I’m Not Human

Chapter 46: The forty-sixth day of not being human


Gu Huai stretched out his hand like this, and when he heard what he said, all the soldiers in the gray tower opposite him could not react immediately, and everyone had a stunned expression on their faces.

go home…

Was this sentence addressed to them?

A little bit unable to believe the truth of what they heard, these gray tower soldiers stopped and stared at Gu Huai, unable to move because of self-doubt, and none of them dared to move forward.

"What, what...?" Colin said loudly, trying to verify.

Gu Huai kept his hand outstretched and repeated what he had just said in a serious and gentle tone: "Aren't you going home with me?"

This time it is definitely not a mistake. Just because they confirmed that they heard it right, the gray tower soldiers present are even more speechless now.

Colin's voice froze in his throat, and it was even more difficult to express: "What do you mean by going home together...?"

Is it what they think

Gu Huai wouldn't deliberately not make it clear at this time to make people anxious, he didn't make the gray tower soldiers feel uneasy, and then clearly said to them: "It's you who go back to the Zerg territory with me, and then stay here and don't leave. , are you willing?"

This sentence cannot be misinterpreted, the meaning could not be clearer.

Some of the gray tower soldiers on the scene blinked their eyes hard, so that the unknowingly wet eye sockets became dry again, so as to avoid any humiliating things.

Of course they would!

Colin nodded, and was ready to take a step forward to catch Gu Huai's hand that was reaching out to them in a happy mood. Who knew that he had just stepped forward, and before he had time to lift his hand, this matter was given to the person next to him. Cut off.

Siwa, who had been standing beside him without saying a word, with a straight face, took Gu Huai's hand first. Colin was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, he stared at him with murderous eyes.

But he couldn't say anything. Objectively speaking, Siwa was the leader of the Gray Tower. It was indeed more appropriate for him to complete this move by the other party, and it could express the attitude of the entire Gray Tower.

Anyway, no matter how much they agreed first, after it was clear that they were very willing, Colin hesitated and asked carefully: "But you... why do you have such an idea, let us go back with you, go home or something? …”

Once he completely accepts the Zerg genes in his body from the bottom of his heart, Colin can no longer use the title "you" for Gu Huai.

For the soldiers of the Grey Tower, they are very resistant to the genes of other races that they are forced to integrate, because in their cognition, it is the genes of these different races that make them become what they are now.

But at this moment, the gray tower soldiers accepted by Gu Huai also began to learn to accept their current selves.

Hearing the other party's question, Gu Huai instantly lowered his brows and eyes clearly: "Didn't I say before that your eyes make me feel very familiar, why do most of you have such eyes? I know."

"I met other members of your organization in Luoda Star, and they happened to be soldiers with such eyes. Their performance in all aspects made me feel almost the same as normal Zerg, so I can't leave them alone." Gu Huai Having said that, he turned his eyes to look at the person opposite, "The same is true for you."

"There's no way to leave it alone, so I came here specially to try to take care of you. If it goes well, I'll take you back together." Gu Huai said frankly, and directly confessed that he came to the Gray Tower Base with a purpose.

Gu Huai said it to such an extent that it was impossible for Colin to still understand the situation, but at this moment he did not think of the other party's deception first, but thought—

Then all the lies he told before were known to the other party?

The other party knows everything, but is still willing to accept them.

Colin opened his mouth but couldn't make a sound, and after a while he said falteringly, "Then we... let's go now?"

It's not that he can't wait alone, all the gray tower soldiers present react the same way.

They immediately wanted to follow Gu Huai home.

"En." Gu Huai replied affirmatively.

Seeing Gu Huai nod, all the members of the gray tower started to pack their luggage. In fact, they didn't want to take any of their own luggage with them, they just took all the supplies that could be used in the base with them...

These are the things they want to give to the youth, including the "falling star" that was not launched.

The luggage was packed, and the soldiers of the Gray Tower boarded their battleships and followed the Zerg fleet obediently.

They have never been to the territory of the Zerg. When they were normal people, they also heard of the cruelty of the Zerg.

It is a strange and unknown place to go, and everything is full of uncertainty, but these Grey Tower soldiers choose to follow without a word.

Gu Huai said to them "go home together", and they were full of trust and expectations.

The Grey Tower fleet followed the Zerg fleet all the way to the Nordra Galaxy. Gu Huai temporarily placed these Grey Tower soldiers on the Tusher Planet, and then began to deal with an important matter.

Ask the chief of staff to contact the Star Alliance headquarters, Gu Huai now wants to ask the Star Alliance for the favor they owe.

Why did the "Meteor Star" not launch at the scheduled time, but turned into a firework, the Covenant has now understood that this is due to the help of the Zerg through the information obtained from the branch of Luoda Star.

Including the reason why Luoda Star did not fall, it was also because of the help of the Zerg.

In the future era when information is extremely developed, any news is easy to spread, and people of various ethnic groups in the interstellar have also heard the news to some extent.

