I’m Just This ‘Sue’

Chapter 59: The fourth villain (4)


Everyone got on the spaceship, except Zhou Yuhong and a few students behind him. They could only watch the spaceship go away. Zhou Yuhong felt a little regretful that half of the hero's chance to save the beauty could not be obtained.

The atmosphere in the spaceship was extremely awkward for a while.

Zhou Yuyan was ashamed and angry.

Hang Qing calmly took out the nutrient solution, and asked Yue Simiao, "do you want it?"

Yue Simiao was quite flattered: "How do you know I've run out of drinks?"

Hang Qing smiled lightly. He just asked out of politeness.

But Zhou Yuyan and Zhou Wenyuan's eyes followed closely, and as soon as Hang Qing looked up, even Geng Han looked at him with a slight frown. Hang Qing blinked: "Do you want General Zhou to have some?" Then, he donated another nutrient solution. These were all equipped before they set off, and Hang Qing didn't use them much along the way, so they basically stayed. Roughly speaking, it's just enough to divide them.

Hang Qing just took it all out generously: "do you want Geng Han to have some?"

Geng Han took the nutrient solution and thanked him.

Zhou Yuyan couldn't hold back: "Why don't you ask me if I want it?"

Hang Qing pushed the nutrient solution in front of him: "then do you want it?"

Zhou Yuyan gritted his teeth: "I don't want it!"

Hang Qing gave it to Yue Simiao easily. He remembered that in the original plot, Yue Simiao was a particularly hungry physique. If it wasn't for Geng Han's good cooking skills, he wouldn't be able to win Yue Simiao's favor.

Yue Simiao immediately smiled when she received the nutrient solution.

Zhou Yuyan almost fainted from anger again.

"Do you have to give him so much nutrient solution?" Zhou Yuyan gritted his teeth.

Hang Qing pushed it all over: "then take it all." He didn't like it anyway.

Zhou Yuyan: "…"

Hang Qing gave him a surprised look: "are you going to hiccup again?"

It's okay not to mention it, just mentioning Zhou Yuyan felt like he was about to pass: "No." He spit out a word with difficulty.

At this moment, Zhou Wenyuan's light brain suddenly rang. It should be the students who left separately calling for help. After all, they didn't have Geng Han by their side to act as a map and commander. In such an unfamiliar Queen Star, it was normal for them to stumble into danger instead of killing pirates.

It was because Zhou Wenyuan didn't care about their lives at all that it aroused Yue Simiao's anger. I don't know if it will happen again this time.

Hang Qing looked at Zhou Wenyuan, but he didn't expect that Zhou Wenyuan was also looking at him, and their eyes met for a moment.

Zhou Wenyuan suddenly got up and walked out: "It's time to find those wastes."

Is it different from the original story

Hang Qing looked at Yue Simiao, who was still drinking nutrient solution. Zhou Yuyan leaned against the chair, and did not speak with a sullen face. Geng Han was looking at Yue Simiao intently. Hang Qing smiled, got up and walked into the lounge.

After entering the rest room, he turned on the light brain to deal with the calls that he had rejected. They were from several different communication numbers, and among these, two were the ones who contacted Lin Yuan the most. .

Hang Qing had a vague idea in his heart. He first sent a request to one of the communication numbers, and the other end was connected quickly.

A face jumped into Hang Qing's eyes.

It was an extremely young man, wearing a white nightgown, black hair and a shawl. Hang Qing's mind quickly popped out of this person's identity - Your Majesty, the new emperor of the Mayan Empire, You Chen. The person who originally sent Lin Yuan was the old emperor of the Mayan Empire, but the old emperor passed away last year, and now the person who is in contact with Lin Yuan has been replaced by You Chen.

You Chen seemed to have just finished bathing. He stroked the hair beside his ear and whispered, "What were you doing just now? Why didn't you answer the call?" You Chen's eyes did not fall on Hang Qing, and Hang Qing felt a little Distinguished and cold.

"There was someone around at that time." Hang Qing couldn't quite grasp the measure of Lin Yuan and You Chen's contact. Because it was very strange that he could not dig out more information about You Chen from Lin Yuan's memory.

You Chen's displeasure deepened, and his expression became cold: "How are things going?"

Lin Yuan's progress was really unpleasant. Although he hooked up with the Zhou family, it was clear that they were not very interested in him. No matter how good-looking Alpha is, it is not as natural as Omega's attraction to them. What's more, for the Zhou family, I don't know how many men and women are in their arms? The more active you are, the more you lose your advantage.

"No improvement?" Before Hang Qing could answer, You Chen spoke first.

