trusted is foreign. But Song Puzhi and Jin Jue really felt the loss in their hearts.

Hang Qing ignored them and went straight upstairs.

Until Song Puzhi and Jin Jue finished their meals, the driver came in and reminded them, "It's time to go back to class." The sense of loss in the hearts of the two people was magnified a little bit.

Hang Qing stood by the window and watched the car carry the two away, and then turned around.

It really feels like taking children, and I have to worry about whether they have enough to eat, whether they have slept well, and how they have lost weight.

Hang Qing didn't go to the pavilion for several days.

After all, Gong Chengbei usually appears for a short time.

In order not to make Saturday appear too abrupt, Hang Qing went to the pavilion again on Friday. Of course it was empty and nobody was there. It's just that Hang Qing just sat down for a while when a middle-aged woman suddenly came across from him. The woman greeted him with a smile: "I see you again."

Hang Qing glanced at her suspiciously.

But the woman entered the pavilion as if she was familiar with her: "Did the handsome guy just moved in recently?"

Hang Qing replied in a low voice. Just to be polite.

The woman's eyes suddenly lit up: "Does the handsome guy have a girlfriend? You haven't married yet at this age?"

Hang Qing: "..." He didn't expect that there would be middle-aged and elderly women who would introduce someone to Bian Yu.

Today, Hang Qing is no longer wearing a suit, but a set of casual clothes. He looks a lot younger and younger. He lifted his eyelids and said, "Yes, I'm only sixteen, do you want to introduce me to a girlfriend?"

The woman gave a surprised "ah", stood up abruptly, and said embarrassedly, "So ten or sixteen? I thought..." The woman forced a smile and walked away quickly.

Hang Qing was very satisfied that he could easily send the woman away.

Before I knew it, it was noon, and his men opened umbrellas and waited for Hang Qing to walk out of the pavilion. It was just that Hang Qing had just stepped out a few steps, when Gong Chengbei carried his schoolbag in one hand and stepped forward with a few strides: "You're here?!" Gong Chengbei even had a surprised expression on his face.


"Why haven't I seen you these days? Are you sick?" Gong Chengbei asked hastily.

"Just a few things."

Gong Chengbei breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good." However, Gong Chengbei's tone changed immediately: "Are you twenty-six or sixteen?"

Hang Qing squinted at him coldly: "did you spread my age out?"

Gong Chengbei smiled: "Someone saw me talking to you in the pavilion. Those curious dared not come to ask you, so they only came to ask me. But they didn't ask my dad."

"That's because you're young." It looks bullying.

Gong Chengbei couldn't grasp the point, and hurriedly asked, "Am I very young? I'm old enough to fall in love early."

"..." Are you proud of your early love

"Don't look at how old I am..." Gong Chengbei said and suddenly stopped.

Hang Qing couldn't help but glance at him. Gong Chengbei's next sentence won't be "but I'm a big bird", right

Fortunately, Gong Chengbei did not go further.

It seemed that he was thinking wrong.

"Don't you have to go to class today?" Hang Qing asked.

"Yes, I'll be leaving in a while."

Hang Qing nodded. Very good, he can sleep in directly in the pavilion. Hang Qing leaned against the pavilion and closed his eyes. Gong Chengbei was stunned for a moment, and he really couldn't understand the mind of the person in front of him. Gong Chengbei stood and watched for a while, until the eyes of the two bodyguards behind him were a little unkind, and Gong Chengbei walked out of the pavilion in a low voice: "I'm not young... too old."

Only then did Hang Qing open his eyes. When you were young, what was on your mind

He got up and left the pavilion, and did not go out again in the afternoon.

When it was time for dinner, Song Puzhi and Jin Jiu arrived at the villa on time. In just a few days, the flesh on their cheeks was raised again.

After eating, Hang Qing was about to go back to his room habitually, but Song Puzhi temporarily put aside the food today and followed Hang Qing upstairs all the way.

"What's the matter?" Hang Qing turned to look at him: "is it wronged?"

Song Quanzhi opened his mouth, swallowed the words again, and said firmly, "No."

"If you don't, then go eat, don't stand here and pester." Hang Qing frowned.

Song Quanzhi could only turn around and go downstairs. After he got downstairs, Song Quanzhi froze abruptly and clenched his fists unconsciously. He was right, they were all too weak, and if they left here, it would be difficult for them to even survive, so what else

He couldn't even hold a man's look...

