I’m Not Human

Chapter 74: The seventy-fourth day of not being human


After making a chirp, the round black cub who came to the Zerg gathered up, keeping his head raised and looking at the surrounding Zerg with golden eyes.

Seeing the black cub lying on the blanket, the low mood of the Zerg in the room was forcibly interrupted in an instant, and they fixed their eyes on the cub.

Is the king willing to take care of them

The idea popped up first, and then was overridden by another, stronger idea—

Is the king's health better? !

"Your Majesty." The three legion commanders, Kapalya, Ai, and Simodo, who had been alone on the other side, all knelt down and watched the black cub's physical condition nervously.

Ai's face with two light gray facial lines was full of disapproval: "You have just recovered from your illness, you still need more rest, and you shouldn't go downstairs."

Even if he knew that Gu Huai would be ill this time because he knew the future, he would still be worried when Gu Huai was sick.

"Your Majesty..." The chief of staff and the other Zerg were both worried and apprehensive, wondering if their approach would make Gu Huai unhappy.

Sensing the nervousness of the surrounding Zerg, the black cub who was huddled up moved a little, it moved a little closer to the chief of staff who was half-kneeling towards him, and then rubbed him close.


The chief of staff suddenly couldn't keep his cold and solemn expression, and there was some kind of violent vibration in his eyes.

The surrounding Zerg also received the same important message from the actions of this black cub—the king was willing to get close to them as before.

This discovery made these Zerg feel depressed and sad at once, and they felt joy again, and the vertical pupils also lit up in an instant.

Zerg is a race that lacks emotions by nature. Calmness and even ruthlessness are just an instinctive expression of every Zerg soldier, and their spirit will not be easily shaken.

But Gu Huai is different for them. Gu Huai's mood and attitude towards them can affect the mood of these Zerg.

A strong sense of joy hit the hearts of all the Zerg in the room, and they couldn't wait to get close to Gu Huai.

"Your Majesty, can you brush your hair?" the chief of staff asked cautiously.

The black cub who was on the fleece moved the fluffy tail behind him slightly: "Chirp."

So the chief of staff quickly found a small comb in the house, and more cautiously began to brush the cub.

This black cub had round golden eyes, and kept his body in a tight circle while being groomed.

It snowed lightly this morning in Tussing, but now the snow has stopped. The warm sunlight shines into the house from the window, and the place where the sunlight falls looks like a warm feeling.

I hope that Wang can always be healthy, and I hope that Wang can always treat them with a close attitude like now, so that they will feel very happy.

For the Zerg living on any planet in this interstellar space, the dazzling happiness they feel only comes from such a simple thing.

On this day, Gu Huai kept his cub form, and on the next day, he returned to his humanoid form, and then explained to the surrounding Zerg what was going on in his previous state.

"It won't happen again in the future." Gu Huai sat upright, with a serious attitude, "I'm sorry for what I said to you before."

In the original world, Gu Huai had no family. From childhood to growing up, he was alone.

The growth experience made Gu Huai more sensitive to the care and kindness of others, so Gu Huai attached great importance to and cherished the "family" he had in this world.

As a king, the ability to perceive the feelings of the Zerg makes Gu Huai more clearly aware of the Zerg's concern and love for him. These feelings are pure and strong, and when Gu Huai receives it, he naturally wants to respond.

"You don't have anything to apologize for." Kapalya said while looking at Gu Huai.

On the face of this female Zerg who has always had a frosty expression, there is a very small arc at the corner of the mouth at this time, which may not be regarded as a smile, but this is the result of Kapaliya's efforts.

Facing this extremely imperceptible smile, Gu Huai unconsciously blinked.

"Yes... Is this expression ugly for your subordinates?" Kapalia was rarely restrained. "It was Aaron who said that it would be better to use this expression for those who value it."

The other races knew more about emotions than the Zerg, so Kapalya listened to Aaron.

"No, Luna looks good when she smiles." Gu Huai quickly shook his head.

Hearing Gu Huai say that, Kapalia's expression became tense.

In the face of direct praise like this, although the women in the Zerg are much colder than the women of other races, they are not completely without similar embarrassment.

At this moment, next to Gu Huai, a Tucker Zerg was trying to use the extension of its forearm to clamp the small round comb on the table.

The process was not smooth. During the attempt, the round comb fell to the ground with a "click".

But the Tucker Zerg didn't give up, it lowered its head and went on to make the next attempt.

After trying carefully controlling the force for a while, the Tucker Zerg finally managed to clamp the small round comb with its "hand".

"Hiss..." The huge Tucker Zerg stared at the round comb that he was pinching with his scarlet vertical pupils, and at this moment made a low hiss from his throat.

The other Tucker Zerg around looked a little restless, and seemed to want to do the same.

"Comb here." Sitting on the sofa, Gu Huai raised his hand and patted the sharp forearm of the previous Tucker Zerg that was no different from an icy weapon, and then pointed to his own hair with a slight bend in his eyes.

The low-level Zerg were originally born purely for war. The Tucker Zerg in the living room basically didn't know anything other than combat at the beginning, but this point has been changed since they guarded Gu Huai when he was born. changed.

