I’m Not Human

Chapter 4: The fourth day of not being human


Speaking of the Zerg turmoil caused by Gu Huai's unconsciousness, this matter had to start about ten hours ago.

Spiritual link is Gu Huai's innate ability as the king of the Zerg. The function of this ability is that by building a spiritual link, Gu Huai can convey his consciousness to any Zerg.

It can be a targeted individual communication or a group communication so large that it covers an entire race, and there are no distance limitations.

As long as Gu Huai thought about it, no matter how far away the Zerg were from him, they would receive his spiritual link.

Because Gu Huai's planet is a very remote abandoned planet, there are no other intelligent creatures on this planet except him and the dozens of Tucker Zerg in the cave. Know.

But when he fell half a day ago, due to the stimulation of pain, Gu Huai instinctively built a spiritual link.

And this spiritual link is a group hairstyle.

Comparing the Zerg to a group chat group, the effect of Gu Huai's spiritual link is that he suddenly sent @all members in the group.

The consequences can be imagined.

In the entire universe, all the races that fought against the Zerg troops should have the same feeling at this time—

"Fuck, these Zerg have all eaten explosives?!"

The low-level Zerg in the Zerg army suddenly went berserk, staring at them angrily one by one, and the combat power skyrocketed so that the soldiers of other races were caught off guard, and even a little confused.

These low-level Zerg stared at them as if they had done something heinous and unforgivable.

What's even more puzzling is that the Zerg troops suddenly vented their anger and fought them for less than a minute, and soon they turned around and left as if they were air, and they retreated so fast that they couldn't catch up. .

This confused Qi Qi of various ethnic groups who had already prepared to give up occupying the new resource star.

All resource stars in the interstellar space that have not yet registered data belong to unowned territories, and the race that first discovers and occupies this planet can obtain the ownership of this resource star.

If multiple forces found out at the same time, it would be simple, either to discuss the share, or to fight directly if there was no agreement.

So the current situation is that the Zerg troops fought well with them, and even when they were suppressed in terms of military strength, they suddenly patted their butt and left and told them not to fight, and handed over the resource star directly to them. got them...

Is there such a good thing in this universe

This wave of operations by the Zerg made the troops of various tribes bewildered, but they all had lingering fears when they faced a group of violent Zerg soldiers just now. Although they felt that the situation was a bit abnormal, they did not want to touch the mold of the Zerg at this time.

Although Gu Huai's mental link was very short-lived, it was enough to announce his existence to the entire Zerg.

The higher-level Zerg with normal intelligence still have the ability to think at this time, while the low-level Zerg lacking intelligence reacts much more directly, and they have already begun to search by instinct.


The universe is too vast, and only a short spiritual link can't allow these Zerg to determine the position of their king.

But the king called them, and they had to find them—

As the person who caused this series of things, Gu Huai, who was still living on a remote planet, knew nothing about it. After the first day of crossing, he spent two more days on this planet.

This planet is an abandoned planet with poor resources and a very harsh environment. After these two days of living, Gu Huai has already understood this.

On this planet, apart from him and the surrounding Tucker Zerg, there are probably no other intelligent creatures.

Most of the native species that can adapt to the harsh environment of this planet are very ferocious. Of course, no matter how ferocious they are, they are no more ferocious than the Tucker Zerg.

There is a king who is still a cub in the cave. These alien creatures, huge and dangerous Tucker Zerg guards around the entrance of this cave. They are on high alert and show a direct display to any creature that tries to get close to the lair. aggressive.

These Tuckers will not make any negotiations, and the behavior of approaching the lair will be marked as a threat in the eyes of these Tuckers.

The threat must be cleared, as the king cannot take any damage.

Gu Huai thought that after these two days, he already understood the protective mentality of these Tucker Zerg like parents, but it was not until something happened this morning that Gu Huai knew that his parents were protecting him. to what extent.

Even a goose-yellow butterfly was about to fly into the hole, and the butterfly almost lost its life.

Preventing this scene from happening, Gu Huai twitched the corners of his mouth imperceptibly.

The world is really amazing. A fragile creature like a butterfly survives tenaciously on this barren planet where even ordinary large beasts cannot survive.

This butterfly, who didn't know that he was almost dead, fluttered its wings ignorantly and innocently to Gu Huai's hand, and stopped on the back of Gu Huai's hand.

