I’m Not Human

Chapter 19: The nineteenth day of not being human


Gu Huai's situation where he couldn't see Alves lasted for a day. After he woke up, the other party appeared beside him as usual.

After one or two days of observation, Gu Huai felt that the two Legion Zerg on the Tusor star got along peacefully and friendly, and there was no repulsion between each other, and the speed of accepting each other was faster than he imagined.

After thinking about this matter, Gu Huai decided to go to the Military Building.

"Hold." After walking out of the gate of the mansion, Gu Huai turned around and opened his hands to the Tucker Zerg who followed him out.

It wasn't that Gu Huai was too lazy to walk, but he found that these Tucker Zerg especially liked to let him sit on his shoulders and take him to see the world, so he did it.

These Tucker Zerg have now understood that when Gu Huai opened his hands and uttered the syllable "hold" to them, he meant to hold them on his shoulders.

So the leading Tucker zerg lowered its body slightly, stretched out its sharp forearm and carefully picked up the young man standing nearby and placed it on its left shoulder.

Carrying Gu Huai, this huge Tucker Zerg with a terrifying appearance let out a low hiss from the throat, and the cold scarlet eyes seemed to be slightly brighter, which was obviously happy.

The military building and Alves' mansion were not very far away, so Gu Huai was carried by the Tucker Zerg all the way.

On the way, Gu Huai glanced at the sky, and then said to the Tucker Zerg carrying him, "When it snows, let's come out and watch the snow."

The snow has been slow to fall, and the sky has been brewing for several days.

It's not that the Tucker Zerg who lived on the abandoned planet did not experience snow, but they didn't know that it was "snow".

The winter of the abandoned planet is much colder than that of Tusor. When the guarded baby eggs have not broken their shells, every winter, these Tucker Zerg will go outside in advance to find some huge and soft leaves.

Then take the leaves back to the cave, and gently cover the large white egg lying quietly.

They don't feel cold, but instinctively worry that the cubs still conceived in their eggshells will freeze.

Although he didn't know what snow was, after hearing Gu Huai's words, the Tucker Zerg still responded.

"It's time to build a snowman like Karoo." Gu Huai said, patted the Tak Zerg carrying him on the shoulder, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

The Tucker Zerg who heard his name narrowed his vertical pupils slightly, thinking that it was the cub's call to it, so it continued to make a clearer hiss from its throat to prevent Gu Huai from thinking that it didn't hear it.

The military building has a total of seventeen floors, the conference room is on the sixteenth floor, and the top floor is Alves' private office, but Alves, who has left most of his work to the chief of staff, hardly gets in and out of this office. That's it.

The second time he walked into this towering white giant building, as soon as Gu Huai entered the military building, he was greeted by a circle of high-level Zerg.

All the Zerg stopped their work at hand, and some even left their posts and followed him, the more they followed.

When Gu Huai got on the elevator, he reluctantly watched a group of advanced Zerg who wanted to follow him into the elevator looking at him from the elevator door.

Although the space for the elevator is very large, the Tucker Zerg around Gu Huai still occupied the space, so there was this scene.

Gu Huai came to the military headquarters to tell Alves and other high-level personnel that he wanted to contact the other two legions now. Because he had the highest authority, Gu Huai went all the way to the conference room without hindrance.

As soon as he entered the conference room, Gu Huai first saw the cold and solemn expressions of the chief of staff and other high-level executives, and then he was stunned by the content displayed on the virtual screen suspended on the conference table—

[The 10th Interstellar Cutest Creature Selection]

This seemed to be a voting page, and Gu Huai saw his name in the second position, followed by a long list of numbers of votes.

Gu Huai: "..."

Gu Huai's arrival was immediately noticed by the Zerg in the conference room, not only the high-level executives of Alves and Tuther, but also Kapaliya and several of her confidants and subordinates. Throw it on Gu Huai.

"Your Majesty, why are you here?" the chief of staff asked, and quickly placed another chair next to the main seat that belonged to Alves alone, so that Gu Huai could have a seat.

Although Gu Huai was the new owner of Tuther Star, the chief of staff would not let Gu Huai worry about the troublesome matters of planetary affairs.

