I’m Just This ‘Sue’

Chapter 72: The Fourth Villain (End) (1)


Hang Qing had to remind Zhou Yuyan of a cruel fact: "as an Omega, do you have any good points?"

"Isn't Omega's gender a natural advantage?"

"Omega's sex advantage is due to Omega's extremely high pregnancy rate. Could it be... Are you going to have a baby for me?"

Zhou Yuyan stopped abruptly.

Of course, his original intention was that Lin Yuan would give birth to a child for him, but now he has changed it... It is not completely unacceptable. Zhou Yuyan opened his mouth: "I will."

Hang Qing: "… "

Zhou Yuyan was still the face of a scumbag, but his facial contours were softened a lot, and the more he looked, the more girlish he became. At this time, Zhou Yuyan looked at him, his eyes were slightly red, and he looked weak and aggrieved.

Thinking about what he has become like this, Hang Qing couldn't help shivering.

He kindly told Zhou Yuyan: "You can go look in the mirror now."

Zhou Yuyan was stunned for a moment, then raised the light brain bound on his wrist, the smooth surface of the light brain reflected his appearance.

Sad and twisted like a court lady...

Zhou Yuyan shook his hand and instinctively shouted, "Lin Yuan!" But when he raised his head, there was no one in front of him.

Zhou Yuyan seemed to be determined to save Hang Qing, he got a place to follow the army, but it was difficult for him to get close to Hang Qing. After all, Zhou Yuyan is now a soldier, and Hang Qing stood by Zhou Wenyuan's side. When Zhou Yuyan could see Hang Qing, it was really rare. And when he finally got to Hang Qing, Zhou Wenyuan always showed up on time.

Zhou Wenyuan's eyes were cold: "You have this skill to pester Lin Yuan, why don't you drink two more inhibitors."

Zhou Yuyan trembled, as if he felt the pheromone of the surrounding Alpha soldiers pressing towards him in an instant. It was only then that Zhou Yuyan realized what a stupid thing he had done, which was equivalent to a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. But when he saw Zhou Yuhong not far away, Zhou Yuyan got a little comfort - at least he wasn't the only one so stupid.

"It's here! It's almost here!" A soldier who couldn't hold back shouted.

Hang Qing followed Zhou Wenyuan into the main control room, and then saw the planet belonging to the Mayan Empire within easy reach. A total of five planets outside the Maya guarded the entire empire. They only need to break through a planet to successfully enter the realm of the Mayan Empire.

Zhou Wenyuan said that he wanted to bring down the Mayan Empire, not just on a whim. He has a deep understanding of the Mayan Empire: "A few years ago, the Mayan civil strife, the prince seized the throne, after the game of power, the nearest neighbor here. The commander on the planet was replaced, and the one who took office was the hero who supported the current Mayan emperor, but this person has no ability. When there is no war, he can keep the peace of one party. When there is war... " Zhou Wenyuan's His eyes turned cold: "He just stabbed his neck and killed him."

Hang Qing is not surprised by this result.

You Chen spent too much time on crooked ways, full of thinking that if Zhou Wenyuan was eliminated, the Mayan Empire would be invincible again. He and Emperor Nanmian were really the same in their stupidity. The faction, the situation is in danger and can not be chaotic, and Emperor Nanmian can't catch up with the horse.

You Chen was not in a hurry to strengthen Maya first, so he hurriedly stretched out his hand to Zhou Wenyuan... Being approached by Zhou Wenyuan, he was not considered innocent.

As Zhou Wenyuan thought, the planet was quickly broken, and the neighboring planets could not come to support in time, and they successfully entered the territory of the Mayan Empire. Zhou Wenyuan's name made them frightened and fled frantically. The news was quickly passed back to Capital Star and into You Chen's hands. You Chen's eyes were splitting, and while desperately contacting Hang Qing, he rushed to the border of the Mayan Empire.

Here, Zhou Wenyuan held Hang Qing's brain blank expressionlessly: "he actually wants to use it to threaten you at this time?"