It is indeed a butterfly. It may have adapted to the environment and become a mutant species, but it still has no lethality.

When the young butterfly landed on the back of Gu Huai's hand, the Tucker Zerg around him shrank their pupils in an instant.

Although these Tucker Zerg obeyed Gu Huai's instructions and did not make any aggressive behavior, they still made hoarse voices representing warning and threat from their throats, and the scarlet vertical pupils stared directly at the butterfly.

"It can't hurt me." Gu Huai lowered his voice and explained patiently.

Seeing that these Tucker Zerg were unmoved, Gu Huai looked at the butterfly. He suddenly stood on tiptoe and put the butterfly on the sharp forearm of the Tucker Zerg in front of him.

This goose-yellow butterfly stopped there obediently, so weak that it was unaware of the dangers around it.

Beautiful scenery needs to be embellished. For example, Gu Huai felt that the scene where the butterfly rested on the forearm of the Tucker Zerg was very harmonious and vivid.

"Look, isn't she very beautiful?" Gu Huai said with a smile, with his eyes bent.

Hearing this sentence, the Tucker Zerg with a butterfly resting on its sharp forearm tilted its head, staring at the young butterfly for a while with its scarlet eyes, then raised its head to look at Gu Huai, a little bit in its throat low voice.


This word is also not within the comprehension of these Tuckers, but because the youth in front of them crooked and smiled when they said this word, they thought that this was a word that represented beautiful things.

Of course, in the eyes of these Tuckers, the most beautiful thing in the world is the black-haired youth in front of them.

There was nothing for entertainment on the abandoned planet. Outside the huge cave, all Gu Huai could see was a barren scene.

The dust is flying, the vegetation is very sparse, and there is not a single source of water in sight.

But if you walk a little to the east, you can see a small forest. The fruit that Gu Huai ate before was picked by the Tucker Zerg in this forest.

There was still a lot of stored food left, but because Gu Huai wanted to go out and explore outside the cave, Gu Huai stood in front of the Tucker Zerg headed by him, then raised his finger and pointed to the place where the woods were located in the east.

"I want to go there."

The Tucker Zerg that Gu Huai looked up at was the tallest one among the surrounding clans. If Gu Huai was not there, this Tucker Zerg would be the leader of this small army.

The place the young man wanted to point to, the Tucker Zerg quickly understood what Gu Huai meant.

For any request of Gu Huai, these Tucker Zerg will not refuse, so with a group of Zerg following step by step, Gu Huai went to his destination smoothly.

Knowing the nervous attitude of the Tucker Zerg towards him, Gu Huai stayed within their line of sight along the way, not letting them worry at all.

Most of the trees in the forest were pitch-black, just like the shell color of the fruit Gu Huai had eaten before, like charcoal that had been charred.

A few trees with normal colors bear golden-yellow fruits, which are very conspicuous in the dark color. Gu Huai saw it, and suddenly wanted to go to pick it.

However, this tree was really too tall, and Gu Huai could only stand nearby to pass his eyes when he walked over.

The cub stared at the fruit on the tree for a few seconds, and even if he didn't say anything, the surrounding Tucker Zerg thought it meant what he wanted.

And they found that the cubs seemed to want to reach out and pick them by themselves.

Realizing this, the Tucker Zerg led by it approached Gu Huai and leaned over to him.

Gu Huai: "?"

Gu Huai looked at him with puzzled eyes. Although he didn't know what the Tucker Zerg wanted to do, he still stood still because he knew that the other party would not hurt him.

The next second, the huge Tucker Zerg stretched out its forearm to Gu Huai, and it was not easy to complete the action of picking him up, and then carefully placed him on its left shoulder.

The height changed, Gu Huai's field of vision suddenly became wider, and the surrounding scenery became different in his eyes.

Sitting on the shoulders of a Taco Zerg, Gu Huai was still a little unresponsive, but in the one or two seconds he was stunned, the Taco Zerg had already carried him to the one he was looking up at just now. Below the golden fruit.

"Hiss..." Carrying the young man to a place where he just needs to stretch his hand to pick the fruit, the Tucker Zerg made a low hoarse hiss at this time.

That way the pup will be happy.

