I’m Not Human

Chapter 10: The tenth day of not being human


Contrary to the dry, hot weather on the abandoned planet, Tusor is now experiencing a rather cold winter.

The winter sky looks extraordinarily pure, it is a quiet blue, like a polished gem, and the entire Tusor star is under the reflection of this huge gem at this time.

The cold and low temperature environment has no effect on the Zerg, so the higher Zerg present still only wear black military uniforms, but in their eyes, the young man held by the silver-haired Zerg at the head seems to be frozen because of the cold breath they feel in the air. woke up.

This discovery made every Zerg present feel a little overwhelmed, and they didn't even know what to do for a moment.

The dark-haired youth who is sleeping with hazy eyes has very soft outlines. Both the hair and the skin look very soft. At this time, the half-awake appearance is more well-behaved and supple than the normal Zerg cubs in infancy.

want to protect.

The heart that was as cold and hard as an ice cube suddenly seemed to sag, and the unfamiliar soft emotions in the chest made it difficult for these higher Zerg to understand.

The emotion is hot and hot, yet incredibly soft.

They looked at the young people who had not fully woken up, like people waiting for precious flowers to bloom. When facing the young and fragile flower buds, they were always worried about the lack of rain or sunlight for the flower buds, and they were full of strong desire to protect. .

The cold made Gu Huai shrink back reflexively, but because he was being held by Alves, when he shrank his body like this, the whole person was like actively approaching the latter.

This approach will make the person approached feel dependent on the other side. Alves tightens his body slightly, removes his icy tail from the young man, and turns his face blankly to the one standing on the far right of the team. Higher Zerg: "Leo, use your ability to light a fire."

As one of Tuther's seven core executives, if someone else made such a request to Leo, he would probably feel that he was being tricked, and then directly engulfed the other party with roaring flames.

However, the person who said this was their leader, and he understood that the other party's intention to set him on fire was to warm the youth, and Leo stepped forward stiffly.

Among the six colleagues, he is now the first person to approach the king—

If you don't look at the eyes, it is very difficult to see the other party's joy from the cold face of this high-level Zerg.

Lack of emotion, and therefore lack of expression, after getting used to this kind of racial nature, even if these higher-level Zerg were surprised and happy when they saw Gu Huai, their faces still looked cold and hard.

Several groups of burning golden flames appeared in the air. These fiery flames formed by supernatural abilities could even burn through the protective layer of the battleship, but now they were carefully floating around Gu Huai.

"Do you still feel cold?" Leo asked in a low voice. The young man's current state seemed to be half-awake. He was afraid that his voice would scare the other party.

Gu Huai rubbed his eyes in a daze, only to realize that they had already disembarked from the battleship, that is, they had already reached the Tusher star.

When he was completely awake, Gu Huai realized that the high-level Zerg in front of him was still waiting for him to answer, and he immediately responded, "It's not so cold, thank you."

This answer caused a smile to instinctively appear on the cold face of the higher Zerg. In fact, the curvature of the corners of the mouth is hard to call a smile, but it was an obvious expression of joy to them.

Never had a moment been so delighted that his power was related to fire, that this ability could drive away the cold for their king, and Leo was even proud of it.

"Put me down." After responding, Gu Huai said to the silver-haired Zerg who was walking with him.

In order to avoid the other party's misunderstanding that he did not want him to approach, Gu Huai compromised on being held by Alves to sleep.

He slept for most of the twenty-four hours a day, and Gu Huai had already accepted this setting from the helpless at the beginning to the present.

The mental power is only at the level of a cub for the time being, and it is impossible to always fall asleep instinctively.

However, as time passed, Gu Huai felt a steady increase in his own mental power, and after a while, he should be able to move normally.

Alves put Gu Huai down according to his words. There were several flames floating around. These golden flames seemed to heat up the icy aura around Gu Huai, so Gu Huai was not so cold that he shivered.

"Why didn't you tell your subordinates in advance about your coming back to Tuther Star with Your Majesty..." The chief of staff was very anxious now, because he didn't have time to make any preparations for the arrival of such an unexpected arrival.

"The contact code, I forgot." Alves replied.

Listen to this calm tone without the slightest guilt.

A legion commander forgot the communication code of the high-level council of the capital star. If Gu Huai hadn't been standing next to him, Ellis, who was the chief of staff, would have performed an act of anger on the spot.

But the leader of his own family took the king back to Tuther, and on this basis, the chief of staff forgave everything the other party did.

Chief of Staff: "Then the place where His Majesty lives, can it be arranged in your mansion for the time being? Your mansion has always been dispatched to take care of it, and it is no different from before you left."

