I’m Not Human

Chapter 31: The thirty-first day of not being human


Hearing the meaning of the flower, Gu Huai blinked, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

But it turned out that there was no, and his expression was subtle for a moment.

pure lover.

Gu Huai thought about the pure white flower that he put in the glass and placed on the window sill of the room. He had to admit that the appearance of this flower really matched the meaning.

The color of the flower is pure white and flawless, the petal shape is beautiful, and it does not have thorns like a rose, and it looks very soft and beautiful when it is gently swayed.

At this moment, Gu Huai took a quick glance at Alves who was walking beside him. The other side's profile was still expressionless, looking indifferent and calm.

Alves seemed to have this expression at all times, even though his heart was raging with the surging desire for destruction and the irritability that had to be endured as pain, he still looked unaffected on the surface.

Because this kind of patience has become accustomed to him, until the moment when the maintained rationality collapses, before that, almost no one can notice his strangeness.

Gu Huai of course knew that Alves didn't know the meaning of the flower. After all, the other party asked him what the flower was at first, but the problem was that he accepted the flower and later asked Alves to give it to him. Exactly the same, this might be regarded as a kind of teasing by the other party.

It was inconvenient to explain on the road, so Gu Huai just glanced to the side and turned his head to the front, and in the place where Gu Huai did not see, he did not notice that Alves first glanced coldly at Eleanor on the side of the road flower, and then rests on him again.

What is a lover, Alves is not ignorant of what the word refers to. From the meaning of the word, a lover refers to a person who loves each other.

But Alves doesn't quite understand what kind of emotion the admiration in this word means.

Compared with other races with rich emotions, Zerg is inherently lack of emotions, and Alves has no understanding of these emotions.

Emotions will affect rational judgment, and he does not need to understand these superfluous things.

Alves just felt that this pure white flower matched Gu Huai very well.

Under the tension, the chief diplomat of the Ults led Gu Huai to a palace. This palace was only open for their race to entertain distinguished guests. Now only the Zerg live in.

"The banquet to welcome you to our planet has not had time to prepare. It will be postponed until tomorrow. Please forgive me." The diplomat bowed his head to Gu Huai.

Noam star was still under the aggression of star thieves a few minutes ago, and the planet was in danger. No one expected such a development next.

To entertain important guests and benefactors, the welcome banquet cannot be made casually. The high-level decision makers of Nome Star discussed urgently before, and felt that delay is better than simple.

**The Ult people were originally short and chubby, and they had a big head and a small body, and big eyes. Gu Huai always thought that he saw some Q-version characters, and it felt strangely cute.

"It's okay." Gu Huai nodded his head to show his understanding.

"Before that, do you need me as a guide to take you around the central city of our planet? Or do you want to rest here first, and let us know directly if you need any services." The chief diplomat continued cautiously.

Gu Huai glanced outside, thought about it, and said, "The guide is no longer needed."

The implication was that he wanted to go out on his own, and the diplomat in front of Gu Huai quickly responded, "Okay."

The Accompanying Ertes left the palace and asked Gu Huai to communicate directly when he needed anything. The other Zerg were also arranged to live in their own residences, some of them in the mansion outside the palace.

When there were no outsiders in the house, Gu Huai turned to face Alves next to him, and explained to him, "The meaning of flowers... Actually, I don't know, I didn't mean to tease you on purpose."


Alves bowed his head slightly, his light golden eyes that were not covered by the bandages also lowered slightly, and calmly stared at Gu Huai's face.

"Wait next time, just pick another flower for me." Gu Huai said here, trying his best to act as if nothing had happened.

He asked Alves to give him two Eleanor flowers or something. Although it was said that both parties were ignorant of the accident, Gu Huai still wanted to cover his eyes.

Hearing this, Alves did not move his eyes with his cold eyes. He said calmly in a low voice: "White flowers, very suitable."

No matter what the meaning is, just from the appearance of the flower, Alves thinks this kind of flower is very suitable for Gu Huai.

Gu Huai thought for a while before he understood the complete meaning of the other party from Alves' brief words. The other party probably didn't care about the meaning of the flower, but simply felt that this kind of flower was suitable for him.

