I’m Not Human

Chapter 32: The thirty-second day of not being human


The central courtyard of Nome Star is a place where residents like to come for a walk and play every day. When he walked to another removable area in the outer ring of the courtyard, Gu Huai glanced at the tuck that was hanging on one of them. The small wreath on the Zerg's sharp forearm, he walked into this area.

The flowers in this area are not Eleanor flowers, but another kind of pale yellow flowers.

When Gu Huai walked under the target tree, he happened to see a young Ulte looking up at a small ball stuck on a branch in distress. Gu Huai stretched out his hand and easily took down the small ball. Turning around and handing it to the other party: "Here you are."

Staying with the Ertes on Nome Planet always gave Gu Huai the illusion that his height was simply too good.

But as long as he faced his own Zerg, especially Alves, Gu Huai returned to reality.

While drinking eggshell milk during this time, Gu Huai originally thought that his body could grow a few centimeters taller in this world, but this wish did not come true.

The young Erte was about to say thank you, but he saw the Zerg following behind him. He immediately changed his expression slightly and said to Gu Huai, "Hurry up and hide behind the tree."

The young man who helped him pick up the ball was obviously a human being, and the relationship between humans and the Zerg was not good. This is something that people from all ethnic groups in the interstellar knew.

Gu Huai glanced at each other suspiciously, why did he hide

And when Gu Huai thought so, the Alves and the Tucker Zerg who were not far from him were already approaching.

Seeing that Gu Huai was looking up at the tree just now, these Tuckers automatically understood that Gu Huai was interested in the things on the tree, so one of the Tuckers moved in front of Gu Huai. He lowered his body and used his forearm to pick up Gu Huai and put it on his shoulder.

The young Erte was stunned: "... ??"

Seeing the other party's expression, Gu Huai finally understood the reason. He kindly explained, "I'm not a human being."

The **** man still couldn't calm down for a while, and Gu Huai had already reached out to pick the flowers from the tree.

Sitting on the shoulders of a Tucker Zerg, the flowers on the tree were within reach for Gu Huai. After Gu Huai picked a few flowers, he lowered his head and started fiddling.

After fiddling around for a long time, Gu Huai made a garland that was barely successful, and then he put the goose-yellow garland on the head of the Tucker Zerg that was carrying him.

The Tucker Zerg who was wearing this wreath slightly shrunk its scarlet eyes, but did not tilt its head, but suddenly remained motionless as if it had been immobilized, for fear that the wreath would fall off its head.

The Tucker Zerg made a low hoarse hiss at Gu Huai. Judging from its careful movements, it could be seen that the Tucker Zerg attached great importance to the wreath that Gu Huai gave it.

When he saw the children of the Urtes giving garlands, Gu Huai came up with the idea of making a garland for every Tucker Zerg who was looking after him, so he did it now.

"This kind of thing is called a garland. Although it doesn't have any substantial effect, it's very pretty..." Having said that, Gu Huai glanced at a few garlands he made up, and had to change his mouth a little, "I can't make it up. Well, it will look good if it is well edited."

Now every Tucker Zerg around Gu Huai has a light yellow wreath on its head. With such a wreath on its head, the sense of danger of these terrifying Tak Zerg people seems to have suddenly weakened a bit.

Listening to Gu Huai's words, these Tucker Zerg began to think and try to understand. They may not be able to fully understand Gu Huai's words, but these Tucker Zerg tried hard to think about Gu Huai's meaning to them every time, and then gave a response.

Low-level Zerg lack intelligence, and their intelligence is significantly different from other Zerg who can advance to humanoid form.

But this situation does not seem to be completely irreversible. For example, Gu Huai found that the Tucker Zerg around him can now understand more things than before.

Although it is still lacking in wisdom in general, there has been some progress.

Therefore, Gu Huai always intentionally tells them what something is when they get along, and he wants these Tucker Zerg to understand more and more things.

After completing the first spiritual power advancement, Gu Huai now has a lot more mental power to squander than before. He got off the shoulders of the Taco Zerg that was carrying him, and then stood in front of the Taco Zerg and confronted them. Build a spiritual connection.

The spiritual link can play a guiding role. As a king, Gu Huai naturally knows how to use his power to guide the low-level Zerg.

This is an attempt made by Gu Huai. He hopes that with guidance, the low-level Zerg will have normal wisdom in the future, and even the possibility of advancing into a humanoid form.

There is no doubt that this matter will take a long time to see the effect, and it may not be successful, but Gu Huai still wants to work hard and start now.

Receiving the spiritual link means to these Tucker Zerg that Gu Huai is calling them.

Called by the guarded cub, even though the cub didn't say anything, these Tucker Zerg are still watching Gu Huai very seriously now, staring at him with cold scarlet vertical pupils.

"Okay." After establishing a mental link that lasted for several minutes within the range of his ability, Gu Huai enveloped the Tucker Zerg around him in his spiritual domain. After the end, he bent his mouth and pointed at these Tucker Zerg. nod.

It's not quite clear what Gu Huai did, but these Tucker Zerg still responded.