They learn how to take care of their custodial cubs and how to keep them happy.

After Gu Huai fingered his hair, the Tucker Zerg, who was holding a small round comb with the extension of his forearm, carefully brushed the comb on Gu Huai's soft black hair.

After brushing Gu Huai's hair smoothly, the scarlet vertical pupils of the Tucker Zerg shrunk slightly, and a lower hissing sound continued from its throat.

Alves sat next to him and wrapped his tail around Gu Huai's body. The three legion commanders present no longer had any objections to this picture.

Staying by Gu Huai's side, Alves did not lose control again.

And Alves' behavior was allowed by Gu Huai, which was Gu Huai's wishes. Under the circumstance that Alves was not in danger to Gu Huai, the legion commanders obeyed Gu Huai's wishes unconditionally.

With his hair combed, Gu Huai thought of the ongoing soil improvement project on Tusor, he tilted his head slightly and asked Simoduo who was standing near him: "Tusor will grow a lot of flowers in the future. Yes, does Siddhartha like flowers?"

The fourth army commander, who was almost as large as the Tucker Zerg, had a ferocious face, but he was a little stunned when he was in front of Gu Huai.

Siddhartha rarely expresses his own opinions on his own initiative, so Gu Huai gradually learned to let him ask the other party's questions.

"Well, if your Majesty likes flowers, then your subordinates like it too." Simodo thought for a second and gave the answer according to his thinking.

Hearing this, Gu Huai scratched his cheek lightly, and raised his eyes to look at the window on the left where the warm sunshine was pouring in: "If flowers can be planted on the planet Tuther, the planet will become very beautiful. Of course, I think the current Tuther is also very beautiful. Beautiful, but planting flowers adds more color to the planet."

"It would be nice if I could see it with you." Gu Huai rolled his eyes in a good mood.

Having said that, Gu Huai looked at Ai Yi: "By the way, in Ai's precognition dream, what kind of future did you see? Did you see the star of Tuther, is it full of flowers?"

When Gu Huai used the cute cub form to pass the test yesterday, he heard a Zerg mention about Ai's precognition dream, and now he thinks about it and wants to ask.

As soon as Gu Huai asked about this, all the Zerg in the room also paid attention.

Originally, they should have pursued this matter earlier than Gu Huai, but when Ai mentioned the precognitive dream, Gu Huai was sick, and their worries about Gu Huai left them with no extra attention to care about other things.

Ai Yi stared at Gu Huai who was asking him with her pale golden vertical pupils, and stopped her innate ability to predict. Ai Yi stared at Gu Huai herself in existence and reality.

Ai's feeling to Gu Huai has always been calm like water, and the two gray lines on his face made him feel a little more mysterious.

Among all the Zerg, Ai is probably the one who can best interpret the feeling of gentleness. His gaze on Gu Huai is unusually calm, but at the same time it is gentle.

This is what can be called a gentle gaze.

"This subordinate also wants to brush your hair, can you?" Rarely did not answer Gu Huai's question immediately, but Ai asked this sentence first.

Gu Huai blinked a little unexpectedly and nodded in response, "Yes."

After Gu Huai agreed, when the Tucker Zerg who was combing Gu Huai's hair stopped moving, Ai took the small round comb, stood beside him, lowered his eyes, and combed Gu Huai carefully and meticulously. In fact, black hair that no longer needs to be combed.

Then Ai said in a low voice: "My subordinates saw... There are many flowers that you like blooming on the Tusor star. I am very happy to see you. The future Tusor star will be what you want to be."

"That's great." Gu Huai heard the words, his eyes lighted up a little.

Gu Huai knew that his own Zerg had made a lot of efforts for the soil improvement plan of Tuther, not only recruiting soil experts from other races, but also many Zerg in Tuther began to study and research spontaneously.

These efforts are sure to have a good result, and Gu Huai is of course very happy.

"Am I taking you to see the flowers together?" Gu Huai asked with great interest. Gu Huai felt that he would definitely do this when Tusher star was full of flowers.

Ai's eyes paused slightly, and after about two seconds, he responded slowly: "Yes."

In fact, Ai did not see the future of Tuther. The future he really saw through his precognitive dreams was probably before the time when Tuther was full of flowers.

But even though he didn't see it, Ai believed that with the efforts of the Zerg and enough time, Tusher would definitely become what Gu Huai expected in the future.

"I hope this future will arrive sooner. I want to take you to see the flowers blooming on the star Tusher as soon as possible." Gu Huai said with expectation.

Ai smiled slightly and replied, "My subordinates also hope."

If only he could see this future.

Aye occasionally has this kind of thinking that is called "greed" on the human side.

Like today, Gu Huai is living a healthy life and is willing to be close to their happy situation, all the Zerg will hope to continue.

But "constant" is much more difficult than "change". In order to maintain this constant, Ai is willing to give everything he can.

Therefore, even though he knew through the precognition dream that he could not see the future mentioned in person with these eyes, Ai also said that he was looking forward to the arrival of this future.