Hang Qing nodded very honestly. Others are in the Nanmian Empire, even if You Chen is so angry, he may not be able to do anything to him.

In fact, You Chen did not get angry. He just lowered his head slightly and fiddled with the pot of plants in front of him, with a bit of sadness in his eyes: "Lin Yuan, do you know what will happen to us if we can't win the South Crown? Mian civil unrest, the empire may be destroyed at any time in the hands of Zhou Wenyuan! Lin Yuan... I am also very difficult now... "

Hang Qing met You Chen's eyes, and his eyes seemed to be soaked with great sadness.

After all, Hang Qing is not Lin Yuan. It is difficult for him to assume the identity of a citizen of the Mayan Empire, and of course he cannot understand You Chen's sadness. Hang Qing was even rational at this time. But once he was calm and rational, Hang Qing felt a little bit of taste from You Chen's posture.

As the emperor of the empire, would he show such an almost weak side in front of a spy sent out

The words of encouragement and urging in disguised form should be said, but it should not be the tone of You Chen. The normal behavior should be to vigorously describe the predicament within the empire in order to stimulate Lin Yuan's patriotic heart. But at the end, You Chen vaguely mentioned his feelings. This kind of tone seems a little closer and a little weaker... Is this person deliberately trying to show this side in front of Lin Yuan? Could it be that Lin Yuan also had an affair with this person

You Chen quickly packed up his emotions and whispered, "Don't let me down."

Well... the tone of the white lotus.

Hang Qing vaguely understood the status relationship between Lin Yuan and You Chen.

Most of You Chen was able to make such a gesture because he had something to rely on. This reliance is Lin Yuan's feelings for him. Lin Yuan came to the Nanmian Empire very early. Most of the two had a friendship when they were young. After You Chen came to power, he took advantage of this friendship unceremoniously. And Lin Yuan is willing to stand in a low position and pay for You Chen...

After clarifying this relationship, Hang Qing's mood is very complicated.

Lin Yuan is probably the most intertwined and intertwined character relationship and emotional relationship that he has passed through.

Hang Qing doesn't like the Zhou family, nor does he like You Chen either. But he couldn't change his temper so quickly, so Hang Qing smiled slightly and said to You Chen on the other side: "don't worry, I will do my best for you. I have already come into contact with Zhou Wenyuan, and I can be regarded as one of them. Good news."

You Chen first showed a moved look, but soon he revealed his purpose: "Light contact is not enough..."

"I know." Hang Qing whispered.

Only then did You Chen slowly reveal a smile: "Thank you for your hard work. Lin Yuan, I'm here waiting for your return."

Hang Qing reckoned that he would be very happy if he changed to his original body. But it's him... At this moment, Hang Qing's heart is not fluctuating, but he still says kindly: "I'm willing to do my best for you, and then I'll die."

You Chen was slightly stunned.

Hang Qing paused, did he say something wrong? Lin Yuan is a coquettish bitch outside, but a sullen inside? Although you have a crush on You Chen, but you have never confessed your feelings to You Chen so directly

You Chen gave a bright smile: "Lin Yuan, I'll wait for you." After speaking, he ended the call.

And the last picture still paused in front of Hang Qing's eyes before disappearing. It was You Chen wearing a bathrobe, showing his neck and chest slightly.

It's just that Hang Qing remained unchanged. As long as Yuchen doesn't doubt anything, it's fine. Hang Qing turned to send a request to another communication number, which was quickly connected, and a middle-aged man appeared on the screen. The middle-aged man was wearing a formal suit, sitting upright in one place, with a serious face, and asked, "Zhou Wenyuan is back, what are your plans?"

Hang Qing despised this emperor very much in his heart.

Emperor Nanmian was romantic by nature, and he was ruthless in political affairs. When he finally came back to his senses and finally knew how to maintain the imperial power, the Zhou family had grown into a hideous and huge beast. The emperor never thought about changing himself to be diligent in politics, let alone cultivate many talents to replace the Zhou family in the future. He came up with a bad idea, let Lin Yuan enter the military academy and start with seducing Zhou Yuyan, and seduce the Zhou family step by step, making the Zhou family turn against each other. It would be better if he could take the opportunity to kill Zhou Wenyuan.

In Hang Qing's eyes, these means seem too shabby.

The emperor didn't know the disgust in Hang Qing's heart. He looked at Hang Qing coldly, obviously not satisfied with Lin Yuan's progress.

"There's already a plan, please be patient..." Halfway through the words, Hang Qing's rest room seemed to be shaken twice from the outside.

