I’m Not Human

Chapter 84: The eighty-fourth day of not being human


On the abandoned planet, there are hardly any stars in the sky at night, and the environmental pollution of this planet is too serious.

Gu Huai accompanied Alves, who was still a cub in this past timeline, for a while in his current unstable state. He knew that he would leave sooner or later. It had nothing to do with his wishes, but his soul. still excluded.

Even in such a mental state, Gu Huai could feel the pain, which was caused by the soul being rejected by the "rules" of this world.

"Let's make an agreement." Gu Huai squatted down, put his hands on his knees, and lowered his head slightly to stare at the Zerg cub with round pupils in front of him.

Alves slightly flicked the plush tail behind him: "Chirp."

Originally, Gu Huai wanted to take Alves out to see the stars tonight. For safety, he only went out to the entrance of the cave, but it turned out that the sky outside at night was too gray to see anything.

"That's it... If I suddenly disappear one day, it must not be that I want to leave you." Gu Huai stretched out his index finger and poked the fluffy cub's body, and lowered his eyes slightly, "The agreement is that you will later will find me on this planet again."

Alves seemed to be listening very seriously. As soon as Gu Huai finished speaking, the cub took the initiative to put his fluffy body against the white finger that Gu Huai stretched out.

Although not actually encountered.

"啾." Alves tweeted, he didn't think about Gu Huai's disappearance, because he would always be guarding, but he was very willing to make that agreement with Gu Huai, "呣啾!"

I will find you.

The cub's light golden round vertical pupils were shining brightly, and Alves made his promise and promise.

Taking the chirps he heard as the completion of the agreement between the two parties, Gu Huai blinked, then stood up: "That's it."

Although he hesitated for a second or two, Gu Huai finally said those words.

Gu Huai sometimes wonders whether it would be better for Alves not to meet him from the beginning. His departure, in whatever form, will be painful for Alves.

He always had Alves waiting for him.

His consciousness might not return to his original body, and he would fall asleep forever. Such a wait would be unfair and cruel to Alves.

But Gu Huai quickly figured it out, whether or not there is this agreement, the future encounter between him and Alves is already doomed.

And under the circumstance that he has already gained the feelings of the other party, he felt that it would be better for Alves not to meet him, and his thought was even more unfair to Alves.

"I will try my best." Gu Huai said in a soft voice.

Try to find possibilities and respond to the other person's waiting.

Normal Zerg cub eggs are not large, and cubs born from broken shells can quickly eat the eggshells. After eating the eggshells, Alves needs to go outside to find and hunt for food.

This matter is not difficult for Alves, it has already been done for Gu Huai before.

When Alves went out to find and hunt food, Gu Huai stayed in the cave and waited for the cub to return.

If he followed him out, it would affect Alves' battle, because even if he said that he would not be injured and other creatures outside could not see him, Alves would always be alert to his surroundings.

"Go, I'll wait for you to come back inside." Gu Huai sent the cub who was going out to hunt for food to the entrance of the cave, and then crouched down and coaxed the cub.

"啾..." Alves still seemed reluctant to leave, and the little silver-gray tail behind him, which had already shed its fur when it finished eating the eggshell, swung it hard.

Gu Huai wanted to touch the tail very much, so he slightly bent his eyes and coaxed, "Isn't that the same way a few days ago?"

After being coaxed and coaxed by Gu Huai, the cub was finally coaxed, with round pale golden eyes looking at Gu Huai: "Tweet."

If Gu Huai hadn't been so cowardly, Alves would have minimized his food needs in order to guard the cave. Then they will not eat for several days, and will not leave the cave to hunt for food until it is absolutely necessary.

After eating the eggshell, Alves' fighting ability was completely higher than those of the ferocious creatures on this planet, so Gu Huai didn't need to worry too much about the other party's safety.

Gu Huai obeyed what he said and didn't go anywhere, just stayed in the cave, but accidents always come when people are caught off guard—

In addition to the pain that he was gradually getting used to, a sudden pulling sensation caused Gu Huai to open his eyes slightly. This time, he didn't give Gu Huai any chance to resist, and his consciousness plunged into darkness.

