I’m Pregnant With a Wealthy Old Man’s Child

Chapter 50: Audition


Zhou Yan didn't answer the phone.

So Zu Qi hit him again.

The beep sounded for a long time this time, and Zhou Yan's lazy voice came from the receiver: "Hey Xiaozu, you haven't contacted me for so long, I thought you forgot me a long time ago."

It was a normal-sounding sentence, but for some reason, from Zhou Yan's mouth, there was a strange feeling of yin and yang.

Zu Qi has always had a bad impression of Zhou Yan.

I still remember that when he gave birth to Xue Wan and was still in the hospital, Zhou Yan often called him about Tang Mo Ning's affairs. In the name of being concerned about his health, he was actually just trying to talk from Zu Qi's mouth. That's it.

Zu Qi pursed his lips and said straight to the point: "Brother Zhou, have you been busy recently? I received an audition notice not long ago and wanted to ask if you have time to accompany me to see it."

Hearing this, Zhou Yan was silent for a long time, and his tone suddenly became serious: "What audition? The resources that President Xue introduced to you?"

"No." Zu Qi said, "It was an opportunity created for me by a friend, so I wanted to try it."

Hearing this, Zhou Yan instantly lost interest.

As Zu Qi's agent, he naturally knows who in the circle is close to Zu Qi, but they are only young people who are about the same age as Zu Qi.

Even if there is still a young fresh meat Heng Jingchen, who is currently on the rise, he himself can only introduce the male lead role of the middle drama, how could he introduce good resources to Zu Qi

"I will be very busy recently. If you need someone to accompany you, just ask Deng Zi to come with you." Zhou Yan refused coldly, "If there is a good result, you can tell me again."

The little Dengzi in Zhou Yan's mouth is the assistant of the original owner, a boy who just came out of college, with a gentle personality and a very strong appearance. Everyone prefers to call him Fatty Deng.

In fact, Xiao Dengzi was very good to the original owner. He not only worked diligently, but also took care of the original owner's life in an orderly manner.

It's a pity that he was with the wrong person. The original owner had no status in the company, and as an assistant, Xiao Deng Zi had no right to speak. He was moved around like a brick by Zhou Yan, and he went wherever he needed him.

So much so that Zu Qi has never seen Deng Zi himself.

The funniest thing is that Xiao Deng Zi was sent by Zhou Yan as a favor to other artists to work, but the salary he got was still deducted from Zu Qi's labor remuneration, which was equivalent to using his money to support other people's assistants.

There was a hint of sarcasm in Zu Qi's eyes, and he said, "But Xiao Dengzi seems to be doing things next to Sister Hui. It's not good for me to call Xiao Dengzi directly?"

Zhou Yan said disapprovingly: "You can discuss it with Liu Huishan. Anyway, she will return the person after it is used up. She is not such a stingy person."

Zu Qi, who heard these words, was instantly happy, but unfortunately he was angry.

Dare to love Zhou Yanzhen when Xiao Dengzi is his person

What about returning people back when they are used up? Xiao Dengzi is an assistant who uses his money to support him. Why should he send it to others to be free labor

Shameless, there is no point in my heart!

Zu Qi scolded Zhou Yan from head to toe in his heart, but he was very calm on the surface, and said softly, "Since Brother Zhou said so, then I'll go say hello to Sister Hui."

Zhou Yan hummed a few times perfunctorily, and then hung up the phone in a hurry. He seemed to be busy on his side. Zu Qi heard someone beside him urging Zhou Yan all the time.

Although it was very quiet, it was still caught by Zu Qi.

It was Tang Mo Ning's voice.

Zhou Yan always held Tang Mo Ning, it would be really strange if they didn't stick together one day.

Zu Qi put away his mobile phone while thinking, narrowed his eyes and pondered for a while, and soon a pure black nanny car slowly parked in front of him.

"Hi, Zu Qi." Heng Jingchen rolled down the car window and waved to Zu Qi.

Zu Qi quickly removed the unpleasant look on his face, pulled the brim of his hat subconsciously, and then got into the car and sat next to Heng Jingchen.

Compared to Heng Jingchen, who was dressed up just after the filming, Zu Qi's equipment was like a thief—

A three-piece set of baseball cap, sunglasses, and a mask should be provided. The thick down jacket is pulled directly in front of the chin, and the whole person is well-armed. I am afraid that Zu Qi may not be able to recognize himself in the mirror.