Hang Qing nodded and spared no effort to sprinkle hatred on You Chen.

But Hang Qing didn't think that Zhou Wenyuan's expedition to Maya was really for him. An ambitious person like Zhou Wenyuan should have wanted to take Maya long ago. Whether it was Emperor Nanmian's coercive words, or it just so happened that the Mayan Empire had borrowed him to make calculations on Zhou Wenyuan's head... It's just a little extra.

Zhou Wenyuan of Hang Qing Dynasty glanced at him, Zhou Wenyuan was looking at the map in front of him. Hang Qing caught a glimpse of the scorching light in his eyes.

At this time, a soldier walked in and whispered: "Admiral, the Mayan Emperor requested communication."

Zhou Wenyuan's eyes were cold: "It's time for peace."

Hang Qing stood up: "I'll go."

Zhou Wenyuan stood up and put it on Hang Qing's shoulder: "I'll accompany you."

The gestures of the two were too close, and the soldiers next to them took a second glance, but they intuitively felt that the pink atmosphere in the air should be fake, fake, and non-existent.

On the way out, Hang Qing's brain was still shaking.

It was You Chen who was trying to contact him relentlessly.

Zhou Wenyuan's face sank, and just as he was about to stretch out his hand to buckle it, Hang Qing reached out and pushed him away, then lowered his head and replied to You Chen's message.

You Chen automatically answered Hang Qing's brief and impatient reply, and understood that it was extremely inconvenient for him to have such a cold reaction because he was detained by Zhou Wenyuan.

"Help me hold Zhou Wenyuan, I know you can do it. Lin Yuan, you have done well before. Keep Zhou Wenyuan in the Mayan Empire forever... Then you and I will be free." You Chen sent it There was an undisguised taste of joy in the message.

Zhou Wenyuan dragged Hang Qing's arm, and naturally saw You Chen's message. Zhou Wenyuan's face immediately turned ugly, and his face showed a bit of sharpness: "What a big tone..." Zhou Wenyuan's eyes surged with killing intent towards You Chen.

Hang Qing gave You Chen a wax in his heart.

Because of reading the message in advance, Zhou Wenyuan's face was cold when the two sides communicated. When You Chen saw it, he trembled instinctively, but when he saw Hang Qing standing beside Zhou Wenyuan, You Chen breathed a sigh of relief visibly.

"Admiral Zhou." You Chen's tone was gentle, and after shouting, he even smiled slightly. This is You Chen's usual attitude, but Hang Qing has to say that You Chen chose at the most inappropriate time.

He is the emperor of the Maya, but he is too soft in front of Zhou Wenyuan. This is not a good choice for peace, it will only make people feel that the Maya Empire is a soft persimmon to start with. Not to mention that Zhou Wenyuan has never been a softhearted person. It's okay for You Chen to use this gesture to make Bolin Yuan soft-hearted. If you want to please Zhou Wenyuan, then... it's probably only useful to push Lin Yuan's face up. But even so, it may not be useful. Judging from the experience of Hang Qing and Zhou Wenyuan's contact, Zhou Wenyuan doesn't like people who show too much weakness. The stronger and more beautiful they are, the easier it is to attract his attention...

You Chen went the wrong way and didn't even know it.

This Zhou Wenyuan stared at You Chen coldly: "Your country sent spies into our Nanmian to destroy the diplomatic relations between the two countries..."

Yu Chen's cold sweat came down.

After Zhou Wenyuan declared war, You Chen's face turned pale, and he was almost speechless.

In the face of absolute power, You Chen was still far behind.

You Chen casts his gaze to Hang Qing faintly.

Almost immediately, Zhou Wenyuan raised his arm and embraced Hang Qing's shoulders, and at the same time dragged him back with a domineering and possessive attitude. You Chen was stunned for a while, and an unknown light flashed in his eyes. But Hang Qing knew that this action would probably give You Chen hope again, and You Chen would feel that he could continue to let Lin Yuan do things around Zhou Wenyuan.

