I’m Not Human

Chapter 13: The thirteenth day of not being human


When she first received that short-lived spiritual link, Kapalya's next action was to send troops out to find it.

It is true that only with that distant and short-lived spiritual link, Kapalia also cannot clearly realize how important the owner of this link is to her.

But women have always had an intuitive sense that told Kapalya that she should start looking, and she responded accordingly.

However, the dispatched troops have never been able to find the target, and Kapalya has not received a second spiritual link since then, so the intuition that she must seek gradually weakened in her heart.

until this moment.

Gu Huai was slightly stuck on another distant planet, mainly because he didn't know which of the three legion commanders he was linking to, and he didn't know what to call each other.

"Well, you... How are you?" Gu Huai couldn't help but be silent for a second as soon as he said the words, he felt that the opening remarks seemed a little embarrassing.

The voice that is conveyed to consciousness is clear and soft, not short and disappearing syllables, but complete words.

Because of hearing this voice, the female Zerg, who should have been able to perfectly control the power of her left hand in the shape of a sharp knife, shook her hand again. Lying on the ground torn apart.

The other advanced Zerg in the conference room didn't know what was going on.

In their cognition, although the leader of their second legion was born in the Tak Zerg, he rarely showed the fierce and violent side of the Tak Zerg. Instead, he was very calm. Even if he was angry, he showed the opposite of anger. .

Like the lava hidden under the ice, the rage in this calm state is even more terrifying for the enemy.

But now, the other Zerg in the conference room found that Kapalya's calm seemed to be shaken, and the shake was quite obvious.

Because the link is one-way, and the two sides are far away, Gu Huai couldn't know the reaction of the Zerg who received the link at this time.

After the somewhat awkward opening remarks, Gu Huai paused and decided to speak his mind directly.

"Would you like to come to Tuther? I'm on this planet, and I'd like to meet you if I can."

After saying this, Gu Huai waited for a while before cutting off the link, and then yawned involuntarily.

Gu Huai's eyes burst into some physiological tears, and the corners of his eyes were slightly flushed. He raised his hand and rubbed his eyes.

At this time, an overseas communication request that had never appeared before was sent to the terminal of the chief of staff next to him.

This communication request shows that the sender's coordinate location is the Rhine Galaxy-Tamir Star, and the chief of staff's expression became cautious. After seeing the silver-haired zerg nod to him, the chief of staff agreed to connect.

As soon as the communication was connected, a female Zerg with a frosty face appeared in the expanded communication screen.

The Zerg that can advance to humanoid form are generally not much different in appearance, and the female Zerg appearing in the communication screen at this time can be said to be very good-looking.

But this beauty is very cold and fierce, and people's first reaction when they see it is not appreciation, but fear.

After all, the other party is a Tucker Zerg, and it is an alpha-class Tucker Zerg. The name of this group alone has its own deterrent.

Through communication, Kapalya, who was staying on a distant planet, instantly caught a strange figure in the communication screen with her eyes.

The young man sitting next to the silver-haired Zerg has short, soft and fluffy black hair, with a few strands of hair that are not obediently curled up, showing a bit of cuteness in the mess.


The other higher Zerg in the conference room of Star Tamir looked at the communication screen together. They did not understand why their leader suddenly sent a communication to Star Tuther.

The four legions within their race remain independent of each other, and usually completely refuse to communicate with each other. If there is no friction, they will ignore anyone, but they will not question the decision of their superiors.

It's just that when they saw the black-haired young man in the seat from the video screen of the communication, these higher Zerg couldn't help but have doubts.

There is no Zerg feature on his body, and his pupils are also round. The young man sitting in the seat is a human no matter how he looks at it. But why did humans appear on Tuther and look like they were being entertained

The relationship between their species and humans is not so good—

But thinking about it this way, these advanced Zerg in the Tamil Star conference room somehow couldn't take their eyes off the young man in the communication screen.

As if there was a huge magnetic force attracting them, even the impact of the heart against the chest cavity was harder and harder, and finally it almost hit the eardrum with a bang.

It's a very strange feeling, even though it's not immediately recognizable because what they see is just a virtual image without a body, the strong racial instinct is still suggesting and telling them what the existence that appears before their eyes is.

Knowing the truth faster than the surrounding higher Zerg, when she noticed the wet and reddish corners of the eyes of the young man in the seat, Kapalya's most immediate reaction was anger, so her expression became extremely cold in an instant.

