I’m Not Human

Chapter 38: The thirty-eighth day of not being human


The atmosphere in the prison became cheerful in the silence... oh no, it became weird and subtle.

Gu Huai, who was the client, first blinked, and then handed a questioning look to the person in charge of the seventh branch of the Star Alliance who was standing next to him.

That's what you said, no matter what method, they can't be allowed to open their mouths, and they can't pry their intelligence

The person in charge is now full of question marks, unable to react for a while.

But receiving Gu Huai's eyes, the person in charge was still agitated, and hurriedly explained: "It was true that they refused to speak before, they didn't even want to give us any reaction at all, almost completely refused to negotiate, we There is absolutely no way I could deceive you about this."

For fear that Gu Huai might have misunderstood him, the person in charge had a thin layer of sweat on his forehead when he said this.

Gu Huai believed it. He didn't think the other party would tell such an incompetent lie, so he nodded in cooperation, indicating that he didn't mean to distrust.

I was also shocked by the words of my companion. Another Grey Tower soldier who didn't even bother to open his eyes to look at the outsiders couldn't help but suddenly opened his eyes and scolded: "What the hell are you talking about—"

The last "word" didn't have time to say it. As soon as Cullen opened his eyes, he saw the black-haired youth standing outside the transparent board like his companions. His brain was suddenly hit by some indescribable feeling, and his throat froze. , the sound disappeared unexpectedly.

Although he also had an abnormal reaction, after this brief shock, Cullen continued to glare at his companions.

At this time, the gray tower soldier who said that sentence finally came back to his senses and reacted to what he just said, and the expression on his face changed.

Gu Huai looked at the reaction of the two gray tower soldiers. He noticed the eyes of the two soldiers through a transparent board, and then he clearly felt a sense of familiarity.

It was the same amber vertical pupil as the Beta Zerg standing behind him.

This discovery made Gu Huai stunned for a second, and a guess emerged in his heart: "You guys..."

Gu Huai didn't say any more, he was silent towards the two gray tower soldiers, and his expression and the silence made the two soldiers who were locked in the cubicle suddenly feel like they were sitting on pins and needles for no reason. It seems a little uncomfortable.


What are they

The two Grey Tower soldiers did not show this feeling on their faces, and after this moment of silence, Gu Huai said to the chief of staff who followed behind him: "Let's leave first, these two soldiers, wait for tomorrow or something else. Time to come and see them again."

The Zerg who followed Gu Huai didn't have any opinion. They just wanted to be the follower of their own king. Gu Huai could go wherever he wanted, and there was no problem at all if he suddenly changed his mind.

After Gu Huai finished speaking, he walked out of the white prison with the Zerg who were following him, and asked the person in charge to lead the way to the place where they were staying.

As Gu Huai gradually walked away, the two gray tower soldiers who were locked couldn't help but keep looking at them. When they couldn't even see their backs, they remained in a daze for a while at the place where the backs disappeared.

Gu Huai found a random seat in the reception villa and sat down. He did not deliberately avoid the person in charge of the seventh branch of the Star Alliance, and after sitting down, he said in a declarative sentence: "The two gray tower soldiers have fused the genes of the Zerg. "

Gu Huai slowly stated his discovery, this possibility, he actually did not imagine before coming to the Covey Galaxy, but when he really faced it, his mood was still a little ups and downs.

Gu Huai was sure of this, not just because he saw the eyes of the two gray tower soldiers. Although vertical pupils are one of the racial characteristics of the Zerg, it is not the only Zerg in the interstellar race that has such a feature.

The real reason was that when Gu Huai stood in front of the transparent partition, he found that he could sense the emotions of the two gray tower soldiers.

This was supposed to be an ability that was only effective against Zerg.

Although he didn't try it, Gu Huai was basically certain that he could establish a spiritual connection with the two gray tower soldiers.

Gu Huai's words didn't make the Zerg around him react. These Zerg continued to be expressionless one by one. They didn't have emotional fluctuations because of this incident. Say it's different.

Combined with the obviously strange reaction of the gray tower soldier just now, the person in charge suddenly showed a stunned expression.

What kind of significance the black-haired youth in front of him has to the entire Zerg, the person in charge has been very clear about the previous incidents that have disturbed various planets.

This group of Zerg had no principle at all when facing their king, not only instinctive surrender, but also very obvious love, a look or expression from the youth was enough to shake their emotions.