You Chen really regained his composure: "What is the result of the war between the two countries? I hope the admiral will think about it clearly." This time, You Chen was a little tougher, and his tone became a little colder.

But it was too late. Zhou Wenyuan didn't save him any face at all, and mockingly said: "The war between the two countries brings power... Do you think so too? Unfortunately, Your Majesty Maya, you don't have the strength to compete with me."

Just when You Chen's face was ugly, Zhou Wenyuan ended the communication.

On the other end, You Chen took a long time to calm down his turbulent state of mind. He was so angry that he threw the ornament at hand, and after a while he pursed his lips and smiled. It doesn't matter, Zhou Wenyuan will always die anyway, and he will ask Zhou Wenyuan not to go back to Nanmian again. It's just... You Chen couldn't help frowning. In the past, Lin Yuan always focused on him, but now seeing Lin Yuan and Zhou Wenyuan walking together is really uncomfortable. But it doesn't matter, Lin Yuan has always admired him anyway. At the end, Lin Yuan turned against the water, and Zhou Wenyuan's expression at that time would definitely be very exciting!

You Chen couldn't help laughing while thinking about it.

Zhou Wenyuan, who thinks he is loved...

How strong is it? How did you humiliate him just now, how will the humiliation be returned.

After the communication ended, Zhou Wenyuan immediately ordered to attack the next planet. The army under Zhou Wenyuan fought in an orderly manner, and the battleship advanced in an orderly manner, forming a ferocious and terrifying beast in the universe.

At this time, Zhou Wenyuan was not standing in the main control room.

Zhou Wenyuan took Hang Qing back to the lounge. The moment the door was closed, Zhou Wenyuan couldn't wait to hug Hang Qing in his arms, and then kissed him.

Another burst of Alpha's pheromone entanglement and struggle.

When they parted, there was a little perspiration on their foreheads.

Zhou Wenyuan said coldly, "I never asked you, how did the Nanmian Empire coerce you?"

Hang Qing said lightly: "I don't have parents. But... I had a childhood sweetheart when I was young. His name was You Chen. Well, it's the current Maya emperor, the one who talked to you just now. "

"Take friendship as a threat? Sure enough! No wonder he looks at you wrong!" Now Zhou Wenyuan is even more determined to bring down the Mayan Empire. No strong man can tolerate it, and there are other people who are eyeing the person they like. At the same time, Zhou Wenyuan also looked down on You Chen: "These methods of his are really unprofessional."

After speaking, Zhou Wenyuan caught a glimpse of Hang Qing's lips that were still stained with a little water, and couldn't help kissing again, saying, "You choose me right..."

"Yeah, so I chose you."

The corners of Zhou Wenyuan's brows and eyes were covered with a layer of joy, and there was a hint of smugness. Such overly exposed emotions should not appear on Zhou Wenyuan's face.

However, when Hang Qing watched this scene, he felt that the faces in front of him faintly overlapped with those of Song Jizhi. However, Zhou Wenyuan quickly controlled his emotions, and his expression disappeared from his face, as if the unstable look just now was just someone else's illusion.


The battleship of the Nanmian Empire swept the entire Maya, and the Maya Empire could not find anyone who could resist. You Chen lost contact with Hang Qing again. In panic, he had to stand up in person, instead of choosing to communicate with Zhou Wenyuan only through optical brain communication. After all, if Zhou Wenyuan is allowed to continue, the foundation of the entire Mayan Empire will be hollowed out. Even if the emperor You Chen shrinks, what is the use? In the end, he could not escape the fate of ruin.

You Chen finally sent a message to Hang Qing's Guangnao: Take Zhou Wenyuan hostage tomorrow, look at me and do it. Lin Yuan, my fate is in your hands.

You Chen also knew that this was a matter of life and death that was about fate! But why did he rely on Lin Yuan to seduce Zhou Wenyuan and kill Zhou Wenyuan? It's not wrong for You Chen to fall to this point.

Hang Qing also made an estimate.

