I’m Not Human

Chapter 17: The seventeenth day of not being human


Is there anything more deadly than telling the leader's secret but getting caught, Alger felt that there was no such thing.

Alger is a relatively active type of Zerg, but this kind of activity is also very limited. At this time, his face is sullen, his expression does not show panic, but his body is slightly frozen.

At this time, Alves had already walked up to the two of them, and Alger tried to pretend to be a transparent person. He couldn't slip away, so he could only continue to bear the huge pressure from the leader on the scene.

Gu Huai didn't know Alger's mental activity. He looked at Alves who was approaching, and then turned his head to look at the fluffy, round Zerg cub in the image. The corners of his mouth curved more tightly. Obvious.

It's really... the difference is huge.

If it wasn't for Alger to show him this memory image, Gu Huai couldn't imagine what this indifferent, tall and handsome silver-haired Zerg would have looked like when he was a cub.

"It's cute." Gu Huai said with a smile. After speaking, he thought that most men are not happy to be praised as cute, so he hurriedly corrected, "It means that when you were young, it doesn't matter now."

In fact, the current Alves sometimes makes Gu Huai feel a little cute for no reason. that made him feel this way.

But Gu Huai didn't say this, because it was related to the self-esteem of men.

However, Gu Huai didn't know if it was his illusion. When he just finished saying "it doesn't matter now", he saw Alves pursed the corners of his lips, pursing the corners of his lips that had no curvature at all. Flatter line.

"Cute?" Alves looked at the image, his voice cold and low.

Gu Huai didn't look angry at the other party, so he nodded: "Yes, it's very cute."

Hearing Gu Huai's words, Alves' profile was slightly tense, and the indifferent expression on his face seemed to change slightly.

"But you only see the back, don't you see the front image?" Gu Huai blinked and asked Alger who was standing beside him.

Driven by the desire to survive a few minutes ago, Alger began to work hard to reduce his sense of existence. Now that he was asked by Gu Huai, he opened his mouth and couldn't answer right away.

In fact, there is a positive image, but Gu Huai mistaken Argel's brief silence as a positive meaning, so he showed a pity expression.

Zerg are plush creatures when they are young. During the growth period, they will gradually lose their fluff and grow the hard shell of the Zerg. When they reach adulthood, the Zerg above the delta level will evolve into a humanoid form that retains some racial characteristics.

The cub period of the Zerg is not long, so the period when the Zerg cubs are kept fluffy is actually very precious. It may only be a year or two that the cubs will not look like plush creatures.

The cub's original soft skin will then be covered with a cold hard carapace, and its size will grow rapidly, becoming dangerous and terrifying in the eyes of other races.

In this way, seeing the fluffy back of the cub is actually not bad. Gu Huai quickly changed his mind.

Before he could hear Argel say why Alves' nickname was related to his childhood cry, Gu Huai looked at the client in front of him and decided to ask him directly.

"Because the sound is like that." Alves lowered his eyes, not avoiding Gu Huai's question.

Who gave him this nickname? I don't know if it was because of the distant time or some other reason. Alves' memory of this matter is not clear.

Whether someone gave him this nickname when he was a cub, or whether he had this self-identification because of his own cries, Alves couldn't remember.

"Chiu Chiu... That's how you call it?" Gu Huai casually imagined the way Alves chirped when he was a cub. He suddenly couldn't look directly at the pair of pale golden pupils staring at him for a second.

This contrast is too big to be a bit foul.

Alger next to him wanted to slip away at this time. He did not forget that another legion commander who used this nickname to call him by imitating the other's voice in Alves' childhood was beaten down. .

Alger felt that of course his leader would not do anything to the king, but he was finished.

However, Alves didn't give his adjutant a glance at this time, just hummed a single voice: "Well."

Generally speaking, Zerg cubs are accustomed to making low hissing noises when they call, and Alves' calls in childhood can be said to be very special.

"It was really cute when it was a cub." Gu Huai couldn't help but lower his eyes.

Gu Huai's words only refer to "cute" in his childhood. When Alves heard the words, the expression on his stern face became more and more incomprehensible.

The word "cute" means to be endearing.

This word does not actually exist in the Zerg, but by substituting the interstellar common language, Alves can roughly understand the meaning of this word.

So the youth is telling him that he liked him in his childhood, and he doesn't like him now.

"Is it cute only when it is a cub?" Alves bowed his head slightly to Gu Huai.