"Then let's go back." After walking out, Gu Huai turned his head and said to Alves, who was quietly following him.

Alves nodded slightly, his expression cold but obviously submissive.

With a height difference of more than half a head, Gu Huai compared his height with that of Alves, and couldn't help but sighed.

Why is he not so tall

"Why sigh?" Alves asked with lowered eyes.

"This..." Gu Huai struggled for a while, and felt really embarrassed to tell the reason, but in order not to let the big cat in front of him misunderstand something, Gu Huai thought about it and told the truth, "Because I imagine you are so tall, but It's impossible to grow taller, so I'm a little disappointed."

After Gu Huai finished speaking, he raised his hand and pinched his ear. Whenever he felt embarrassed, the tip of his ear would turn a little red.

In front of him, Alves didn't say anything immediately, he just moved the silver-gray tail behind him towards him. Gu Huai thought he was going to be trapped by this tail or something, but he didn't expect a daze, he was passive Sitting on top of this icy tail.

Gu Huai sat on the side with his feet off the ground, and he didn't realize what was going on. The silver-gray tail was lifted up by its owner, so Gu Huai's line of sight surpassed Alves's. overhead.

"It's taller than me." Alves said, moving his tail back behind him, and then began to walk in the direction back.

Alves' progress has always been very steady, neither fast nor slow, even when facing the enemy.

This kind of pace inadvertently makes people feel a sense of arrogance and danger with ease, but when the silver-gray tail behind the other party is sitting alone, that sense of danger is forced to dissipate.

Gu Huai was sitting on top of the silver-grey tail that would kill others if they touched it.

At the beginning, Gu Huai was stunned for a while and didn't react. After being carried like this for several steps, he hurriedly returned to his senses.

The way this big cat thought of making him "grow taller" is too cute...

Alves is very obedient to him, Gu Huai can clearly feel this, also because Alves is too obedient in front of him. When the other party is obviously unhappy because of certain things, he even Can't help but take the initiative to coax.

Like being carried by Alves with his tail now, Gu Huai thought about the seriousness of the other party in doing this, then he sat quietly and let the other party carry him back like this.

When Gu Huai was being carried back like this, Shen Mu and Hamer, who had just returned to the vicinity of the palace, were silent about what they saw together, but this time Alves ignored them and walked by.

The welcome banquet prepared by the Ertes for the Zerg was very grand. When the welcome banquet was about to end, Gu Huai and the leaders of the Ertes formally concluded a friendly covenant between the two races.

The Zerg got their first diplomacy in the interstellar.

During this period, nothing happened in the interstellar space. For example, in the middle of the night last night, another relatively small group of star thieves came to Nome star.

This star thief group received the news that Nome star was attacked and invaded by the Kriffin star thief group, and came here with the idea of taking a piece of the pie or picking up some leaks. As a result, it came out as soon as he came over and wanted to do something. The Yura battleship was frightened half to death, then ruthlessly annihilated.

The Covenant's rescue team finally arrived late, but when they came to the vicinity of Nome, they found that nothing happened to this planet, and there was nothing like star thieves.

The protective layer of the planet is also open normally, and it does not look like it has been invaded.

Or, the star thief has completed the capture, and now has occupied the interior of the planet

If this is the case, then their rescue troops cannot easily go deep, or they will be wiped out if they are not careful.

In order to think about how to entertain the Zerg, the high-level decision makers of the Ults had no time to think about other things. It was not until the Covenant's rescue force came that they remembered that they forgot to withdraw from the Covenant for help.

At this time, there were also many races on the Star Network who were discussing whether Nome had been occupied by the Star Thieves.

The star thief gang has always been the trouble of the people of all races in the interstellar space. It is good for the powerful races. For the weaker races in the interstellar space, these star thief gangs looking for targets and looting are like a shadow above their heads, letting them From time to time you need to worry.

[—(Upaz Galaxy): With the garrison strength of Nome, the rescue force of the Covenant will definitely not be able to rush past. Now most of them have been looted by star thieves, or the planet has been directly occupied.]

[—(Ketuo Galaxy): The **Ults have also asked for help from neighboring galaxies, but no one is willing to rescue them.]

[—(Esso Galaxy): Nome is not a developed planet, and there is no great benefit to rescue them, and they encountered the Kriffin star thief group, which race would be willing to continue in this situation Help them, no one is willing to go is normal.]

The discussion on the star network was all over, but at this time, a comment from the Pandora galaxy, the galaxy where the star of Noam is located, made everyone who brushed the star network stunned for a while.

[kk (Pandora Galaxy): The Zerg came to rescue us, and they are now visiting our planet.]


Are you dreaming-?

One million people of all races in the interstellar space who read this comment on the star network are unbelievers. They even think that someone went to the Pandora galaxy specially, and then made this false statement.

First of all, it is impossible for the Zerg to be willing to provide rescue, and it is even more outrageous to be a guest. Are people now so careless if they want to make up false remarks to gain attention

No one took this statement seriously until the Covenant received a message from the leaders of the Ults that it was confirmed.

And the confirmation of this statement, like a huge stone smashing into the water, immediately caused a great uproar in the entire interstellar space.