If nothing else happens... On the battlefield, Zhou Wenyuan's favorability for him will increase to 100, and then he will die on the battlefield smoothly.

Soon came the second day.

The battleship of the Mayan Empire and Zhou Wenyuan's battleship were far apart, both of them got on the spaceship, and then the spaceship moved closer to one place, and they all walked outside the spaceship.

You Chen's eyes fell on Hang Qing without hesitation.

What a great opportunity!

"What else does Your Majesty have to say?" Zhou Wenyuan said coldly.

"Admiral Zhou..." Having said this, You Chen paused, and suddenly sneered: "Lin Yuan!" He raised his voice.

When the people behind Zhou Wenyuan heard it, they understood what was going on almost immediately, but when they looked in Hang Qing's direction, they found that the other party didn't move at all, not even their general.

Zhou Wenyuan's face didn't show the shock of being betrayed? !

You Chen paused, and the unbelievable person was replaced by him.

"Lin Yuan!" You Chen called out again, but this time, he was obviously less confident.

Hang Qing still didn't move, he looked at You Chen calmly.

You Chen's cold sweat came down, his delicate face was slightly grayish-white, and it was obvious that he was extremely terrified. You Chen shouted again without giving up: "Lin Yuan, what are you waiting for?"

Zhou Wenyuan shook Hang Qing's hand, and then he said in a cold voice, "he's waiting for me."

You Chen's eyes flashed: "...you betrayed me?"

"You want to use it to coerce Lin Yuan, how can it be considered a betrayal?" Zhou Wenyuan hummed.

At this time, You Chen was not the only one who was shocked and dazed.

The Zhou Yuyan brothers behind them were also shocked.

They weren't stupid after all, and they quickly figured out the context of things.

That is to say... The reason why Lin Yuan would hook up with them is that the ultimate goal is still towards Zhou Wenyuan? Lin Yuan is a spy? ?

Zhou Yuyan's whole person is not good. He has told himself countless times that "Lin Yuan really likes him", which is completely untenable. However, in Zhou Yuhong's very human brain circuit, a spark of passion rekindled again. Once again, he felt that Lin Yuan was really interesting.

"Lin Yuan! Lin Yuan, please speak up!" "He was originally from the Mayan Empire, so he should have dedicated himself to the Mayan Empire. Now he voted for Nan Mian, which is betrayal! Lin Yuan, you have disappointed me so much..." You Chen was filled with righteous indignation at first. The ground roared loudly, followed by a bit of fragility and grief. At this juncture, he still hopes to conquer Lin Yuan with his acting skills.

Hang Qing almost laughed out loud.

"No matter which empire I am from, I don't like this kind of underhanded tactics very much, so I chose to confess to Admiral Zhou." Hang Qing's eyes were cold: "you have used me for so long, and now you should be satisfied. isn't it?"

"No no... It's impossible... " You Chen's eyes were dazed, trying to find out a little bit of past infatuation and cautious admiration from Hang Qing's face. But Yuchen failed.

"No matter how deep the friendship is, it can't stand such wear and tear."

"...So you want to say that you no longer have any friendship with me?" You Chen sneered, the gentle and fragile disguise faded, and You Chen finally revealed the tip of the ferocious iceberg.

"Yes." Hang Qing spat out two words.

Everyone unconsciously looked at this beautiful Alpha, and when they watched him spit out those two words, everyone unconsciously tightened their hearts. Zhou Wenyuan and Zhou Yuyan felt the most profound. Zhou Wenyuan realized the neatness of the person beside him, and the phrase "the friendship behind him can't stand such weariness" kept lingering in his mind. Zhou Yuyan wasn't much better, his face was pale... Could it be that Lin Yuan is so indifferent to him now because he has worn away his past friendship

In contrast, Zhou Yuyan was even more reluctant to admit that Lin Yuan had no affection for him from beginning to end.

On the other side, You Chen's face sank, and then he quickly commanded: "Go back! Go back!" You Chen knew that it would be difficult to reverse the situation. If he didn't leave, he would be caught directly by Zhou Wenyuan.

