I’m Not Human

Chapter 95: Xiao Jiao Jiao Huai tweeted (6)


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Being pampered by the Zerg, or more appropriately, being pampered and grown up, Gu Huai can always understand without a teacher—

Oh, in this place, Alves/his parents are the best.

So he can do whatever he wants.

The young Gu Huai was very dependent on people, especially good at relying on parents and Alves.

Like some things that can be done by oneself, when there are parents or Alves around, Gu Huai's first reaction is to ask for help.

For example, in kindergarten, when Gu Huai ate a candy, sometimes he didn't want to peel off the wrapping paper by himself, but pushed the candy towards Alves.

Gu Huai will look at Alves and say, "I want to eat candy."

Gu Huai's black eyes were clear and bright, and his voice was still young, it sounded as soft as a cry in the form of a cub.

Shen Mu and Hamer, who had been taught by their family to be independent since childhood, watched this scene and couldn't understand it.

If you want to eat candy, just peel off the wrapping paper. It doesn't seem right to bother others with such a small matter...

Shen Mu and Hamer are both only sons in the family, and they have also been held by their family as treasures since they were born, but they don't know that the doting they received from their family is not the same as that of Gu Huai.

For the Zerg, if Gu Huai wanted to eat candy, it was a matter of course for them to peel off the candy paper and send it over.

Come here, there is no need to make your own king spend more effort.

Alves' thoughts were similar. He picked up a candy and took apart the wrapping paper, but he didn't peel it off completely. Instead, he used this layer of wrapping paper to cushion the candy and put it back on Gu Huai's table.

Gu Huai's next action should be to pick up the candy and put it in his mouth, but when he looked at the color of the candy, he suddenly blinked.

"Don't want this flavor." Gu Huai pushed the peeled candy back to Alves, still looking at Alves just like before, "I want orange flavor."

The two human children in the third row couldn't help but want to go over and let Gu Huai stop, and Alves would peel Gu Huai's candy paper. They were already surprised. They didn't expect that Gu Huai would dare to toss again.

Gu Huai's eyes were always bright. Alves didn't act immediately after hearing Gu Huai's request to him this time. He turned his eyes to the five or six candies piled on his table.

Shen Mu and Hamer felt that Alves was really impatient.

As a result, the next second, they saw that Alves seemed to confirm something, and reached out to pick up an orange candy.

Alves didn't see the markings on the wrappers of these candies and could only rely on his own judgment.

After a few seconds, the candy was peeled off and placed on Gu Huai's table.

Gu Huai seemed to be finally happy when his request was met, and quickly put the candy in his mouth.

When Gu Huai was happy, the tip of his eyes would bend slightly. Alves glanced at Gu Huai's eyes. The silver-grey tail behind him moved quietly. He picked up the one on the table that he had just peeled off. Gu Huai didn't want it. Eat that candy by yourself.

The two human children who witnessed all this in the third row were already confused.

It's not just this one thing.

Another example is that the shoelaces are open. At this time, if Alves is next to him, Gu Huai will lower his head and look at his shoes. After the meeting, he raised his head and looked at Alves without saying a word.

In this way, Alves would understand Gu Huai's request and consciously squat down to help Gu Huai tie his shoelaces.

The two human children opened their eyes together, which was another wave of cognitive shocks for them.

Alves is also a cub, but between him and Gu Huai, he is undoubtedly taking care of Gu Huai in one direction.

Alves didn't seem to be reluctant, and was very patient.

With Alves in the kindergarten life, Gu Huai lived a carefree life. Apart from missing his parents, he was happy every day.

On the morning of the third day of school, Gu Huai met Otto, who had bullied him by stealing his candy yesterday, in the corridor outside the class.

After Otto's lesson yesterday, of course he didn't want to provoke Gu Huai today.

But Gu Huai saw the candy in Otto's hand at a glance, he thought about it, and he stopped people like the other party did yesterday.

Gu Huai imitated while recalling, pointing at Otto: "Hey, give me what you have in your hand."

How to say Otto has also been a bully in the kindergarten for two years. Gu Huai is so obvious to grab something, he doesn't want to lose face, so he immediately said: "No."

Otto's voice fell for less than a second, and he watched the black-haired cub in front of him suddenly pursing his lips, and made the same tearful expression as yesterday. This expression made Otto's inner alarm bell. masterpiece.

Gu Huai made this expression. Now that he is walking on the front foot, he will definitely find Alves on the back foot, and then Alves will come to trouble him.

As a smart little bully, Otto quickly sorted out the possible causes and consequences, he held back: "Then... it's not impossible for you."

Gu Huai blinked, and seemed to have expected this result, and his expression returned to normal in the blink of an eye: "Well, then I'm going to grab your candy now."

Before robbing something, he had to speak to the robbed person seriously. After saying this, Gu Huai looked down at the milk candy in Otto's hand.

Otto pouted, forget it, he was unlucky today, and he thought he lost the candy on the way.

Gu Huai watched it for a few seconds, and finally took away only one of them, and then put the fruit candy in his pocket on the other party's hand.

"I've grabbed it, you can go." Gu Huai signaled that the other party could leave.


Are you going to grab this one

It's okay to just grab one, and give him a fruit candy

Will you steal something? !

