I’m Not Human

Chapter 28: The twenty-eighth day of not being human


Gu Huai's understanding of the Covenant came from the inheritance information he received when he stayed on the abandoned planet. Later, when he arrived on the planet Tuther, when Gu Huai was idle, he also asked the chief of staff to tell him the specific status of the Covenant.

Whether it was the intention to let the Zerg break out of the status quo of zero diplomacy or the idea of joining the Star Alliance, Gu Huai thought it over and over again, and he did not make a decision on his own. The views of the senior executives of Tuther and Alves.

The feedback received is that the development of the Zerg in this direction can indeed gain a lot of convenience and benefits. Although it also needs to take some corresponding responsibilities, it is generally more convenient.

As for why before Gu Huai proposed this idea, the entire Zerg had no tendency to contact the Covenant at all, it had to start from the Zerg itself.

Because of its own strength, even though it has always maintained absolute independence, the Zerg's self-development has proceeded smoothly.

The Zerg has a ruthless predatory nature, so in the era of frequent wars between various races in the old era, the Zerg can be said to be the most vicious race.

In the new era, some powerful races joined together to form the Star Alliance, and other races joined in one after another, and the Star Alliance began to work on maintaining the overall peace of the interstellar.

In this new era, which can be regarded as entering an era of peace in general, it is impossible for even the Zerg to start a war at will and face the entire Covenant at once. And the Zerg has occupied a lot of planets in the old era. It takes time to build these planets, so they are relatively quiet for development.

It can develop on its own, and the Zerg has no willingness to actively deal with other races, let alone join the Covenant.

And because of the cruel and cruel label that has been firmly attached to the Zerg since the old era, there is no race in the interstellar space that has tried to establish diplomacy with the Zerg.

If it wasn't for Gu Huai's idea of contacting other races, the absolute independence of the Zerg would probably continue forever.

Gu Huai felt that even the most powerful races would inevitably encounter disasters or difficulties sometimes, and there might even be dangerous enemies in the universe that had not yet appeared, so they also needed allies.

After confirming that establishing diplomatic relations with other races and joining the Covenant are only beneficial and harmless to the Zerg, Gu Huai officially made this decision.

At present, most races in Interstellar think that Zerg is very dangerous. Gu Huai doesn't want these Zerg to be like the sci-fi works of his original world.

Being invited by Gu Huai to be a guest on Tuther Star, although this invitation is semi-mandatory, the two human generals have already accepted this situation.

With their metal rings on, their allowable range of movement is similar to that of the average inhabitant of Tuther, and they also have a terminal that allows them to browse the star network.

Of course it is limited to browsing, any other permissions are blocked.

But this is not bad, Shen Mu and Hamer are very content, they are now eager to know what happened outside Tuther, especially the recent situation of the Earth Federation.

But as soon as I went to the Star Network and saw the discussions on the Star Network, the two of them petrified in place together.

[d47 (Noelz Galaxy): It came from the Earth Federation that it is true that the Zerg gave birth to a king?]

[z571 (Sopa Galaxy): The combined army of the four Zerg legions is not fake. They passed by our planet and shocked us.]

[—(Keto Galaxy): The Zerg didn’t push the entire army out of the defensive circle of the earth just because humans took their king away.]

[yuzi (Solar System): Wow, then we are really innocent, and it has nothing to do with us humans! It's definitely not a human who did this, it's just that the Zerg thought we did it.]

No, it's really about human beings...

The two human generals covered their faces in pain, feeling distressed that they might be expelled from the human race.

Because of what the two of them did, not only many planets in the interstellar space were frightened, but the earth was also under pressure from the Zerg, and it almost started to fight—

If the inhabitants of these planets and other compatriots on earth know that this is the two of them, Shen Mu and Hamer feel that the two of them will likely be written into the history textbooks of the Earth Federation in the future.

The kind written specifically for criticism.

The fact that the Zerg gave birth to a king has caused anxiety among many races in the interstellar space. The divided Zerg was unified because of the appearance of the king, and the unified Zerg became more dangerous to them.

What would the king of the Zerg look like? This is estimated to be the most discussed topic on the Star Online. Gu Huai, who has been enthusiastically discussed by people from all ethnic groups in the Star, is currently meeting with the other two legion commanders.

Due to the previous Oolong incident, his first meeting with the other two army commanders was too hasty, and he didn't even have time to say a few words. Gu Huai now needs to get in touch.

"Are you going to live in Tusher in the future?" Gu Huai asked softly, because Kapalya did just that, so he used the same word when asking this sentence.

Since his body was too large, Simoduo could not sit on an ordinary seat at all. The ferocious-looking Zerg Fourth Army Commander bowed his head to Gu Huai, and said without hesitation: "Where are you, Simoduo is right there. where."

Simoduo does not like to do too complicated thinking, because as an alpha Zerg, he has a strong power, and he is also used to solving problems roughly.

For example, now, he thinks that he must protect Gu Huai, so the corresponding problem is how to protect it, and Simado chose a very simple and rude way—

Protection is to follow at all times, to guard the side all the time, this is the most foolproof protection.

For this reason, Siddhartha can give up everything else, he only needs to focus on protecting Gu Huai, and he doesn't need to think about other things.

Simado's eyes are also the kind of light golden vertical pupils that the Alpha Zerg has. At this time, he stared at Gu Huai without moving. For some reason, these eyes made Gu Huai feel a bit like the Tucker Zerg beside him.

Coupled with the same huge figure of the other party, it made Gu Huai feel more like him.

It is clear that the other party is a Camus Zerg.

"Then it's better to settle down in Tusher." Gu Huai nodded and said.

The huge Zerg in front of Gu Huai moved his eyes slightly, but his body didn't move, and then answered in a very deep voice: "Simoduo obeys your order."