Gu Huai didn't react for a while, but after a while, he saw the other party lowered his eyes and asked, "Aren't you cute now?"


Gu Huai was stunned for a second. He looked at the expressionless expression of the silver-haired Zerg in front of him and asked this sentence with an emotionless voice. For a while, he didn't know whether to answer yes or no.

After hesitating and thinking for a while, Gu Huai tentatively replied, "Now... cute?"

After saying these words, Gu Huai carefully observed Kialves' expression, and was ready to change his words immediately when he observed any unhappy behavior from the other party.

But after Gu Huai finished answering like this, he saw that Alves relaxed the corners of his pursed mouth slightly, and the silver-gray tail behind him also flicked up and down.

Seeing that Alves was not unhappy, Gu Huai was relieved, and found that the other party didn't mind being praised as cute, so Gu Huai didn't have to worry that he would accidentally praise the wrong word in the future.

"How do you feel today, you still feel uncomfortable when you go to the military?" Gu Huai sat down and asked.

"It's about the same as before." In response, Alves lowered his gaze to glance at the strap on his left wrist.

Now Alves will consciously take off his blindfold when he comes back to Gu Huai's side, and the black bandage is untied and tied around his wrist.

It is almost the same, but after experiencing the quiet feeling, and then experiencing the noise and the irritability that needs to be suppressed, the pain becomes even more unbearable.

Gu Huai thought for a while and said, "Then think about me when you're bored outside? Wouldn't that make it easier?"

Although he didn't know the specific principle of this soothing effect, Gu Huai didn't mind being the other side's tranquilizer if it could ease Alves' pain.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was stared at by a pair of light golden vertical pupils for a while. Gu Huai always felt that in these eyes, his reflection seemed to be getting clearer and clearer, and after a while, he heard the other person reply in a low voice: " it is good."

Flowers are beautiful, but very fragile things, and Alves gained this realization during the process of picking up a flower on the star of Nome.

After the flower in his heart opened, it bloomed more and more beautifully, and Alves did not know how to reject this beauty.

This is the most beautiful and precious flower in the world, because Alves is aware of its preciousness, so Alves does not dare to reach out and touch the petals at will. You can only stand by and watch the growth of this flower quietly.

But what should I do when I really want to touch it, and what should I do so that I won't hurt the other person when I touch it, and I won't be rejected and hated

Alves looked down at the black-haired young man nearby. After a while, he moved his eyes away and said to Alger next to him, "Follow me to the study."

Alger's expression froze slightly, thinking that what should come is always coming, and nodded.

But in the end, Alger followed anxiously to the study, but he was not held accountable for anything, but was thrown away with some matters that needed to be dealt with, and it was business as usual.

In the original world, Gu Huai had the habit of taking naps, and this habit was maintained after he came to this world.

Without going back to the room, Gu Huai lay down directly on the sofa in the hall, found a comfortable position and was ready to sleep.

"I'll sleep for a while." Gu Huai said to the Tucker Zerg guarding around him, and he closed his eyes after hearing the low hiss in response.

After Gu Huai fell asleep, two Tucker Zerg used their sharp forearms to carefully pick up the small quilt next to them, and then lightly covered the quilt over Gu Huai together.

Gu Huai slept for a long time in his nap, and this time he woke up after only 30 minutes of sleep.

When he woke up, he found that there was an extra layer of quilt on his body, and Gu Huai quickly understood that it was the Tucker Zerg around him that covered him.

Just woke up and still drowsy, Gu Huai didn't notice the obvious bulge of the quilt and the extra weight on his legs.

When Gu Huai woke up and moved his leg a little, he watched the bulging part of the quilt start to move, and at the same time Gu Huai could feel the weight on his leg starting to move towards his upper body.

Within two seconds, an unknown creature with round and shallow golden vertical pupils emerged from the quilt and pressed against Gu Huai's chest.

At this moment, Gu Huai happened to meet the golden eyes of this unknown creature, and at the same time saw the small silver-gray tail dragging behind him.

Gu Huai was stuck for a moment, these two characteristics are too obvious, and he just saw the relevant video not long ago.


Before Gu Huai could react, the Zerg cub with only a small silver-gray tail made a cry at him while looking at him.

The author has something to say: "Am I cute?" (Do you like me?)

"Cute." (Like.)

Chirp Translator

But 'cute' does mean 'lovable'