I’m Not Human

Chapter 82: The eighty-second day of not being human


Gu Huai, who was sleeping in the past, felt that his soul was separated from his body and was being pulled and repelled. The force of this repelling prevented Gu Huai's consciousness from returning to his body.

Each plane world has its own rules and will of the world. Gu Huai's soul does not belong to this world, so the "rules" of this world must exclude him.

Gu Huai's existence is unreasonable for this world, "rules" must maintain the order of the world, it will automatically exclude or eliminate unreasonable things.

But Gu Huai resisted this repelling force, and the huge mental power interfered with this repelling force, so he deviates from the original plan.

Gu Huai only felt that his consciousness was lost for a moment, and then he went to a strange place.

This is a dilapidated planet. The sky is a very deep gray-blue. The sky of this planet seems to be seriously polluted. At first glance, it only makes people feel as if dark clouds are accumulating all the time.

The ground was also barren, and as far as Gu Huai could see, there were large tracts of sand and gravel, as well as some abandoned buildings that had been destroyed and collapsed and most of them were covered by dust and sand.

It was said to be an unfamiliar place, but Gu Huai looked around carefully, but felt a sense of familiarity with this place.

It's kind of like... the abandoned planet he'd been on when he was born in this world.

The scene was different from what Gu Huai remembered at the beginning, but when Gu Huai looked to the east, he really saw a place that was probably a small forest in the distance.

This point matched the scene in Gu Huai's memory. Most of the trees in this grove were pitch-black Tamu trees.

And Gu Huai walked in the direction he remembered, and he saw a familiar cave.

This discovery made Gu Huai stunned for a while, knowing that this abandoned planet had been transformed by the Zerg many years ago, and it shouldn't be what he was in front of him.

The Zerg felt that the planet where Gu Huai was born should be a beautiful and beautiful place, so after taking Gu Huai back from the abandoned planet to Tuther, they began to draw up a development and transformation plan for this abandoned planet.

On Gu Huai's birthday, they gave Gu Huai the abandoned planet that had been initially developed and transformed as a birthday present.

But the planet in front of Gu Huai's eyes is still barren, even more barren than Gu Huai's initial memory.

Although this is quite incredible, Gu Huai looked at his current state and felt that his state was more difficult to understand with common sense.

He doesn't even have a physical body now. If he has to say it, he is probably in a state of soul.

For a while, Gu Huai didn't know what to do in this state. Looking at the familiar cave entrance not far away, Gu Huai decided to go in and have a look.

Gu Huai walked into the dark cave. The structure of this cave was exactly the same as Gu Huai's memory.

Gu Huai walked lightly, and quickly walked into the deepest part of the cave. In this place, Gu Huai saw two cubs, one black and the other white, leaning against each other quietly.

It is the baby egg of the Zerg.

Even more surprised than when he found out that this was the abandoned planet he was born from, Gu Huai was completely stunned.

What happened next caught Gu Huai by surprise. While stunned, Gu Huai heard a crisp sound of "click".

The sound that suddenly sounded in the silent cave made Gu Huai immediately raise his eyes to look at the source of the sound, and then he saw a tiny crack appeared on the eggshell of the black baby egg on the left.

"Crack, click—"

The crack continued to expand with the sound, and the cub in the egg shell seemed to be trying very hard to come out. Finally, when a clearer sound sounded, the egg shell of the cub egg was completely broken.

From the black eggshell still stained with egg liquid, a fluffy white cub with light golden vertical pupils emerged.

The body of this Zerg cub is very round, and the light golden eyes are also round.

And just after being born from a broken shell, the cub opened his eyes and saw the first glimpse of the world, and he saw the most important and precious things to him.

Then instinctively approached.

"Alves?" Gu Huai looked at the round cub that approached him, and for a while it was difficult to understand what the situation was.

The cub in front of me who was just born from the black cub's egg should be Alves. That's right, because except for the fact that the tail is temporarily fluffy and has not faded into a cold silver-gray tail. The cub looks exactly the same as Alves' form when he was a cub.

Gu Huai is in a state of soul now, but this cub seems to be able to see him.

In order to confirm this, Gu Huai walked to the side and looked at the cub: "Chirp...?"

Almost as soon as Gu Huai moved, the cub immediately followed.

It followed.

The newly born cub stared at the person who was very important to it with round vertical pupils. The cub raised his head and responded by imitating Gu Huai's voice: "Tweet, Tweet."

Hearing the cub's cry, Gu Huai lowered his eyebrows slightly.

And because he saw Gu Huai's slightly bent eyes, Alves imitated the same voice again: "Chirp!"

This cub wanted to get close to Gu Huai very much, so when Gu Huairou lowered his eyebrows, the cub leaned his body against Gu Huai's legs.

But it couldn't really stick to it. This discovery made Alves open his round eyes even more, and the little tail, which was still fluffy, looked like it was shaking unhappily. a bit.

Did the reaction of flicking his tail when he was unhappy had been there since he was a cub? This discovery made Gu Huai involuntarily curl the corners of his mouth.

In order to coax the cub, Gu Huai squatted down, although he knew he couldn't touch it, he also reached out and touched the cub's head.

"Chirp." The cub's tail was lifted high.

Gu Huai looked at the round cub sticking beside him, then looked at the eggshell not far away, he approached the eggshell's location, and then stood still.

The eggshell was nearby, and after making sure that Gu Huai would not leave, the cub finally started to eat the eggshell.

Gu Huai stood there, trying to understand the scenes he saw.

Gu Huai felt that he probably returned to the time line of the past.

When he felt that his soul was being rejected, Gu Huai resisted. His resistance prevented the "rules" from rejecting him. As a result, there was a deviation. Gu Huai's soul was sent to this world by accident. on-line.

In this cave, the black baby egg was Alves, and the white baby egg... Gu Huai thought it was him.

Alves stayed with the baby egg long before the Tuckers found the white baby egg.

At this time, the white baby egg was only a normal size, not as huge as when Gu Huai was born with a broken shell, and this white baby egg had no life response.

If Gu Huai's soul hadn't crossed over later, this baby egg would probably always be a dead egg, and there would be no day when it was born from a broken shell.

But what happened later that made Alves no longer on this planet, Gu Huai still can't know.

After eating the eggshell, the cub approached Gu Huai again. Even though he was still a cub, Alves, driven by instinct, showed a protective attitude towards Gu Huai.

Cubs showing protective gestures can only be seen as cute.

Gu Huai couldn't hold back a slight smile: "You don't need to protect me, I'm in this state..."

His state is unreasonable, even if there are any enemies, he can't hurt him, but it is difficult for a cub to understand.

Alves doesn't understand, it only knows that it must protect the youth in front of it, and can't let any enemy hurt each other.

So Alves would fight whenever a ferocious beast tried to enter the cave.

This Zerg cub, who had just broken its shell and was born not long ago, worked very hard to protect Gu Huai.

"啾." With a pair of round pale golden vertical pupils, the cub pushed the food it retrieved from outside to Gu Huai.

"You don't need to give me food." Gu Huai said softly, "I can't eat now, and I won't be hungry."

"呣啾." The cub chirped at Gu Huai again, but continued to push the food in front of Gu Huai.

Gu Huai was easily touched by this cub: "How come you have been so cute since you were a child."

Thinking of Alves who always had a cold expression in his adulthood, Gu Huai slightly raised his eyebrows and said to the cub in front of him, "To praise you for being cute means to like you."

So when you really meet me in the future, if I say you are cute, that means I like you.

The cub seemed to understand Gu Huai's words, and his round eyes lit up slightly: "Tweet."