Hang Qing got up early on Saturday. Usually, Song Puzhi and Jin Jue should have packed up at this time. They waited downstairs to finish breakfast before taking the car. But today Hang Qing didn't find the two figures.

"Aren't they up yet?" Hang Qing turned to ask the maid.

The maid pointed in the direction of the kitchen: "No sir, they got up very early. It seems that they went to the kitchen and never came out."

Children of this age are easily hungry.

Hang Qing guessed that they should have gone into the kitchen to open a small stove by themselves. In order not to frighten them, Hang Qing quietly walked out of the kitchen.

Sure enough, the two were together in the empty kitchen.

"Okay?" Jin Jue said to himself, while he took out the noodles from the pot and put them in a bowl: "I heard that they can't be bitten off, so I have to eat them in one go."

Song Puzhi: "...Where did you hear the nonsense?"

Jin Jue was suddenly silent for a while: "Shall we eat with our hands?"

Song Puzhi didn't care: "Just grab the face with your hands."

Hang Qing almost laughed outside the door.

He turned around and was about to leave.

"Okay. Then grab it... happy birthday."

"Ah, you too."

Hang Qing stopped abruptly.

It turns out that Song Zhengzhi acted so weird yesterday because today is his birthday? But do Song Jiuzhi and Jin Jue both celebrate their birthdays on the same day

Hang Qing quietly left the kitchen. After waiting out, the maid asked in a low voice, "The chef came to ask you what you want to eat this morning?"

"Prepare some Chinese breakfast." Hang Qing knocked on the table: "bring the phone here."

The maid nodded and handed the phone to Hang Qing. Hang Qing picked up the phone and called the side of the Bianjia villa.

After the phone call, Song Quanzhi and Jin Jue just came out of the kitchen.

The corners of Jin Zhu's mouth were not wiped clean, and he also brought a little soy sauce.

Hang Qing pulled a tissue and handed it to him: "clean it up."

Jin Jue was stunned for a while, then blushed, and hurriedly grabbed a tissue and wiped his face carelessly.

"You don't have to go to class today."

Jin Jue's hand suddenly stopped, his limbs all softened, and the tissue suddenly floated down...

"Why, why?" Jin Jue asked in a trembling voice.

Song Xunzhi didn't say a word.

"No why."

Jin Zhu's face turned pale, and he sat down at the dining table without saying a word.

Served early and quickly. These Chinese breakfasts do not need cutlery, and Hang Qing never asked them to use chopsticks. But even so, Song Jiuzhi and Jin Jue followed after Hang Qing moved his chopsticks.

Probably because he was immersed in his own emotions, Jin Jue unconsciously stuffed a lot of Xiao Long Bao into his mouth.

Hang Qing's chopsticks were all empty.

Jin Jue hiccupped and realized what he had done when he regained his senses. His face turned pale at the time, and then slowly turned red again: "I, I..." Jin Jue got stuck for a while and said everything. Not coming out.

Hang Qing felt that he was almost ashamed of himself.

Hang Qing put down his chopsticks and asked calmly, "are you ready to eat?"

"Okay." Jin Jue said stumblingly.

"Let's go then."

Jin Jue didn't dare to ask where he was going, and walked side by side with Song Puzhi with his head down.

After leaving the villa, Hang Qing walked to the car first: "get in the car. What are you waiting for? "

Jin Jue's eyes were full of grief, as if he was about to go to the guillotine. Song Chunzhi pushed him from behind and neatly shoved the person into the back seat.

The driver quickly started the car, Jin Jue shook unconsciously, and Hang Qing took a look in the rearview mirror. Jin Jue was so frightened that he seemed to have lost his soul, and curled up in the corner of the seat with a pale face, wishing to take root there and never move again.

It was obvious that Jin Jue used to be calm and calm, even in the face of torture. Why are you scared like this now

Hang Qing said lightly: "it can't be stabilized? It seems that this period of time has been learned in vain... "

When Jin Jue heard the words, he immediately sat up straight in a conditioned reflex: "No, no."

Hang Qing didn't look at him any more, and didn't say anything more.

Jin Jue straightened his back and waited for the car to stop without daring to move.

"It's here." As the driver's voice sounded, Song Puzhi and Jin Jue looked out the window at the same time. People came and went, and most of them rushed in the same direction. In that direction there is a very tall door. They raised their heads and squinted slightly to carefully identify the words above.

"… amusement park?"

