I’m Not Human

Chapter 78: The seventy-eighth day of not being human


The time before the eyes lost their light seemed to go very slowly, every second was infinitely stretched, and the advance of the second hand was like it was suddenly pressed several times and slowed down, and it was slow to advance one grid.

Ay thought many things during this extended time.

The role of precognition is to know in advance what will happen in the future, and then use it, or avoid it.

Ay has always used his foresight in combat in this way.

Being able to see into the future a few seconds from now makes Ayy face any battle with ease, since all the actions of the enemy are known to him.

Such innate ability is unique in the entire Zerg and even in the interstellar space, and it is an ability that will make the enemy feel fearful.

Even if his usual ability to foresee only a few seconds into the future, this is enough for Ai, he doesn't need to worry about what he already knows.

But when Ai Yi met Gu Huai for the first time, he knew what the scene he had seen in his precognitive dream represented, and why he was so happy and fortunate in the face of death, he suddenly felt fear .

This fear is not the fear of his own death, but the fear of what will happen to this future because of his "known".

For Aye, the future can be changed, so he is always worried that what he does inadvertently will change the known future.

Every day, every day, there is a deep fear in my heart...

From the scene he saw in the precognition dream, he could not confirm the place where the thing happened, and he couldn't know when it happened. There were too many unknown things, and he just saw a result in advance.

Knowing that Gu Huai would encounter a life-threatening situation in the future, Ai concealed it and did not tell anyone about it.

If he tells other people what he foresees, there may be changes in the future, but no one can guarantee that the change will be a good turn.

Assuming that the future he predicted had changed, and it was not him but Gu Huai who became the dead person, then Ai Yi would never be able to forgive himself.

Even if the outcome was a one-in-a-billion probability, Aye didn't want to gamble.

So everything just goes in the original direction.

Obviously it is a future in which he has to face death, but Ai is more afraid than anyone else that this future will not come as scheduled.

Until now, he can finally stop being afraid.

The slow-playing second hand finally moved forward a little bit, and in the loud noise that could shatter the eardrum and the excessively violent blasting bombardment, the huge alien creature submerged by the white light also appeared deep in its shell as hard as alien iron. crack.

Zerg soldiers ignore pain.

The smashed traces covered the entire body almost instantly, and this huge alien creature's extremely sturdy body was inevitably severely damaged.


Ay conveyed his voice with consciousness.

There should only be time to say the last sentence, but Ay didn't think about what to say for a while.

I want to talk about making a snowman next winter.

Although he wasn't there, he also hoped to have a snowman that Gu Huai built for him.

I also want to talk about seeing flowers in Tussing.

If Gu Huai built a snowman to represent him in the winter at that time, and the snowman could see the flowers blooming in the winter of Tuther, then he could be considered to have seen it.

When thinking, time seems to return to normal from slow play, and the second hand quickly advances one step forward.

So there is no time to say anything.

The dazzling white light of destruction spreads to the extreme, and at the moment of reaching the extreme, like the moment when day and night alternate, the light disappears like the ebb of the sea in an instant.

The whole process actually only took a few seconds. Gu Huai, who was protected by Ai's original form, opened his eyes wide when he heard the voice, but his golden vertical pupils shrank violently.

But Gu Huai couldn't move.

He couldn't move at this time, otherwise everything Ay did would be meaningless.

It was not until the surrounding energy fluctuations disappeared that Gu Huai left the position protected by Ai.

In this closed alien space, Gavin was no longer there. The power of the "Meteor Star" made him unable to leave his bones at all, and his body had probably turned into powder.

When Gu Huai went out, he didn't pay attention to anything else. His eyes were on the huge creature in front of him. When he saw the shatter marks on the body of this extremely huge creature, Gu Huai's throat instantly choked.

The sore throat made Gu Huai almost speechless at this moment, he reached out to touch the body of this huge creature: "Ai...?"


The sound of objects breaking apart.

At the position where Gu Huai touched with his hand, the body of this huge creature with a solid defense suddenly collapsed, and the touched part began to powder after the sound of shattering.

A string that was extremely tense in Gu Huai's heart was also suddenly broken at this second, his mind suddenly went blank, and then his power went berserk in an instant, and he exploded blindly and uncontrollably to the outside world.

Gu Huai had always wanted to see bad things happen to the Zerg because of him, let alone die because of him.

Why does this happen

Gu Huai stared blankly at the position of the body where the huge creature turned into powder in front of him. The creature whose vertical pupils had dimmed no longer moved, and the body that was covered with smashing marks continued to collapse due to the gradual collapse. creaking.

"Don't..." Gu Huai's voice could be heard trembling.

Don't break down any more—

There was a kind of pain in his heart being pinched, and the sight in front of him made Gu Huai feel that he was almost out of breath.

Is there any way to change this

The chaotic emotions affected his thinking. Before he couldn't breathe, Gu Huai suddenly found a possibility.

If it is the ability to use "equivalent exchange"...

The idea emerged, Gu Huai didn't hesitate for even a second, he gave a part of his life force.

Only by doing this before Ai's body completely collapsed would it be possible to save it.

Even if it's only a slight possibility.

Giving a part of his life force is bigger than the burden of consuming too much power. Gu Huai couldn't see the result, and his consciousness was temporarily plunged into darkness at the moment when his ability stopped.

It takes ten minutes for the alien space to send the people out of the space. During these ten minutes, the Zerg became extremely tense because of the disappearance of Gu Huai and Ai.

In the rest cabin, Alves' expression was quite terrifying.

Gu Huai disappeared into a place he couldn't see, this feeling of losing an important treasure made Alves want to destroy everything he saw around him.

He is not protected...

The nerves were stimulated, as if another deeper and more painful experience had been opened, earlier, earlier... not in Alves' memory, but he still remembered the same Feel.

No matter where Gu Huai is in the interstellar space, he should be able to use the spiritual link to tell the Zerg his location, but they did not receive Gu Huai's spiritual link, so the Zerg panicked even more.

The search had begun long ago, and Alves had almost lost his sanity in such an exciting wait.

The vertical pupils contracted more and more, and before Alves' face was completely frozen, a black hole appeared in the same position in the room.

From this black hole, a figure was sent out, and Alves instantly went over to hug him.

The person who was sent out was Gu Huai, with his eyes tightly closed, he was in a state of drowsiness caused by excessive consumption of energy and devoting part of his life force.

Another energy fluctuation caused the other Zerg races in the battleship to arrive immediately. When they saw Gu Huai who was unconscious, their hearts were suspended, but at the same time they relaxed a little.

But one person didn't come back.

"What about Ai-sama...?"

There were two people who were sucked in by the black hole before, but now only one came back. The Zerg at the scene suddenly realized something, but they still couldn't believe it in their hearts.

Ai is one of the four legion commanders of their race, and one of the only four a Zerg, how could it be—

But no matter how unbelievable this is, the fact that it is in front of these Zerg soldiers is the same.

If this black hole will send people back to their original positions, then if Ai does not come back, it means that the other party is no longer there.

"Wait a minute, the one your Majesty is holding is..." a Zerg soldier suddenly said.

The soldier's words made all the Zerg present put their eyes on Gu Huai's arms.

Then they all saw that a gray cub was quietly leaning on Gu Huai.