Glancing at Gu Huai, Otto left with an indescribable expression.

Gu Huai didn't know what the other party was thinking. He felt that he had become a little bully once, and he and Otto were now even.

With the loot he grabbed, Gu Huai went to find Alves.

"I got it from Otto." Gu Huai put the milk candy in Alves' hand, "Here it is."

Having been taken care of and protected by Alves, it was the first time that Gu Huai seemed to show his abilities in front of Alves, and he looked rather proud with his bright eyes.

Gu Huai said "grab" in a tender and soft voice, which sounded really unconvincing, not to mention that he said he was robbing from Otto.

Shen Mu and Hamer, who were eavesdropping in the third row: "..."

After thinking about it, they understood a little bit. Gu Huai guessed that Otto didn't dare not give it because of Alves' power.

Alves is not a character who likes to talk a lot, but Gu Huai gave him something, and he could see his mood from his slightly raised tail, which was a sign of happiness.

Alves put away the candy and didn't eat it: "I'll go back to Tuther after class in the afternoon."

Gu Huai sat on the seat and shook his legs, looking forward to what Alves said: "Yeah!"

After all, it was a cub. After a few days away from the parents, Gu Huai must have felt homesick.

The school day went by quickly, and at 4:30 in the afternoon, the school bell of Shilorian Kindergarten rang—

"Ding dong."

The head teacher announced the dismissal of school when the bell rang, and the cubs in the class had to wait for their parents to pick them up from the class.

After sending their king to kindergarten, the Zerg felt that the time was extremely long every day. It was finally time to pick up Gu Huai and return to Tuther. The three legion commanders rushed there with their troops.

The Zerg who escorted Gu Huai to Reiner Star three days ago did not go back to Tuther, but bought a house and lived in Reiner Star, always paying attention to the safety of Hilorian Kindergarten.

I also knew that it was impossible for them to go back to Tuther just like that. If their king encountered any danger in the kindergarten, they would definitely not be able to come over when they were far away.

After Gu Huai and Alves go to school for three days, they will go back to Tuther Star together.

A Yura warship landed at the entrance of the kindergarten. The size of the warship has been intentionally reduced, but this still makes other parents who came to pick up the cubs to go home.

Most of the parents who can get their cubs to go to school in Hilorian Kindergarten are either rich or expensive, but even if others want to show off, at most they will only drive surprisingly expensive small aircraft to pick up their cubs.

And the Zerg directly drove a Yura battleship over!

The other parents were stunned, while the cubs in the kindergarten who were led to the school gate by their parents looked at the Yura battleship with curiosity and envy.

What a big, big spaceship, when will their parents be able to drive such a big spaceship to pick them up home

Gu Huai obediently waited for his parents to pick him up in the class, and in his expectation, the three legion commanders and the Tucker Zerg arrived soon.

In Gu Huai's class, his parents came first.

The head teacher looked at the three pairs of light golden vertical pupils that clearly belonged to the A Zerg, and then faced a pair of scarlet vertical pupils that belonged to the Tucker Zerg, and couldn't help but feel terrified.

The feeling of the head teacher was quickly broken, because all the Zerg were not paying attention to her, but were all watching Gu Huai.

Gu Huai had already packed a small schoolbag, pulled Alves and ran to his parents.

Seeing Gu Huai trotting all the way to the Zerg with his schoolbag on his back, Shen Mu and Hamer, who had not waited for their parents to come, were both stunned.

Why is Gu Huai running towards the Zerg

This is not his parent.

But the next article, two human children were subverted cognition -

They stared blankly at a huge Tucker Zerg who picked up Gu Huai and put it on his shoulders. Gu Huai seemed to call out the name of the Tucker Zerg.

"Kalu." The cub called out to the parent close and dependent.

The Tucker Zerg carrying Gu Huai immediately responded with a low hiss from its throat.

Shen Mu and Hamer were still in a state of confusion. At this time, they saw the black-haired cub sitting on the shoulders of the Tucker Zerg and waved to them both: "Goodbye."

The two human children were stunned and didn't have time to respond. When Gu Huai and Alves were picked up by the Zerg who came to the door of the class, Shen Mu and Hamer were able to figure it out.

Are they...

Have you been misunderstanding something terrible?

Gu Huai, who was sitting on the shoulders of the Tucker Zerg, was of course attracting attention on the way from the class to the school gate. Gu Huai was surrounded by Zerg people every day on Tusor Star, but he didn't feel that there was anything in the matter of attention.

"Can Yura fly faster today?" At the hatch of the battleship, Gu Huai looked at the Yura battleship expectantly, "I want to get back to Tuther soon."

Gu Huai said with an expectant expression, and reached out to touch the hull of the ship.

The hull of the Yura battleship immediately vibrated significantly, and almost immediately the sky blue light was on: "Click!"

The cubs are so looking forward to it. This Yura battleship has demonstrated its sailing ability to break through the limits of the past today, and it has shortened the sailing time from Reina Star to Tuther Star by several hours.

The battleship stopped at the air port on Tusor.

Gu Huai got down from the battleship, looked at the familiar sight of Tussing and the Zerg waiting for him at the airport, and ran over happily with Alves.

They go home.

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