I’m Not Human

Chapter 11: The eleventh day of not being human


For the Zerg who can adapt to the low temperature environment, cold clothing does not exist on their planet, because there is no such demand.

Therefore, they could not send some ready-made clothes to Gu Huai immediately, they could only make them immediately.

Gu Huai is now staying indoors, wearing a black military uniform jacket that is obviously wide, so he doesn't feel too cold.

Against the background of this large coat, the young man who stood by the window and looked out at the scene looked a little slender, his soft black hair was slightly messy, and his skin was fairer and more translucent under the falling sunlight.

When he was on the abandoned planet, through the small pool formed by the depression in the ground after the rain, Gu Huai had seen what he looked like after crossing.

Gu Huai was surprised that his current face was not much different from how he looked in the original world.

If there is any change, maybe it looks better...

Because he didn't pay much attention to his appearance, Gu Huai only thought uncertainly.

The fact is that the youth's appearance is very clear and handsome, and it is the kind of appearance that is easy to gain the favor of others. Although the facial features have not changed much, they are more noticeable.

The work efficiency of the Zerg is probably the highest among all the races in the interstellar space. Before Gu Huai waited too long, his winter clothes were delivered.

The one who came to give him the clothes was the high-level Zerg who used his supernatural powers to keep him warm at the airport. Gu Huai remembered that the other party was called Leo. This high-level Tuther had a pair of gray-white and sharp horns on his head. It is very easy to recognize among the seven high-ranking people.

"These are the cold-proof clothes prepared for you. The style refers to the daily clothes of other races. Do you like it?" When asked this question, the higher Zerg seemed a little nervous, and the vertical pupils were slightly constricted, as if worried about The youth in front of him would say he didn't like it.

In the Zerg, everyone from the legion commander to the ordinary soldiers wore black military uniforms, but when they were preparing clothes for Gu Huai, they felt that the cold-colored military uniforms were not suitable for their king.

Military uniforms are related to the battlefield. As long as they think of this, these higher Zerg are immediately extremely unhappy.

In a dangerous place like the battlefield, they would not let their king touch it at all.

If any race in the interstellar space wants to fight with them, then they will end the war in a place where the youth cannot see, and never allow the enemy to have the possibility of approaching their own king.

Young people can get hurt, and they can't stand just thinking about it.

Aware of the nervousness of the high-level Zerg in front of him, Gu Huai quickly nodded and gave a positive answer: "Yes."

Gu Huai has always had no requirements for the style of clothes, as long as it is comfortable to wear.

The main reason is that he has a face to support him, and no matter how he wears it, it will not be difficult to see where it goes. Gu Huai glanced at these new clothes and felt that the style was quite normal, similar to the ordinary winter clothes in his original world.

Gu Huai nodded, and the higher Zerg who had just shrunk his pupils slightly returned to a more relaxed state, and a little light appeared in the amber vertical pupils.

Like a small star that fell in the dark night, it was not dazzling, but it continued to exist.

Wang liked the clothes they gave.

After receiving such a response, Leo left the room happily, and even as soon as he went downstairs, he couldn't help but dialed the communication to the conference room of the Military Building and told the story as it was.

"As long as the king likes it, next time it's my turn to see the king."

"Pubano sap is ready, did Wang say when he wants to eat?"

"You should stay at the bottom first, and wait for the king to come out and ask him what other needs he has."

The four legions of the Zerg make other races retreat by three points in the interstellar space, and the seven Zerg who make up the highest council of Tuther are the core high-level personnel of the first legion, and their power status can be imagined.

But now in the conference room of the Supreme Council of Tuther Star, these high-level Tuther officials actually discussed this kind of thing that has nothing to do with government affairs, and the discussion was very serious and focused.

With new clothes, Gu Huai took off the large military uniform he was wearing.

This military uniform jacket was taken off and draped over his shoulders by Alves when he was in the hover car with him. Although this jacket did not carry any temperature due to the low body temperature of the Zerg, it also protected Gu Huai. Went for some cold wind.

Gu Huai took off the black military jacket he was wearing, and the Tucker Zerg guarding him immediately let out a low hiss.

If the cub doesn't wear more clothes, it will be cold in the current environment.

Because of this understanding, several Tucker Zerg raised their forearms almost immediately to pick up some thick-looking clothes, and then very carefully placed the clothes on Gu Huai's body.

One by one, Gu Huai looked at him with a piece of clothing on top of his head, looking at him with tears and laughter. These Tucker Zerg seemed to think that if he was covered like this, he would not be cold.