Since the other party didn't care and didn't feel teased, Gu Huai was relieved.

Gu Huai felt that he didn't need a guide. It would be more interesting for him to watch the planet by himself, but he would definitely be guarded when he went out. In addition to the Tucker Zerg who took care of him, he was also asked by Kapalia from the four army commanders. Choose one to follow as a guard.

After the last incident where Gu Huai was taken to another planet by two humans, the Zerg who were not good at protection were now taking care of Gu Huai more and more closely.

But they didn't want Gu Huai to feel like he was being guarded, so there wouldn't be many guards following him on the bright side.

For example, they are now asking Gu Huai to choose a guard among the four army commanders. In fact, the other three army commanders will still follow from a distance.

Doing this kind of multiple-choice question is a headache, because no matter which one you choose, Gu Huai feels that the other three will be a little disappointed.

"Just Alves." His gaze turned around the four commanders, and Gu Huai finally made this choice.

Hearing Gu Huai's answer, Shimodo snorted. Although Ai's expression was calm, he frowned slightly, while Kapalya gave Alves a cold look.

It's not because of disappointment or anything else, there will be such a performance, because all three of them have a certain degree of vigilance against Alves. If they were just a little disappointed because they weren't selected by Gu Huai, they would be expressionless at best.

Gu Huai took the Tucker Zerg next to him to go out first, and when Gu Huai was almost at the door, Kapalya, who was still in the room, said coldly, "If you hurt Wang by losing control , I won't let you go."

Although Alves' situation seems to be relatively stable recently, Kapalia cannot ignore the potential danger.

Alves still had that cold expression, but when he wasn't facing Gu Huai, his aggressiveness became obvious.

Alves narrowed his eyes slightly, and snorted mockingly at this moment: "Only if you can do it."

After saying that, Alves ignored the three people's reactions and followed Gu Huai out of the house with a blank expression.

out of control.

This word made a turn in Alves' heart, and when he looked at Gu Huai's figure walking in front, he did not choose to follow for a while, but followed from a distance.

It shouldn’t get out of control—the word should be inherently uncertain, because knowing this, Alves wasn’t unresponsive to Kapalia’s words.

But Alves had promised Gu Huai before that he would always protect him.

Shen Mu and Hamer, who had accepted the daily task of observing the changes of the Zerg, also arrived at Nome Planet at this time. They were allowed to move freely, so they both just watched Alves follow from a distance. Gu Huai's back.

This kind of following gaze is like being strongly attracted to want to get closer, but keeping a distance because of worrying about something.

When passing by the two of them, Alves paused, glanced coldly at the two of them out of the corner of his eye, and continued to move forward.

Both of them froze when they were swept by the oppressive icy gaze. Shen Mu and Hamer knew very well that the other party still remembered what they had done before, so they would warn them by the way.

Gu Huai went out with a group of Tucker Zerg, and more than 20 Tucker Zerg appeared together, which was already a big shock to the residents of Nome Planet.

People of all races in the interstellar space know that the Tucker Zerg is the most ferocious and cruel group in the Zerg, especially the low-level Tucker Zerg are easily provoked, so when they first saw it, the ** who lived in the central city of Nome star. The special people's first reaction was still a little scared.

But after observing from a distance for a while, the residents of Nome found that these Tucker Zerg did not attack casually, and they did not hurt anything along the way. Although it lacks wisdom, it does possess normal rationality.

Gu Huai did not sit on the shoulders of the Tuckers when he went out this time. He was surrounded by the Tuckers around him, and when he took these Tuckers to the street near the central courtyard, a ** The special man trotted towards them.

This **** is a little girl who is only about two or three years old. The adult ** is only half the height of Gu Huai, let alone a child. It is extremely difficult to run with a pair of short legs.

"Thank you, Big Bug." The young Ulter said in a milky voice, then squatted down and hung a small wreath on a Tucker Zerg's downed sharp forearm.

The Zerg are the benefactors who saved their planet. Because of the rescue provided by the Zerg, their planet was not occupied and looted by the star thieves. The parent said this to the little girl, but the parent did not expect that the child in his family would make this action after listening to his words.