As long as it was Gu Huai, Simoduo would obey him. Because of this loyalty, the vicious-looking Simoduo would be a bit dull when facing Gu Huai, usually in a question-and-answer mode.

Gu Huai asked what he answered.

Ai Yi, who was beside him, had a calm expression like a lake. His appearance was cold and graceful. When he looked at Gu Huai, his calm eyes flashed slightly.

"My subordinates will also settle down in Tuther." Ai said in a calm voice.

The Zerg generally wear attire that is convenient for combat, such as military uniforms, but Ai is an exception. The other party wears a rather complicated robe. The cuffs and collar of the robe are embroidered with dark patterns of gold, which looks solemn.

Ai has never fought close-quarters combat. He was born in the Ethador tribe. He made full use of the characteristics and advantages of the tribe. No matter what kind of battle, he would choose to use his abilities to solve it.

"Well." Gu Huai rolled his eyes, he was very happy to see the result.

After finishing the contact with the other two legion commanders, Gu Huai was not in a hurry to start the diplomatic affairs immediately. In the next few days, he first confirmed the integration of his four legions, and then pulled the chief of staff to put the The various forces in the interstellar space have studied it and found out who are easy to establish diplomatic relations with.

First of all, they should start with their neighbors. Gu Huai looked at the star map and made a circle on a planet next to the galaxy where Tuther was located.

While Gu Huai was doing this, he heard footsteps coming from behind him.

The footsteps were very light. When Gu Huai turned his head to look, he saw Alves walking towards him at a steady pace.

This footstep was intentionally made by Alves for Gu Huai to hear, otherwise there would be no sound at all, he just didn't want to scare the other party by appearing silently.

Alves walked slowly in front of Gu Huai, stretched out his hand to Gu Huai, and then spread out his palm, presenting the flower that he had been holding up in front of Gu Huai's eyes.

"The flowers you want." Alves stated, his handsome face looked very cold.

But this was a flower that was specially picked from the planet in the next galaxy, and he was willing to agree to Gu Huai's request to do this, which itself showed that Alves was not indifferent to Gu Huai.

Gu Huai said that he wanted the exact same flower as last time, so Alves brought back the same pure white flower as before, and even the petal shape was almost exactly the same.

Gu Huai also discovered this. He took the flower from Alves' open palm, raised his head and said, "Actually, it only needs to be of the same species."

"You told me to be exactly the same." Alves lowered his eyes.

Gu Huai couldn't refute for a while, he felt helpless to the light gold vertical pupils that hung down slightly from Alves, and the seriousness of this big silver cat in front of him in some aspects.

But this kind of seriousness can easily make people feel cute, although this adjective is incompatible with the tall, handsome and indifferent silver-haired Zerg wearing a cold military uniform in front of him.

"Then if there is a next time, it doesn't have to be exactly the same, as long as they look similar." Gu Huai began to correct what he said.

"Yeah." Alves replied in a low voice.

After these few days, Gu Huai also discovered one thing, which was about the relationship between the four army commanders.

This finding can be simply summarized as the other three army commanders have varying degrees of vigilance against Alves.

This is due to Alves' instability. Kapalya and the others believe that Alves lacks submission to him and is prone to losing control, so they maintain a vigilant attitude when Alves approaches him.

"You will lose control and hurt me?" Gu Huai suddenly asked the silver-haired Zerg standing in front of him.

Alves pursed his lips, and the curve of the corners of his lips was flattened: "No."

Gu Huai nodded, easily expressing his belief.

"I will protect you until you ask me to leave." Alves said in a cold voice.

Gu Huai looked at the very obedient silver cat in front of him. He didn't want Alves to get out of control, so Gu Huai thought about it at this moment and said, "Then keep protecting me."

Hearing this sentence, Alves' pale golden vertical pupils shrank suddenly, he remained expressionless, but his profile seemed to be slightly tense.

Alves lowered his eyebrows slightly and looked at the black-haired youth in front of him. After a while, he responded with a single voice: "Yes."

Gu Huai thought that the first diplomatic partner should start with the neighbor, and before he thought about how to send a friendly signal, the planet that he had circled on the star map had an accident the next day.

It is a star thief looting that is familiar to this planet, but this time, the group of star thieves who came to plunder are not satisfied with robbing trade ships, but hit the planet with their ideas.

Because the races living on this planet are not powerful, and close to the Zerg territory, other races are not very close.

This is very convenient for star thieves. Some star thief gangs come to rob a trade ship every three or five times. They used to withdraw after robbing and never stay, but after robbing so many times, nothing happened, and their appetite gradually increased. got bigger.

The planet besieged by star thieves is Nome planet, and the races living on this planet are the Ults.

Although when the planet was surrounded by star thieves' ships, the Ults sent a signal to the Covenant for help, but the Covenant's peacekeeping force was not stationed near the Zerg site, and it took some time to get there. And their fragile defense will soon be unable to resist the attack of star thieves.

There is no powerful race in the neighboring galaxy that can rush over to help them, so the Zerg don't have to think about it, and the Ults automatically give up this hope.

It would be good if the Zerg didn't invade them. How could one expect the Zerg to come to rescue them, I'm afraid it would be a quicker dream.

However, at this time in the airport of Tuther star, a black Yura battleship was quietly parked in the sky, and the number was extremely large, forming a black and oppressive battleship group.

Although they knew that the Zerg was here to rescue, but watching this extremely exaggerated battle, the two human generals twitched the corners of their mouths.

Let’s go through this battle, not to mention that the group of star thieves will be scared to death, it is estimated that the residents on that planet will also be scared to death, and most of them can be considered that the Zerg will give them both sides.

You're going to scare people when you go out like this, you know—?