I’m Not Your Female Lead!

Chapter 44


In the moment of weightlessness, Ye Yu's brain went blank.

The only passing thought was—

It turns out that when people are extremely frightened, they cannot scream.

All the sounds and sensory responses seemed to be pressed fiercely in the chest cavity by the surging wind, the sternum was about to burst and the heart was about to jump out.

But there was still no way to vent the terrifying feeling that almost suffocated her even through voice.

One second before Ye Yu suspected that she was going to pass out, the force she had forgotten on her wrist suddenly increased.

Xuan Yi pulled her over in the air.

Then it went dark.

Ye Yu was wrapped in a generous and warm embrace.

—For Ye Yu, this is an unprecedented sense of security. It was as if the heart that had been floating in the mist for an unknown amount of time suddenly had a place to rest.

The feeling of falling on it makes people feel relieved and nostalgic.

"… I am here."

"Don't be afraid."

Ye Yu's mind was stunned by the slight vibration of the broad chest.

Since when did she get used to being alone

Maybe it's... when you realize that in this world, you can't even rely on your parents

The so-called "blood is thicker than water" parents will part ways for their own lives, get married and have children, so that she is still under the eyes, reprimands and charity of countless families...

If you can't even rely on your parents, let alone others, right

So never put hope on others, then you will never be disappointed; never give your heart, then you will never be sad...

This is the life creed she has believed in for more than 20 years.

—But it turned out that she didn't know until today that she was also longing for a support, longing for a sentence of "I am here".

"If I give you the hope and sincerity that I have never placed on others, will you give me something different from disappointment and sadness?"

In the void formation, the scene around him was already blurred, Ye Yu raised his head to look at the person in front of him.

She didn't even know if the question was just her own question, or had she already said it

But before Ye Yu could see Xuan Yi's expression clearly, the last bit of light in front of his eyes suddenly dissipated.

After a while, the space around them reversed.

The teleportation array under the Longmen Formation opens.

After a while, the brilliance reappeared in front of them, and at the same time, the soles of their feet touched the soft soil.

Ye Yu's legs were about to kneel down, but the arms clamped around her waist did not relax at all. As soon as Xuan Yi saw that she couldn't stand on her own, he immediately fished her back.

So, among the group of testers who were either holding on to the stone wall beside them or holding on to their own knees, Ye Yu and Xuan Yi, who were hugging each other, successfully attracted the attention of all the disciples or deacons of the Sword Sect. Notice.

An elder who presided over the third level test looked at him with a strange expression, and finally couldn't help but turned his head and coughed softly.

Ye Yu came back to his senses amidst the indicative cough.

She struggled in Xuan Yi's arms, and after Xuan Yi let go of her arms with interest, she immediately took a step back.

It's just that the soles of her feet still seem to be stepping on cotton.

Seeing that Ye Yu's face was still slightly pale, Xuan Yi asked worriedly, "Are you all right?"


Ye Yu opened his mouth, but guessing that his voice would also be hoarse at this time, he closed his mouth again.

She then shook her head.

After half a stick of incense, the group of testers who "nearly escaped" from the second level finally recovered slowly.

The elder who was in charge of the test had sized them up several times, and his dissatisfaction was obvious on his face.

But only when he glanced at Xuan Yi and a girl in another corner, he would show some approval in his eyes.

And coincidentally, that girl was also looking at Xuan Yi.

However, unlike the startled expression when she first saw Xuan Yi and Ye Yu being teleported out at the same time, she looked at the two of them now with a calm expression, except that her eyes were still a little complicated.

After calming down, Ye Yu, who was looking around, met the girl's gaze.

After a short pause, the two nodded slightly at each other in unison.

"Yunhua is here too."

After turning his gaze back, Ye Yu calmly reminded Xuan Yi through voice transmission with his spiritual sense.

Xuan Yi didn't even raise his eyes, and let out a cry.

Ye Yu didn't know what to think of, she looked away and smiled lightly.

"Do you really want to avoid her like this? She is your lifesaver after all. There has always been a saying in my hometown, 'You can't repay a life-saving grace, you can only give it to yourself'."

Hearing that Ye Yu wanted to make fun of herself, Xuan Yi knew that she should be fine, so she relaxed her frown.

Then he answered the words without haste.

