I’m Not Human

Chapter 42: The forty-second day of not being human


Gu Huai led a large group of Grey Tower soldiers back to the accommodation provided by the Star Alliance branch. The Grey Tower soldiers with vertical pupils were basically empty-headed during the entire following process.

They didn't think about anything and couldn't think of anything, but the body was directed to move by the deepest consciousness of the brain.

Before these gray tower soldiers figured out what they were actually thinking, they had followed Gu Huai to the place where the other party said "go back together".

This guest house is a large villa, the specifications can be said to be luxurious, and the area is also large, but the Zerg led by Gu Huai and so many gray tower soldiers are here, and the space is not enough.

Cullen and Royce watched as Gu Huai brought back such a large group of gray tower soldiers, and each got stuck for a while, but they didn't seem to be so surprised.

Now, we are all twenty-five boys.

Royce thought calmly, without the guilty conscience of defecting and betraying the organization.

Anyway, he is not doing this alone, everyone is doing it, so he is just that... following the public, following the trend!

The Grey Tower soldiers who have integrated the Zerg genes are now staring at Gu Huai subconsciously. They can't help but wonder why the other party treats them with a gentle attitude without hostility, saying that they should go back with them and bring them back to this place.

Shouldn't they be enemies that need to be eliminated to the other side

The same question should actually be asked by oneself, but these gray tower soldiers can't think of so much for the time being.

If Gu Huai regards them as enemies, or treats them as aliens like everyone else, then the instincts brought by the Zerg genes may have limited influence.

But Gu Huai behaved like this to them, so the influence of the Zerg genes can be said to be stimulated to the greatest extent.

Gu Huai didn't do this on purpose. The reason why he was gentle towards these gray tower soldiers was just because he wanted to do it.

After meeting with Cullen and Royce, now these Grey Tower soldiers with Zerg genes are like half Zerg in Gu Huai's eyes, and Gu Huai has no way to treat them coldly.

"There are not enough rooms here." Gu Huai looked at the number of these gray tower soldiers, "It doesn't matter, I will let the person in charge arrange accommodation for you."

Gu Huai's tone and attitude were very natural, so naturally it didn't look like the two sides had just ended a battle that they didn't have time to start.

Most of the Grey Tower soldiers who heard Gu Huai's words shrunk their vertical pupils slightly. They subconsciously wanted to obey Gu Huai's words, but at the same time they were very cautious because they didn't know how to respond.

"However, we can only stay here temporarily. You have to go back to another planet with me later." Gu Huai thought for a while, and then added this sentence.

"Go back" again -

This word has always had quite the impact on these Grey Tower soldiers, using the word "go back" as if they too had a place to belong.

In particular, this sentence was said by Gu Huai, and this part of the gray tower soldiers who accepted the Zerg gene was easily shaken.

These words are obviously like a bad check. There is no real guarantee at all. The other party didn't even say which planet to let them go to, but the soldiers of the Gray Tower who heard Gu Huai's words couldn't help but light up. Eye.

Even if these gray tower soldiers didn't show too obvious expressions, the violent shaking on their bodies and the unwillingness to look away from Gu Huai's eyes had already made the remaining few soldiers who did not integrate the Zerg genes. Did not see.

For the few Grey Tower soldiers who did not fuse the Zerg genes, they were the most confused from the beginning to the end of the battle.

"Are you betraying the organization like this?" One of the soldiers said to break the quiet scene.

As soon as these words came out, the gray tower soldiers who actually wanted to follow Gu Huai paused, and their expressions became a little more unnatural.

Without waiting for Gu Huai to say anything, Cullen, one of the first people to defect, said without changing his face: "We have no interest relationship with the Gray Tower, the members only stay together because they have the same goal, and now we are because of It is normal and legitimate behavior to leave the organization with a change of goals.”

And Royce closed his eyes to help: "What is betrayal, this is called job-hopping at most, do you understand?"