But Nan Mian's army is the urn, and You Chen is the turtle.

No matter how fast he reacted at this time, it would be difficult to escape.

Zhou Wenyuan unceremoniously ordered You Chen to be captured.

You Chen is no stronger than other Alphas, and to be able to get to this point, he really relied on his cleverness. The more crooked the way, the more difficult it is to return to the right path, so in the face of the crisis of the Mayan Empire's growing power, You Chen encouraged Lin Yuan to attack Zhou Wenyuan. He thought he could trick people's hearts, but he was tricked in the end. In the face of absolute power, he is vulnerable, such as now...

Hang Qing watched as several Alphas brought You Chen to them, and the spaceship that You Chen was riding in had been destroyed. Their spaceship quickly headed back towards the battleship. The two battleships exchanged fire.

You Chen raised his head and looked at Hang Qing, his eyes were slightly red: "Why?"

Zhou Wenyuan was very unhappy that You Chen was still talking to Hang Qing, so he stretched out his hand and dragged Hang Qing over. Zhou Wenyuan cast his icy gaze over, almost pinning You Chen there.

You Chen couldn't move, and could only watch Zhou Wenyuan walk away with Hang Qing in his arms.

So... he handed over the person who admired him wholeheartedly, and handed it over to someone else's arms

No one could answer Yuchen's question.

Everyone else on the spacecraft was also immersed in confusion.

Their admiral hugged the Alpha Lin Yuan

Hug... Hug

Turning around here, Zhou Wenyuan nibbled on Hang Qing's lips.

"...The taste of Alpha." Zhou Wenyuan said.

Hang Qing raised his eyebrows.

"Better than Omega."

Hang Qing's eyebrows softened a little.

Looking at his appearance, Zhou Wenyuan felt even more in love with him, he couldn't help but kissed Hang Qing again, rubbing Hang Qing's waist with one hand.

"... Admiral, Admiral." The passing soldier fell to his knees with a thud.

Half is scared, half is forced by the strong alpha pheromone.

The overwhelming amount of pheromones that rolled up almost made the soldier slump to the ground and turn into a cake.

So... so scary!

Zhou Wenyuan frowned extremely unhappily. But what can be done? The pheromones in the two of them can crush people to death there. Zhou Wenyuan let go of his hand and tried his best to restrain the pheromones on his body. Hang Qing also restrained the pheromone.

"Stand up." Zhou Wenyuan said to the soldier.

"Yes, yes." The soldier stood up tremblingly, looking like he was going to kneel at any moment.

Zhou Wenyuan had no choice but to take Hang Qing to the main control room first. After all, command is more important at this time. Although Zhou Wenyuan couldn't help but indulge in it, he also knew the reason for withdrawing in time. Although the soldier was a little out of sight, he still reminded the two of them by mistake.

After the soldiers returned that day, they were still trembling.

After that, whenever he saw Zhou Wenyuan and Lin Yuan standing together, he could recall the fear of being crushed to death by pheromones that day.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

The Mayan Empire soon fell to its knees.

Zhou Wenyuan did not touch the people of the Maya Empire. Under this premise, it was easy to incorporate the planets under the Maya Empire into the Southern Mian territory.

In the face of Maya's demise, Emperor Nanmian was not happy at all, and he even felt even more afraid. Zhou Wenyuan's ability is getting bigger and bigger, and his status is at stake, but he dares not attack Zhou Wenyuan again...

When Zhou Wenyuan returned to the empire with the prisoners of war, Emperor Nanmian went to Xingwang to read Zhou Wenyuan's report. Without exception, they all praise Zhou Wenyuan. The emperor was so angry that he could not wait to smash the star net. But at this time, the emperor noticed a piece of gossip news, because it was about Zhou Wenyuan, so even if it was nothing, it still floated on the front page of Xingwang.

That is a photo of Zhou Wenyuan and Lin Yuan standing together intimately!

The emperor was excited at first.