"It's a pity that when I was rescued for the first time, I already promised it. I won't be allowed to meet her again."

Ye Yu was stunned for a moment before realizing that Xuan Yi was talking about something from his previous life.

She couldn't help but chuckled: "I don't want a little black dog as a promise."

Xuan Yi: "..."

While the two were joking with each other, the elder who presided over the test had finished talking about the rules, and asked someone to bring up a row of spar balls for checking the sense of aura.

"There is also a selection among the peaks in the Sword Sect. Disciples with higher talents will be able to go to the top of the peak with ample aura - it all depends on the brightness of the aura spar."

After Ye Yu finished introducing Xuan Yi, he used his spiritual sense to transmit the sound, "But your goal is not the best suzerain peak, but the worst Tibetan Mount Everest, right?"

Xuan Yi turned his eyes: "Sister can even count this?"

Ye Yu's expression was strange when he heard the words, "It's not surprising that I can figure it out. The strange thing is that you have never stepped into the fairyland. How can you know the secret that the master of the Sword Sect doesn't even know?"

"This sister can't be counted again?"

"I really don't have that." Ye Yu was very honest.

"It's rare that there are things that my sister can't count." Xuan Yi laughed hoarsely, "Then I can't say anything."

"..." Ye Yu rolled his eyes in his heart, didn't delve into it further, turned to look at the disciples who had already completed half of the test, "We are going to part here."

Xuan Yi lowered his eyes and remained silent for a while.

He didn't speak in a low voice until the testers in front of the two stepped forward.

"When I find that thing and enter Chaos, I will go to my sister."

"...Don't make a fuss. The Chaos Realm, the most powerful fighter in the Immortal Realm, is nestled in this Sword Sect—or do you think that registered disciples are so free and can go to whichever peak they want?"

Xuan Yi didn't explain either: "I have my own way."

There was no time to say anything else, the two of them had already walked behind the exhaust spar with the others.

The presiding elder gave orders, and several testers put their hands on the air-sensing spar in front of them together. After a while, different brightnesses shone from the row of crystals.

Ye Yu's is the brightest one, while the one next to her under Xuan Yi's hand can only be regarded as barely qualified.

Even though Ye Yu knew it well - if Xuan Yi didn't do this deliberately, he could not use his talent to reproduce the legend of the aptitude of the powerful cultivator in ancient times, which caused the aura spar to explode.

However, Ye Yu is probably the only one who will pay attention to Xuan Yi's spar at this time.

Everyone else—be it the deacons and official disciples of Jianzong, or those who were to be tested—all stared at the dazzling air spar under Ye Yu's hand in astonishment.

Ye Yu could clearly hear someone among the official disciples not far away murmuring: "Even the most outstanding senior brothers and sisters in each peak, they probably don't have this air..."

Even the system that had been pretending to be dead for a long time couldn't help being blown out, and whispered in Ye Yu's ear: "Master host...you should keep a low profile. In your capacity, it is not a good thing to attract too much attention."

Ye Yu smiled on the surface, but was indifferent in his heart: "You think I don't want to keep a low profile? Do you think anyone can have as thick a gold finger as the guy standing next to me watching the fun, and can even control the talent of aura?"


The system was speechless, and consciously returned to silence.

The presiding elder was also quite shocked, his spiritual sense swept over Ye Yu's body that seemed to have "no cultivation base" after being covered by Xuan Yi, and then glanced at the spar under Xuan Yi's hand.

He sighed.

"Oh, what a pity..."

One has a great talent for aura, but unfortunately he didn't lay a good foundation at the right age, and his temperament is extremely bad; the other has a very good temperament, but his talent for aura seems... There is really no hope of staying for too long.

Then, as expected, Xuan Yi and Ye Yu were respectively assigned to the worst Mount Everest and the best Suzerain Peak in the Sword Sect.

And after Ye Yu, there was another one who made a big splash—Yun Hua.

With the test result not inferior to the brightness of Ye Yu spar, Yunhua also went to Zongzhu Peak with everyone's amazed eyes.

Although the three knew more or less about each other's details, but because they knew each other, they all chose to remain silent.

And within a few days after these test disciples were divided into various peaks, another news spread in the sect——

Ye Fei, the number one disciple of Jianzong, has returned to the sect.