I’m Not Human

Chapter 66: The sixty-sixth day of not being human


The fact that Aaron jumped from the headquarters of the Covenant to the Zerg side made the senior members of the Covenant hold their chests in one breath and almost fainted.

Is it easy for them to find someone to be the leader of the research team? This position is also very unique. As far as they know, it is not the Zerg who came to dig the wall, but Aaron himself insisted on going over, and they couldn't hold it.

When I say the reason, there are only four words, because of love.

I don't know which Star Alliance personnel spread this matter to the Star Network, and it spread widely all at once. Gu Huai accidentally saw it while browsing the Star Network with his personal terminal, and his first reaction was to laugh.

Aaron is really a free talent resource for the Zerg. The Covenant didn't want to let people go, but the Aarons were already on the planet Tuther, and they came here voluntarily. The Covenant couldn't rob people from the Zerg under this circumstance.

The medicament for stabilizing the fusion gene was produced in the first week of Aaron's official entry into Tuther. This batch of medicines was transported by a Yura warship to Aiwei Star. After confirming the delivery, Gu Huai finally let go of his worries about the Grey Tower soldiers.

With the addition of Aaron, the development speed of serious technology on the Zerg side has also been greatly improved. The original scientific research team of Tuther Star is now headed by Aaron, and is committed to the further improvement of Tuther Star technology.

Soil experts recruited from other races also formed a research team and began to study the soil of Tuther.

The Zerg all know that Gu Huai likes flowers, so all the Zerg on the planet Tuther have a high degree of enthusiasm for the soil improvement plan on the planet Tuther. For this reason, many Zerg have studied soil science independently, and they have also joined this team. in the research team.

Tuther is now the only capital star of the Zerg. Their king likes flowers, so they must make Tuther full of flowers.

When Alves told the chief of staff to disclose the planet's soil improvement plan, the Zerg looked at the content of the plan and suddenly remembered that they still owed Gu Huai a gift.

A belated birth gift.

The origin planet of the Zerg is a cold and dark place. There is only cold winter on the planet, no other seasons, and no light can be seen.

There is probably nothing good on this planet, more barren and desolate than an abandoned planet. The cognition of this cold darkness is inherited in the instinctive consciousness of every Zerg, and the lack of emotion of the Zerg is also related to this.

For the Zerg, Gu Huai's existence was like sharing its own light on a beautiful star on this dark planet.

Humans call the star that shines on the earth the "sun", and in the eyes of all Zerg, Gu Huai's existence is more dazzling and warmer than the sun.

The king is their precious treasure, so the Zerg feel that for the birth of Gu Huai, they should prepare a gift that can fully express their feelings.

Before Gu Huai was born, there was always an indescribable sense of emptiness in the Zerg who lacked feelings. They seemed to lack something, but they didn't know what it was.

A strong sense of vacancy created the nature of plunder, but plunder could not fill the vacancy until Gu Huai was born. When they saw Gu Huai, this sense of emptiness disappeared.

Alves' feelings in this regard are similar to but different from those of general Zerg. The gap in his heart is much larger than that of other Zerg, and there must be a multiple of the gap.

This level of inner gap makes Alves feel unbearable irritability all the time, and has a desire to destroy anything tangible. For this reason, he even needs to give up vision to suppress this kind of irrationality that will make him irrational. of violence.

As long as Gu Huai appeared in his sight, Alves could see the world calmly, and he no longer needed to cover his eyes with black goggles.

It is very difficult to prepare this birth gift. The soil problem of Tuther is very prominent even if it is placed in the entire interstellar space. Only the most tenacious Tamu tree can survive on Tuther. It is obviously not easy to improve the soil to the extent that flowers can be grown.

It will take quite some time, but the Zerg on Tuther are still very enthusiastic about it.

Also because this birth gift was not ready so soon, they gave Gu Huai another gift this year.

During the period of stable development of Tuther Star, from autumn to winter, the planet finally ushered in winter again. Gu Huai received a gift from his own Zerg during this season.

