I’m Not Human

Chapter 22: The twenty-second day of not being human


As to how this scene happened now, things have to start from ten minutes ago.

This type of ability of space transfer is quite rare in the entire interstellar space, and Shen Mu happens to be one of the few owners. This kind of ability needs to consume a lot of mental power every time it is used, and the distance of the transfer is very small. The farther away, the greater the consumption of mental power.

During the time when they were taken prisoner by the Black Sand Star Thief Group, Shen Mu and Hamer were interrogated for several consecutive days. They were exhausted just by coping with the interrogation, and instead they were eating in the Tusor Star Prison. During more than half a month in prison, they had a chance to recuperate.

After recovering and accumulating enough mental power, the first thing that the two people who were imprisoned by the Zerg in the small room thought of was of course planning to escape.

Although they were detained for more than half a month, they were neither tortured to extract confessions nor suffered any abuse, and they ate very peacefully and steadily, but they were human beings after all.

There is no friendly relationship between humans and Zerg, and these Zerg can't be kind enough to let them go, and they won't even consider taking them to the Earth Federation to negotiate exchange conditions.

Their fate as captives on this planet is to be killed by the Zerg in addition to being locked up to death. Since there is no good outcome, it is better to fight for luck.

Because he had never set foot on Tuther, and was locked in a room without seeing the external environment, Shen Mu's space transfer could only be transferred to a random location.

This is the time to fight for luck. If they don't encounter the Zerg at the randomly teleported location, they can successfully proceed to the next escape plan.

However, the results of this space transfer show that the two of them seem to be a little unlucky.

Now in front of them, one, two, three... There are probably more than twenty Tucker Zerg surrounding them, and this group of Tucker Zerg did not know why they were completely provoked. At this time, they were visibly entering in a state of rage.

Is it because they saw these three human beings

Even if the relationship between the two races is not good, what's the matter, they are violent as soon as they meet?

When Hamer found out that the youth he subdued was not a Zerg but a human, he quickly relaxed his hold on the opponent's hand, although the scene was extremely tense, he couldn't help but scolded: "Grass, there is I'm not mistaken, when it's not good to meet a compatriot, but at this time-"

They moved randomly in space, and they met a human on Tuther, one of the base camps of the Zerg. Is this luck

There is no joy in meeting their compatriots. The planet they are on now is the territory of the Zerg. It is not a happy thing to see their compatriots here, because they may all have to die here.

From Gu Huai's point of view, he was suddenly pushed to the ground by the person who fell from the twisted space. It happened so suddenly that it took him a while to react.

Gu Huai also didn't expect that the first time he saw a human after he came to this world would be in such a scene.

"How did you escape from prison, are you also a space power user?" At the same time as asking this question, Hamer quickly used his power to build a defensive barrier around him. He grabbed the wrist of the young man next to him Pulled up from the ground, when he asked, his eyes looked closely at the Tucker Zerg surrounded by him.

Although it is an interrogative sentence, Hamer has basically identified this matter, because this incident cannot have a second explanation.

"Hmm..." Gu Huai replied vaguely.

Knowing that the two people in front of him were treating him as a human being, Gu Huai quickly considered the pros and cons of the matter, and he did not deny the other party's guess.

If they regarded him as a human being, they would not take the initiative to attack him, which would make it easier for him to deal with the situation.

When the two fell down, one of them just smashed onto the snowman Gu Huai had just built. The snowman was smashed on the spot so that the prototype could not be seen, and the two red gems that were originally inlaid on it as eyes also fell. Can't see in the snow.

After being pulled up, Gu Huai saw a glass ball falling out of his clothes pocket at his feet.

Now this scene is still very safe for Gu Huai, he likes this glass ball very much, so his first reaction is to bend down to pick it up.

"You're going to die here, you're still in the mood to pick up something—" Out of the corner of his eye, he saw what was picked up by the young man beside him. A tone, "Energy crystal?!"

Hearing this sentence, Gu Huai glanced at the glass ball in his hand doubtfully.

Isn't this thing just an ordinary glass ball

Gu Huai remembered that he looked at the glass ball more than once, and Alves put the glass ball in his hand without a word. Gu Huai always thought that it was just a gem or something.

Probably because Gu Huai's suspicious eyes were a little obvious, the human officer with blond hair and blue eyes beside him was speechless.

"These Tuckers are surrounding you because you stole the energy crystal they were guarding." Hammer took the energy crystal from Gu Huai's hand and glanced at it, his expression changed slightly.

The purity of this energy crystal is not generally high. There are not many energy crystals of this grade in the entire interstellar space. One may be worth an A-level planet, which is obviously not something that an ordinary person can have.

Although it is said that people live for money and birds die for food, Hammer is really convinced now. How can someone go to steal an energy crystal instead of thinking about how to escape from this planet after a successful escape from prison?

Especially since the other party didn't even know that it was an energy crystal, he probably thought it was a gem or something. Hamer felt that the compatriot next to him was the most expensive person he had ever seen.

