I’m Not Human

Chapter 45: The forty-fifth day of not being human


The gorgeous fireworks completed its bloom, and when it finally took shape, the image of a q-version villain was frozen in the universe for a second.

The universe surrounding the planet where the Star Alliance is located soon returned to a silent blackness. At this time, the Star Alliance headquarters was very confused, and the people of all ethnic groups in the interstellar space were also very confused.


For the Covenant and the people of all nationalities in the interstellar space, they are of course very happy and fortunate that the headquarters of the Covenant Alliance was not destroyed by the "falling star", and the symbol of peace in the interstellar space was preserved.

But what the hell is Gray Tower doing

On the day when it was announced that the "Meteor Star" was going to destroy the headquarters of the Covenant, a huge beam was launched aggressively, and then a firework was set off for them in person?

Journalists of all races in the interstellar space have already written their first drafts of the two versions of the news. Next, they only need to process the first draft according to the actual development, and then they can send out the press release.

Whether or not the Covenant headquarters can withstand this attack, this event is enough to be recorded as an important historical event in the new era.

The first two editions of the news release, one content is to lament the disappearance of the symbol of interstellar peace, and the other content of course is to commemorate the Covenant over the difficulties, and praise the Covenant to continue to stand.

But in the end, the gray tower came over and set off a firework, and the journalists in the interstellar stared at the fireworks and fell into a daze. At this time, they looked down at the two manuscripts they saved on the terminal, and put the two manuscripts with an expression that was about to vomit blood. dragged to the destroy option together.

Neither of these two manuscripts can be used!

Unlike the stunned reaction of the interstellar people, when Gu Huai saw the huge beam of light burst into fireworks through the video, he blinked his eyes and stretched his frown.

Originally, Gu Huai was about to bend the tip of his eyes a little, but after seeing the shape of the fireworks in full bloom within two seconds, his expression froze.

That shape like a q-version villain...

Gu Huai watched the video playback again, and paused when the super-giant fireworks burst into shape.

Confirming what the paused picture was, Gu Huai couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were blank for a few seconds.

The Star Alliance was very stimulated, and while they were stunned, they were still guessing what the gray tower was going to do.

Are you planning to set off a fireworks first to make them less vigilant, disrupt their preparations, and then suddenly launch a "Meteorite" when they are out of step

No matter what people of the Covenant and the various races in Interstellar think, the soldiers on the gray tower side replaced the "Meteor Star" with fireworks and launched them according to the order. Now the two leaders are in charge, and a group of gray tower soldiers are standing in Gu Huai's room. outside the door.

These gray tower soldiers were all looking eagerly at the closed door. They wanted to know Gu Huai's reaction to the fireworks, but no one dared to make excuses to go in.

Everyone ran to the seventeenth floor in unison, and they all walked near the door and were discouraged. As a result, a group of people crowded outside the door.

"No wonder I asked you how to delay the launch of the meteorite. You told me it was not good. It turns out that you have already thought about second-hand preparations, and you deliberately didn't say anything until I came to you." Dare to enter the room, Colin Only outside with their leader to turn the old accounts.

Siwa still had a cold face, ignoring the other party.

It's okay to change the "meteorite" to fireworks. The fireworks are still in the shape of a q-version villain. Colin can't help but think, why didn't he come up with such a good idea

The young people in the room are worried about the Star Alliance, so they will definitely pay attention to what happened today, and if they pay attention to what happened today, they will definitely be able to see the fireworks.

I don't know what the other party thinks about this fireworks...

After the gray tower soldier outside the door looked at the door so anxiously for a few minutes, the door was suddenly opened from the inside.

They heard a click, and the doorknob turned, and then the gray tower soldiers saw Gu Huai pushing the door open to a half-person-wide gap, leaning his body and sticking his head out to look at them.

"What are you all doing standing outside?" Gu Huai pretended to open the door inadvertently, and looked around the people outside the house with a surprised look.

In fact, Gu Huai sensed many emotions that were transmitted through a door. From these emotions, he knew that there were many gray tower soldiers standing outside the door.

Originally, Gu Huai wanted to wait for them to come in, but found that the latter stayed outside the door for a while, so he had to call.

"Uh, we... we're here..." Colin hesitated.

"Come in first." Gu Huai pushed the door open a little more.

After Gu Huai finished speaking, he left the door, leaving behind the gray tower soldiers who were gathered outside standing there, look at me and look at you, hesitated for a moment, and finally they couldn't help walking into the house one after another.

At this time, Gu Huai had already sat back on the sofa, and was looking down at a book that he had not read before.

Gu Huai's profile of reading the book looked very quiet, and the soldiers of the gray tower who entered the room couldn't help but feel a little more nervous when they saw this picture.

Colin was pushed out to ask questions, and he asked tentatively, "That firework... did you see it?"