But Gu Huai didn't move at this time, and let these Tucker Zerg "dress" him. After they finished their work, he pulled the clothes off his head and raised his head to face the Tucker Zerg. Wen Sheng said, "It's not like this, and you don't need to wear so many pieces."

The Tucker Zerg who was looking at Gu Huai tilted its head, as if it didn't quite understand it.

In any case, as long as the young people don't feel cold, the idea of these Tucker Zerg is very simple.

To avoid these Tuckers worrying that he would be cold, Gu Huai changed his clothes as quickly as possible. After changing, he stood in front of these Tuckers: "That's good."

The cold and fierce scarlet eyes of the low-level Zerg stared at the young man. Anyone from other races would probably feel terrified in this scene, but Gu Huai found emotion in the pair of cold vertical pupils.

It is a kind of care and love that will make other races feel incredible. These Tucker Zerg take care of the young people in front of them as cubs, and also treat each other as cubs.

The changed black military jacket was lying on the bed. Gu Huai reached out and picked up the military jacket. He had to return the jacket to its owner.

Gu Huai walked down the stairs and saw that the Zerg who brought him clothes before was still standing outside, just as he needed to find someone to ask questions.

"Where is Alves now?" Gu Huai asked him.

Leo lowered his head, thought for a second and replied: "Master Alves should be in the study now, if you want to see him, your subordinates can..."

Before the next words could be said, the silver-haired Zerg mentioned in their conversation had already appeared in sight.

Because the military uniform jacket was taken off, the silver-haired Zerg is now wearing only a white shirt. Because of this kind of clothing, the other party's well-proportioned male body with smooth and beautiful muscular lines can easily be seen, not exaggerated but full of strength.

As an adult Zerg, Alves is tall and straight, even like a cold and sharp knife, even if he doesn't get close, he can feel the awe-inspiring aura of the opponent.

And because he was blindfolded, the other party's already handsome appearance suddenly had an indescribable strange beauty.

Seeing someone, Gu Huai quickly approached with the military jacket in his hand, and handed it to him: "Your jacket."

Alves took the military jacket and put it back on without a word. Gu Huai waited for the other party to put it on and glanced at it, and found that there was still something missing.

When his eyes moved to the other's waist, Gu Huai remembered that he was missing an outer belt.

Leo also noticed this, and he quickly said: "My subordinates will help you get it."

When Leo came back with Alves' outer belt, Gu Huai looked at the other party's blindfolded eyes, he thought about it, and took the belt from Leo's hand.

Bucking the belt should be a hassle if you can't see it.

Gu Huai took this outer belt and approached Alves, the blindfolded silver-haired Zerg did not move, and the young man approached to a very close distance from him.

Such a distance was enough for Alves to trigger an attack. It was too close, and no one who knew him would dare to approach this level.

But this attacking distance is obviously extra open to the youth in front of him.

To help the silver-haired Zerg in front of him buckle the belt, Gu Huai inevitably made a gesture similar to hugging each other, but it was only for a short time.

Alves was silent the whole time, but when the young man seemed to be close to snuggling into his arms, the cold silver-gray behind him stiffened for a second.

"Okay." Gu Huai took a step back and looked at his finished product, and lowered his eyebrows slightly in satisfaction.

At this moment, he just noticed the silver-gray tail behind the other party, and Gu Huai had a sudden idea.

Will it be cold if the tail is not wearing clothes

The Tucker Zerg who accompanied him did not wear clothes, but because it was the most primitive form of the Zerg, this form was more adaptable to the environment than the humanoid form.

The silver-haired Zerg in front of him was in humanoid form, but its tail was exposed in the cold air without any cover, so Gu Huai had this idea.

When this thought crossed his mind, Gu Huai asked the question directly without realizing it.

of course not.

Leo, who was standing not far away, was about to answer for his leader, but he heard the other person answer—

"Yeah." It was a low voice with a cold texture, and Alves didn't nod or shake his head clearly.

But of course this response was automatically understood by Gu Huai as affirmation. Thinking of the other party lending him his coat before, Gu Huai pulled out the hand that he had just put back in his pocket, and put both hands together on the other party's cold strip. on the tail.

"Then keep you warm."

But this tail was really too cold, and the temperature of Gu Huai's palm quickly dropped upon contact, and the silver-haired Zerg who noticed this also moved his tail away.

Although he was willing to be touched, Alves did not want to lose this temperature.

In winter, you can't touch this person with your tail.