Song Puzhi and Jin Jue are no strangers to such places, after all, they have seen it on TV. But why come here

Jin Jiu sat there stiffly: "you want to... throw us down?"

Hang Qing pushed open the car door and walked down.

Song Puzhi pushed Jin Jue: "Let's go."

"But… "

"What's there to worry about? If he wants to lose us, will he have to wait until this time?" Song Zhengzhi smiled: "After all, we are the most interesting toys in his hands now, how could he be willing? "

That's right. Jin Jue agreed in a low voice in the bottom of his heart.

"Go in." Hang Qing said lightly, and called a subordinate to come over by the way: "you accompany them in."

"What are you going in for?" Jin Jue asked in a low voice. He seemed calmer now.

Hang Qing glanced at him: "bring you to your birthday." Hang Qing's tone was very light, but Song Puzhi and Jin Jue froze in unison.


Oh, the last time Bian Yu gave them a birthday was when they first came to the villa. At that time, Bian Yu ordered a large table of dishes from the hotel, and asked his subordinates to come back with cakes, and specially prepared gifts for them. It's all stuff they've never seen before. It shocked them deeply.

But later they discovered that these seemingly valuable things that are unimaginable to ordinary people, for Bian Yu, they are just raising their hands. Bian Yu would do this to them, but also to other children who came here.

It's like the candy that the kidnappers gave first when they kidnapped children.

How much truth can there be in this candy

In the following years, they became more and more disobedient to Bian Yu and wanted to escape from the villa day and night. And Bian Yu has since forgotten their birthdays.

But today is different.

Song Puzhi whispered in his heart that it was different... Today is what he was looking forward to.

"Go." Hang Qing's voice sounded again.

Jin Jue shrank back awkwardly.

Hang Qing slapped him on the back: "what does it look like to be trembling? There are no monsters here. Can they still eat you? "

Jin Jue stood up straight again: "There are no monsters." He murmured. Isn't the monster standing behind them

Song Puzhi's focus was not on this at all.

"Aren't you going with us?" Song Puzhi asked.

"Children's stuff."

Disappointment flashed across Song Zhengzhi's face. Hang Qing noticed this scene and felt a little funny in his heart. Shouldn't they be happy? After all, they are finally free to enjoy the day that belongs to them.

Hang Qing raised his wrist and glanced: "it's ten o'clock, and your free time will end at four in the afternoon."

Song Quanzhi and Jin Jue snorted in unison, and then without any hesitation, they immediately accelerated their pace and headed inside. Even though they have already passed the age of going to the amusement park, they still cherish the free time Bian Yu said instinctively.

The men immediately followed.

The driver stood beside Hang Qing and asked in a low voice, "do you want to go back?"

"Is there a cafe near here?" Of course Hang Qing couldn't really let go.

"Yes." As soon as the driver's voice fell, Hang Qing suddenly heard a familiar voice: "Mr. Bian? Didn't expect to meet you here? "

As soon as Hang Qing heard the voice, he knew who he was running into. He didn't turn around to look, but the man had already come around to him first.

The boy smiled like a sunflower in full bloom.

It was Gong Chengbei.

"Mr. Bian also want to go in and play?" Gong Chengbei asked, "I'll tell you what to do!" Gong Chengbei could hardly imagine how this quiet and beautiful person in front of him could come to such a place. But it is precisely because it is unimaginable that Gong Chengbei feels especially looking forward to it. He wants to see the person in front of him and what it will look like when the quiet shell is removed.

"No." Hang Qing said and turned to leave.

Gong Chengbei was disappointed: "I rarely see Mr. Bian recently. Are you here today to run errands?"

"Who is this person?" Someone came up and asked Gong Chengbei curiously.

Hang Qing glanced at it and found that there were several boys and girls who followed Gong Chengbei, and they should all be his classmates. At this moment, they all looked at Hang Qing curiously.

Gong Chengbei not only ignored them, but also slapped them away.

"Then you are busy, goodbye." Gong Chengbei finished speaking, as if he felt that there was something missing, so he added another sentence: "You will come to my house for dinner another day!"

Hang Qing ignored him.

The men on the side guarded Hang Qing from left to right, squeezed a path out of the crowd, and walked to the cafe opposite.

Gong Chengbei stood there and watched for a while, then slowly moved his footsteps.

"That person looks familiar." A girl suddenly said.

"Lin Xuewen, you look familiar when you see good-looking people, right?" Someone next to him sneered.

"No, it's really familiar. Where have I seen him. Cheng Bei, who is this person?"