"Someone is coming..." Hang Qing ended the call unceremoniously.

It is estimated that the emperor will be very angry.

But what if you're not too angry? Both Emperor Nan Mian and You Chen thought they were holding him in their palms, but in fact, this relationship based on friendship was the most fragile. Emperor Nanmian thought that he had successfully brainwashed Lin Yuan and made him willing to contribute to the empire. You Chen thought that with Lin Yuan's feelings, Lin Yuan could let him round and flatten at any time.

But when Lin Yuan was gone, all these were gone.

Now it is they who pin their hopes on Hang Qing, and they have to rely on Hang Qing.

Hang Qing is really not afraid of them.

After finishing the call, Hang Qing didn't leave the rest room immediately, but closed his eyes and rested. The people outside probably realized that Hang Qing would not come out, and slowly stopped moving.

When Hang Qing woke up, the spaceship was already docked at the capital star.

Hang Qing's light brain rang.

"Come out." It was a message from Zhou Wenyuan.

Hang Qing got up and opened the rest room. Zhou Yuyan fell asleep leaning against his resting bin, and seemed to be sleeping soundly. Hang Qing took a glance, stepped directly over him, and left the lounge.

Zhou Wenyuan was still standing on the narrow aisle last time, the little robot was spinning around at his feet, like a pet that couldn't be petted by its owner. At this moment, Hang Qing has completely separated Zhou Wenyuan's face from Song Jingzhi.

He glanced at Zhou Wenyuan.

If you ask him to come, he must come

Hang Qing's steps changed, and when Zhou Wenyuan was staring at him, he walked directly to another corridor leading to the restaurant. Yue Simiao and Geng Han were both in the restaurant, but there was no sign of anyone else.

Zhou Wenyuan watched Hang Qing walk away helplessly. Originally, he didn't really look forward to seeing the Alpha come out, but just when he thought the other party was coming towards him, the Alpha just went in the other direction from under his nose. Zhou Wenyuan's mood immediately fell to the bottom. Zhou Wenyuan's face was cold, and his first reaction was that this person was playing hard-to-find with him... But then he thought about it, maybe he really didn't see the message

Zhou Wenyuan moved his steps and walked in the direction of Hang Qing.

This Hang Qing is already talking to Yue Simiao.

After the remaining students returned to the spacecraft, they were kicked off by Zhou Wenyuan before their butts were hot. In Zhou Wenyuan's words, this group of gadgets are not qualified to ride on his spaceship. After that, the military school sent a spacecraft to pick it up.

As soon as Yue Simiao's words came to this point, she suddenly got stuck.

As soon as Hang Qing turned around, he saw Zhou Wenyuan coming over.

"Those few are indeed waste." Zhou Wenyuan said lightly.

"Then what am I?" Hang Qing asked.

Zhou Wenyuan turned his head to look at Hang Qing, the young man was staring at him intently, and those beautiful eyes seemed to become more dazzling and seductive unconsciously. The expression on Zhou Wenyuan's face softened unconsciously: "you are excellent." After Zhou Wenyuan finished speaking, he stared at Hang Qing's eyes.

Hang Qing laughed: "thank you general for the compliment."

Zhou Wenyuan noticed the smile in his eyes, and suddenly wanted to laugh along with him.

Sure enough, I didn't notice the message...

The people in front of them are very straightforward in everything they do, so how can they play hard-to-find tricks

Hang Qing hooked his little finger and heard a prompt sound in his mind: "The villain's favorability increases by five points."

Zhou Wenyuan is too stingy. He has only earned five points after he has been in this world for so long.

Soon, the spacecraft stopped.

Yue Simiao stood up a little excitedly: "Here!"

He and Geng Han got up first and walked ahead. Hang Qing walked slowly behind, and when he reached the door, he suddenly remembered: "...General, Zhou Yuyan is still inside."

"Don't mind him."

Zhou Wenyuan said so, so Hang Qing didn't say much. He walked in front of Zhou Wenyuan.

A figure like Zhou Wenyuan, no matter how slow he walks behind him, no one will urge him.

Because Zhou Wenyuan was on the spaceship, Hang Qing saw the big battle below at a glance. They all came to greet Zhou Wenyuan. Obviously only brought a team, but it seems to have returned from a victory after a battle. No wonder the emperor was so flustered, Zhou Wenyuan's reputation in Nanmian was too high.

Hang Qing was about to jump down low-key, but Zhou Wenyuan suddenly reached out from behind and grabbed him.

"?" Hang Qing looked back suspiciously.