Originally, most of the gray tower soldiers had already stuck their eyes on Gu Huai and couldn't move them away. Now, some people took the initiative to make excuses for them, and they agreed with the two of them almost immediately.

Yes, they are not betrayal.

Hear how true this is!

With an excuse, this part of the gray tower soldiers suddenly turned their backs and felt very at ease.

Such a reply made the soldier who asked the question blushed. Those few who did not integrate the Zerg genes needed an excuse to convince themselves more than other companions.

Of course, they also hope that someone will be willing to accept them, and it is difficult to deny the shaking in their hearts, but they can't betray them so quickly, can they

Cullen had insight into their psychology, and he walked over and patted the companion on the shoulder: "To be too embarrassing will make life unhappy. We are already very unhappy, so why are we so embarrassing?"

It was the first time he heard that someone could say shameless so righteously, and the companion who was patted on the shoulder couldn't help being stunned, and he was really so thoroughly persuaded in his heart.

When things developed to this point, all the gray tower soldiers present reached an unanimous opinion, and all of them easily defected.

Even if Gu Huai just sat there and didn't do anything, most of the gray tower soldiers present couldn't help but keep watching him. When they realized that they were watching, they would try to shift their eyes, but in the end they moved again. went back.

Anyway, it's a situation where you want to watch but don't dare to watch, but you can't help but don't dare to watch.

"Just watch it if you want." Gu Huai said.

The performance of these gray tower soldiers reminded Gu Huai that when his own Zerg first faced him, it was like this. This same behavior made Gu Huai calm down towards them even more.

When the person in charge of the Star Alliance branch came here, what they saw was that the soldiers of the gray tower were docile to Gu Huai.

principal:"… "

In the face of the people from the Star Alliance, the soldiers of the Gray Tower were still cold and hostile. This differential treatment made the person in charge speechless.

"The Star Alliance is no longer your enemy." Gu Huai said at the right time.

After Gu Huai said this, the soldiers of the Gray Tower obediently restrained their hostility, and the speed of changing their faces made the person in charge amazed.

The person in charge of the branch came here to discuss matters with Gu Huai, or to ask for help.

It was already known that most of the Grey Tower soldiers were fused with Zerg genes, and Gu Huai was their ultimate weapon against the Grey Tower. To make the Star Alliance headquarters survive, they had to get Gu Huai's help.

Hearing the intention of the person in charge, Gu Huai appeared to be very talkative. He said, "We are here for this purpose, and of course we are willing to help, but..."

"But what?" the person in charge immediately asked diligently.

Gu Huai seemed to think for a while, and then replied, "But after this incident is over, there may be one thing on my side that needs the help of the Star Alliance."

Is this a reminder that they owe a favor

That is indeed a big debt. The person in charge nodded solemnly and said: "You can rest assured, I believe that the Star Alliance will give you a satisfactory return."

The Covenant, as a symbol of peace in the interstellar space, of course, has to take care of its face. It owes such a great favor to the Zerg, and of course they will pay it back.

"Is that so?" Gu Huai smiled back, "I'll talk about it later."

"Don't worry, it won't be a request that embarrassed you too much." Gu Huai added.

Originally, Gu Huai didn't want to take the initiative to ask for this favor. He brought the Zerg to help the Star Alliance this time just to show his attitude, but now something unexpected happened, and he needed to consider the survival of these gray tower soldiers.

The military forces of several strongholds in the gray tower gathered together to attack the Luoda star. This matter was originally an instruction from the top management of the base. If this troop just went away and did not return the slightest news, the senior management of the gray tower may not be able to directly. Advance the launch time of "Meteor".

"Let's make this planet pretend to be occupied by the Gray Tower troops." Gu Huai finished speaking to the person in charge, then turned his head and said to the Gray Tower soldiers in front of him, "Tomorrow you will divide a small group of people to take me Take it to the base of the Grey Tower, it is said to be the prisoner captured after the battle between Luoda and the Covenant."