Gu Huai didn't pay attention to reading the book, his eyes paused slightly, he closed the book in his hand, then nodded and replied, "Well, I see."

Gu Huai's answer made the eyes of the gray tower soldiers brighten slightly. At this time, Colin asked again and again: "Do you think it looks good?"

Gu Huai thought of the final shape of the fireworks, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly, but Gu Huai clearly sensed the expectations of the surrounding gray tower soldiers, and he still chose to respond to their expectations.

"It's pretty." Gu Huai smiled at them.

Ignoring the shape of the fireworks that made him feel a little ashamed at the end, Gu Huai felt that the fireworks were indeed very beautiful and beautiful.

As soon as Gu Huai said it looked good, Colin immediately said, "Actually, we can make some more of this firework, if you want to see it..."

Although the cost is not cheap, the gray tower can still afford it.

Hearing this, Gu Huai hurriedly coughed, shook his head and said, "Just watch it once, you don't need to show it to me."

A few more times, and the Covenant will probably go crazy.

But this firework was originally meant to be shown to the other party. Gu Huai's refusal made the gray tower soldiers present feel a little pity, but they were still very happy that Gu Huai liked this firework.

"So you guys set up these fireworks?" Gu Huai deliberately showed a kind of surprise after knowing it.

Colin then remembered that they still had lies to make up, and he said with a sullen face: "Well... yes, yes, our organization congratulates the Covenant in advance on getting through this difficult time, so let's set off fireworks for them."

He said the lie without blushing and heartbeat, and Colin heard the young man in front of him snort without doubt, expressing full confidence in his words.

The charitable organization's lie was over, and Colin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After the Star Alliance experienced a fireworks that made them stunned, they spent the next few days on the alert that the Gray Tower would do other things, but it was really calm and nothing happened, which made their nerves tense now. In a state of exhaustion that wants to relax but dare not relax.

In the few days when the Star Alliance was still nervous, Gu Huai's life in the Gray Tower was quite comfortable.

Not to mention living in a sea view room, you can order any meal every day, and you can basically get anything you need by opening your mouth.

The soldiers of the Gray Tower were very happy these days, because Gu Huai was here, and the base suddenly gave them a sense of belonging.

But happy, happy... They soon had to face a reality.

"Is my family here?" In fact, he already knew that the Zerg from his own family were coming through the light spot in the spiritual realm. Gu Huai still closed the book and raised his head to ask Colin.

It would be nice if he could also lie at this time, but when Colin faced the young man's gaze, his vertical pupils shrank, and finally nodded honestly: "...Yes, they said they came to pick you up."

Gu Huai said that it was great, because seeing the happy expression on his face, the emotions of the gray tower soldiers present were very complicated.

Although they knew from the beginning that this kind of day like having a belonging does not really belong to them, but when they are about to lose, these gray tower soldiers will still feel low and sad.

But also because Gu Huai was so happy at this time, they would also have similar feelings, so the mood is very contradictory now.

The Zerg is so powerful that it will protect the king of its own race, and it can also provide the youth with a more comfortable living environment than their base.

Zerg are better than them...

Thinking of this, the mood of these gray tower soldiers suddenly became even lower.

The Zerg's Yura battleship has landed on the planet ground of Nila, and the three other army commanders besides Alves brought this elite fleet over.

The Zerg troops entered the base of the Gray Tower. At this time, they no longer needed to hide their figures. Alves appeared in front of Gu Huai earlier than the other Zerg tribes. As soon as he appeared, he wrapped his tail around Gu Huai's body.

The chief of staff, who is good at negotiating, has already negotiated with Gray Tower. Gray Tower agreed to let the Zerg take Gu Huai away. This is what Colin promised from the very beginning.

Inadvertently, the atmosphere of the entire Gray Tower base was gloomy. Seeing Gu Huai walking to the side of the Zerg who came to pick him up, most of the Gray Tower soldiers in the base shrank their vertical pupils.

Even the few Grey Tower soldiers who have not fused the Zerg genes, it is not that they have not felt the warmth and sense of belonging to being treated normally from the past few days, and they are also in a low mood now.

Saying goodbye to say goodbye, this is very bad for the people of the gray tower. They hadn't experienced it for a long time since being forced to undergo genetic modification, and no one could make them do it.

"That... fireworks—yes, fireworks, we'll put them on near Tucer once a year, you can see them nearby." Colin said with a smile.

The gray tower soldiers present did not forget that Gu Huai said before that he thought the fireworks were beautiful, and at this time, they all agreed with Colin by default.

Although the smile on the other side's face was not worse than crying, it was indeed very reluctant. Gu Huai watched quietly, and in the next second did what he had decided from the beginning.

Gu Huai was standing on the side of the Zerg team, but at this time he extended his hand to the soldiers of the Gray Tower opposite him.

He said, "Aren't you going home with me?"