It was rare for the Zerg from Tuther to take Gu Huai out. Gu Huai was surprised when he heard the chief of staff say this to him.

You know, the Zerg on the Tusor star will show an anxious look every time he goes out, and they don't want him to go out at all.

"Where are you going?" Gu Huai asked curiously.

The chief of staff who just came to mention this to Gu Huai didn't speak for a while, and pushed his glasses in silence.

All the inquiries to Gu Huai, the Zerg should answer truthfully, but Gu Huai did not hear the answer this time.

Gu Huai was very cooperative with this, he thought about it and said, "Can't you let me know now?"

Gu Huai finished speaking in a declarative tone, then before the chief of staff could answer, he raised his eyes and asked, "When are we going out?"

"Tomorrow." The chief of staff responded quickly this time.

The Zerg are as efficient as ever.

Gu Huai didn't ask any more questions, and nodded to indicate that he knew: "Okay."

On the second day, Gu Huai sat on Alves' tail and was carried by Alves onto a Yura battleship.

Since Alves' ability to carry people with his tail was lit up, Gu Huai felt that he was getting lazy, and he didn't want to go anywhere by himself.

In addition to having Alves' tail, the Tucker Zerg who cared for Gu Huai also liked to let Gu Huai sit on their shoulders when they went out, so Gu Huai had fewer chances to walk by himself.

After a few days, the Yura battleship and the other Yura battleships that accompanied them as frigates stopped sailing, and they landed on a planet.

Gu Huai didn't know where his destination was. Looking out from the open door of the battleship, Gu Huai saw an unfamiliar scene.

The planet looked relatively backward, because it didn't even have an airport. Gu Huai glanced out and saw many buildings in the distance that seemed to have been built not long ago.

But in this unfamiliar scene, Gu Huai looked at it and suddenly felt a sense of familiarity here.

"This is... the abandoned planet I stayed on before?" Gu Huai subconsciously blinked at this discovery.

Alves, who was walking beside him, quickly gave him a response: "Yeah."

Hearing the affirmative answer, Gu Huai couldn't help but open his eyes slightly, and there was an obvious surprised expression on his face.

The planet has changed so much that Gu Huai couldn't recognize it at first glance.

The ground that was supposed to be full of sand and gravel had turned into a normal road. There were many green plants on the side of the road, and many unfamiliar buildings had been built on the planet that Gu Huai had never seen before, which seemed to have the prototype of a town.

This planet doesn't look like an abandoned planet at all, at most it is a normal planet that is a little behind, and this backwardness is still developing at a rapid rate.

"This is our birthday present for you, I don't know if you like it or not..." Representing all the Zerg, the Chief of Staff looked at Gu Huai cautiously after saying this.

This birthday gift actually has their own selfishness in it. The Zerg have always been unable to accept that Gu Huai was born on an abandoned planet, so not long after Alves brought Gu Huai back to Tuther Planet After deliberation, the high-level officials of the company drew up a transformation plan for this abandoned planet and began to implement it soon after.

Abandoned planets have no value for development, but the Zerg hope that the planet where their king was born is a beautiful and beautiful place, and this is their greatest value in transforming this planet.

Hearing the Chief of Staff's question, Gu Huai responded affirmatively in less than a second: "I like it."

Of course I like it.

Knowing that transforming an abandoned planet is not easy, Gu Huai's heart was touched the moment he discovered it.

Hearing Gu Huai say this, the Zerg soldiers who secretly perked up their ears and waited for him to answer suddenly became happy.

Because the transformation progress of this abandoned planet is limited, it doesn't look very good at the moment. Before giving this gift to Gu Huai, these Zerg soldiers have been very uneasy, they are worried that Gu Huai will not like this gift.

Now that they heard Gu Huai say they liked it, they finally felt relieved.

Alves first glanced around, and then said to Gu Huai in his usual indifferent voice: "The progress of this planet's transformation is not very good, and it will look better in a while."