Seeing the young **elt approaching the huge Tucker Zerg, the other adults not far away could not help but raise their hearts a little nervously, but the next picture made them stunned.

The Tucker Zerg with this small wreath on his forearm tilted his head, his scarlet eyes stared at the very young figure in front of him, and a low hiss came from his throat.

This is a cub, so the Tucker Zerg judged.

Although these Tucker Zerg only pet the cubs they care for, they are at least a little gentler towards other cubs than adults.

The Tucker Zerg didn't seem to be as brutal as the rumors, and the Ults who saw this scene couldn't help but have this idea.

Gu Huai is moving forward with the goal of the central courtyard. The central courtyard of the city is a large greenhouse garden. Many giant tree species have been designed to become towering buildings in the garden. A wide variety of beautiful flowers are in full bloom. There are also man-made waterfalls pouring down.

This central courtyard can be regarded as a major attraction of Nome Star. Gu Huai entered the inner ring of the courtyard and saw that there was an area of flowers that had been picked bald.

It's literally "bald", the entire branch is bare and not a single flower is visible.

Gu Huai looked at these bare branches, and for some reason, he wanted to laugh a little.

Obviously, he should feel a little indirect guilt now. After all, if he hadn't said that he wanted the exact same flowers, these trees would not be so miserable.

Knowing where Gu Huai went, Alves, who was just following from a distance, pursed the corners of his mouth imperceptibly, and finally appeared in front of Gu Huai.

But when he arrived in front of Gu Huai and saw that Gu Huai looked at these bare trees and smiled obviously, the silver-gray tail behind Alves couldn't help but swayed vigorously.

Noticing the flick of the silver-gray tail, Gu Huai quickly lowered the corner of his mouth and said, "I'm not laughing at you."

Thinking that Alves' tail was twitching like this because he was unhappy, Gu Huai quickly explained it.

Hearing these words, Alves did not speak. The reason why his tail suddenly moved like this was because he saw Gu Huai's smile, and then the tail moved uncontrollably.

Gu Huai remembered one thing at this time. When it was snowing on Tucer, he sent a snowflake to Alves, but he didn't expect Alves' reaction to be very serious, so he promised to go to other places in the future. When they are on the planet, they will send each other a flower that will not melt.

There is a small area of flowers in the inner ring of the courtyard that can be picked. Gu Huai walked over to take a look and found that all the flowers in that area were Eleanor flowers.

After thinking that Alves doesn't care about the meaning of the flower anyway, Gu Huai simply picked one, then took Alves' hand and put the flower directly into the other's hand: "I promised to give it to you before. Yes, flowers that don't melt."

The flower in the palm of his hand was very light, almost weightless. Alves did not move his fingers together for a long time. He lowered his eyes and asked a question after a while: "Why... did you choose me just now?"

His protection is inherently dangerous, and each of the other three legion commanders is a better choice than him.

Gu Huai met Alves' light golden eyes that were so cold that others dared not look directly, but were actually very beautiful, he looked at them and said, "Because I hope you have more time to see the world, If it makes you feel quiet by my side, you should stay by my side more."

"..." Alves was silent.

"It's been hard work, I'm sorry I didn't show up sooner." Although it wasn't his duty to be the other party's tranquilizer, Gu Huai still felt that if he could show up earlier, then Alves wouldn't have to endure so hard. long agony.

Hearing this, Alves finally slowly folded his hand holding a flower. In order not to hurt the fragile flower, he tried his best to restrain himself.

In the past, when he endured the pain caused by the destructive ** and irritability that raged in his heart, Alves actually felt that even if one day his reason was completely lost, it would not matter.

He sometimes even allows himself to get out of control, and when rationality disappears, he no longer feels the irritability and pain clearly.

Normal people don't want to become crazy and try their best to stay sane, but Alves doesn't think it's bad to fall into madness.

Then why do you have to cover your eyes and continue to endure? Alves looked at the gentle black eyes of the young man in front of him, and he suddenly found the answer.

He should have endured for so long just to wait for this person to appear.

And after finally waiting, he can no longer let himself get out of control, because from this moment, he must always protect the other party.