I’m Not Human

Chapter 93: Xiao Jiao Jiao Huai tweeted (4)


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If anyone else came to this abandoned planet in a remote galaxy, they would probably be surprised by what they saw on this planet.

This planet is home to all kinds of ferocious creatures that have evolved or mutated, but the overlord of this abandoned planet is a young cub with no fighting ability.

They will see a black cub roaming around this dangerous planet without hesitation, driven by curiosity and daring to explore anywhere.

And once you get tired during the exploration process, you just get up and go to sleep no matter what.

Shaking the fluffy body and shaking the little tail behind him, wherever this black cub with round golden eyes goes, the creatures in that place will quickly evacuate.

It can be said that this cub walked sideways on this abandoned planet.

Of course, the creatures on the planet are not afraid of this cub. They are afraid of the group of Tucker Zerg who are following this cub.

These Tuckers are like parents, watching over their cubs at all times, keeping the cubs on their shoulders or heads, and meeting all the cubs' demands.

When Gu Huai showed curiosity about a bird creature that looked like a peacock, this beautiful but actually very ferocious raptor had to meekly let the black bird be under the threat of a group of Tucker Zerg. The cub played with its feathers and even bit and plucked several of them.

"Tweet." Holding a beautiful feather he liked, Gu Huai showed the fiery red feather to Alves as he watched the increasingly rounded black cub return to his parents.

Alves was not interested in feathers, but in response, he approached and licked the small horns on the black cub's head.

After getting the feathers, Gu Huai was no longer curious about the bird, so the Tucker Zerg around it had no intention of attacking, and the aborigines who were finally spared hurriedly ran away.

After showing it to Alves, Gu Huai continued to show the parents the feather it was holding, and was very careful not to let the feather fall to the ground when it made a chirping sound.

The Tuckers around Gu Huai didn't actually pay attention to the feather. They saw that the golden eyes of the cubs were bright, and the cubs were chirping at them, so the Tuckers could send low voices from their throats. Low hiss.

And the cubs who got the response were even happier. The feathers on their lips were not uncommon, let alone a fun toy, but the black cubs guarded by the Tucker Zerg were still happy.

Although the living environment on this abandoned planet is very harsh, Gu Huai has been protected since he was born from the broken shell, but he has not suffered much.

It is pampered.

Whether it was Alves or these Tucker Zerg who came later, they gave it the best of everything.

It's just that the best things on this abandoned planet are too good, so they can't give more to Gu Huai.

If it was on a planet with good conditions, what they gave to Gu Huai must be something better.

How to go to a planet with better conditions

Gu Huai and Alves, who were still cubs, could not think of this problem for the time being. This abandoned planet is now the whole world in their eyes.

The Tucker Zerg thought of it, but they thought hard, but still couldn't come up with a method.

The warship that brought them to this planet has completely crashed, and there are no other warships that can be used on this planet, and they cannot leave this planet without the necessary tools.

"呣啾啾." Not knowing what the parents were thinking, the black cub who returned to the parents began to chirp and make demands again.

This cry means hug.

As soon as he chirps twice, Gu Huai was picked up by the Tucker Zerg closest to him and placed on his shoulders.

The pampered cub was not dissatisfied with the status quo. Gu Huai stayed on the shoulders of the Tucker Zerg and moved from left to right. He didn't run away by himself if he wanted to go anywhere. Eyes only look around at the world.

He is ignorant and simple, and can always cheer up easily. Most of the cubs are like this.

Gu Huai thinks it's fine to live like this from now on.

No matter how cold the winter of this planet is, it will definitely not be frozen, and the other seasons after winter will be warm.

But as the new king of the Zerg, it is impossible for Gu Huai to remain undiscovered by other Zerg.

When he grew up for a few more months, after Gu Huai's energy grew at a terrifying speed, the fine link he established one day directly covered the entire race.

This time, the fine link was not established because of being frightened, but the cub was interested in this ability he had, and he would use it when the interest came.

The previous fine link only had the scope of one planet, but now Gu Huai felt that it could establish a link with a larger scope, so he did so.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

When he was playing with Alves, he established a fine link. In just a short while, all the Zerg in the interstellar space heard Gu Huai's voice in their consciousness.

It's a very soft cry.

As soon as I heard it, I knew that this should be the voice of a newly born cub.

It was also at this moment that the Zerg, which were still divided into three legions, achieved unprecedented unity in action, and they began a carpet search in the interstellar space.

The movement was so loud that it frightened all the unknown races in the interstellar space.

"No, there is no way to determine the exact location of the king."

In order to better search, the technicians of the three Zerg legions have gathered together, but with only a short fine link, they really can't determine the detailed coordinates sent by the fine link.

This made the Zerg outside the abandoned planet very anxious. This anxiety stimulated their spirits and made them almost in a state of excitement. They didn't want to rest until they found Gu Huai.

But fortunately, fine links are not conveyed just once.

Ever since they received the first fine link, the Zerg soldiers looked cold, but they all had the hope of receiving the king's call to them again.

And in this expectation, they waited for more calls.


"Hey chirp."


The emotions conveyed were cheerful, which made the original expressionless Zerg soldiers light up their vertical pupils slightly.

The king's voice is so cute...