"I'm going to tell you guys, I'm going to contact the other two legions..." Gu Huai said, his eyes couldn't stop drifting to the virtual screen on the conference table, especially when he saw that his votes were still growing, Gu Huai's expression become more and more subtle.

If it was before, the chief of staff would definitely hope that Gu Huai would contact him later. On the one hand, he did not want the Zerg from other legions to distract Gu Huai's attention. what action.

But seeing the attitude of the Second Army towards Gu Huai and the ongoing voting, the chief of staff said decisively at this time, "This subordinate will follow your wishes."

Alves let Gu Huai do whatever he wanted to do from the very beginning, and didn't say anything at this time, but Kapalia, the commander of the second army, bowed her head to Gu Huai and said, "This subordinate is putting The elite troops are transferred to Tuther, and they will be there in about a day, so you don't have to worry about anything."

At the beginning, it was to express her sincerity, so Kapalya only brought the minimum fleet. Now that the senior management of Tuther Star has trusted her attitude towards Gu Huai, they naturally don’t mind Kapalya’s transfer of elite troops. Come to Tucci.

The more garrison forces used to protect the king, the better, they will protect Gu Huai in the safest place.

What Kapalia means by saying this is that even if there are rebels in the other two legions, they can suppress them, so Gu Huai can do whatever he wants.

To establish a spiritual link to two different distant planets at the same time, Gu Huai is now able to do this, but before establishing the link, Gu Huai really wants to understand one thing.

"What is this?" Gu Huai asked, pointing at the virtual screen on the conference table.

The chief of staff pushed his glasses and replied, "It's a selection published by an association affiliated to the Star Alliance on the Star Network. I heard that the selection results have a high degree of recognition in the stars."

For the first place voted in this selection, merchants of all races in the interstellar will be happy to launch various types of peripherals related to it, and it turns out that the sales are indeed very good.

Due to the biodiversity in the interstellar space, this voting option is set to be added by oneself, and the added option can also be selected by others. The option "Gu Huai" was added by a Zerg.

"..." Gu Huai was silent for two seconds. He carefully read the title of the selection again, and then glanced at the name that he was hanging in the second place. For a while, he didn't know what to say.

"Each StarNet account can vote once a day. The current first place is always when we push you to the first place, and it will overtake you after a while. My subordinates were discussing this matter with others just now. ." When he said this, the chief of staff's cold and solemn face frowned rarely, and he was obviously not satisfied with the result.

The cutest creature in the universe, that is of course their king.

When Gu Huai didn't enter the conference room, the senior executives sitting around the conference table almost missed a hole in the virtual screen.

What kind of creature is "Patch"

Why can they overtake their king's votes so many times

The Zerg of the two legions have been voting for the past few days, but the votes have been overtaken many times, which made the Zerg soldiers of the two legions even start to think about whether they will put this creature called "Pachi" in the interstellar space. Extinction, then their king is not the cutest.

Thinking this way, these Zerg soldiers didn't feel that there was anything wrong with their robber logic, and even seriously thought about the feasibility.

The soldiers of the First and Second Legions on the Zerg side were not happy, but at this time, the large number of Patch lovers and melon eaters in the interstellar space were also confused.

What biological species is "Gu Huai", why haven't they heard of it?

As the most popular domestic pet in various families in the interstellar space at present, Patch has won the championship for three consecutive times, and they have won several times the overwhelming number of votes.

As a result, I suddenly encountered such a difficult situation this time, and it seemed that the first place was not guaranteed, forcing fans to vote every day, which was barely able to stabilize the ranking.

As for Gu Huai, the person involved, he was speechless after listening to the chief of staff's answer.

No... why are you seriously discussing this kind of thing in the military conference room?

"Actually, you don't need to care so much about this vote, I..." Gu Huaigang wanted to euphemistically express that he was not interested in the first place in the selection, but before he finished speaking, he saw the chief of staff suddenly raise his head.

"No." The chief of staff's expression became even more solemn, showing a firm attitude in front of Gu Huai for the first time.

Not only the chief of staff, but Gu Huai looked at the equally serious expressions of the other high-level Zerg present, he was silent, and finally decided helplessly to let the Zerg of his two legions do this.