It is difficult for the Zerg to understand crying and tears, but Kapalya has an adjutant who is good at imitating human emotions, so she probably understands that for people of other races, crying and tears usually represent sadness.

It is because of the painful things that make you cry and cry.

"Why are you sad?" Asked in an almost bone-chilling tone, Kapalia fixed her gaze on the figure that appeared on the communication screen.

The left hand in the shape of a sharp knife cut a deep crack on the floor of the conference room. If you don't see how the conference room has been destroyed now, you might think that the other party is still very calm just from Kapaliya's expression.


Gu Huai was stunned for a moment at the other end of the communication, unable to understand why the other party thought so.

Gu Huai didn't respond immediately, and the female Zerg on the other end of the communication just waited quietly with a cold face.

After a few seconds, Gu Huai realized that it was probably because of the act of rubbing his eyes just now, so he quickly explained, "No... It's not that I'm sad, it's just that I'm a little sleepy."

Building a spiritual link consumes spiritual power, and Gu Huai's mental power at the cub stage is not allowed to be squandered casually.

But this does not mean that Gu Huai's current mental power is weak, on the contrary, compared with ordinary high-level Zerg, Gu Huai's current mental power is actually very good.

Being able to successfully establish a spiritual link with the target object between two planets so far apart is the best proof of the strong spiritual power. It's just that the power that the long-distance spiritual link needs to consume is too much for the current Gu Huai, which will lead to this result.

Hearing the answer, Kapalya frowned and thought for a few seconds before slowly softening the cold expression on her face.

The Zerg from the Tucker group are considered fierce and violent even among their peers, not to mention in the eyes of other interstellar races, but Gu Huai likes the Tucker Zerg very much, because when he first came to this world, he was surrounded by them. Protected by a group of Tucker Zerg, of course, will become dependent.

So when Gu Huai saw the female Zerg's left hand in the form of a sharp knife from the communication screen, he couldn't help but feel a little more intimacy.

I heard that most of the Tucker Zerg tribes above the delta level will choose to retain the sharp knife-shaped forearm as a racial characteristic when they advance to humanoid form. This is what Gu Huai heard from Alger.

If Karoo and the others can advance to humanoid form, it should be like this...

Gu Huai had this thought in his heart, and he turned his eyes to the Tucker Zerg guarding him. Almost as soon as he looked over, the Tucker Zerg lowered their heads and made a low hiss at him.

Does the cub want something

The Tucker Zerg who were touched by Gu Huai's sight naturally came up with this idea, so they made such a voice representing an inquiry.

Gu Huai could understand the meaning expressed by the Tucker Zerg, he shook his head gently, and smiled with his eyes bent.

It would be great if these Tucker Zerg could also advance into humanoid form and possess higher intelligence. The low-level Zerg did not have the ability to advance into humanoid form, which made Gu Huai feel regretful and sad.

Gu Huai hid this regret and sadness, looked up at the communication image and asked, "Would you like to come to Tusher?"

Although he had already asked through the spiritual link before, but because he did not hear the answer, Gu Huai asked again at this time.

Kapalya shifted her gaze to look at the silver-haired Zerg next to Gu Huai, and when she turned her gaze back to Gu Huai, she said, "My subordinate is now in the past."

"I will only bring the lowest fleet there, you can rest assured." Kapalya said coldly, and she said these words to the Zerg present other than the youth.

After the communication was over, Kapalya, who was facing the intense gazes of a group of subordinates who were looking forward to following in the conference room, turned her head to her adjutant and said, "Lisa, you go to Tuther with me."

"Yes." The named female Zerg replied with a smile. Compared with other Zerg, the other party seemed to have very rich expressions and emotions, which seemed a little out of place in a group of cold-faced Zerg.

"The rest of the candidates compete on your own, and set sail in ten minutes." Kapalya dropped these words and left the conference room.

In fact, she didn't want to wait ten minutes. Kapalya wanted to rush to Tuther immediately. Every second she waited, she felt the anxiety in her heart.

At the other end, because of this communication, the seven high-level executives of Tussing had a little thought in their hearts.

The leader of the Second Legion seems to have a good attitude towards the king, which is of course good, but...

Wang was found by their first legion first, and they still haven't been warmed up after they brought them back to Tuther.

It will take at least two days to come to Tuther from Tamir. During these two days, they will let all the Zerg on Tusi know that the king is staying on their planet. Before the other legions come, they will No matter what you say, you must first make the Zerg on your own planet happy.