Gong Chengbei didn't take it to heart, he just smiled and said, "His family is also quite rich, it's normal that you've seen it before..."


Hang Qing sat in the cafe for a day.

Everyone could see the handsome young man in a black shirt, sitting by the glass window with some snacks, coffee, and a black book in front of him.

Whether it's the people in the cafe or those who pass by outside the cafe, they can't help but look in the direction of Hang Qing frequently. If it weren't for the cold and stern gazes of the two subordinates guarding him, I'm afraid there would have been more presumptuous gazes.

Hang Qing didn't care about those eyes at all, he calmly looked down at the time.


The subordinate took out his mobile phone and dialed a number to go out. After a while, he saw his subordinate put away the mobile phone and said, "Master..." His voice was a little hoarse, as if something was difficult to explain.

Hang Qing waited for him to go on.

The subordinates really couldn't stand the silence, so they hurriedly lowered their heads and said, "The two of them are gone."

After working so hard for so long, you have left the protagonist and the villain attacking me, so where can I get my favorability

Although there was unhappiness in his heart, Hang Qing was not in a hurry to break out. Instead, he looked very calm.

"Go find it." Hang Qing stood up and walked out.

One of his subordinates was busy packing things in the back, the other hurried to settle the bill, and then Qi Qi caught up with Hang Qing's figure.

There are quite a lot of people inside and outside the amusement park, and the weather is getting warmer and the sun is shining overhead, which makes people feel quite stuffy.

The subordinates hurriedly blocked the surrounding people.

Someone couldn't help complaining a few words, but the pair immediately fell silent when they met their vicious faces. In a blink of an eye, Hang Qing entered the amusement park. This is also the first time for Hang Qing to come to such a place. Only when Hang Qing came in did he realize that this place is not only a paradise for children, but also many adults come to play. Excited and frightened screams quickly blocked Hang Qing's ears.

A feeling of irritability gradually rose in Hang Qing's heart.

He knew it was the body's instinctive response.

Bian Yu will instantly have an extremely strong mania and desire to destroy in an excessively noisy environment... and his two subordinates have knives and guns on them. Hang Qing closed his eyes hard to suppress the restlessness, and then quickened his pace.

The men who had been sent to see people soon joined them.

The man's face was pale, and standing in front of Hang Qing, he didn't dare to say a word of rebuttal. He only shuddered and said, "I can't find it... I've searched for it several times... "

"Alarm." Hang Qing said coldly.

"Master?" Several of the subordinates were stunned.

Hang Qing didn't mean to repeat it. After all, repeating instructions will only weaken his majesty.

Seeing that Hang Qing didn't speak again, they also became uneasy in their hearts. They hurriedly lowered their heads, took out their mobile phones and called the police without hesitation.

"Reported, reported it." After his subordinate hung up the phone, his words were still a little awkward.

After all, they avoided the police if they could avoid the police before, and they had never had such a magical experience.

Then Hang Qing said lightly: "people like us can't be afraid of and avoid dealing with the police. Knowing ourselves and the enemy can win every battle, and what's the use of blindly hiding? It's better to keep in touch with them. We lost our children and asked the police for help, right? Is that what a normal good citizen should do?"

When the subordinates heard this, they were immediately stunned, thinking in their hearts... The master deserves to be the master!

This is great wisdom!

"Keep looking." Hang Qing said coldly.

"Yes, yes..." They quickly spread out and walked around.

There was a smell of sweat in the air, Hang Qing wrinkled his nose, wishing to stop breathing completely. Fortunately, he is not the real Bian Yu, he will not be extremely resistant to contact with strangers in the outside world like Bian Yu, and he will not show gloomy eyes. He would only use Bian Yu's gentle smile and his speaking skills to ask people in the amusement park.

These tourists are focused on their own business, and most do not like to be disturbed. But good-looking people are always privileged, especially when he looks at you with a slight smile, which makes it even more difficult for you to say no.

Hang Qing roughly asked his subordinates before, where they ended up together, and the route they played all the way. Hang Qing speculated on the most likely route that Song Jingzhi and Jin Jue would take, and asked along the way. He quickly got useful information without asking a few people.

"I seem to have seen it. The two children are very good-looking. We took a second look at that time. We went to the haunted house. It's a bit out of the way. You can go there and look for it." The young man was asked. The woman pointed in the direction, and at the same time couldn't help asking curiously, "Are you a star? I don't mean anything else. You look so good-looking."