"I'll contact the other two legions now." Gu Huai reluctantly moved his eyes away from the selection page. He closed his eyes to allow himself to immerse himself in the spiritual realm more quickly, and then quickly found the other two very special fields in the realm. Conspicuous bright spot of light.

Select, confirm—establish link.

At this time, on the two planets with hugely different environments, the owners of the two planets responded by constricting their pupils at almost the same time.

In this one-way spiritual link, Gu Huai used the same opening remarks as last time, and also expressed his desire to meet, and asked the other party if he would like to come to Tuther.

The responses of the two were exactly the same as the previous Kapalya, and they both sent a communication request directly to Tuther in the next second.

In the connected communication, Gu Huai saw two high-level Zerg with very different images.

One was almost as large as the Tucker Zerg beside Gu Huai, with extra hard outer armor covering his body, and his appearance looked a bit vicious.

The other was normal, with a cold and handsome appearance. The other was wearing a rather complicated white robe. At this time, his eyebrows were cold and his expression was calm.

"Are you willing to come and see me?" Gu Huai asked.

The huge Zerg in the communication video showed his loyalty to Gu Huai almost immediately, the army commander lowered his head to Gu Huai without hesitation, and said in a deep voice, "Simoduo, obey your orders. ."

Compared with other Zerg tribes, the Zerg of the Kamu tribe are average in all abilities, but Simoduo believes that they will not lose to any other tribe except for their loyalty to the king.

Their group has the ability to consume life force in exchange for a terrorist explosion, and they are also the only group that can use self-destruction as a means of killing the enemy, and if it is to protect the king, they will not be stingy with their own lives.

It can be said that the Zerg of the Kamu group usually look ordinary, but once someone threatens Gu Huai, they will be as crazy as the Tucker Zerg who have entered a state of rage.

"Follow your will." In another communication image, a calm and cold voice also came over.

The owner of the voice also has golden vertical pupils representing the alpha class, but the golden color of these eyes is extraordinarily light, and the things that come into the eyes of the other party seem to be illusory.

And at least when looking at Gu Huai, the illusory things in these eyes became close to the real.

The four commanders of the Zerg happened to belong to different ethnic groups, and Ai, the commander of the third legion, was born in the Isado ethnic group.

The Zerg who were born in the Isador group have strong spiritual power. The soldiers of this group are better at using abilities to destroy the enemy than melee attacks, and Ai's special talent ability is precognition.

This precognitive ability allows Ay to always see a second or two into the future, so his eyes are not fixed on reality.

But when facing Gu Huai, he hoped to be able to see the existing reality.

It was also at the moment of seeing it that Ai understood what the precognition dream that he could not understand once represented.

In addition to the very short predictions, Ai sometimes sees the distant future through dreams, and he once dreamed of a scene related to Gu Huai.

At that time, he couldn't see Gu Huai's face in the precognition dream, but now, Ai has completed the image of the young man in the dream.

As long as it is a Zerg, no matter which ethnic group or legion it belongs to, it will definitely love the king deeply. Seeing the four legions that are about to be unified due to the appearance of Gu Huai, the chief of staff and several other senior Tussers are aware to and acknowledged this.

In this case-

The chief of staff pushed his glasses and immediately sent the voting page to the two army commanders.

They can't vote with the two legions, can the four legions vote together

Gu Huai, who watched this scene helplessly: "..."

Obviously it is such a serious picture of racial unity, why is the style of painting suddenly changed

Gu Huai fell into silence again, and about ten minutes later, the people of all ethnic groups in the interstellar who were following this annual selection activity were stunned as they watched the number of votes for the second place suddenly start to skyrocket, surpassing the first place in a short while, and directly ended up with almost Double the number of votes to the top.

People who eat melons: "?"

Patch lovers: "???"

How can they still fight

Watching the competitors suddenly double the number of votes, the Patch fans in Interstellar were speechless.

So the result is settled.

[The 10th Interstellar Cutest Creature Selection]

First place: Gu Huai

2nd place: Patch

3rd place: Elisabeth

So who will tell them what kind of creature "Gu Huai" is? ?

At this time when they didn't know that the Zerg gave birth to a king, many people of various races in the interstellar who were confused in this selection have already memorized Gu Huai's name.