Lin Yuan still won him

No, no... Zhou Wenyuan already knew that Lin Yuan was a spy... Unless it was said, unless it was said that Lin Yuan had betrayed Nan Mian and went to Zhou Wenyuan.

The emperor's heart was cold, and he sat down again: "...How can I kill Zhou Wenyuan? How can the Zhou family collapse?"

The woman beside her said softly: "Have you forgotten? You have a son who is a classmate with Lin Yuan. You can let him kill Zhou Wenyuan. No one will know that you did it."

The emperor's slightly shaken heart finally settled down after seeing Zhou Wenyuan's high-spirited appearance on the star network.

"You're right!" Lin Yuan was unreliable. But there is still blood kinship between him and his illegitimate son, and blood kinship is always reliable!


After returning to Capital Star, Zhou Wenyuan still brought Hang Qing to Zhou's house.

It was regrettable that Hang Qing found that his favorability had never risen.

He still lived next door to Zhou Wenyuan.

Compared with the last time, this time the Zhou family was more sincere and respectful towards Hang Qing.

It sounds incredible, but it's true, their admiral is wrapped in the breath of another Alpha... And this Alpha is the beautiful young man in front of him. The Zhou family felt deeply and terrified, and when they faced Hang Qing again, they naturally became more and more cautious.

Zhou Yuyan took this scene into his eyes and walked to Hang Qing.

"Is something wrong?" Hang Qing hasn't dealt with Zhou Yuyan for a long time. After all, since Zhou Yuyan's self-recommended pillow seat request was rejected last time, how could Zhou Yuyan come to him

"You... you don't like me anymore, is it because the friendship between us wears off?"

"you think too much."

"Thinking too much?" Zhou Yuyan stood there dumbfounded, looking less and less like an Alpha.

"I never liked you. Neither did you?"

"No, I..."

"What you like is the feeling of getting nothing." Hang Qing looked him up and down: "I don't like Omega either."

Zhou Yuyan used to say this often. Because for him, Alpha, Beta and Omega are all objects that he can play with. And Omega also has a bad place, that is, it is too easy to conceive, and the body is too weak. Zhou Yuyan criticized recklessly while enjoying Omega's body. Now that these words fell on him, Zhou Yuyan's face immediately flushed red. Then turned pale again.

But the refutation was so weak.

Only then did Zhou Yuyan know what it is to do not do to others what you do not want to do.

And Hang Qing has no intention to educate Zhou Yuyan to be a man, and his light brain is ringing. Yue Simiao, who hadn't seen her for a long time, even invited him to dinner. Hang Qing thought about it and agreed, after all, he had a good impression of Yue Simiao.

Zhou Yuyan's eyes lingered on Hang Qing for a while, and after confirming that his mind was really not on him at all, Zhou Yuyan fell into depression. Who would be willing to let go of Lin Yuan? Didn't even his little uncle with eyes above the top have a crush on Lin Yuan

Hang Qing got up and went upstairs, leaving Zhou Yuyan downstairs.

After a while, Zhou Yuhong came to his side.

"What are you doing here?" Zhou Yuyan's face was cold.

Zhou Yuhong spread his hands: "Aren't we the same now? I have a good plan, do you want to hear it?"


Zhou Yuhong was close to his ear: "...killed the little uncle."

"Are you crazy?"

"If you want, go for it, and if you lose it, get it back! What if you become an Omega? Have you lost all the ferocity in the Zhou family? Now the entire Zhou family is in his hands. Without him, Father can be proud of this, and you can get Lin Yuan again..."

"Will you be content?"

"We can share." Zhou Yuhong laughed, "An Alpha can have multiple Omegas, right?"

"You, you just accepted that you became an Omega..."

"What does that matter? Isn't there an Omega inhibitor? It won't prevent us from doing things. Although it is different from what we thought at first, this result is also very interesting. If Lin Yuan became an Omega from the beginning, how could there be What happened to such a wonderful performance afterward?"

"You're crazy..." Zhou Yuyan frowned.