Hang Qing smiled lightly.

The woman blushed and was embarrassed to speak again.

Hang Qing immediately pulled away and walked in the direction of the haunted house.

There was a long queue outside the haunted house, and children screamed and ran past from time to time. Hang Qing took a deep breath, and this suppressed the irritability in his heart again.

He went straight to the ticket window.

The people behind immediately shouted: "What's going on? Don't you need to line up?"

"Yeah, not following the rules?"

Hang Qing ignored them. He bent down slightly and asked the ticket salesman in the window, "Hello, have you seen these two children just now?" Hang Qing showed the photo on his mobile phone.

Others may not remember it, but Song Jiuzhi and Jin Jue are both good-looking and obviously well-dressed. Hang Qing believes that most people have seen them and won't forget them soon.

The staff was stunned for a while, staring blankly at the photos on the mobile phone screen, and replied instinctively: "I have seen it, about half an hour, no, I bought a ticket to go in an hour ago."

"I see, thank you." Hang Qing put away his mobile phone.

At this moment, his cell phone rang: "Master, where are you now? The police have already called out to find him."

Hang Qing reported his address.

"Mr. Bian!" As soon as Hang Qing raised his head, he saw Gong Chengbei running towards him dripping with sweat.

"You're still in!" Gong Chengbei said with a smile, a warm smile on his face. The classmates who followed behind him couldn't help but look at Hang Qing curiously.

Hang Qing gave them a cold look.

At this moment, his subordinates had already led a few policemen over.

Seeing this, Gong Chengbei immediately stopped: "What's the matter?"

"Lost someone." Hang Qing said in a low voice.

Gong Chengbei slapped his thigh: "You should tell me right away! Hey, oh, yes, you don't have my phone number... Mr. Bian, why don't we record a phone number..."

Hang Qing did not listen to him, so he greeted the police first: "Hello, my family lost their children. I brought them here for their birthday today. Unexpectedly, the bodyguards at home didn't watch them for a while, and they were scattered by the crowd. ."

His subordinates were busy and added: "It has been lost for more than an hour now."

Under normal circumstances, the police would not come in such a timely manner, but when their subordinates called, it was in the name of the Bian family. The Bian family is a big taxpayer in Jing City. Everyone has heard of the Bian family. As soon as I heard that the Bian family lost someone, the police chief personally ordered someone to call the police. These policemen also knew the stakes, so they didn't show the slightest impatient expression.

"Okay, don't worry, we'll start looking for someone right away..." the policewoman whispered.

As they spoke, they noticed Gong Chengbei's existence: "Isn't this the son of Deputy Director Gong?"

Gong Chengbei waved his hand: "Uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, don't tell my dad... Go and find someone for Mr. Bian first." After speaking, Gong Chengbei couldn't help but muttered. : "Mr. Bian, who in your family is lost?" What child is lost

Mr. Bian said that he was twenty-six... he wouldn't be his child, would he? Gong Chengbei's thick eyebrows were immediately twisted together.

A few classmates around me were still asking, "Are we still playing?"

"Go ahead." Gong Chengbei followed in Hang Qing's footsteps.

Hang Qing knew that he was following behind him, but he didn't bother to pay attention to him at this time.

With the help of the police, the search becomes easier.

Hang Qing took someone to the exit of the haunted house. After asking the staff, he finally determined that Song Puzhi and Jin Jue did not come out of the exit. Entering the entrance, but not coming out of the exit, is it still in the haunted house? Hang Qing repeatedly confirmed that there is no second exit here, then turned to look at the police and said, "can I ask them to suspend business and help find someone? I will bear all the losses."

Hang Qing's face is gentle and serious, and his facial features are so beautiful.

In the face of such a person, what else can the police say

"Of course!" They responded while setting up police at the entrance and exit, and then the police came forward to communicate with the person in charge of the amusement park.

In about ten minutes, the tourists in the haunted house got the refunded ticket money plus compensation fees, as well as free tickets. I refunded the money and got a ticket, and a certain amount of compensation. Even if their stomachs are full of fire, they are now comforted. After hearing it again, it turned out that the child was lost, and the police were helping to find someone, so there was nothing to say, and they dispersed in cooperation.

All the staff in the haunted house were also notified and immediately changed their clothes to help find someone in the haunted house. All the weird music and lights in the haunted house were stopped, and the extremely bright incandescent lights were turned on.

Gong Chengbei leaned forward and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Bian, do you want to call my dad?"