Gu Huai's residence, the chief of staff, of course, wanted to arrange it in the most comfortable place on Tutherxing, and after thinking about it, there was really no better place than their leader's mansion.

Originally, they should at least build a palace for the youth, but it is too late to start construction now...

Alves nodded slightly and agreed.

With Alves' agreement, the chief of staff knelt down on one knee in front of Gu Huai, lowered his head and asked respectfully, "Your Majesty, do you have any requirements for the accommodation, such as the arrangement of the rooms? What kind of place, if you want, your subordinates can make the room look familiar to you."

As the other Zerg came down from the Yura battleship, several high-level personnel of Tuther had seen the huge eggshell that was carefully carried by the two Zerg soldiers, so they also immediately understood that in front of them there was an adult appearance. The young man has only just broken his shell and was born a few days ago.

In terms of birth time, it is still a cub.

The king is still a cub...

As long as he thought about it like this, the coldness on the faces of the seven Tuther executives present could not help but melt a little, and the cold and hard outlines became a little softer.

"The planet I stayed in before was an abandoned planet." Gu Huai answered truthfully after hearing the question, then shook his head and said, "The room is just as it was, there is no need to change it."

Abandoned planet—

This answer surprised the senior executives of Tuther present for a moment, and suddenly there was a tingling feeling that was not obvious and numb in their hearts.

How could something so precious to them be born on an abandoned planet...

Recalling the mental link that expressed pain at the moment when it was first received, at this time, in the hearts of these high-level Zerg, the strong regret was almost so full that they felt it was difficult to breathe.

What they should have looked for at the time, if they had sent troops to look for it, they might have been able to bring the youth back from the abandoned planet earlier.

Just because of the shortness and distance of that spiritual link, they on the planet Tuther haven't been able to deeply realize how important the master who sent this link to them is to them.

But now that you have seen it with your own eyes, you can understand it with just a glance.

So they feel pain about it.

Gu Huai quickly sensed these emotions, and he was at a loss for a second.

Realizing that these Zerg probably had such a reaction because they knew that he lived in an abandoned planet before, Gu Huai thought about it and said to these high-level Zerg: "The planet you manage... The planet Tuther is very beautiful, I am very like."

The sky is beautiful. Although the buildings on the airport side look cold in color, they are still very technological. I haven't seen it in other places for the time being, but Gu Huai feels that the scenery outside the airport will not be bad.

The youth said that they liked Tuther, which was equivalent to the highest affirmation of their work. The chief of staff, who had to deal with piles of affairs every day, was no longer bothered by these tasks.

Not only is it not annoying, but I even feel that I can go back to work immediately for three days and three nights.

What could be more worth the effort than building a planet that the other person loves

there is none left!

They would be overjoyed if their king would call Tuther home.

Just when the top executives of Tuther changed their moods because of Gu Huai's words, the silver-haired Zerg who had been standing beside them silently said at this moment, "Then I will give you the star of Tuther."

Alves' words made all the high-level Zerg who were familiar with him froze in place. They all knew that the temper of their leader was really not good, and most Zerg still had some emotions, and their leader was a kind of no-nonsense. The temperature is icy cold.

Because of this familiar ruthlessness, when the other party was willing to take the initiative to send a gift, this group of higher Zerg was extremely surprised.

Suddenly wanting to receive a planet as a gift, Gu Huai was stuck by the weight of the gift. He realized that he wanted to wave his hand and say no, but when he tilted his head, he saw the silver-haired Zerg next to him was slightly behind. Raising the silver-gray tail at the end, he nodded mysteriously.

For some reason, seeing the tail slightly raised, Gu Huai felt that Alves should be in a good mood now.

Are you in a good mood because you can give him a gift

When Alves bowed his head slightly, Gu Huai would look like a quiet and docile big cat to Gu Huai, so that when he saw the silver-gray tail moving up and down after nodding, Gu Huai didn't care. I resisted and touched it.

When he was still on the abandoned planet, Gu Huai had to admit that he coveted this tail, because it was too hot there, and this icy silver-grey tail was very comfortable to hold.

But because of embarrassment, Gu Huai didn't touch it at that time.

Now why can't I bear to touch it, mainly because the silver-haired Zerg next to him like a big cat makes Gu Huai feel a little... a little obedient.

Gu Huai didn't know why he had such a subtle feeling. It was obvious that the other party had an expressionless and indifferent look, but whether it was because he thought he didn't want the other party to get close, he took the initiative to disappear, or because he said he liked this planet and wanted to. Giving it to him made Gu Huai feel like he was being approached by a big cat.