Hang Qing and Yue Simiao made an appointment at a well-received star-rated restaurant, accompanied by Zhou Wenyuan.

"If my feeling is correct, that Yue Simiao should be an Omega, and he likes you very much..." Zhou Wenyuan said, "How can I let you guys eat together alone?"

Zhou Wenyuan's face is so famous that the moment he stepped into the restaurant, the news was immediately spread on StarNet. Others don't know that Zhou Wenyuan is accompanying Hang Qing to meet people. When they saw the two walking side by side for the first time, a peach scandal immediately floated in their minds. Just taking a closer look, the person beside him is an Alpha... When many Xingwang netizens fell into confusion, Emperor Nanmian laughed at the news.

They go!

Emperor Nan Mian was so excited that he clenched the hand of the woman beside him, and the woman lowered her head to hide the disgust in her eyes.

When Hang Qing approached, he found that there was Geng Han sitting beside Yue Simiao.

At the same moment, Zhou Wenyuan whispered in his ear, "Do you believe that Geng Han is here to kill me?"


The original plot line has long since shifted. Zhou Wenyuan did not conflict with Yue Simiao. At this time, the identity of Geng Han's illegitimate son was not revealed, and Zhou Wenyuan would not kill him for power. Why did Geng Han bump into it himself

"Because of the emperor." Zhou Wenyuan raised his head after speaking.

Hang Qing understood immediately. It should be that Emperor Nan Mian knew that this illegitimate son and Yue Simiao were relatively close to him, so he went to the doctor in a hurry, hoping that his son would kill his father's enemy. But Geng Han didn't have a good life in the first half of his life. Geng Han's attack will not be bought at all. The emperor insisted on showing some kind of blood kinship, and in the end, he might end up in a self-inflicted end.

Hang Qing pulled Zhou Wenyuan's sleeve: "he won't do it."

Zhou Wenyuan chuckled, obviously not convinced.

They stepped forward and sat down. The moment they sat down, Hang Qing, who was sitting closest to Zhou Wenyuan, immediately felt that Zhou Wenyuan was in a defensive posture.

When Yue Simiao saw Zhou Wenyuan, she was surprised for a moment: "Why is the general here?" Yue Simiao suddenly became cramped.

Geng Han was not surprised, he looked directly at Zhou Wenyuan: "I have something to tell the general."

"you say."

Geng Han took out an inconspicuous lightsaber from his waist and placed it on the dining table.

Hang Qing couldn't help but sigh, Geng Han was so courageous, and the dangerous momentum of Zhou Wenyuan was almost poured out at that moment, but it was held back when it was about to reach the critical point. If Zhou Wenyuan didn't stop it, Geng Han might be dead in the next moment.

"The emperor wants me to kill you." Geng Han was really honest at this moment. He shook his relationship with the emperor blankly.

By the time he finished speaking, three hours had passed.

The Emperor Nan Mian on the other end was so anxious that he could not wait to get the scene to urge Geng Han to do something.

At this end, Zhou Wenyuan suddenly asked, "Do you want to be emperor?"

Geng Han shook his head: "I'm not good enough now, I can't do it."

"Then do you want to?"

"No, no..." Geng Han faintly glanced at Yue Simiao, "I don't want to do it. When I become an emperor, I can't help myself. And I want to be able to dominate myself."

Zhou Wenyuan sneered: "Child... If you are strong enough, who can let you help yourself? Sitting in this position now, he is as weak and faint as he is, of course he can't help himself."

At this time, Geng Han was far from being as powerful as in the original plot, and they hadn't even obtained those golden fingers. At this time, Geng Han really couldn't be the emperor.

Zhou Wenyuan touched his chin: "But I have already decided to kill the emperor, so what should I do? Who will succeed him?" Zhou Wenyuan laughed wildly: "Oh, why don't I do it myself."

Geng Han was obviously not interested in the emperor's position, he nodded: "I can also provide you with some information."

On the other hand, Yue Simiao opened his mouth wide, but in just a few words, they had finalized the rebellion.

