I’m Not Human

Chapter 81: The eighty-first day of not being human


Humans and the Zerg shook hands and made peace, and established diplomatic relations smoothly.

Since the two sides established an alliance relationship, Shen Mu and Hamer have come to visit Tuther Star a lot more justifiably, and now they come here a few times a year.

For Gu Huai, of course, he welcomes the two of them to Tuther Star. These two human generals have a good friendship with many Zerg on Tuther Star.

But Gu Huai thinks, it would be better if these two people didn't always teach his Zerg some weird things.

Gu Huai, who has been tricked over and over again, now sees the two of them coming to Tusexing as a guest, and he can't help but have a bad premonition.

Of course, these two human generals didn't do it on purpose, and sometimes they said something they didn't expect would cause unexpected results.

In the second year after the establishment of diplomatic relations between humans and the Zerg, the Zerg officially joined the Covenant under a resolution unanimously passed by the Covenant Conference.

This year is the 218th year of the New Era, and since this year, there has been a hot discussion about the "Golden Era" on Xingxing.com.

The old era was an era of frequent wars of various races, and then entered a new era of relative peace. The Golden Era, which is now being hotly discussed, refers to an era of development that is the best for all races in the interstellar space.

In this era, all races in the interstellar are thriving.

As the days settled down, Gu Huai had fewer things to deal with in the race, which allowed Gu Huai to focus all of his energy on the plan to cultivate the wisdom of the low-level Zerg race.

Gu Huai has actually started this plan for a long time. He has been insisting on using spiritual links to guide the development of low-level Zerg wisdom since a very early time.

Most races in Interstellar know that the low-level Zerg in the Zerg do not have too high intelligence.

This is indeed a fact, but the intelligence of the low-level Zerg is not incapable of evolution, but their own evolution rate is very slow, and they have always lacked a comfortable environment.

In the old era when wars were frequent, low-level Zerg would only follow instinct to fight one after another, and the time from birth to death for a low-level Zerg was usually very short.

But now it's different. With a stable environment, Gu Huai can also use the spiritual link to help guide and speed up the wisdom development of low-level Zerg.

After another day of spiritual guidance, Gu Huai immediately leaned on the sofa with his eyes half-closed.

Alves circled Gu Huai with his tail, let Gu Huai lean on him, and said in a low voice, "The spiritual guidance can be changed to once every two days or a few days. Ah Huai doesn't have to work so hard every day."

Gu Huai regained his energy and shook his head gently: "It's just that after the guide, I want to sleep, it's not really hard."

This matter is very important. If he insists on it every day, the progress of the plan will be faster.

Gu Huai knew that his physical condition was not very good, and unknown pain and drowsiness were sweeping over his body, making Gu Huai a little uncomfortable.

It wasn't serious at first, but over time, it gradually became what it is now.

But this can be endured and persevered, Gu Huai felt that he could still accept it.

And it turns out that perseverance always pays off. With Gu Huai's continuous efforts, he finally let the low-level Zerg in the race touch the ability of "language".

But it was... The first word that the Tucker Zerg people around him learned to say made Gu Huai very helpless.

"No, it's A Huai." Gu Huai tried to correct the Tucker Zerg in front of him. He pointed at himself and said patiently and warmly, "Come and read to me, A-Huai-"

But when Gu Huai said this, the Tucker Zerg around him slightly tilted their heads, and then looked at Gu Huai with scarlet eyes for the largest Tucker Zerg, and uttered two syllables in a hoarse voice—


Gu Huai immediately covered his eyes, feeling helpless in his heart.

These Tucker Zerg couldn't perceive Gu Huai's helpless mood at this time, each of them looked at Gu Huai seriously, and then they all worked hard to learn the word "baby".

A baby means a cub.

The two human beings who were guests on the planet Tuther successfully transmitted this concept, and these Tucker Zerg are now stubbornly unwilling to change their words.

Humans call their pet cubs "baby", and these Tucker Zerg heard two humans say so.

Then think about it the other way around, only the unloved cubs will not use the name "baby".

Of course they dote on Gu Huai, so they must call the baby.

"Pfft." Looking at this scene, Hamer, who had been on the sidelines for a long time, couldn't help laughing out loud.

Hearing the laughter, Gu Huai silently looked away.

When Gu Huai looked at him like this, Hamer immediately suppressed his smile. He and Shen Mu coughed a few times together: "Cough...you, don't be angry, we really didn't mean it."

As the culprit who made Gu Huai be called "baby" by these Tucker Zerg, Shen Mu and Hamer both showed their desire to survive.

"It's okay to be angry." Gu Huai replied.

I just feel helpless, in addition to being helpless, there is actually an indescribable emotion.

The first word that these Tuckers tried to learn was "baby". This word can be said to be learned by these Tuckers for him. Gu Huai felt that he might be more moved.

never mind.

Baby just baby, don't correct it.

"Baby." The scarlet vertical pupil of the Tucker Zerg stared intently at Gu Huai, and uttered these two syllables to Gu Huai again.

These Tucker Zerg obviously wanted to hear Gu Huai's response.

Gu Huai blinked, and in the end, in a really embarrassed state of mind, he answered somewhat vaguely: "... um."

Hearing Gu Huai's response, these Tucker Zerg were all very happy immediately, and the scarlet vertical pupils that would make others feel ferocious and terrifying seemed to light up slightly.

Day after day passed, the Zerg and even the entire interstellar were developing in a better direction. Almost everything was fine, except that Gu Huai became more and more sleepy.