The communication was connected, and Gu Huai faced the Star Alliance Council opposite the communication image. He didn’t say anything polite, and quickly went straight to the topic—

"The Gray Tower will no longer pose a threat to the Covenant, so you can rest assured. Regarding the disposal of the Gray Tower, the Zerg will take over in full, and I hope the Covenant will not interfere."

In terms of some of the damage to the Covenant caused by the Grey Tower and the fact that they have made the recent interstellar atmosphere tense, it is impossible for the Covenant not to hold the Grey Tower at fault.

Normally, these Grey Tower soldiers would definitely be tried and convicted, but now that Gu Huai made this request to them, the Star Alliance could not refuse.

The Covenant has already understood the influence of the Zerg genes on the transformed soldiers of the Gray Tower. Considering objectively, if they agree to Gu Huai's request, it would be equivalent to giving the Zerg a powerful army directly.

Not only an army, but also that "falling star"...

It is impossible to say that they are not afraid, but the Zerg has just helped them so much, and the Star Alliance headquarters is not destroyed by the other party. If they do not agree with Gu Huai's request, the Star Alliance will be so shameless. I can't do it.

Owing to the favor, the Star Alliance agreed to Gu Huai's request.

Although it was useless for them to disagree, the members of the Gray Tower were all in the Zerg territory. If Gu Huai didn't make friends, the Star Alliance would not be able to force it.

Now Gu Huai took the initiative to send a communication to them and said that he hoped they would not interfere. The Star Alliance knew that this was actually a show of face for them.

"We will give a reasonable solution." Gu Huai said these words calmly, and cut off the communication after a while.

The disposal was for outsiders, and Gu Huai had already figured out what to do.

The Zerg owns a lot of planets. After all, in the old era when various ethnic wars were frequent, the Zerg was the most ferocious one, and the number of occupied planets was also the largest among all races.

As for these occupied planets, not every one of the Zerg has been developed and constructed, and many planets are still in their original state, so Gu Huai planned this way—

He set one of the planets that still needs to be developed and constructed as the residence of the gray tower personnel, so that the gray tower soldiers who joined the zerg can build their own homes. Of course, the zerg will provide various help for the planet construction.

Externally, it is said that these gray tower soldiers are assigned to the barren star for labor reform.

Gu Huai expressed his plans to the gray tower soldiers who had been temporarily placed on Tuther Star and asked for their opinions. The response he got was bright eyes.

"We are very willing to do this." Siva replied on behalf of the entire Grey Tower.

For the gray tower soldiers who have never been accepted by anyone, what they want most is a home. If they can build their own home, they will not feel hard at all, but will only have a sense of accomplishment and happiness.

This planet that needs to be developed and constructed is not too far from the Tusher Star, which also makes the gray tower soldiers who want to get close to Gu Huai feel very good.

It is said to be reform through labor, but seeing that the Zerg troops are also helping to build the planet together, how can people from other races in the interstellar not understand what is going on.

But the Zerg has already given a statement to outsiders, and it is up to them to believe it or not.

Preliminary development and construction of the planet is not an easy task. For example, reclaiming wasteland, building houses, erecting traffic, etc. all require a lot of manpower and material resources.

In addition to using the black technology of the Zerg for planet development, Gu Huai also took some technological creations of other races for construction.

Gu Huai went to pick up the wool of the Star Alliance again. The Star Alliance owes the Zerg a lot of favor this time. This wool is not actually Gu Huai's initiative to pick up the wool, but the Star Alliance himself said that he is willing to give back, so Gu Huai Requested rudely.

Although the various black technologies of the Zerg are excellent, for example, the Yura battleship makes other races very envious, but Gu Huai feels that they can't let go of the development of serious technology because of this, and some technological creations of other races are also worth learning.

Gu Huai also played a big role in the construction of this planet. The specific situation is as follows—

"If the soldiers can hear you, this project can be completed at least 10% faster. If you speak in an encouraging tone, the speed can be increased by another 10%."

"If you go to inspect the progress in person, your subordinates believe that the time-consuming of this project can be directly cut in half." The chief of staff pushed his glasses.

Gu Huai: "..."

Gu Huai twitched the corners of his mouth, but he still listened to the chief of staff's words, and went to the construction site to take a look, and saw that his gray tower soldiers and Zerg were all enthusiastic about construction.

It didn't take long for the initial development and construction of this planet, Ivey Star, to be completed.

With houses and various infrastructures on the planet, it can become a normal place to live.

"You will live here in the future." Gu Huai looked at the planet that had just completed a part of development, and lowered his eyes at the gray tower soldiers in front of him.

Although the basic construction is only completed now, it will definitely get better and better in the future.

Regardless of whether they were fused with the Zerg genes, all the Grey Tower soldiers who heard Gu Huai's voice tensed up at this moment. They looked at this planet with indescribable emotions.

They also have a home.