I’m Not Human

Chapter 52: The fifty-second day of not being human


Hearing the other party say that these three devices are still new products that have just been developed and manufactured, according to the other party's tone, Gu Huai felt that the cost of these devices should not be cheap.

And now he has broken two of them all at once.

Gu Huai didn't change his color on the surface, he blinked lightly, he thought that he didn't bring any money when he went out...

No, he has no money at all.

After realizing this, Gu Huai stayed for another second.

Since being taken back to Tuther by Alves from the abandoned planet, Gu Huai's life has basically been in a state of lacking everything, and as long as he shows what he wants, the Zerg on Tuther will also be very fast. will bring these things to him.

So much so that Gu Huai has almost forgotten the concept of "money" since he was born in this world.

Gu Huai's side only thought about the possibility of losing money, and the others who had been speechless because of their excessive shock were finally able to speak.

"Impossible... Even the mentor has only 30,000 to 40,000 mental strength values, how could he have 100,000...?!"

"But the results of the two tests are the same, the machine is never so coincidental, and it happens to fail both times."

"One hundred thousand mental power level... That must be monster level, it's too terrifying."

The students looked at each other, all seeing the same surprise on each other's faces.

Hamer, who was standing next to Gu Huai, just heard the last sentence, and he couldn't help thinking silently in his heart that 100,000 mental powers were probably just the tip of the iceberg of His Majesty's ability...

No, maybe not even a corner, at most a little pointy.

The king of the Zerg can link to the terrifying spiritual power of all Zerg at the same time, and Hammer feels his scalp tingling just thinking about it.

This is to establish a spiritual link to an entire race, and it is able to cross the galaxy, link to the Zerg located in any star field in the universe, and convey his will to this Zerg.

Thinking of this, Hamer immediately felt very fortunate, thanks to the good-natured His Majesty next to him, otherwise he and Shen Mu would have been lying in the coffin long ago.

In that Oolong incident, if the other party used mental power to attack the unsuspecting them, he and Shen Mu would definitely die on the spot.

The entire test hall soon became lively due to the discussion, and some students even quickly sent a text description of the incident to the school's group on the star network.

The information between the students was very fast, and it didn't take long for the students of all grades in the entire Imperial Military Academy to know about this matter, and the school was in an uproar.

In the school group -

[The Earth Federation sent a very powerful exchange student this year!]

[How powerful?]

[The kind with a mental strength value of over 100,000!]

[… ?]

The following is followed by a series of identical ellipsis replies.

Seems like I accidentally messed up something...

Looking at the scene around him, Gu Huai twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling that his original plan to not cause a commotion in the school was probably going to waste.

At this time, Derek had just recovered from his shock state. He stared blankly at the two scrapped equipment, and he couldn't say anything about the machine failure.

If he asks the other party to go to the side to test again, then the last remaining single seedling may not be able to keep it.

"When did your Earth Federation have such a... such a powerful student?" Derek couldn't find a suitable adjective, and it took a long time for Derek to finish his sentence.

When he was talking, Derek looked at Gu Huai with a look of fear. Facing such a result, Derek didn't feel dissatisfied now. It wasn't a shame for the students of his school to lose to an opponent of this level.

Just thinking about such a student coming to his school as an exchange student, Derek felt that neither himself nor the other tutors were qualified to teach each other.

Hammer coughed several times when he heard the words, thinking about telling the truth.

Successfully seeing Derek's face change, and anyway, they have already attracted so much attention, it's okay to tell the truth.

Hamer: "Actually..."

As soon as Hamer said two words, his words were interrupted by Gu Huai's question: "These two devices... um, that... do I need to pay?"

Although it really wasn't intentional, Gu Huai still felt a little guilty.

As soon as he heard Gu Huai's words, Derek immediately felt a pain in his flesh. It was no small matter that such a valuable equipment in the school was scrapped two at a time.

The Earth Federation can pay them a fortune. Thinking of this, Derek decisively said, "Of course—" Yes.

Before he could finish his words, a silver-gray tail encircled the young man standing opposite Derek and dragged him back. Alves blocked Gu Huai behind him, and then faced the Fields man in front of him with a blank expression.

The silver-haired Zerg that suddenly appeared in front of him made Derek stunned, and the iconic light-gold vertical pupil and silver-gray tail on this higher Zerg made Derek's pupils dilate and shrink sharply in a moment.

Under the expressionless gaze of the other side, Derek could not help but bend his mouth when he was about to say: "Of course not."

Deliberately exerting a certain degree of coercion, the feeling of oppression caused by Alves standing near made the Fields in front of him uncomfortable. His tail was wrapped around Gu Huai in a protective posture, while looking towards The eyes of the person on the other side were very indifferent.

There is only a fine line between this indifference and hostility.

Alves felt that he was being provoked because he saw Gu Huai bowing his head slightly with a distressed expression on his face.

It was the provocation of the Fields man on the opposite side.

Gu Huai reacted at this time: "Alves."

Glancing at the person on the other side who seemed to be under a lot of pressure, Gu Huai habitually touched the tail that was encircling him.

Feeling the stroking of his tail, Alves lowered his eyelids lightly. Although he was still expressionless, he restrained the pressure he deliberately released.

As soon as the pressure on Alves decreased, Derek finally felt much better, and he didn't need to feel like he was standing in the ice and snow without clothes.