Gu Huai stretched out his hand to pick the fruit. He looked down at the golden fruit he was holding for a while, and suddenly rubbed the hard-shelled head of the Tucker Zerg with his cheek.

Almost at the same time, the vertical pupil of the Tucker Zerg shrank from a relaxed state to a needle-like shape, and the sound in the throat became much clearer at once.

The other Tucker Zerg who saw this scene have been staring at them with scarlet eyes, and they have all learned to hold Gu Huai on their shoulders.

They also want to be approached by young people.

The weather on the barren star is constantly changing. In some areas, it is often the sun one second before, and the next second it rains heavily without warning.

This grandfather of the weather probably had a good temper today. At the beginning, it was only a light rain, so that Gu Huai, who was going out, and the Tucker Zerg around him could have enough time to react.

It's raining, and these Tucker Zerg have no concept of sheltering from the rain.

No matter how bad the living environment is, they can survive, and the shock of rain is nothing at all.

But the king cannot.

Instinctively, the Tucker Zerg carrying Gu Huai put Gu Huai down.

When Gu Huai stood on the ground, the Tucker Zerg quickly covered Gu Huai's body with its huge body, standing motionless like a mountain or a boulder.

This way the youth will not get caught in the rain.

Like this weather, will their king feel cold

If the youth feel cold, how can they get something warm so that their king can stay in a comfortable environment

The sound of ticking rain continued to sound around, and the only thinking of this group of Tucker Zerg was all related to Gu Huai.

The rain on the abandoned planet is corrosive, and the trees that can grow in this environment can be said to be very tenacious.

It rains regularly in this wooded area, because exposing one's body to it can cause damage, and the planet's ferocious native species don't come very close to the woods.

Will come to this grove from time to time, probably only these Tucker Zerg.

They come here to collect fruit and prepare food for the cubs after they are born.

Although there will be a little damage, for these Tucker Zerg with solid defenses, the rain in this place is basically harmless to them.

It will recover naturally after returning to the cave for a day. These Tucker Zerg will not regard this level of small damage as injury.

"Let's go back quickly." In fact, he just came out to explore not long ago, but he didn't want to let the surrounding Tucker Zerg continue to rain, so Gu Huai made a decision immediately.

The rain on this planet is different from ordinary rain, Gu Huai has already discovered this.

If you could make an umbrella...

On the way back to the cave, Gu Huai asked a Tucker Zerg to cut some branches for him and bring them back. After returning to the cave, Gu Huai sat on the ground and stared at the branches in a daze.

Gu Huai recalled that when he was just born with a broken shell, he unconsciously used some kind of ability to create the clothes he was wearing.

The situation at that time was that he wanted to have a piece of clothing in his heart, and then the eggshell on his hand disappeared out of thin air, and the clothing appeared on him.

Could he interpret this as an ability similar to an equivalent exchange...

The most primitive material that makes up the fabric is fiber, which is found in the eggshell. Besides, the baby eggs of the Zerg are not ordinary eggs no matter how you think. It is reasonable that this material can be exchanged for a piece of clothing.

With a basic understanding of his own abilities, Gu Huai put his hands on the long branches and huge leaves on the ground, trying to imagine the umbrella in his mind.

The branches are used as umbrella ribs, the leaves are used as umbrella cloth, and the umbrella surface should be larger—

In the blink of an eye, some of the branches and leaves that Gu Huai touched disappeared, and as he wished, a new creation that could be used as an umbrella appeared on the ground.

Exquisite is not very delicate, and even a little ugly, but Gu Huai happily picked up this ugly umbrella from the ground, then walked to the Tucker Zerg who were watching him, put it Hold the umbrella up to them.

"Here you are." Gu Huai handed this new creation to the Tucker Zerg in front of him, with a smile in his eyes.

The Tucker Zerg used the extension of its forearm to lightly clamp the handle of the umbrella, and the scarlet vertical pupils stared at it for a while before tilting its head.

I don't know what this thing is used for, but it doesn't prevent these Tucker Zerg from being happy, because the youth gave them gifts again.

Gu Huai still wanted to make a few more umbrellas, but the consumption of mental power made him feel a strong sleepiness and sleepiness, and he fell asleep directly on the ground again in a daze.

