I’m Not Human

Chapter 58: The fifty-eighth day of not being human


How could such an important thing as Wang learn to walk not be recorded? !

Although the chief of staff fell down just now, when Gu Huai was escorted by Alves and learned to walk, he used his strong will to get the Zerg soldier next to him to help him up.

No, he couldn't miss the process of watching his own Wang Xue walk, he had to record the whole process—

After barely standing up, the chief of staff watched the black cub on the bed learning to walk the whole time, not letting go of any detail.

Since the first video recording of Gu Huai, the chief of staff has specially added a video recording function to his pair of glasses, which can be turned on at any time.

There is just too much to record, the chief of staff thought.

The entire growth process of the king's cubs is very meaningful to the Zerg. This growth process is only once, and if you miss it, you will never see it again, whether it's learning to walk or something else...

The chief of staff calmly stabilized his glasses, for this honorable task, he cannot fall!

Gu Huai tried his best to learn to walk under the escort of Alves. When he walked between the head and the end of the bed in the form of a black fluffy cub, using his front paws and hind legs... or crawling around When he went, he had no idea that his learning to walk had been fully recorded.

They learned to walk so quickly.

When the Zerg cub with round golden eyes on the bed can walk smoothly on its own without the need for another cub next to it to adjust its balance with its silver-gray tail, the eyes of the Zerg around the bed It can only be described as shiny.

In fact, in the Zerg, it should be a matter of course for the cubs to learn to walk, and it is nothing special at all.

Compared with the cubs of other races, the cubs of the Zerg already have a certain attack ability from birth.

If an ordinary human faces a Zerg cub without any weapons, it is normal to run away. After all, the sharp teeth and bite force of the Zerg cub can bite through alloy and steel as soon as they are born.

For a cub that fights from birth, walking is of course no concern.

But the king is different.

The king in cub form doesn't look like he can fight, and like an adult, his body has little defense.

Even the Zerg know that creatures are much more fragile in their cubs than in adulthood, so the Zerg in the room now have a mind of 120,000 cautious caregivers.

"Your Majesty, can you send live video about you to the soldiers who are staying on Tuther and other planets?" Cubs parallel, "It's mostly for fairness."

Although it could not be absolutely fair, the chief of staff still tried his best to consider the other Zerg who failed to follow Gu Huai to Levin Star.

Hearing the chief of staff's words, the black cub who had just learned to walk on the bed seemed to be stunned, and the already round golden vertical pupils seemed to be even more rounded.

Live broadcast or something, this is too public to execute...

But under the bright eyes of the surrounding Zerg group, Gu Huai thought of the way the Zerg people who stayed behind looked at him eagerly when he left Tuther, and finally chose to agree.

"Chirp." It wasn't a complicated expression anyway. The black cub squatting peacefully on the bed did not establish a spiritual connection, but directly tweeted to the chief of staff, expressing its agreement.

Directly hit by this chirp, the chief of staff couldn't hold back the expression on his face for a moment. He turned his head and tried to breathe a few times before quickly turning his eyes back.

With Gu Huai's consent, the chief of staff started sending video links to groups of Zerg soldiers on other planets.

After receiving the video connection sent by the chief of staff to the personal terminal, the Zerg soldiers who were staying on other planets had a cold expression as usual, but when they accepted the connection, they saw the Zerg cub that appeared in the image at a glance, These Zerg soldiers could not walk one by one.

In addition to the live video, they also received a recorded video on the terminal. This recorded video includes the picture of Gu Huai in cub form accidentally tipping his body while walking forward on the bed, and the black cub. A picture of the body being protected by a silver-gray tail and learning to walk.


When hearing this cry, many of the Zerg soldiers who were watching the recorded video, like the chief of staff, fell back unbearably.

The soldiers of the gray tower also received these two images. Don’t ask what you are feeling, just ask that you are so happy that you want to blow up a meteorite for the Star Alliance.

Of course, it is impossible for meteorites to explode, but it is possible to explode fireworks.

Looking at Gu Huai's cub form, the Grey Tower soldiers living on Planet Aivi decided to start making a new firework, and the shape of the blasted fireworks was Gu Huai's cub form.

If the Covenant knew what these Grey Tower soldiers wanted to do, they probably only had one idea now.

- Are your Zerg genes poisonous? !

Because the Zerg helped the Fields a lot in the incident that the Imperial College was attacked by the rebels, the Archon of the Fields prepared to thank the Zerg personally on the second day after handling the matter properly. And they should discuss the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two races.