Although the cry of a normal Zerg cub is different, this does not prevent the Zerg soldiers who received the fine link from having this idea.

Wang must be playing, so he is so happy.

Just listening to the call, the seemingly cold Zerg had already imagined the picture of the cubs playing in their minds, which made these Zerg happy.

It's just joy, they can only suppress their extreme joy now, and immediately start to determine the coordinates to find.

With so many fine links, it became much easier to determine the coordinates, and the technicians quickly located the coordinates of the abandoned planet.

At the time when the fleets of the three Zerg legions were preparing for positioning and teleportation, it was raining in most of the northern hemisphere of the abandoned planet.

When it rains, you can't go outside. It was the first time Gu Huai saw rain in the months after the birth of the broken shell. He was curious about the rain that fell from the sky, and even the sound of the rain made it feel fresh.

Gu Huai listened to the words of Alves and the parents, and said that if he couldn't go out, he wouldn't go out. The black cub only got close to the entrance of the cave, staring at the pouring rain outside the cave with his round golden eyes.

It rained heavily and the rain was loud.

For a cub who was just a few months old, Gu Huai didn't even see the whole seasons.

After a cold winter, a spring should be ushered in, but this abandoned planet is too barren and barren, and it failed to see the lush green and vitality in the spring.

But even watching a rain, the cub would feel happy because of curiosity and freshness, but just as Gu Huai saw it, a thunder suddenly exploded in the sky.


Suddenly frightened, the black cub who stayed near the entrance of the cave ran to Alves without thinking, and pushed Alves to hide behind the parents.

"Chirp." The cub expressed to the parent that the thunder just now made it frightened.

The Tucker Zerg who were watching over Gu Huai had already learned how to coax the cubs. If the cubs were afraid, just pick them up at this time.

So a Tucker Zerg carried both cubs on the ground on their shoulders, and then it carried the two cubs to the entrance of the cave, so that Gu Huai, who was interested in the rain, could continue to look outside.

Being carried by his parents like this, Gu Huai is no longer afraid of the sudden sound of thunder.

And looking at it, facing this rain curtain, a group of black shadows whose appearance could not be clearly seen due to the rain cover are approaching—

Alves and the surrounding Tucker Zerg were aware of it in advance, and they all entered a state of alert.

Because the closer they got, the more and more the approaching figures became clearer in Gu Huai's golden vertical pupils.

"Chirp." The black cub who was on the shoulders of the Tucker Zerg chirped suddenly and clearly.

It was also when Gu Huai screamed that the Zerg troops outside the cave were drowned in joy in an instant under the rain curtain.

Everything that happened after that happened very logically. Gu Huai was taken to a new planet by the Zerg troops who came to look for it. Of course, Alves and the Tak Zerg who had been watching over him also left together.

When talking about which planet to live on, the black cub who was taken by the three legion commanders to see the star field map blinked his golden eyes, pressed his paw on it casually, and hit the Tuther star.

So Tusher became the designated Zerg capital star, and the Zerg split into three legions were automatically unified because of the birth of Gu Huai.

Today's Zerg has no intention of aggression. After the Zerg made a big commotion because they wanted to find Gu Huai, the latest information detected by the various interstellar races was that the Zerg was busy raising cubs.

This information made every race stunned, and once doubted the authenticity of the information.

But it is.

The Zerg were busy preparing a soft bed for Gu Huai, nutritious and delicious food, and various small toys.

After leaving the abandoned planet and being transferred to Tuther, the world suddenly became completely different in Gu Huai's eyes.

Only at this time did Gu Huai realize that not every planet is barren and sandy, but there are also rich and beautiful planets, and many beautiful scenery can be seen on other planets.

The fact that Gu Huai was born on the abandoned planet made the Zerg who brought it to the planet Tuther feel sad, so now they spared no effort to bring all the best things to Gu Huai.

The cub's bed was made of the softest nebula brocade in the interstellar space. When Gu Huai was taken back to Tusher and showed that he wanted to sleep, he was carried into this bed.

"Chirp." The black cub who stayed in the bed asked Alves to accompany it.

When sleeping, he must be accompanied by Alves before he is willing to sleep. This is a habit that Gu Huai has developed.

Alves was always willing to agree to Gu Huai's request. It wasn't accommodating, it was just that he was willing to spoil Gu Huai.

"Chirp." Feeling the softness of the bed, the sleepy black cub snuggled up to Alves, and tweeted to the parents who were watching him before going to bed.

The Tucker Zerg were okay, and they all felt that their breathing suddenly became a little difficult, surrounded by the sight of other Zerg who refused to go.

The bed made of nebula brocade is much softer and more comfortable than the bed with only a few layers of feathers, and it is very warm.

For the first time sleeping in such a comfortable place, the black cub in the bed closed its golden eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

They will all live on this planet.

This planet is better than the previous one, and being able to live with their parents on a planet with a better environment, even a cub with a very ignorant understanding of the world can feel happy.

"Chirp... chirp." Gu Huai murmured.

The cub's babble made the Zerg guarding around the bed more cautious, and they couldn't help but deliberately let it go lightly.

It's good that they found the king.

No matter what happens in the future, Wang will grow up in the favor of the Zerg.