At this moment, Hammer saw dozens of Tucker Zerg separated by his defensive barrier staring at the energy crystal in his hand with violent eyes for a moment. They seemed to be further irritated. A menacing low growl.

These two humans not only pinned the cub they were looking after to the ground, but now they dared to snatch the toy ball from the cub's hands in front of their eyes!

Either of these two things is enough to make these Tucker Zerg furious, but because the enemy is too close to Gu Huai, these Tucker Zerg who have entered a state of rage with extreme anger did not attack easily.

it is as expected.

Looking at the reactions of these Tucker Zerg, Hammer was more certain of his thoughts.

Even though they understood that they were in an unsafe state now, the years of education they had received in the Earth Federation's military academy made Hammer stand up at this time, pulling the black-haired youth next to him behind him to block him.

As a soldier, you must protect the people.

But it's good that it doesn't stop. When it stops, the vertical pupils of the Tucker bugs, who were only making a threatening sound, are scarlet with blood.

"It would be better if you let me go quickly." Even if he didn't feel his emotions, Gu Huai knew that the Tucker Zerg around him must be very angry right now, the kind of rampant anger that it was difficult for him to calm down.

With his wrist still being pulled, Gu Huai can only come out from behind the person blocking him, try his best to let his parents see him, and hope this will make them less angry.

In fact, it's not that Gu Huai can't solve this situation by himself. When the people next to him are unprepared for him, if Gu Huai uses his mental power to directly attack the spiritual realm of the person who is dragging him, there is a high probability that he will be able to go smoothly. succeed.

But Gu Huai didn't do this, because, judging from the performance of these two people who still wanted to protect him in such a dangerous situation, he felt that these two people should be considered good people with admirable qualities.

Gu Huai still can't accurately recognize the mental power he possesses. If he casually attacks a person who is completely unguarded by him, he might make the other party never regain consciousness.

"Don't move!" It was already very laborious to maintain the defensive barrier, and Hammer immediately slammed and stopped when the young man behind him was making trouble.

As soon as he finished saying this to the young man in a stern tone, Hammer immediately saw the group of Tucker Zerg in front of him open their mouths with sharp teeth, and roared at him with a hoarse voice even louder than his.

Hamer was slightly stunned by this roar. To be honest, he felt that this group of Tucker Zerg was a bit strange, surrounded them but did not attack, as if he was worried about something.

In theory, low-level Zerg don't think too much when facing the enemy, they will only enter the battle immediately, and they don't have the habit of making such a threatening growl before the battle.

This human first knocked down the cub and snatched the cub's toys, and now he scolds the cub under their care—

If Gu Huai hadn't been dragged by the human in front of him, the Tucker Zerg would have swarmed up immediately, using their sharp forearms to cut through the defensive barrier, and then using their teeth to tear the opponent's body into pieces.

"Shen, are you okay?" Hammer nervously maintained the barrier. He didn't know why the Tucker Zerg didn't attack, but it was a good thing for them who needed to buy time.

It is impossible for humans to run past the Zerg with two legs, so when he found that he was surrounded by this group of Tucker Zerg, Hammer took the initiative to build a defensive barrier to buy time for Shen Mu to make the next space transfer.

Random teleportation and encountering a swarm of tak zerg is really bad luck, but it's not the worst case.

Because one thing is very lucky, these Tucker Zerg are only low-level Zerg, without much wisdom, as long as they use space to transfer away again, these Tucker Zerg who have lost their target will no longer care about them.

"Give me another three seconds." Shen Mu replied from behind.

Gu Huai didn't see what was happening behind him. When he heard this sentence, he was suddenly carried on his back by the person standing in front of him.

Then the three-second countdown, and when the sound of the nearby space being torn apart, Hammer jumped into the twisted space crack without hesitation.

When the three people in the defensive barrier all entered the space crack, the artificially created distorted space disappeared instantly, and only a group of Tucker Zerg were left on the scene.

The second space transfer is complete—

Using space transfer twice in such a short time interval was still overloaded with one more person. Shen Mu's face was pale and ugly at this time.

"This place is safe for the time being." Confirming that there were no Zerg around, Hammer relaxed his nerves that had been tense for a long time.

Shen Mu also glanced around, he thought calmly and said, "Next, we need to confirm the direction of the airport..."

Usually, there will be a very tall tower-shaped building near the airport, and they can use this building as a pointer to find out the location of the airport.

Generally speaking, soldiers stationed at the airport will carry mecha buttons on their bodies, in order to respond to the battle situation at any time, and the ultimate goal of their escape plan this time is to grab a mecha button from a single Zerg soldier.

If they were to assign a difficulty level to the mission, their escape mission would definitely be classified as sss-level nightmare difficulty, not to mention that they had to run away with an ordinary person who had no ability.

Facing this unexpected change in the situation, Gu Huai was at a loss for words. He just thought about how to peacefully mediate the issue, but he didn't expect that the other party would directly lead him to a space transfer.

He was still being carried and didn't put it down. In this posture, the necklace Gu Huai was wearing around his neck dropped from the clothes to the outside.