The iconic features of Alves are too recognizable, and the Fields students present are no longer able to make expressions, and they do not understand the magical development in front of them.

Why did the army commander of the Zerg suddenly appear here, and why did the other party appear to be protecting the human exchange student—

"The king of the Zerg... I remember it seems to be black hair and black eyes?" At this time, a Fields student made a weak voice.

Although the real person's appearance has not been circulated on Xingwang, the first place in this year's interstellar cutest creature is the king of the Zerg, and the q-version villain doll sold on Xingwang has black hair and black eyes...

The student's words suddenly woke everyone in the test hall. If the black-haired youth in front of them was the king of the Zerg, then all these things would make sense.

It is reasonable to guess that it is reasonable, but this does not prevent the discovery from making the students stunned again.

The king of the Zerg... right in front of them?

This realization made the Fields students in the hall at a loss for a while, while Derek was completely in a hurry. As long as he thought about his attitude towards Gu Huai just now, he had the urge to commit suicide on the spot.

Hammer came out at this time to make a round of the game and told the facts again, of course, he didn't mention why he and Shen Mu were with Gu Huai.

"That's it." Gu Huai nodded to meet Hamer's words, "I've caused you trouble."

Derek dared to accept this sentence, so he quickly shook his head: "No trouble."

The discussion content of the school group was updated immediately. Although Gu Huai didn't know about the group, he also knew that he must have caused an uproar in the school this time.

Now that this is the case, Gu Huai didn't care about it anymore, and took Alves to visit the school in an open and honest way.

After satisfying his curiosity, he returned home.

"I'm tired." After walking out of the school gate, Gu Huai looked at Alves who was following him and blinked, "I want to go back on your tail."

Alves was silent, but quickly lowered his tail and let Gu Huai sit on top.

Just agreeing to the request is a bit too... too spoiled.

Shen Mu and Hamer came up with this idea at the same time.

This is not the first time Shen Mu and Hamer have seen this scene. When they were on the planet of the Ults, they also saw Alves carrying Gu Huai past them with his tail like this.

The last time it was passive, this time it was Gu Huai's active request, and the nature has actually changed a lot.

By the time he was taken back to the hostel, Gu Huai had already fallen asleep leaning on Alves' back in a side sitting position.

Alves hugged Gu Huai, his movements were not skilled, but there was a gentleness in his blunt movements that was incompatible with the cold expression.

It was already night when Gu Huai woke up, and he saw Alves as soon as he sat up from the bed.

"Ya..." Before Gu Huai could whisper the other person's name, he stopped because of Alves leaning over to kiss.

This time, Alves gently pecked and kissed his cheek, Gu Huai didn't say anything, the tips of his ears were slightly red but he still sat there, as if acquiescing to Alves' behavior.

This big cat didn't use any fouls to make any demands this time, which made Gu Huai relieved, but just when Gu Huai was just relaxing a little, Alves' kiss on the side of his neck made him shiver.

This big cat's cognition is probably that it can kiss anywhere except the mouth, but Gu Huai can't correct it even if he finds out now, he can only push the other party away with a flushed face.

But he just pushed it away, Gu Huai didn't say "no" to Alves.

The possessive instinct made Alves discover this at the first time, so even if he was pushed away, he approached again to continue the kiss just now.

Gu Huai pursed his lips and sat still as before, the tips of his ears turned from reddish to red in a short while.

"I have something to go down and tell everyone." Feeling that it would not be good to continue, Gu Huai quickly found a reason to get up and go out.

This reason is not entirely an excuse. Gu Huai waited for the heat on his face to subside, and he went down to the lobby on the first floor.

Sitting on the sofa, Gu Huai coughed lowly and said to the Zerg surrounding him: "When I went to visit the school of the Fields this afternoon, I accidentally broke several pieces of equipment in their school..."

"Do you want to dismantle a few more units to play with?" The chief of staff pushed his glasses.

If a few are broken, it is likely that their king is interested in this kind of equipment. The first reaction of the chief of staff is what he thinks.

"If it's broken, it will be broken, you just have to have fun." Simoduo said that immediately after hearing the words.

The other Zerg reacted in much the same way.

Gu Huai was speechless for a while. Why did his parents think this way?

"No... I thought about it and thought that they should still pay a part of their losses, but... Cough, there is no money." Gu Huai couldn't help but cough again.

Gu Huai had never experienced such an experience of asking for money from his family when he broke something.

"You can leave this matter to us." Kapalya responded.

The next day, the First Military Academy of the Empire of the Fields welcomed the visit of the four commanders of the Zerg.

This battle frightened the principal who went on a business trip to the next planet to come back. According to what happened in the school yesterday, the principal and the tutors agreed that the Zerg were dissatisfied with their attitude towards that majesty yesterday, and came to Xingshi to ask the guilt today.

The four alpha zerg who came to the principal's office seemed to have the words "black and evil forces" written on them.

Just as the principal was thinking about how they should apologize, he heard the Zerg in front of him say to him: "The Zerg is willing to compensate for the loss of the scrapped equipment."

As soon as this sentence came out, the principal got stuck and didn't know how to answer it.

"No need, no need." The principal wiped the sweat from his forehead and declined, "It's because the quality of our school's equipment is not good enough."

How dare they ask for it!