This big silver cat is arrogant and indifferent. He doesn't know how to get close to people. At first, he only knows how to circle around the person he wants to get close to. After a while, he knows how to stretch his paws to touch it.

Sending a planet is probably like reaching out and touching it with a paw. Thinking of this, Gu Huai has no way to refuse.

Seeing that their king was touching their leader's tail, and their leader didn't resist at all, he didn't even frown and move his tail away.

The silver-haired Zerg whose tail was touched by the young man seemed to be comforted in some way, and remained motionless for a while. When the young man removed the hand that touched the tail, Alves said in a cold voice: "The planet occupied by the Legion is still there. Many, and others can be given to you if you want."

After saying this, Alves seemed to think of something, and added: "If it's not enough, planets of other races can also be occupied."

"No... No need, as long as Tuther Star is fine." Gu Huai hurriedly dismissed the opponent's idea, he didn't want a war at all, if possible, Gu Huai actually hoped to change the situation that the Zerg had no allies in the star.

Now there is no race in the entire interstellar that is willing to play with the Zerg, mainly because the Zerg itself has no desire to establish diplomatic relations with other races, and has always maintained absolute independence.

But according to Gu Huai's thought, who was once an earthling, if a country is compared to a country, a country will definitely suffer a loss if it does not establish diplomacy with other countries at all.

If something happens in the future, there will be no ally who can help, and there will be no effective communication in business, technology, and other aspects.

Gu Huai has a clear understanding of his current identity. He is standing in the position of the Zerg, hoping to make changes in his race, because he wants these unconditional Zerg to live better for him.

As a king, he has the ability to lead the race to make changes, but it needs to be done step by step. Now it's better to settle down on Tuther.

"Lord Alves' mansion is a little far from here, but it only takes half an hour to take the hover car. My subordinates will take you there now." I can't wait to let the young man settle in Tuther immediately, and the chief of staff can't stand it. The calm expression on the face.

"Okay." Gu Huai nodded.

Before leaving, Gu Huai approached the battleship. He said to the Yura battleship, whose sky-blue light was lit up because of his approach, "Next time you will take me out to play."

Originally, he was very reluctant to leave because of the young man's departure. Hearing Gu Huai's words, the Yura warship suddenly vibrated and made a clear voice.


"Click, click!"

Taking the hover car to a mansion with a huge area, Gu Huai was led by the chief of staff to a room on the first floor of this private territory.

This quantifier is not wrong, the seventh floor of this white mansion, the entire floor is counted as one room.

"The clothes you need will be delivered immediately. If you have any other needs, please be sure to tell the subordinates. No matter what it is, the subordinates will definitely complete it for you." The chief of staff said this. After Duanhua, he tried his best to control himself out of the room. Although he really wanted to continue to see, he couldn't keep bothering Wang.

Clothes, food, etc. are only the most basic. The chief of staff thought for a while and thought that he should search the collections of their legion to see if there was anything worth dedicating to the king, or something that could be used as a toy for their king.

Can the design and construction of the palace also begin, but what kind of palace should be built to be worthy of their king...

Just thinking about it, there are a lot of things to do. The chief of staff walked to the conference room of the military building with a blank face. For such an important matter, they must have a meeting immediately.

When the door was closed, Gu Huai lay down on the soft bed at once, and then in this lying position, looked at a group of Tucker Zerg who immediately approached the bed nervously to see him.

"We have a new home." Gu Huai met the pair of scarlet eyes around him, and squinted at the Tucker Zerg.

Then Gu Huai sat up again, raised his head and asked the largest Tucker Zerg, "Kalu, do you like it here?"

When he was on the abandoned planet, Gu Huai named the Taco Zerg guarding him one by one, and then he remembered the differences in each Taco Zerg and matched the names with them.

Hearing the young man say the two syllables "Karu", the Tucker Zerg headed by the young man already understood that it was the young man calling his name. It lowered its head and made a low hiss in response to the black-haired young man who was looking at it. .

For these Tucker Zerg, the place of life is not important, and they are already very happy to be able to continue to take care of the youth.

Although they are not as powerful as their counterparts who can advance to humanoid form, they also want to take care of their cubs. As long as the cubs need them, they will not hesitate to use their lives to protect them.

"Then we will live here in the future." Hearing the response, Gu Huai said with a smile, with his eyes bent.

One of the Zerg legions welcomed their king back. For this matter, the other three Zerg legions did not know about it, nor did all the other races in the interstellar space.

Like a sky quietly piling up clouds, the heavy rain that was about to fall was destined to catch them off guard.