I’m Not Human

Chapter 23: The twenty-third day of not being human


The black Yura warships clustered outside the Tusor star, and the number was so large that it could block the planet, and if it was observed from a distance, it would make the person watching it mistakenly think that it was a movable giant black hole.

The entire Nordra galaxy where Tuther star is located is the territory of the Zerg. To say which forces in the entire interstellar are most concerned about the movement of the Zerg, it is undoubtedly the races that live in adjacent galaxies.

Having a dangerous neighbor is like living in an earthquake zone. Most people are reluctant to leave their home despite knowing the potential danger. Then they can only pay more attention to their neighbors, and if something happens, they can prevent it in advance.

And on this supposedly sunny day, the three races that lived next to the Nordra galaxy as neighbors of the Zerg suddenly realized that their neighbors might give them a ten-magnitude earthquake.

Countless Yura battleships have gathered, and the number of these icy and terrifying black battleships is even further increasing, and the number has long exceeded the size of a legion.

When this was discovered, the high-level leaders of these races were all nervous, and they convened an emergency meeting almost immediately, ready to turn on the planet's highest-level alert mode.

The fleets of the four Zerg legions have different logos. Through the logos, several races in the neighboring galaxies can easily know that the battleship group gathered in the sky above Tuther is the collection of the four Zerg legions.

The reconnaissance ship dispatched to the boundary of the galaxy returned the above information, which made the scalps of the senior leaders of these races tighten, and their throats began to dry under the tension.

Aren't the four legions of the Zerg in a state of opposition? !

This matter is enough to shock any race in the interstellar space, and as the nearest neighbors to this terrifying army, the people of these three races have raised their hearts.

What are these zerg trying to do

Not only have the four legions communicated, but now they have directly assembled the army.

The few races that are neighbors are not optimistic enough to think that the Zerg assembled an army of this size on the Tusor star just for a look. The scale of this army has met the standard of a full-scale war.

The Zerg light is just a legion whose military strength is already considerable. If the four legions are united, it is difficult for them to imagine any race in the interstellar space that dares to confront such an army.

It's not just a matter of military power, but also because of the Zerg soldiers' ability to execute orders from their superiors, and their racial nature of absolute obedience to their superiors, which makes the Zerg army have superior discipline unparalleled by any other race, which invisibly increases this army. How scary the army is.

But the problem is that they haven't heard of any race in the interstellar space that provokes this group of Zerg, and it's still to the extent that the four Zerg legions can be united.

Or, these Zerg decided to launch an invasion in the new era regardless-

This guess made the neighbors living in the next-door galaxy all numb and anxious. They were the closest to the planet Tuther, and if the Zerg wanted to invade, they would be the first to be unlucky.

They are just some weak races, and they have no status in the interstellar space. If there are no other planets to live in, they don't want to live next to the core territory of the Zerg!

Confrontation is impossible. The high-level leaders of the three races have begun to arrange the evacuation of the people, so that as many people as possible can get on the escape ship and be ready to escape the planet at any time.

After a while, the Yura battleships on the Tusor star have been assembled. At this time, the ship lights on these Yura battleships are all lit red, which is a manifestation of the emotional state of these Yura battleships.

Neighbors in the next-door galaxy were unilaterally nervous, but after a while, they discovered that the Zerg army had no interest in their planet at all.

The large and terrifying black battleship group quickly swept through the galaxy where they were located with continuous leaps, as if they were going in a certain direction with a clear goal.

Every planet passed by this dark battleship group was equally frightened, and related matters have become the hottest discussion on the star network now.

Their core questions can basically be classified into the same one - who is the combined army of the Zerg going to find trouble for

And a day later, the Zerg told them the answer.

The Yura battleship group, which was large enough to cover the sky, came to an azure planet. This black battleship group like a huge dark cloud even separated the sun of the planet from it. The figure of the battleship appeared on the planet. Outside the defense circle, although the intrusion has not yet been carried out, this is undoubtedly a scene where the army is pressing down.

To be honest, in the face of the emergency situation of the Zerg army suddenly pressing down on the territory, the first response on the earth side is to enter the emergency preparation state.

The relationship between the Zerg and their humans is not friendly, but now is not the era of frequent wars like the old era.

The New Era is generally regarded as an era of peace. Although they still have occasional frictions with the Zerg, it is basically a small fight. The two races have basically never had a large-scale war in the New Era.

The Zerg is not a race that will blindly invade. Weigh the pros and cons. Even if the Zerg really wants to invade in the new era, the first target they find should not be their human beings, and they should start from the neighboring weak and small races. .