Heng Jingchen whistled meaningfully.

Zu Qi smiled awkwardly, stretched out his hand to take off his sunglasses, and before he could take the next step, Heng Jingchen suddenly stretched out his hand to support Zu Qi's deliberately lowered hat brim and lifted it up.

Immediately, he saw a pair of beautiful eyes like peach blossoms, and he felt a little helpless.

"I remember that you never had the habit of wearing these things, right?" Heng Jingchen laughed.

"I didn't have it before, but now I have it." Zu Qi pulled the mask and hat, sighed and said, "People are really afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. I didn't know those girls could be so crazy before."

Speaking of this, I recall a few days ago...

Zu Qi felt a little bored after staying at home for a long time, so he walked alone on the path of the villa area for a walk to breathe, but he happened to meet a group of young girls approaching.

And those girls immediately recognized Zu Qi.

Immediately afterwards, a very spectacular chase competition was launched.

The group of girls seemed to see the wolf of the sheep, their eyes glowing with excitement, Wu Yangyang chased Zu Qi and ran for 200 meters.

It was not until a few security guards who came to hear the sound stopped the girls in time that Zu Qi was able to escape, and returned to Xue's house in a hurry, and never dared to go out alone.

Heng Jingchen listened to Zu Qi's mournful narration, his face was full of schadenfreude, and he leaned forward and backward with laughter.

In the blink of an eye, he saw Zu Qi looking at him with cold eyes, so Heng Jingchen's exaggerated laughter stopped abruptly.

"Ahem, I'm not happy for you..." Heng Jingchen cleared his throat, "Look, it's been two years since you debuted, is this the first time you've met such a crazy female fan? Congratulations, you I'm finally no longer surrounded by black fans."

Zu Qi: "...they are not my fans."

Heng Jingchen was stunned: "Then why are they chasing you?"

Zu Qi held it for a long time before he murmured: "... They asked me to buy meditation powder, I said it was off the shelf, but they didn't believe it, and they insisted on giving me money to go to my house to get the goods."

So when the security guards arrived at that time, they saw a group of girls with grim expressions holding up the red bills in their hands and stuffing them into Zu Qi's clothes, and they kept asking if it was enough...

Heng JingChen: "..." After being silent for a long time, he finally couldn't hold it back, he laughed out loud, and patted his thigh while laughing.

"Hahahaha who would have thought that you, as an actor, would sell things so well hahahaha, an actor who can't sell things is not a good actor hahahahaha..."

An hour later, they arrived at the audition site.

Heng Jingchen's face was about to freeze, and Zu Qi's face was black as coal.

Zu Qi put sunglasses, masks and other equipment into his backpack, followed Heng Jingchen into the hotel lobby, instantly attracting the attention of many passers-by.

This five-star hotel was contracted by the "Palace Wall" crew for a season, and it was used as a venue for selecting movie roles. Since directors and stars often come and go in and out of the hotel, the hotel manager specially arranged for more security guards to be on duty in the lobby.

Therefore, even if there are many people looking at Zu Qi and making a move, they don't dare to do stupid things casually.

Heng Jingchen led Zu Qi into the elevator, and saw Zu Qi's obviously relieved look, he couldn't help but tease: "No matter where you go, you can meet your loyal buyers."

Zu Qi smiled bitterly: "The products have been taken off the shelves, so what buyers are you talking about?"

"Anyway, it will be on the shelves again next year." Heng Jingchen grinned, two shallow pear vortices swirling on his cheeks.

After a pause, Heng Jingchen said again, "But your business is so good, haven't you thought about selling other things? It's too wasteful to leave such a huge consumer group unused."

Zu Qi thought thoughtfully: "I really want to sell something else."

"Sell what?"


After speaking, Zu Qi suddenly remembered that he brought two apples to Heng Jingchen, and immediately took out the apples from his backpack and stuffed them into Heng Jingchen's hands, "These apples have the effect of removing acne and beautifying the face, you can eat them yourself or Anyone can send it."

Heng Jingchen looked at the big, red apple in his hand, dumbfounded. He couldn't help laughing and crying for a while: "Can apples help with acne and beauty?"

"You'll know if you try it." Zu Qi raised his eyebrows, not intending to explain too much.