Hang Qing glanced at him inexplicably.

What did you ask Gong Tianlai to do? Gong Tian is not necessarily of any use.

Gong Chengbei thought in his heart, Mr. Bian must be very anxious when he lost a child at home... Such a small number of people may not be able to be found. Gong Chengbei thought about sneaking out his mobile phone and called Gong Tian.

He skipped class today. This is all sacrificed for Mr. Bian, how great...

Not far away, tourists who were stopped outside the cordon were surrounded by good things, and some people were talking in low voices. Hang Qing turned around and walked towards them. His subordinates became nervous, thinking that in such a noisy environment, the master finally couldn't help the irritability in his body, and he was going to go forward.

In fact, Hang Qing just stopped in front of them.

"You just said that half a month ago, there was a loss here?"

"Ah?" It was a young boy who was asked, and the boy blushed with his girlfriend next to him, and said helplessly: "Yes, yes, I lost a thirteen-year-old girl. Because of my age It’s relatively large, and everyone is guessing whether it was deliberately running away, and no one has been found yet.”

"Okay, I see." Hang Qing turned around. The men who followed behind him were still dumbfounded.

After going back, Hang Qing relayed the words to the police.

"You suspect that the two are related?" the policeman asked.

"A reasonable guess, isn't it? Please keep the entrance and exit tight, and check the access monitoring of the amusement park. If I were to abduct children, I would not choose to leave at this time. Instead, wait for the park to close soon. Sometimes, many people get in when they go out together." Hang Qing said lightly.

"Well, you have some truth in what you said. But these two children, can you rule out that they were emotional and left by themselves?"

"Of course. They won't be emotional." Hang Qing felt that as one of their protagonists was attacked by a villain, they would not be stupid enough to run away at this time.

The police nodded and arranged to go on immediately.

Gong Chengbei scratched his ears and cheeks, and couldn't help muttering. why haven't you come...

Another few minutes passed.

The person in charge of the amusement park came over and said, "I searched the haunted house, but no one was there."

"Then why didn't your staff see the two children come out?"

"This... Maybe there are too many people and I didn't notice it for a while."

Hang Qing interjected: "Look at the surveillance."

The person in charge nodded in cold sweat and hurriedly went to adjust the monitoring.

When he came back after checking the surveillance, the person in charge looked a little ugly: "No, no. No one was really seen on the surveillance."

"That's weird. People went in, but they didn't come out. They sent people in, but they haven't found them yet?" The policemen frowned.

I don't know who whispered: "Isn't it haunted? This is really a haunted house."

The person in charge smiled reluctantly.

Hang Qing said, "Where are the staff who helped you find someone just now? They have also worked hard. Let them come out first." After that, Hang Qing looked at his subordinates and said, "Go and prepare red envelopes to distribute to everyone."

The smile on the person in charge is now smoother: "Mr. Bian has spent money! It has been spent!" But even though he said that, the smile on the person in charge was very strong.

"Let me go too." A low voice suddenly interjected.

"Gong Bureau!" Someone shouted immediately.

Hang Qing glanced back, a tall and sturdy man in a police uniform walked over quickly, followed by a few police officers.

It's Gong Tian.

Although Gong Tian is the deputy director, no one is stupid enough to call him deputy director, so he always calls Gong bureau.

Hang Qing originally wanted to ignore it, but thought that his attitude couldn't change to be so different, and he might use Gong Tian in the future. So he turned back and smiled at Gong Tian: "You're here."

Gong Tian's heart softened.

"Yeah." He replied in a low voice, "I'll go with you."

Hang Qing nodded and didn't refuse.

When they got to the exit, the staff had already been called out, and they were all beaming. Obviously, they didn't expect to find someone to help them, and they could get a red envelope so quickly.

Hang Qing's eyes flickered, and he passed them without a trace.

Hang Qingchao's subordinate stretched out his hand, and his subordinate immediately put the envelope bag into Hang Qing's hand. They found only the envelope bag temporarily. After Hang Qing took it over, he opened the bag outside. What's more immediate stimulus than fiery red banknotes

Hang Qing took out the money from it and sent it one by one.

Each is a thousand.

Such a windfall!

There was a slight light in their eyes.

"It's hard work." Hang Qing took a deep look at one of the staff members: "I'll ask you to take us in again later to find someone again. If I find someone, I will definitely pay you a lot of money."

Heavy money? What kind of big money will it be? They are all