Besides, on their human side, they have not provoked Zerg at all recently. It is totally unreasonable for this group of Zerg to suddenly unite with the army of the four legions and run over to fight them.

The zerg are going to war with humans-

The news spread quickly on the Star Net in just a few seconds. All races in the interstellar space are now focusing on the earth. This atmosphere is too tense and the other races who are just watching can't help but hold their hearts. .

Although the Zerg army was overwhelming, they did not attack immediately, but stopped outside the defense circle of the earth, which made the Earth Federation in preparation for the war aware of the communication opportunity.

But without waiting for any communication between them, the Zerg made a unilateral statement-

"If the king is not returned to us intact within one day, this will be regarded as a full-scale declaration of war by mankind against the Zerg." The chief of staff said this sentence in the communication.

The two captives who escaped from the Tusor star were humans, and judging from the clothes of the other party when they were captured, they were two human generals.

For these two, what kind of threat method is the most direct and effective, Alves thinks is the safety of the entire Earth Federation.

The army dispatched by the Zerg this time was divided into two parts. The main force came to the earth, while the follow-up fleets from the Third Army and the Fourth Army scattered to various galaxies to search.

Earth Federation: ? ?

It was too late to be shocked that the Zerg gave birth to a king, and the high-level officials of the Earth Federation are now a little bit wanting to beat people.

The king of your Zerg is gone, you are looking for it, what are you doing with a warship coming to our earth-? !

It's none of their business!

At this time, the two human generals who were staying on a small planet did not know that they were silently expelled from the human race.

Regarding the image of the prisoner, the Zerg side of course has mastered it, but Gu Huai woke up a few seconds before the Zerg was about to release this image to the Earth Federation.

Gu Huai had slept for a very long time. When he fell asleep, the two human generals who were in the same room with him were in a state of surprise.

Because on the sleeping young man, they felt the powers released by the other party unconsciously, which even caused some fluctuations in the surrounding space.

Generally, Zerg developed their abilities when they completed their initial growth during the cub period, but Gu Huai was special. His body was already an adult body from the moment he was born, and he already had abilities from birth.

His only mental power is still at the cub stage, so for ordinary Zerg cubs to "complete the initial growth", when put on Gu Huai, it becomes an advanced mental power.

In the advanced stage, he will passively enter the sleep state.

For Gu Huai, this initial growth requires two spiritual advancements to be completed, and Gu Huai is in the process of his first advancement.

Because the cubs of the Zerg are not proficient in the mastery of powers, there is a certain probability that power riots will occur, but when Gu Huai is in the sleep state, his powers are in a state of random release, which is a very outright riot.

As a result, the two humans in the room were passively subjected to indiscriminate attacks. For example, the floating table and chairs in the room smashed towards them, the ceiling showed clearly visible cracks, and the chandelier shook a few times and fell. Come.

Gu Huai, who was in the process of spiritual advancement, frowned slightly in his deep sleep. This violent state was not comfortable for him.

Finally woke up after completing the advanced step, Gu Huai felt the anger of his own Zerg in the moment of sobering, even if he did not perceive it on the same planet, this was enough to show how intense and vivid the emotion was, and it was the mood of all Zerg. Exactly.

Gu Huai didn't think about anything, his first reaction was to immediately establish a spiritual connection.

"I am here."

This is no longer a spiritual link that is communicated alone or only to a few Zerg races. Gu Huai, who has completed the first spiritual advancement, can now establish a spiritual link to communicate with the entire race.

Although the link time can't be too long, it has grown a lot compared to Gu Huai's previous situation where he would fall asleep after only using a single link.

There is no need for Gu Huai to describe the specific location, the Zerg who received this spiritual link will automatically know where he is.

So in the next second, they were in an extremely tense confrontation. The Earth Federation, which had already made full preparations for the war, watched helplessly. The huge group of battleships surrounding their planet's defense circle suddenly turned around and made a few leaps. It disappeared completely again.

Earth Federation: ... ? ?

What the hell are these worms doing?

"You've slept for more than a day, are you alright, do you want to eat now..." Looking at the young man who finally woke up, Shen Mu originally wanted to ask him if he wanted something to eat, but before he could finish speaking, two people in the room The human generals heard the alarm sound that was familiar to them again. They had just heard this sound two days ago.

The planet turns on the highest level of alert mode—

Shen Mu and Hamer were stunned together. Is the highest-level alert mode on the planet now the cabbage on the street

They hadn't heard it once in their 20-plus years of life, but in the last few days, they've heard it twice.