"Your Majesty?!" All the Zerg beside Gu Huai immediately reacted greatly.

It is absolutely unacceptable for any Zerg to let their king run to a dangerous place. Every Zerg present showed a strong aura of resistance.

Alves didn't say a word. At this moment, he directly wrapped Gu Huai's body with his tail, his face was expressionless, and he didn't mean to let go.

Gu Huai expected the scene before saying this, he explained: "The base of the Grey Tower should not be considered a dangerous place for me, and Alves can go with me, even if there is really something Dangerous, he can also take me to use the space to transfer away."

Because Alves has the ability to hide his figure perfectly, Gu Huai said this, and at the same time to appease the big cat, he quietly touched the silver-gray tail that was circled around him in this serious scene .

Gu Huai's words and the stroking of the tail made Alves' cold expression loosen slightly, but the corners of his lips were still pursed.

"The location of the 'Meteor Star' is only known to the senior staff in the gray tower base. If you want to grasp its location or make it stop, taking me to the base is the most direct way." Gu Huai said, A few more touches on a tail that is not very happy.

Touching this tail is happy, and a certain big cat is also happy.

In the Gray Tower organization, there are many soldiers who have integrated Zerg genes. Even if the soldiers with Zerg genes don't obey Gu Huai's instructions, they will definitely not be able to hurt him - the Zerg people present are actually very aware of this, but they are still After Gu Huai reassured him again and again, he reluctantly agreed to Gu Huai's decision.

The base of the Gray Tower is in a gray area that is not under the jurisdiction of the Covenant. Specifically, this gray area is the Kenyan galaxy occupied by various independent organizations... such as the mercenary group.

The real base of the Gray Tower is on the Nira star in this galaxy.

The atmosphere at the Gray Tower Base is a little bit tense these days, because the second-in-command of their base, Colin, has been a little grumpy in recent days.

This kind of irritability is manifested in the fact that the other party always assigns various training tasks to the subordinates with a smile on their faces that can make people exhausted.

The ten expedited packages that Colin placed in the StarNet store a few days ago, the starship that delivered the packages did not know what happened, and stopped on a certain planet in the path for a long time.

The expedited package was promised. Originally, this expedited package would take a day to be delivered. Colin already felt that he couldn't wait, and now he had to wait for several days.

If there is another "meteorite" in the gray tower, when the package arrives, Colin wants to blow up the express company.

This afternoon, I finally received the ten packages he ordered. Colin immediately took all the ten packages back to his room and happily prepared to unpack them.

Colin carefully opened the package with scissors, and quickly took out a little doll from the package. Looking at the doll, Colin's vertical pupils suddenly lit up.

That guy Siva was really stingy. He said before that he would exchange two dolls for the other party, but the other party refused.

Okay, he has now bought ten of them himself, and he doesn't care about the other party's one.

While thinking about it, he continued to unpack the package. When the last package was unpacked, Colin heard a knock on the door.

"What's the matter?" Colin didn't want to take care of anyone while unpacking a very important package, and his tone was a little impatient.

The voice of a subordinate outside the door came: "Report to the staff, Luoda Star has been captured by our troops, and we have tied a Covenant person back from there. In terms of intelligence..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Colin interrupted the other party's words: "What are you looking for with me about the intelligence, won't you go to the torture team?"

At the same time as he spoke, he finally took out the last package. Colin put all the nine little dolls on the head of his bed, and held the remaining one by himself. To eat, starve him for three, four or five days. Let the people of the torture team try him well, and torture him—"

As soon as the door opened, Colin was caught off guard by a pair of black eyes.

The owner of these eyes is a young man with a very clear and handsome appearance. He is now being guarded by several gray tower soldiers, standing there peacefully.

Colin looked at the young man with black hair and black eyes in front of him, and then looked down at the same villain in his hand.