"It's fine now." Gu Huai said seriously.

Compared with whether the planet is good or bad, Gu Huai valued the feelings of the Zerg that he felt from this gift.

"I like it here." Gu Huai repeated to the surrounding Zerg how much he liked this gift.

So the eyes of the Zerg present light up easily.

Hearing that it was a birthday present, Gu Huai suddenly realized that he had already spent four seasons on Tuse Star.

The long winter of Tuther Star is coming again. Compared with the previous winter, Gu Huai basically has no chance to feel the cold in this winter.

Because a certain big cat is too clingy to him, now as long as Gu Huai stays with Alves, he can easily be hugged by Alves.

Although the body temperature of the Zerg was not warm, but Gu Huai was hugged like this by Alves, the other party would still drive away the cold around his body to some extent.

And when Gu Huai felt his hands were cold, Alves could go back to the fluffy cub form to use as a hand warmer for him.

In addition to tossing him every night, this big cat is too obedient and considerate.

A season has passed, and something very important to all Zerg is coming—

The 11th Interstellar Cutest Creature Selection is about to begin.

In the week before the selection began, the Zerg on Tuther and other planets had already taken a serious attitude.

The first place in the last selection was their king, and this year's first place must also be their king. No mistakes are allowed in this result.

Their own king is the cutest creature in the interstellar space, and there can be no cuter than their king. All Zerg firmly believe this.

In the same way, the Patch lovers who thought they could get the first place just because they thought they could get the first place last year, but ended up overturning the car, also worked hard before this year's selection, and were ready to lose the first place they accidentally lost last year. Take back.

This time is different from the last time. Last time, they voted unorganized. Not all Patch fans will pay attention to this selection event, so the vote basically depends on some fans and passers-by, but this time they are prepared. came.

When it comes to the cutest creature in the interstellar space, it must be Patch. They can't admit that their king is the first because the Zerg is very powerful.

The last time the four Zerg legions voted together, they really did not expect the Zerg to participate in this selection, and they would lose without preparation. This time they are fully prepared and will not miss the first place again.

Speaking of which, when the Zerg made their king a voting option last time, they didn't even upload their king's hologram or photo, and just voted for the first place by a name.

This year, in order to make the selection fairer and attract the votes of passers-by, Patch fans think they have to propose to the association that all creatures participating in the selection must have a hologram or photo before they can enter the selection.

This proposal was approved by the association at the joint request of many Patch fans, and the Zerg quickly learned about it.


They have so many images of their own kings, and each one is so cute, so how do they choose—

Without Gu Huai's knowledge, the executives of Tuther Star held another meeting in the military conference room. The content of the meeting was related to the selection of images for this selection.



The holographic image unfolded on the long table in the conference room is playing, and the Zerg sitting on both sides of the long table are all turning their backs and trying to breathe when the image is playing until now.

No way... The king in cub form is so cute...

They felt like they were going to faint.

"That's it, the clip will be uploaded in ten seconds." The chief of staff said barely holding on to the table.

Gu Huai didn't know anything about this matter until the day the selection really started.

At the beginning of the selection, due to the changes in the rules of this selection, images or photos must be uploaded. Many people in the interstellar are wondering whether the Zerg will set their king as an option to participate this year.

If the Zerg also participate this year, then they can see what the king of the Zerg looks like.

Even Patch fans are equally curious, wondering what the Zerg king who snatched the No. 1 spot from Patch last year looked like.

With the same thought in mind, passers-by and Patch fans successively clicked on the video link next to the option name "Gu Huai".

As soon as the holographic image was opened, they saw a black cub with round golden eyes like glass balls. This cub was fluffy, with a pair of extremely small horns on its head, and there was a fluffy little horn behind it. Tail.

Then the black cub walked towards them with round golden vertical pupils, getting closer and closer.


The cub let out a soft cry.

Passers-by and Patch lovers: "… "

They froze collectively.