When the two of them went out to observe the situation, the two of them had just gone out and had no time to see what happened to this planet. The violent roar of the nearby space being torn apart by a powerful force made them both stop.

Then from this twisted space that was torn apart, the two human generals saw a figure that made their hearts go cold.

Silver hair, blindfolded eyes, and a silver-grey tail with a cold texture behind him.

With such an iconic feature, if Shen Mu and Hamer still can't recognize who the silver-haired Zerg is in front of them, then they don't need to be soldiers.

Alves, the army commander of the first Zerg army.

The two human generals had unbelievable expressions on their faces. Shen Mu and Hamer couldn't understand why this silver-haired Zerg appeared in front of them.

It is also a space power user. From the power fluctuations he felt just now, Shen Mu has deeply realized the gap in power between him and the silver-haired Zerg in front of him.

This Zerg is probably transferred directly from another planet, and such space manipulation ability has reached the level of horror.

The space ability itself is very rare, and even if the ability is limited to one person, this ability of the other party is still terrifying.

Did something go wrong

Just ran three irrelevant captives, is this group of Zerg chasing so closely, even the legion commander came to arrest them?

Two human generals are thoroughly suspicious of life.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Mu and Hamer also understood why the planet had to turn on the highest-level alert mode, because the Zerg army was overwhelmed.

The figure of the Yura battleship appeared in the sky, and countless black Yura battleships soon completely obscured the city... and even the sky of this planet.

More and more Zerg soldiers have landed on this planet, and they are surrounded by the place where they are, like an endless wave of insects, such a terrifying situation makes Shen Mu and Hamer completely speechless for a while. .

For the two of them, such a terrifying scene actually only exists in the history of the old era in history textbooks. What kind of feeling does Shen Mu and Hamer feel at this time when the pictures described in words in the books become reality and are displayed in front of them. His whole body froze, his heart beating fast like a disease.

But they didn't know that this part of the army was only the search force of the Zerg Third Army and the Fourth Army, and the real main army of the Zerg was still coming.

They didn't even have a chance to escape.

The body was directly pinned to the spot by the absolute pressure of the supernatural power, and Shen Mu and Hamer could not move at all now.

The pressure of this power was increasing, and the two people who could not move even began to have difficulty breathing. Their bodies seemed to be squeezed by some invisible force.

The time from the appearance of the silver-haired Zerg in front of them actually only took a few seconds, but the two felt like a century had passed.

At this time, Gu Huai had also walked out of the room, and his figure was almost immediately captured by the cold-faced silver-haired Zerg not far away. Without waiting for the other party to come over, Gu Huai hurriedly approached.

"Are you crazy, don't go there!" After finally regaining his breath, Hammer saw that his compatriot actually took the initiative to approach the silver-haired Zerg, and his scalp was numb.

If you get closer, you will reach the attack range of the opponent's tail. Hammer doesn't have to imagine to know that the young man who passes by him will definitely be pierced by the tail of the Zerg Legion Commander, or directly smashed his head.

Gu Huai continued to approach, but he did not let him take a few more steps. Alves moved.

In the eyes of the two human generals, this action was that Alves wanted to take the initiative to attack, but as expected, when they reached the attack range, the two humans saw that the tail of the silver-haired Zerg moved—

Shen Mu and Hamer paused for breath and couldn't help but want to look away, not wanting to see the pictures of their compatriots being brutally murdered in front of their eyes.

However, what appeared next was completely different from what they had imagined.

The cold silver-gray tail did not do any harm to the young man. The tail wrapped the young man in an almost cautious manner, and then the owner of the tail picked up the young man.

Alves had never done this kind of action when Gu Huai was awake, but he just wanted to do it now. Only in this way would he not be able to control the destructive desire accumulated deep in his heart.

Then Shen Mu and Hamer saw that the silver-haired Zerg in front of them took the initiative to remove the cover that covered their eyes, revealing a pair of pale golden vertical pupils with apathy, and then put the black bandage to be hugged by him In the hands of the young man, he gave it to the other party for safekeeping.

Two people watching the whole process: "???"

Wait a moment…

wait a minute—

No matter how hard it was to turn their minds and how unbelievable what they saw, the two human generals who watched this scene would not be unaware of the problem now.

Seeing the silver-haired Zerg in front of them showing an obvious protective gesture to the young man in their arms, Shen Mu and Hamer were almost so frightened that they wanted to take a breath.

An unbelievably terrible guess was taking shape in their minds...

Did they get something terribly wrong?