To be honest, the current state of the Zerg is that they do not want to care about people at all. Their overall mood can be summarized as follows:

Don't cue us, no time, no interest, busy raising cubs.

Seeing that their king has changed back to the form of a cub, I don't know how long this form will last, and maybe it will change back at any time.

When Gu Huai told them that he could not find a way to change back for the time being, although the Zerg present had a cold expression on the surface, they were actually secretly happy in their hearts.

It wasn't that Gu Huai couldn't see it. The Zerg from his own family obviously liked to see him the way he was now, so he gradually came out of the ostrich mentality.

Actually, it's not that embarrassing if you think about it...

Didn't he just fall down while walking and learn to walk again, it's just a little embarrassing.

After convincing himself like this, Gu Huai began to look at his current cub form normally.

In Gu Huai's current form, he couldn't directly talk to the Archon of the Fields, and besides, the Zerg refused to leave his side after saying anything, so the Archon was faced with a huge battle of the Zerg as soon as he came over.

The Archon was a little uneasy in his heart. He searched for the figure of the black-haired youth who should be surrounded by the Zerg, but he never found it, but he found that the eyes of all the Zerg were pointing at the same place.

Looking at the eyes of these Zerg, the consul saw that on the shoulders of the huge Tucker Zerg headed, there were two black and one white, fluffy and round young creatures sitting on top, and It seems to be rubbing against each other.

The cub on the left also protected its silver-gray tail on the black cub on the right, as if to prevent the black cub from accidentally falling off the shoulders of the Tak Zerg.

This was indeed the case. To avoid Gu Huai's poor control over his body's balance falling, Alves used his tail to wrap the cub next to him as much as possible, thus causing the two cubs to rub against each other intimately. together.

It was inconvenient to convey complex ideas with chirps, but Gu Huai still used the spiritual link.

So what follows is this scene-

The three legion commanders and the chief of staff sat opposite the Fields consul. On the table between them, two cubs, one black and one white, squatted near the Zerg side.

When the archon saw the golden vertical pupils of the two Zerg cubs of different shades, he was stunned.

"Your Majesty does not have a direct conversation with you now, but I can serve as an intermediary to pass on His Majesty's words to you." The chief of staff sat across from him and said.

It was supposed to be a very solemn and serious scene, but the consul was a little unable to react now. He paused for a few seconds before saying: "First of all, on behalf of the Fields, I would like to express our gratitude to the Zerg, and thank you very much for your help in this riot. Helping our race in the event…”

"Chirp." The black cub on the table chirps.

All the Zerg facing the Archon's eyes flickered for a second, then the Chief of Staff reluctantly recovered his expression, pushed his glasses and said, "Your Majesty accepts your thanks."

Archon: "..."

Having never faced such a diplomatic scene before, Fields's consul said: "Then about what we have discussed before, the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Zerg and the Fields..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Gu Huai felt that his current state was not suitable for any official conversation, so he simply responded quickly.

"Chirp." The black cub on the table chirps again.

The eyes of the Zerg present were suddenly bright, and it was difficult for the chief of staff to hold his expression and reply in a calm tone: "Your Majesty agrees with you, our two races should establish friendly exchanges."

"The two sides will draw up a friendly covenant as soon as possible. Do you have anything else to do, Your Excellency Consul?" the chief of staff asked calmly.

The archon can't see the attitude of these Zerg people who don't want to care about outsiders at all. This is not against him. He basically sees it. This group of Zerg is now completely "If the universe is destroyed, don't come to me" mentality. , full of eyes only their king.

So the consul went off with ease, and he didn't stay to be disgusting.

After having slept for so long, coupled with the huge consumption of mental energy in the previous battle, Gu Huai felt a little hungry now.

Without waiting for Gu Huai to speak, the chief of staff said immediately after the Fields consul left, "This subordinate has prepared food for you."

When he said this, the Chief of Staff's eyes, which were hidden under his glasses, lit up, including the other Zerg in the room, but Gu Huai didn't notice it.

"啾." The cub let out a soft cry, and continued to nest on the table calmly.

Gu Huai was very calm until he saw his chief of staff bring a small bottle...

Instantly opened his golden eyes like glass balls, the black cub on the table shrank back subconsciously and hid behind Alves: "Tweet, Tweet!"

Who will tell him why there is such a thing as a milk bottle here? !