From the beginning, the daily sleep time increased, but later, during daily activities, he could fall asleep inadvertently. Gu Huai's physical condition made all the Zerg very worried.

"Hmm... I fell asleep again, sorry... I didn't finish listening to what you were saying to me." Gu Huai braced his forehead, the feeling of fatigue lingering, forced himself to wake up, and would continue to feel pain again .

Alves didn't speak, just kissed Gu Huai lightly.

The medical team couldn't detect the abnormality. Gu Huai's abnormality in his body was like his soul being rejected by this world.

Gu Huai had this idea because he had come into contact with the rules and will of this world in a very accidental moment, and he felt that his conjecture was probably correct.

Every time he fell asleep and woke up, Gu Huai saw Alves waiting beside him. After falling asleep more frequently, Gu Huai pulled the big cat after he woke up, and said warmly, "You don't need to do it every time. Waiting for me to wake up."

Alves was silent, his beautiful and cold pale golden vertical pupils like ice and snow stared at Gu Huai, silently expressing his attitude towards Gu Huai.

"In case I slept for a long time, you can't wait beside me all the time." Gu Huai thought about his physical condition, he couldn't help but say to Alves, "If I don't wake up for a long time, don't wait. ."

Alves was no longer silent at this time, he lowered his eyes and said, "Wait."

Alves has always been obedient to Gu Huai, but in this matter, he has his own perseverance.

If you wait, you will wait.

Even though he didn't have any relevant memories, Alves always felt that he had met Gu Huai very early, very early... before the first meeting he had memories of.

It's just that Gu Huai disappeared very quickly. He waited for a long time after that, and finally waited again.

This was an idea without any basis, but Alves still learned the meaning of waiting from it.

Gu Huai had nothing to do with this stubborn big cat, he couldn't convince Alves, and he was actually used to seeing the other party waiting beside him every time he woke up.

I have to say that this actually moved Gu Huai's heart. His love for Alves became more uncontrollable every day.

This big cat is really, really cute.

"I like you the most." Gu Huai said to Alves one day.

Hearing Gu Huai's words, Alves' eyes flickered slightly, and the eyes he stared at Gu Huai were extraordinarily simple, not a warm love, but a bottomless one.

Alves said, "Chiu Chiu only likes Ah Huai."

This response left Gu Huai speechless and could only lightly blink his eyes.

The soil improvement plan of Tussing has been advancing steadily over the years. Last year, the research team gave a piece of good news, saying that the soil testing of the test site was getting better.

At that time, all the Zerg on Tuther were quite happy, and the soil test of the test site was close to benign, which means that in a little while, this test area may be able to grow beautiful flowers.

In this way, the birth gift they plan to give to their king can officially begin preparations.

And this year, another good news came from the research team.

"It's a flower bud." A researcher was pleasantly surprised.

It is very small and very tender, and the flower stems and flower buds that emerge from the soil seem to be damaged if they are not careful. However, despite its fragility, it also shows a moving vitality.

Looking at this young flower bud, all the Zerg present expressed joy.

"If Your Majesty sees this flower bud, his body might get better."

Originally, Gu Huai wanted to show the result immediately, so a Zerg researcher carefully transferred the flower bud, along with the rhizome, into a small flower pot, and then he handed the small flower pot to Alves.

Alves had been waiting in the room for Gu Huai to wake up, but now he took a small flower pot from his subordinate. He just held the flower pot carefully and continued to wait quietly beside the bed.

Gu Huai slept a little longer today, but Alves would not disturb him until Gu Huai woke up naturally.

The flower buds in the flowerpot are very young, and even if they grow later, they will probably only grow a small flower.

Although it's still just a flower bud, not even a small flower, Gu Huai should be happy when he sees it.

Alves thought so, his vertical pupils involuntarily narrowed a little, looking like a big cat whose jaw was lightly scratched.

It was only from the afternoon to the evening that Alves still couldn't wait for Gu Huai to wake up. Considering that Gu Huai needed to eat, Alves had to take the initiative to wake up Gu Huai.

Alves put down the small flower pot he was holding, and he used his tail to wrap Gu Huai, who was sleeping peacefully on the bed, into his arms.

"A Huai." Alves' voice was very soft.

The dark-haired youth who was sleeping soundly didn't respond, Alves lowered his eyes and patiently continued to call in a low voice.

But Gu Huai didn't respond anyway, and Alves finally felt uneasy at this moment.

The incident of Gu Huai's sudden fall into a deep sleep made the entire Zerg almost burst into flames, and Tusher became crowded in an instant, because Zerg living on other planets rushed over.

The reason why Gu Huai couldn't wake up could not be found out. No matter how good the medical team was, they could only check the result of Gu Huai's health. Gu Huai's deep sleep was just like a normal sleep.

A year passed quickly, and the young flower bud in the small flowerpot finally bloomed a small goose-yellow flower. Alves held the small flowerpot and brought the goose-yellow flower close to Gu Huai.

"Flower." Alves said in a low voice.

Although he didn't get a response as expected, Alves continued to hold the flower pot in front of Gu Huai for a while, and waited quietly for a while, then Alves leaned down and kissed Gu Huai's cheek.

He will wait.

While waiting, the Zerg on Tusor continued to work hard.

The king is only temporarily asleep, they can't stop preparing for the birth gift for their own king, they have to work harder.

In this way, when Gu Huai wakes up, they will be able to show Gu Huai a planet full of flowers.