Hang Qing here is also a little speechless.

This seems to be okay.

In the original plot, Gongshou and Zhou Wenyuan were mortal enemies, and they attacked the throne that obstructed Zhou Wenyuan's ambitions in every possible way. As a result, everything is now quietly resolved. Gong was not interested in the scumbag's throne, and Shou had a soy sauce expression on his face. And Zhou Wenyuan easily swept away the biggest enemy on the road.

They ended the meal quickly.

But Zhou Wenyuan did not let them go.

"If you haven't completed the task, he will trouble you." Zhou Wenyuan said lightly.

Geng Han smiled: "If he can do anything to me, then I should be assassinating you now."

Zhou Wenyuan let them go.

Soon, the news reached Emperor Nan Mian's ears, and he panicked again, not even daring to appear at the court meeting. And when he said that he was sick and hid, he didn't realize that the woman he often accompanied by his side had disappeared.

At this time, a sensational assassination case occurred in the capital star.

Someone actually wanted to assassinate the Empire's meritorious General Zhou Wenyuan!

In just one day, the matter spread all over the empire, and various rumors floated out. The most widely circulated one was that the emperor wanted to kill Admiral Zhou Wenyuan, and ordered him to attack the Mayan Empire. He also hoped that he would die in Maya. Empire, who knew that the admiral was so powerful that he really knocked Maya down... This version spreads more and more with nose and eyes. Zhou Wenyuan has made many documentaries about him, and no one in the empire has not seen these documentaries. They all know how much credit the Admiral has made to this empire and how many injuries he has suffered for it. How could the emperor kill the admiral because he was jealous

Emperor Nanmian's once debauchery and insolence finally brought disaster to himself.

People everywhere began to rally against the emperor.

Zhou Wenyuan took advantage of the situation to rebel, and it became a natural thing to go with the flow.

The new emperor with bloody wrists quickly ascended the throne. The former emperor Nan Mian squatted down in front of the throne and roared unwillingly: "What's wrong... Why! Is it Lin Yuan's rebellion?"

Hang Qing stepped forward and told him the cruel truth: "you thought I was the one you sent out, but in fact..."

"You've always belonged to Zhou Wenyuan?"

Hang Qing shook his head: "I'm from the Mayan Empire. Are you stupid? Push a person like me to Zhou Wenyuan's side. Without Zhou Wenyuan, the name of the Nanmian Empire, which made the enemy so frightened by the wind, would be gone. , it will only cheapen the Mayan Empire. How can you do such a stupid thing..."

He clung to the floor tiles in disbelief: "Impossible! If you are from the Mayan Empire, why didn't Zhou Wenyuan kill you?"

"Do you remember why you chose me to seduce the Zhou family?" Hang Qing smiled slightly: "of course it's because I'm good-looking."

The emperor suddenly choked on blood: "Impossible! How could Zhou Wenyuan be..."

"How could he be such a person? He is." Hang Qing looked at Zhou Wenyuan, who was holding a sword.

Zhou Wenyuan laughed cooperatively, and put Hang Qing in his arms: "Yes. The Mayan Empire coerced him to be a spy, and I will destroy the Mayan Empire. If you dare to coerce him to be a spy, I will make you a lost dog... "

The blood choked on the emperor's throat spurted out: "Impossible, impossible..." He once hoped that Zhou Wenyuan would be a good-looking person, so that the Zhou family would be stirred by Lin Yuan. But at this moment, he hoped that Zhou Wenyuan would be a cold person. Otherwise, wouldn't that mean that he was ruined because he sent a beauty to Zhou's house... That's too ironic.

"impossible… "

The emperor muttered and fainted.

Only then did Geng Han and Yue Simiao come out.

Completely different from the original plot, in this rebellion, both Gong and Shou contributed. And Geng Han even asked the emperor directly and used him as a sacrifice for his mother who died early.

Hang Qing felt it quietly, his favorability still did not rise, and there was no danger coming.

Zhou Wen