Will the gray tower soldiers who have integrated a part of the Zerg gene be affected by this part of the gene, and also have the instinct of surrender to Gu Huai

The more the person in charge thought about this issue, the more his eyes lit up involuntarily.

"If that's the case, I think... the interrogation should have a different result." Finding an unexpected breakthrough, the person in charge said with suppressed excitement.

Gu Huai didn't answer right away, he still frowned slightly.

It was because the two Grey Tower soldiers had some characteristics similar to those of the Zerg around him, and this could be covered by his spiritual link, that Gu Huai didn't know how to treat them for a while.

"Interrogation... Don't torture them. If they still refuse to speak, I will find a way tomorrow." Gu Huai thought for a while, and finally said this to the person in charge.

After all, these two Gray Tower soldiers were captured by the Star Alliance. Gu Huai couldn't interfere too much in some aspects. He had to think about this matter after the person on the other side left.

The person in charge nodded simply: "We didn't intend to torture them."

Rather than using torture, the person in charge felt that he had thought of a more effective method.

Before going back to the prison, the person in charge called his secretary and asked him to get him an item.

After getting what they needed, the person in charge took the interrogators to the cubicle where the two Grey Tower soldiers were being held. This time they entered the cubicle for face-to-face interrogation.

In the face of the incoming person, the reaction of the two gray tower soldiers was very normal this time. They did not give a good face to the head of the seventh branch of the Star Alliance and the interrogators next to them, and their expressions were as cold as they were. Can drop ice cubes.

Attributing the previous abnormal reaction to the fact that they had hit the evil, the two gray tower soldiers who were locked in the white prison have calmed down now, pressing the previous strange emotions in their hearts.

And the people from the Star Alliance spoke first—

"What you said before is not so certain. This sentence means that you are willing to give us information on the Gray Tower, right?" Sitting opposite the two Gray Tower soldiers, the interrogator began his work.

Royce, who was wearing gravity rings on both hands, sneered when the interrogator's line of sight touched him, and his tone was extremely mocking: "Don't even think about it!"

It was an expected answer, and the person in charge interjected at this time: "Or we can make a deal, as long as you can provide us with any information about the Gray Tower, even if it is an insignificant matter."

"Say it, and we will let you meet the person you want to see again, for example... the one you just met not long ago, the Zerg's majesty." The person in charge said this sentence with a very ordinary expression, but actually observed secretly. The reaction of the two gray tower soldiers.

When the person in charge said the last few words, the vertical pupils of the two gray tower soldiers shrank very slightly. Although it was to the extent that others could not see it, they both felt that the A strange feeling was a little hooked up again.

It was when they heard "Your Majesty of the Zerg" and then matched the word with the image of the black-haired youth they saw not long ago, their abnormal feeling would be particularly strong.

Inexplicably want to see...

"We don't have anyone we want to meet." Cullen replied coldly, directly replacing his companion.

Royce had already reflected on his previous behavior, and he was expressionless at this time, making himself firm to take the same attitude as his companions.

It's enough to hit the evil once. He must have said that when his mind suddenly became awake before, and there will never be a second time for this kind of thing.

"Maybe... not only let you meet the person you want to see, but also let you talk to that person." The person in charge added a little more weight.

say something

I don't know which point in my heart was hit, but the words I heard made Royce feel a little shaken in his heart, but the words of his companion poured a basin of ice water over his head.

"Sober up!" Seeing Royce's shaking, Cullen turned his face even colder and stopped.

After being drunk like this, Royce calmed down a bit. Compared with the firmness of his companions, he couldn't help but feel ashamed.

That doesn't work either, so it seems that we have to resort to the killer.

After observing the reactions of the two gray tower soldiers, the person in charge took out a q-version villain doll with black hair and black eyes from his pocket without changing his face.

"Exchange chips and add this." The person in charge paused and continued, "Because there is only one, so whoever of you is willing to provide information first, this thing belongs to whomever."

For other subjects of interrogation, the person in charge can't imagine such a trick, but these are two soldiers who have integrated Zerg genes, and the person in charge feels that his method may not be successful.

In the second that the head of the seventh branch of the Star Alliance who took out this little man doll finished speaking, without waiting for anyone present to react, Cullen directly grabbed a rag from the table next to him and stuffed his companions just wanting to open it. opened his mouth, and then he responded with a blank face—

"I can say."