If Zu Qi had given Heng Jingchen two apples inexplicably half a year ago, and said that these apples could clear up acne and improve his appearance, Heng Jingchen's first reaction would have been to sneer at Zu Qi.

But now, with the example of a fan of meditation, Heng Jingchen suddenly couldn't say anything suspicious.

Before the Meditation Powder came out, Zu Qi gave him a few bags of trial packs. At that time, Heng Jingchen didn't quite believe these things, so he gave them to his bald uncle.

Unexpectedly, after only half a month, thick hair grew on his uncle's bright Mediterranean mind, and even his aunt's insomnia that lasted for two months was cured...

Heng Jingchen's thoughts were flying in his mind. He looked down at the brightly colored apple in his hand and exuded a fresh and fruity fragrance. He thought that this time, he couldn't be foolish enough to give away good things.

I don't know if it was Heng Jingchen's illusion. When he walked out of the elevator, he found that Zu Qi's skin was really whiter, tender and smoother than before, and he couldn't even find any acne marks or spots under the bright light.

Zu Qi was born beautiful, his thick eyelashes were half closed, covering a pair of peach blossom eyes, and the skin exposed outside the neckline had a suet-like texture...

Although he looks delicate, he is not feminine at all, especially his net height of more than 1.8 meters makes him look more like the sunny and handsome big boy next door.

In fact, just looking at Zu Qi's external conditions is very suitable for mixing in the entertainment industry, but unfortunately it is only suitable for appearance...

Thinking of Zu Qi's vase-like acting skills, Heng Jingchen suddenly had a headache.

I hope the director can see Zu Qi's face, anyway, the role of the second male does not require much acting skills.

The audition took place in a huge conference room on the eighth floor. There were more people coming to the audition than Zu Qi had imagined. The benches outside were full of waiting people, and some people even sat directly on the ground.

For the first time feeling this kind of atmosphere for real, Zu Qi couldn't help but secretly nervous, and at the same time there was an excitement that couldn't be expressed in words.

"If you see Bai Guangjian later, you must try to show your best performance in front of him." Heng Jingchen was like an old father who was worried about his son, with worry written all over his face, "Bai Guangjian is the producer of "Palace Wall", and his words have more weight than the director."

Zu Qi quietly listened to Heng Jingchen's ramble, and the smile on the corner of his mouth never disappeared.

Heng Jingchen still had a scene to shoot in the afternoon, so he couldn't leave for too long. After he handed Zu Qi to a staff member surnamed Tong, he took two big apples and prepared to leave.

Zu Qi sent Heng Jingchen to the elevator door, hugged him gratefully, and said, "Jingchen, thank you."

"We are good buddies, it's too polite to say thank you." Heng Jingchen patted Zu Qi on the back and encouraged, "Come on, don't be looked down upon, I'm waiting for your good news."

After sending Heng Jingchen away, Zu Qi went back to find the staff member named Tong. The girl was very polite to Zu Qi because of Heng Jingchen's face, poured him a cup of hot water and asked him to sit in the lounge and wait. .

As time passed by, Zu Qi saw that the staff had not come to call him to play, so he was ready to read the script.

As a result, not long after opening the script, Xiaotong came in with a set of dark blue ancient costume robes, and asked Zu Qi to go to the fitting room inside to change it.

Zu Qi is not very good at wearing such clothes, and finally completed the change with the help of a male staff member. He walked out of the fitting room, and the people in the lounge cast amazing glances.

"You look so good dressed like this." Xiaotong did not hesitate to praise himself.

The child looked back and forth at Zu Qi several times, and the more he looked, the more he felt that the person in front of him was very attractive.

She originally picked out a set of dark clothes and stuffed it for Zu Qi, but she didn't expect that a mediocre set of clothes would actually shine on Zu Qi.

Zu Qi was embarrassed and smiled, not knowing how to answer, just whispered thank you.

Although Zu Qi's soul was twenty-six or seven years old, his body was only nineteen years old, and his voice, face, and smile couldn't hide the tenderness and shyness of a young man.

Xiaotong watched Zu Qi's cheeks gradually blushing, and suddenly the mother's love in his heart flooded, and he only hated that he didn't have such a lovely younger brother.

Before, Xiaotong only planned to smear Zu Qi's face casually, but now he seriously put makeup on him and put on a waist-length wig - this is a treatment that all the previous auditioners did not have.