As a Zerg, Gu Huai's situation is very special. He hasn't been born in a baby egg for decades, and when he was conceived, his body has advanced and grown to adulthood with a humanoid form. But in terms of mental power, it is still only at the level of a cub.

That's why he felt very sleepy after building a large-scale spiritual link or using his abilities like he is now.

While Gu Huai was sleeping this time, a one-sided overwhelming battle had just ended in the Shanta Galaxy that was separated by hundreds of stars.

The Saqi people who rule this galaxy are recognized as the most powerful race in the universe, but these Saqi soldiers are lying on the ground at this time, and there is only one enemy they face.

It is easy to judge from the appearance that the person in the center of the battle circle is a Zerg and a higher Zerg.

The higher Zerg have a similar appearance to humans, but their eyes are uniformly vertical pupils, and they will retain a certain Zerg feature on their bodies.

The high-level Zerg in the center of the battle circle was expressionless at this time, because he wore a black eye patch that covered his eyes, making it impossible to see his emotions from his eyes, so it was even more difficult to distinguish between joy and anger.

Although his eyes were covered, judging from the outlines of other facial features, this high-level Zerg undoubtedly had an unusually handsome face, but it was extremely cold due to the lack of expression.

The battle had just ended, but the belligerent mood had not yet been eliminated from Alves' heart. He looked around the battlefield indifferently where there was no enemy, and swung the blood stained on the tip of his tail with a look of impatience.

Like a dangerous beast that has just finished hunting, but still has no end in sight.

very noisy...

Even if he is blindfolded to prevent himself from seeing tangible things, his ears will still instinctively capture sounds, and the superior hearing ability of the higher Zerg has only a negative impact on Alves.

Countless voices were mixed, and the noise made him very irritable. Alves didn't know how far he was from completely falling into madness.

Hundreds of meters away from this place, a group of high-level Zerg in black military uniforms were watching from a distance, and did not dare to approach at this time.

"Boss's emotional state seems to be getting more and more unstable recently..." Looking at the silver-haired Zerg still in the center of the battle circle, Alger said in a worried tone.

The other higher Zerg who heard this sentence around didn't say a word, but they also agreed with Alger's statement.

For some unknown reason, their leaders would fall into an abnormal state of irrationality like when the Tucker Zerg rampaged every so often.

As an adjutant, Argel needs more headaches than this one.

One of the biggest headaches for him now is that because of the short-lived spiritual link he received before, many of the higher-level Zerg in the battleship seem to have lost their souls, and some even want to leave alone to find the king...

Since that spiritual link was very short, and because the distance was extremely far, Wang had just been born and his spiritual power was not strong enough. This spiritual link was not very clear, so its influence was relatively limited.

But even so, Alger has been listening to the soulless colleagues in the battleship for two days—

"Wang... What if Wang was bullied on another planet?"

"Wang must have been bullied. That's the sound that only injuries can make."

"Wang Cai has just been born, he's just a cub... If you meet someone from a hostile race..."

The thought of Wang as a cub could be caught by the enemy made them suffocate.

The reason they haven't left to look for it is because they are desperately patient. If the king gives them another spiritual link, then they will probably betray the current leader directly and rush to the direction of the link regardless.

Hearing these words, Alger felt complicated.

No... I can't think about it anymore, if I think about it again, he can't help but want to find it.

The Zerg originally had no king, and even they themselves always thought that the higher Zerg who belonged to the alpha class like their leader were already at the top of the power of the Zerg, but their cognition was completely broken by a spiritual link two days ago.

No matter what the subordinates hundreds of meters away were doing, the irritability that could not be calmed down during the battle made the silver-haired Zerg's body pressure become more and more terrifyingly cold.

There is a fine line between sanity and madness.

This limit may come at any time, and at the moment when such irritability accumulates and is about to explode, a voice directly conveyed to consciousness makes Alveston stop.

"Huh...don't be angry..."

Gu Huai can perceive the emotions of the Zerg, which is not necessarily active. When a certain Zerg's emotions are too strong, he may also passively receive it.

In his sleep, he felt a sharp madness that almost split his senses, and Gu Huai subconsciously tried to comfort him.

The suppressed irritability and desire for destruction suddenly subsided, and because of this voice, something deep in Alves' heart was on the verge of collapse.

His world fell silent for a moment.