I’m Not Your Female Lead!

Chapter 28


Ye Yu was really stunned in place, and didn't move for a full five seconds.

During those five seconds, countless thoughts flashed through her mind—

From "who am I", "where am I", "what am I doing" to "how could he remember", "how could he recognize me", "when did I expose"...

Until the system finally couldn't help but kindly reminded, "Master Host, the original body of the princess Ye Wangfu is originally two years older than Xuan Yi."

Only then did Ye Yu react.

——She was guilty of being a thief and being sentimental by the way.

Fortunately, the two gauze fans were covering her face, and Xuan Yi didn't see the startled expressions on her face.

Ye Yu hesitated, and said, "Your Majesty."


The cold and waveless eyes that fell in front of the gauze fan paused.

After a while, a bit of surprise flashed in the depths of those eyes.

When he came back to his senses, Xuan Yi couldn't help laughing at himself from the bottom of his heart.

... It's really crazy.

Otherwise, how could there be a moment just now, which made him feel that the tone of Princess Ye Xiaojun in front of him was like... that woman.

Obviously, he had never heard that person address him in such a tone in his dream.

Gathering from his thoughts, Xuan Yi looked at the gauze fan with increasingly cold eyes, but his voice was still gentle.

"This place is still far from the bedroom, follow me on the chariot?"


Ye Yu took the initiative to hang his hand from Ye Yunsheng's arm.

Then she lifted the side of her skirt and responded lightly.

"The gauze fan can be removed."

Xuan Yi spoke, with a faint smile in his pleasant voice.

The maid who played the fan didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly responded, took the gauze fan away, and bowed back.

Xuan Yi's eyes became gentle and tender at this moment, and he looked straight at the woman in a bright red wedding dress.

It's a pity that the show was for nothing—

As soon as the fan was pulled away, Ye Yu lowered his head abruptly before he could catch his gaze.

Xuan Yi was really surprised.

After being stunned for a while, he asked with a light smile, "Why don't you want to look at me, don't you like me?"


Because the one I like you has already hung up, I am a pirated version, and I am afraid of being found out.

Slandering in his heart, Ye Yu lowered his head firmly: "I'm shy."

Xuan Yi: "..."

Ye Yunsheng: "...?"

Is it because he has been away from the magic city for too long, and has a cognitive deviation in his understanding of the word "shy"

Xuan Yi's eyes flickered slightly. He looked thoughtfully at Ye Yu who kept his eyes downcast and refused to meet his gaze.

After this silent and awkward moment, the corners of Xuan Yi's lips twitched.

He turned slightly sideways, and lifted the hand hanging beside him naturally, bringing it to Ye Yu's waist.

"Let's go?"

He lowered his head, and the laughter that escaped from his thin lips went straight to the ear of the person in his arms, "...Sister Ye Yu?"

This sound is affectionate.

Ye Yu couldn't help but trembled "cooperatively".

Naturally, her reaction cannot escape Xuan Yi's perception.

Looking closely at Ye Yu, in those eyes that seemed to refuse to miss even the slightest reaction, a little fiery flame danced in the frozen darkness.

Xuan Yi slightly narrowed his eyes.

He leaned over, "Sister Ye Yu, are you afraid of me?"

This inexplicable sense of familiarity... What a bold idea.

"How is that possible. I'm just a little nervous."

After a few seconds of silence, Ye Yu responded vaguely, and took the initiative to walk towards the walking chariot.

The hand around her waist that was not exerting much force was pulled away by her.

The system whispered in her ear: "Master Host, your acting skills are not good... You can't hide at this time, you have to face it head-on, so as not to arouse suspicion."

"I didn't prepare myself to run into it...you do what you want."

Ye Yu replied angrily in her heart.

The system hesitated for a while, and whispered: "According to the progress of the plot, Xuan Yi's resentment towards Ye Yu has reached its peak from this chapter, the host must be very careful, otherwise he may end up with two dead bodies. "

"Are you also fate?"


Ye Yu talked back and forth with the system, and the previously tense heartstrings finally relaxed a little.

The marching procession team that welcomed the bride sent Ye Yu all the way outside the Devil Emperor's palace.

Ye Yu's eyes became complicated as he looked at the bedroom, which was so familiar as if he had just said goodbye yesterday, but so unfamiliar that it seemed that it had been an unknown number of years.

The chariot stopped at this moment.

Ye Yu got out of the chariot under the attendant of the maid, and entered the bedroom.

After a while, the door of the front hall of the bedroom closed.

Xuan Yi stood in front of the closed gate, looking at the front hall with burning eyes.

At this moment, he really has too much curiosity, urgency and longing for answers.

But there is no need to rush.

Anyway, the person is right by his hand, and he can't escape even if he runs away.

Thinking of this, the Devil Emperor glanced at the guards standing beside the palace gate.

"Look at her."

"... Your Majesty?"

The captain of the guard was stunned for a moment, and looked at the Devil Emperor innocently and blinked.

He wondered if he had heard wrong.

His Majesty wanted him to look after him... the princess who heard that she was going to marry into the palace after death

— Could it be that she was afraid that she would run into trouble in front of the demon ministers attending the wedding ceremony

The captain of the guard thought for a while, and felt that he had identified the central idea of the order, and immediately saluted—

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After entering the bedroom, another meal was not inferior to the toss and toss experienced in Ye Wang's mansion in the morning.

By the time Ye Yu sat down on the ear hall couch with a gauze fan, the sky was already full of stars outside.

The serving maids left the bedroom one after another and went outside the palace.

Facing the quiet bedroom, Ye Yu discussed the countermeasures with the system for a while, and at the same time extended his spiritual consciousness a little.

In the quiet night outside the hall, the distant singing and dancing sounds brought by the wind slowly drifted into Ye Yu's ears.

The incense that the maid was lighting in front of the hall was burning fiercely at this time, and the refreshing aroma spread throughout the hall.

Ye Yu, who communicated silently with the system, only felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier.

Until a certain opportunity, the candles in the front hall suddenly dimmed, the light in the unlit ear hall disappeared, and Ye Yu's consciousness also sank into the darkness...

Ye Yu was woken up by the system.

Before she opened her eyes, she heard the non-stop calling of "host host host host" in her ear.

"... It's making you loud," Ye Yu complained, and slowly opened his eyes, "Quiet—"

The rest of her voice suddenly choked in her throat.

At this moment, almost all of her sight was occupied by the all-too-familiar canopy of the bed in the Devil Emperor's bedroom...and a handsome face so close that she could hear her breath.

"… ah!"

Ye Yu screamed almost instinctively, and his body made certain movements one step faster than his thoughts.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

The handsome face in front of him disappeared from sight.

And Ye Yu's ankle felt a belated pain.

Ye Yu: "..."

She just seemed... kicked someone... out...

With the cultivation base of this body, the person who was kicked out probably...

Haven't landed yet...


Ye Yu could hardly bear to look at it.

But now it is obviously too late to pretend to be unconscious and stupid.

She could only sit up slowly with guilt, and looked at the ear hall beyond the bed.

His Majesty the Demon Emperor, who was kicked several feet away by being careless for a moment, stood expressionlessly in the middle of the ear hall.

His dark eyes stared straight at her.


Ye Yu shrank her neck guiltily.

And beside her ears, the system voice that only she could hear was still happily explaining—

"Master Host, this is what I told you before, the physical memory of being able to instinctively evade and fight back when encountering danger!"

Ye Yu: "..."