"Together." When Zhou Wenyuan's voice fell, a light ladder stretched out in front of Hang Qing and went straight down.

Hang Qing suddenly felt as if he was walking with national leaders and was about to be picked up by countless reporters.

In fact, there are indeed a lot of media below. Regardless of the era, the media are always catching the wind. Zhou Wenyuan's reputation is so high that no gossip star can compare to him. Even if Zhou Wenyuan just went out and came back, the media still swarmed under the spaceship. Anyway, as long as the name of Zhou Wenyuan is listed, the news will not worry about click sales.

Zhou Wenyuan walked down.

Hang Qing paused, and then went on.

No matter what kind of psychology Zhou Wenyuan came from, it is only beneficial to be by Zhou Wenyuan's side at this moment.

The moment Zhou Wenyuan appeared, the following immediately boiled, and when their eyes touched a beautiful woman behind Zhou Wenyuan, it became even more boiling. Is that an Omega? Zhou Wenyuan has an Omega

The people in the military academy were much calmer, they all knew Hang Qing. After all, Lin Yuan's reputation was too loud in the past.

Zhou Yuyan was woken up by the boiling sound outside. He got up and took a look, only to find that Hang Qing was no longer in the rest room. Zhou Yuyan walked out quickly with a dark face. When he came out, he saw the backs of Hang Qing and Zhou Wenyuan walking together. Zhou Yuyan was so shocked that he almost fell off the spaceship.

"Lin Yuan!" As soon as Zhou Yuyan's voice came out, it was drowned out by other noisy voices.

Zhou Yuyan looked at the scene in front of him, and the more he looked at it, the more dazzling it became.

No, it should just be the others who left first, so Lin Yuan can only walk with Zhou Wenyuan after falling.

Zhou Yuyan comforted him several times before he managed to regain his strength. He lifted his foot and was about to go up the ladder, but Hang Qing and Zhou Wenyuan had already walked to the ground, and the ladder was closed with a "swoosh". Zhou Yuyan stepped on it and fell down.

With a "pop", Hang Qing turned his head.

Zhou Yuyan lay on the ground with a pale face.

Hang Qing wanted to laugh a little. He didn't know how Zhou Yuyan did it, but he fell off the spaceship.

Zhou Yuyan focused his eyes on him at the moment, and really hated that his uncle was closing the light ladder too quickly.

Hang Qing felt that Zhou Yuyan's appearance also looked awkward, so he walked over and stretched out his hand to Zhou Yuyan: "broken?"

Zhou Yuyan's face turned blue: "...No."

As soon as Hang Qing came over, Zhou Wenyuan followed.

Zhou Yuyan was stared at by Zhou Wenyuan's eyes and wanted to dig a hole and get in.

"Don't get up?" Hang Qing asked.

Zhou Yuyan was afraid that Hang Qing would withdraw his hand, so he hurriedly grabbed Hang Qing's wrist and stood up with strength. Everyone else recognized that this was the young master of the Zhou family. Of course, no one dared to laugh in front of their uncle.

Zhou Yuyan couldn't help but rubbed the back of Hang Qing's hand twice.

He said that Lin Yuan still loves him. At such a time, didn't Lin Yuan rush back to him immediately? What seduces other people is just to make him jealous, right? Zhou Yuyan thought he had discovered the truth, and laughed softly. If he treats Lin Yuan better, will Lin Yuan return to the way he used to be

Zhou Yuyan thought so much that he didn't even notice that his little uncle took a deep look at him.


It's not a problem to be stuck here, and someone immediately said: "Do you want to take Zhou Shao to the hospital to take a look?"

Zhou Yuyan immediately denied it.

Zhou Wenyuan glanced back.

Zhou Yuyan and Hang Qing stood side by side, inexplicably dazzling.

"Send him to the hospital. Lin Yuan, you follow." Zhou Wenyuan made a decision without refusing to refuse.

Zhou Yuyan opened his mouth: "I, no... I..." Zhou Wenyuan's adjutant came over and grabbed Zhou Yuyan: "Please, Master Zhou, come with me." After speaking, he dragged Zhou Yuyan away.

Zhou Yuyan reluctantly watched Hang Qing and Zhou Wenyuan go inside together.

Hang Qing got a lot of light with Zhou Wenyuan. Everyone in the military academy looked at him with different eyes. If they could walk with Zhou Wenyuan, they had to be careful when they wanted to talk about the name Lin Yuan behind their backs.

Hang Qing is quite satisfied with the effect of this fox fake tiger might.

After chatting with those senior officers and military academies, Zhou Wenyuan personally sent Hang Qing to the door.