Alves, who left the cave to hunt for food, always came back at the fastest speed. Today, it was a little slower because Alves brought back a gift to Gu Huai.

Holding a flower in his mouth, and the little silver-gray tail behind him was slightly raised, the cub returned to the cave.

But entering the depths of the cave, Alves did not see the person who should be here.

"Chirp, chirp..." Putting down the flower he was holding, the little tail behind him also drooped down unconsciously, and the Zerg cub looked around with its round pale golden vertical pupils.

There was only a dark and empty environment around.

In fact, it is an environment that can basically be seen clearly at a glance. This Zerg cub with only a small silver-gray tail is constantly searching back and forth in the dark cave where it was born: "Chirp!"

It's here.

This cub made a sound for Gu Huai to hear. Maybe Gu Huai would come to find it when he heard the sound.

It didn't dare to leave too far, because it was afraid that Gu Huai would not find it when he came back.

Gu Huai's consciousness was lost, and when he regained it, he was in a very wonderful space.

Here he confronts the "world will" of the world.

Gu Huai was also told that the pain he felt in his deep sleep and consciousness was indeed due to the rejection of him by the "rules".

"So, is there any way I can stay?" Gu Huai only cares about this issue.

I can't change the rules, as the will of the world I can admit your existence and allow you to stay, but the rules will also refute me at the same time, it will still exclude you.

This is a voice without the slightest emotional ups and downs, and every word is as regular as an established procedure.

Because I admit, the exclusion of the rules will be relatively reduced, and it will not cause you substantial harm, but it will still make you feel miserable. You must have experienced this pain.

Even so, are you willing to accept it

Originally, the Zerg would not have a king. The white baby egg that gave birth to the king was a dead egg from the beginning, and there was no possibility of birth.

The Zerg without a king is like missing something. They don't know how to protect, they only know how to keep plundering. No matter how many things are destroyed by plundering, they can't fill the gap in their hearts. This sense of vacancy will one day force the entire Zerg. to madness.

The Will of the World has always thought that this was its fault, and it hoped Gu Huai would accept it, but it also understood that almost no one would be willing to suffer such pain.

However, Gu Huai responded very firmly at this time: "Well, I am willing to accept it."

Gu Huai's choice surprised the will of the world, so it revealed a little more.

Your mental body has gone to a past timeline by mistake, and the rules will correct that.

Gu Huai was stunned for a moment, the correction meant...

As Gu Huai thought about it, another picture appeared in front of him.

The Zerg cub, who had been chirping in the cave looking for him because he found him missing, suddenly stopped for something, and then took on an attacking stance.

The memory of Gu Huai was gradually erased under the revision of the rules. For this cub, it didn't want to forget anyway, Alves' power rioted at this time.

It awakened the space power, and the power of riot teleported it to another planet, but that didn't stop the rules from being fixed.

The rules erased Alves' memory, but they couldn't completely erase the subconscious, so the cub who woke up after losing consciousness still made such a cry when he opened his round pale golden vertical pupils...


It seemed that he had lost something very important and precious, but he couldn't remember it again. The irritability caused the Zerg cub to slap the silver-gray tail behind it heavily.

The more he felt this vacancy, the more irritable and unpleasant Alves became.


Seems like someone used to call it that.

Who is it...

"Let me go back now." Gu Huai abruptly withdrew his gaze as if he had been burned, and immediately made a request.

When he saw this cub's performance, Gu Huai suddenly understood the reason why Alves would need to wear a black eye patch later.

Also because of him.

The Will of the World did not reject Gu Huai's request, which was originally its hope.

as you wish.

After another brief loss and recovery of consciousness, Gu Huai's mental body was sent back to the original normal time line, but the time point was slightly different.

It had been two years since he first fell asleep. In the room guarded by a group of Tucker Zerg, Gu Huai finally woke up from his deep sleep.