The Zerg is a race that will follow its own desires, and because he does not want to hurt, Alves is restraining this desire.

Why do you want to cherish even though you don't have that instinctive desire to surrender...

It's not just that the world will become quiet after seeing the other party, but when he hears the other party's voice, he will have a deeper pursuit than instinct.

Want to see, want to get close, want to touch.

But this idea cannot be allowed from the first point.

Gu Huai's hands became empty, he blinked and looked at the removed tail, and saw the silver-haired Zerg in front of him bowing his head and pursing his lips slightly.

Gu Huai seemed to see a big silver cat trying to approach him again, but suddenly found that his claws were too sharp, so he lowered his ears and tail and stopped touching him.

Very nice.

Gu Huai, who had such an idea, could not help but coughed softly at this moment, and said, "It should be fine if I wear gloves after that."

This sentence made the silver-gray tail behind Alves suddenly raise a little, and noticing the noun in the youth's words, Alves took off the black gloves he was wearing and handed them over.

Also very coaxing.

Gu Huai glanced at the raised tail behind Alves, he took the gloves handed to him, and put them on simply.

The gloves are also a little bigger... Gu Huai compared himself with the silver-haired Zerg in front of him, and couldn't help but envy the latter's height and explosive body.

Although he changed the world, Gu Huai found that he had not grown taller, he was still 178 in height, and he couldn't reach the 180 line.

And the silver-haired Zerg in front of him must be 1.9 meters tall, at least half a head taller than him.

Gu Huai stayed in the room for a few hours. It was almost night now, and the sky was dark outside. At this time, he was taken to the hall on the first floor of the mansion.

For the Zerg who do not pay attention to material enjoyment, eating and sleeping are just a physiological need, so most Zerg will directly solve their daily feeding needs with nutrients.

It was also while preparing food for Gu Huai that these high-level Zerg suddenly thought that they... might need to learn to cook, or find a few chefs.

The first meal was prepared in a hurry. The chief of staff, who was supposed to handle important government affairs in his private office, stood in the makeshift kitchen, staring blankly at the ingredients with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

The glasses are a technological product that can view the star network and scan various documents anytime, anywhere, and the chief of staff is browsing some simple and easy-to-make recipes.

I don't know if these foods are nutritious enough and balanced together. After putting the food on the table, the chief of staff knelt down on one knee in front of Gu Huai with a guilty face: "I'm so sorry that I can only prepare food for you for the time being. This kind of food will be improved as soon as possible."

Gu Huai glanced at the table, and it could be called a rich dish. Although several of them looked like they were just boiled in water, this had already made Gu Huai very appetizing after eating egg shells for several days.

"It's already good." Gu Huai quickly shook his head, and then said seriously, "Thank you."

"If you like it, waiting for me is the greatest reward." The chief of staff stood up and bowed his head to the young man sitting on the main seat. "Your staple food will be delivered soon, please wait a moment."

staple food

Aren't these staples...

Gu Huai was puzzled, and within half a minute, he saw a high-level Zerg who was one of the high-level members of Tuther Star coming with a jar made of pure black crystals and a bottle of transparent liquid.

When the black crystal jar was opened, Gu Huai immediately smelled a familiar smell, and in front of him, the higher Zerg used a spoon to scoop out white powder from the crystal jar.

At this time, Gu Huai realized something.

After scooping three spoonfuls of powder into the cup, the other party also poured part of the transparent liquid in the bottle. After pouring two-thirds of the cup, the higher Zerg began to stir the powder with a spoon. glass of liquid.

It didn't take long for Gu Huai to see that the glass was filled with a milky white drink like milk.

Gu Huai: "..."

"The jar is filled with eggshell powder ground from your eggshell, and the eggshell powder is mixed with Pubano sap, which is more nutritious to drink," explained the chief of staff.

At this moment, the glass was moved to Leo's hand, allowing the opponent to precisely control the temperature with his ability. After confirming that there was no problem with the temperature, the glass containing the milky white liquid was pushed in front of Gu Huai.

Chief of Staff: "This is the best ratio and temperature, I hope it suits your taste."

Looking at this drink, which looked like special milk for babies no matter how you looked at it, and the expectant gaze of a group of Zerg around, Gu Huai was slightly stuck.

Although he already knew that his eggshells were going to be ground into milk powder, Gu Huai didn't expect that he would be surrounded by his own group of Zerg...

drink... drink milk?

Gu Huai looked at the cup of milk and fell into a subtle silence.