"Are you Zhou Yuyan's boyfriend?" Zhou Wenyuan asked suddenly.

Hang Qing nodded: "what's the matter?"

Zhou Wenyuan did not continue with this sentence, but just said something inexplicably: "Is it time for the military school to take a vacation?"

Hang Qing lowered his head and thought for a while: "yes, it's time to take a month off."

"Go ahead."

After Zhou Wenyuan said this, he didn't move.

Hang Qing was also welcome. After saying goodbye to him, he turned around and left. When he walked out of the building, Hang Qing quickly became the focus of attention, but those people didn't dare to say a word, just looked at him with fiery eyes.

Not long after walking out, Hang Qing ran into Zhou Yuhong.

"I heard that you did the best this time. Congratulations." Zhou Yuhong said with a smile.


"Should you take a month off?" Zhou Yuhong asked suddenly.

Hang Qing was at a loss, why did he ask this question.

"Yes. What's wrong?"

"Zhou Yuyan will probably bring you to Zhou's house to play. See you then."

Does Zhou Wenyuan think so too

Hang Qing smiled slightly: "see you then." If this is the case, it will be interesting. It shows that not only is he thinking about how to enter the Zhou family, but the people in the Zhou family are also thinking about how to let him pass. It's great that both sides are so cooperative.

Hang Qing's mood was much better. After returning to the dormitory, he filled out the activity form and went to bed.

Zhou Yuyan stayed in the hospital, and Zhou Yuhong went to visit him.

"Second brother." Zhou Yuyan called out firmly.

Zhou Yuhong said in a low voice, "How did you think about what I told you last time?"


"Give Lin Yuan to me." Zhou Yuhong's smile grew stronger: "The closer you get to him, the more you think this life is so beautiful and interesting..."

Zhou Yuyan gritted his teeth and interrupted him: "That's my person!"

"Then... let's change the plan."


Zhou Yuhong had a bright smile on his face: "Enjoy him together."

Zhou Yuyan did this kind of thing a lot before, but now that this kind of thing is linked to the name Lin Yuan... Zhou Yuyan suddenly felt a strong nausea.


The results of this monthly test were quickly collected.

Team A had the best results, and Hang Qing and Yue Simiao were rewarded. On the day they got the reward, they also ushered in a one-month vacation. During this holiday, as military cadets, they will be ready to be called upon to be the reservists of the future military force. If there is something they need to be on, then they can't be the slightest bit vague. But even so, this holiday is especially precious.

Most of them chose to stay in the military academy.

Hang Qing packed his things and went back to his residence. After sleeping for two days, Hang Qing found a lot of call requests that he rejected. Among them, Zhou Yuyan had the most, followed by Emperor Nanmian and You Chen.

Hang Qing first found Zhou Yuyan.

"Lin Yuan, are you free? Come to Zhou's house for a few days?"


Zhou Yuyan nervously ended the call.

Zhou Yuhong patted him on the shoulder: "Didn't you call yourself an expert in love affairs before? Why are you stage fright now?"

Zhou Yuyan's eyes flashed: "That's different..."

"It's different. Lin Yuan is an Alpha." Zhou Yuhong laughed.

Hang Qing never thought that the Zhou family was a good person. Before he packed up and set out, he made a lot of preparations. After that, Zhou Yuyan took him to Zhou's house. Hang Qing deliberately opened communication on the aircraft.

Emperor Nanmian saw Zhou Yuyan, who was not far from Hang Qing, at a glance. Just as he was about to vent his anger, he swallowed all of it and quickly ended the communication.

Hang Qing followed and found You Chen again.

You Chen's lyrical face was originally intended to be lyrical, but after noticing Zhou Yuyan, he also froze, swallowed everything, and hurriedly ended the communication. It's just that unlike Emperor Nanmian, You Chen's mood couldn't calm down for a long time.

That's the Zhou family...

You Chen unconsciously covered his chest, remembering what Lin Yuan said to him that day.

I would like to do my best for you.

Wish it were so...

Hang Qing glanced at Guangnao. Well, then you can ignore those two people for a long time. Giving them a look at Zhou Yuyan would be quite a good reason.

"Zhou Yuyan." Hang Qing called out.

"Ah?" Zhou Yuyan looked at him.

"Why do you look wrong? What are you hiding from me?"

"No, nothing." Zhou Yuyan finished speaking, but immediately said: "Lin Yuan, you, have you heard of a potion that can turn Alpha into Omega?"

"Reform potion. Isn't it lost?" Hang Qing covered his eyes.

Didn't the Zhou brothers want to turn him into an Omega