"This is... a mecha button??" Hamer was amazed. How many treasures is there on the man he is carrying. Isn't this mecha button what they all dream of now-?

With this mecha button, they can leave the planet in no time!

The mecha button on Gu Huai's body was still given to him by Alves, but he has basically been hanging it as a necklace as a decoration, so far he has not had the chance to use it.

It's not difficult to understand the idea of the two of them wanting to drive the mecha to escape from Tusher, but Gu Huai thinks that he may not be able to satisfy the two of them.

After all, this mecha button was given to him by Alves, he couldn't give it to others casually, and it was impossible for him to leave Tuther with these two people.

However, just when Gu Huai was about to establish a spiritual connection, a familiar sense of sleepiness came to him at this extremely inappropriate time.

Gu Huai wanted to keep himself awake, but just like every time in the past, he couldn't resist this instinctive sleepiness.

"Sleep, sleep?" Hammer was shocked. What kind of god-like figure was he carrying on his back

This heart is as big as a planet. When escaping for life in the Zerg base camp, he can actually sleep like this-? !

"..." Shen Mu, who had a calm expression next to him, was also stunned.

Before the shock was over, the sense of urgency that had to race against time made Hamer hurriedly summon the silver mecha in the mecha button, open the cockpit without stopping for a second, and the three of them entered the cockpit together.

This silver mecha gave Shen Mu a faint sense of familiarity, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but the current urgent situation did not allow him to think about it.

"Great, this mecha can make a leap!" Hammer said this sentence almost in surprise.

Mechas with the ability to jump are very advanced creations. Ordinary mechas do not have the ability to jump, so they can escape from this planet 100%!

Using the mecha button as a key to activate the mecha, in this remote forest covered with snow, the force field distortion occurred around the successfully activated silver mecha.

In the next second, this cold and beautiful silver mecha disappeared into the forest.

Ten seconds before that, the Tucker Zerg who were left in the courtyard of the mansion lost their rationality almost in an instant, and the most precious and important treasures they guarded were stolen right in front of them, which made these Tucker Zerg can not accept.

These Tucker Zerg stood in place and made a sound almost like a scream from their throats. This sound wave quickly spread to a fairly wide range, and soon other Zerg who heard the sound received the message. information.


So in the conference room of the Military Building, the expensive Heqi stone long table ushered in its disaster again.

With a loud "bang", this long table that was supposed to be incomparably sturdy was directly shattered into powder in the conference room, and every Zerg expression in the conference room was so cold that it froze the air.

"Block the whole territory." Alves, who stood up from the main seat, said expressionlessly.

Alves' eyes were covered by a black bandage, but even if he didn't look in his eyes, he could tell from the other person's voice that there was no warmth at this time, and the profile of his face looked terrifyingly cold.

The planet turned on the highest level of alert mode, and the sound of the alarm resounding through the planet made the two humans who had just successfully left the planet Tuther by driving the mech couldn't help but jump.

what the hell

Shouldn't this alarm be because of them

The planet's highest-level alert mode is not just turned on. Once this mode is turned on, it means that the planet has entered a state of complete preparation for war. At this time, all the military forces on the planet will be dispatched without reservation.

Is it because the three captives were missing, this group of Zerg engaged in such a big battle—

How can they be?

Bewildered, they had to keep running. Before they were found, Hamer hurriedly drove the mech to make several jumps. They had to leave at least several galaxies before they could feel relieved.

Although they really want to go back to the Earth Federation, they now have to find a planet to supply the mecha with energy. After all, the mecha is not as good as a battleship, and multiple jumps will consume energy very quickly.

In the end, he was still frightened by the exaggerated battle of the Zerg before. Hammer carefully chose a small planet that was six galaxies away from Tuther.

They have all run so far, those Zerg will definitely not bother to chase them anymore...

To be honest, the three prisoners of them had no particularly important value. Normally, they ran away. Thinking of this, Hamer felt at ease again.

On the planet Tuther, the Zerg who were extremely angry because they lost their most precious treasures are now fully prepared for the battle. Countless Yura battleships are assembled above the planet, and the number is large enough to completely cover the sky and cast a huge shadow on the ground.

And that's just the strength of a legion.

"My troops will be here soon," Kapalya said coldly. She looked calm, but the fact that her left hand in the shape of a sharp blade had destroyed the ground beyond recognition was enough to explain the actual situation.

This day also happened to be the day when the other two Zerg legions arrived at Tuther. The Zerg soldiers of the 3rd and 4th legions were very happy to see their king on Tuther, and they had not arrived during the voyage. When the time came, they were already looking forward to it.

But as a result, after they arrived at Tuther, the following dialogue occurred-

They: "Where's the king?"

The Zerg of Tuther: "Kidnapped by two humans."

There is no need to say anything superfluous, the Zerg soldiers of the Third Army and the Fourth Army automatically joined the team.

In terms of the entire interstellar history, this is probably the first time that the Zerg has truly dispatched an entire army.