I’m Pregnant With a Wealthy Old Man’s Child

Chapter 81: remorse


Zu Qi did not get into the company's car directly, but found a place that was unmanned and avoided surveillance, and entered the space with packaged vegetable seeds and saplings.

He spent seven or eight minutes in the space to find a suitable bush, and hid the seeds and saplings in the grass. After returning to reality, less than half a second passed.

When he walked out of the gate of Xue's house and was about to get into the car, Zu Qi only had one suitcase left in his hand.

The Xue family was still peaceful, but Sun Fei encountered the biggest difficulty since she and Xue Yanjing met.

- Xue Yanjing seems to have changed his mind.

It is said that a woman's sixth sense is the most accurate. From the day Xue Hao was taken away by the police, Sun Fei noticed Xue Yanjing's changes, but his changes were very subtle.

Until now, those subtle changes have gradually accumulated over time.

Then, Xue Yanjing, whom Sun Fei was completely unfamiliar with, was transformed.

Since moving out, Xue Yanjing seldom goes home on time. Occasionally, when he comes back early, he looks like he is drunk and calls Sun Fei around like a servant.

Sun Fei has never had a job and no source of income. She needs to ask Xue Yanjing for money pitifully. If she leaves Xue Yanjing, she may not be able to even eat a full meal.

And Xue Hao's lawsuit is still going on, Xue Yanjing is the only person who can help Xue Hao, even if Sun Fei has more resentment in her heart, she doesn't dare to show it, she can only swallow Xue Yanjing's violent temper.

In the early morning of this day, Xue Yanjing was unconscious, and was sent home by his two beautiful young female assistants.

Sun Fei hurried up to meet her and wanted to take Xue Yanjing from the two female assistants, but before her hand touched the corner of Xue Yanjing's clothes, she was pushed away by the still-conscious Xue Yanjing.

"Get out of here!" Xue Yanjing's face flushed red, and he looked like Yama who had just crawled out of hell.

Sun Fei was taken aback by Xue Yanjing who was suddenly in trouble, followed by countless grievances and anger.

She subconsciously glanced at the two beautiful women who were supporting Xue Yanjing, and found that the two women were also looking at her, their eyes filled with sympathy and contempt that could not be concealed...

Sun Fei thought she could continue to endure it, but after touching the sight of the two women, she suddenly felt as if a string snapped in her mind - it broke.

"Let's go, I'll take care of him." Sun Fei took a deep breath and tried her best to suppress the sourness that flooded her heart like a tide. She tried her best to keep calm and said to the female assistants.

The two female assistants hesitated: "But President Xue..."

"It's okay, let me come." Sun Fei tried to help Xue Yanjing again.

This time, Xue Yanjing's reaction was no longer as intense as before, maybe he was really drunk, he couldn't even see Sun Fei's appearance clearly, he just leaned on Sun Fei subconsciously.

Sun Fei felt Xue Yanjing's somewhat reliant movements, and couldn't help showing a happy expression. Even when facing the two female assistants, she had a lot of confidence. When she raised her head and saw that they were still standing in a tangled state, she frowned.

"Are you deaf? Can't hear what I said just now?" Sun Fei pulled in a sharp voice, seeing the harsh language and said, "I tell you to get out of here, don't learn at a young age, go and learn something If a fox seduces a man, don't you look at your own face to see if you are qualified."

In the past, Sun Fei would never allow herself to say such vile and vulgar words. She mingled in the circle of rich wives in the upper class, and used to wrap herself in a gentle and understanding shell.

But now, the oppressive life of not seeing the sun for a long time has made her thoughts more and more distorted. She doesn't even dare to go out to meet people, nor to meet her former superficial friends.

She is like a mouse crossing the street. Although it is not yet at the point where everyone shouts and beats her, the sarcastic words of those people when they talk about her are like long whips, and they really beat her.

All that's left is excruciating pain.

Suddenly, Fei Sun remembered a sentence she saw on the Internet - she clearly wanted to be a lady, but life forced her to be a shrew.

And all this...

All thanks to that bitch Weng Yuxiang!

Sun Fei took two deep breaths to get rid of the savageness and hostility in her expression. She helped Xue Yanjing stagger upstairs and returned to the bedroom, and carefully placed Xue Yanjing on the big soft bed.

"Husband." Sun Fei lay beside Xue Yanjing and shouted softly, "Are you thirsty? I'll pour you some water."

Xue Yanjing opened his eyes with difficulty, and Sun Fei's face against the light was reflected in his blurred vision.

At first, Xue Yanjing's expression was still confused, but then he seemed to suddenly realize something, his expression gradually softened, and he barely raised his hand to touch Sun Fei's cheek.

"Husband." Sun Fei was excited and looking forward to it, and hurriedly grabbed Xue Yanjing's hand in mid-air with both hands, and pressed it against his face, "Husband, I'm here, what's wrong?"

Xue Yanjing grinned and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm very thirsty, pour me some water."

"Husband, wait a minute." Sun Fei hurriedly got out of bed and walked into the bedroom with a cup of warm water not long after.

She put the water glass on the bedside table, then helped Xue Yanjing to sit on the bedside with difficulty, and hurriedly handed the water glass to Xue Yanjing, as if afraid that he was thirsty.

Xue Yanjing was indeed thirsty, so he drank the whole glass of water in one breath.

"Thank you." He smiled and handed the water glass to Sun Fei, "fortunately you are always there."

Sun Fei couldn't remember how long Xue Yanjing hadn't smiled at her, she was stunned for a moment, and after a while, tears came out of her eyes, like beads with broken threads falling down.

"We are both husband and wife. Say thank you. No matter what happens in the past and in the future, I will always be by your side." Sun Fei said with tears.

Xue Yanjing raised his hand in distress and wiped away the tears on Sun Fei's face: "Don't cry, Yuxiang..."

"Okay, I won't cry anymore." Sun Fei held Xue Yanjing's hand and wiped away tears with the other hand.

The next second, she suddenly realized something, her whole body froze, and she raised her voice after reacting, "Yuxiang?! You mean Weng Yuxiang?!"

The sudden sharp voice made Xue Yanjing's originally vague thoughts return to the cage in an instant, and his sight suddenly became much clearer.

"Why are you? Where's Yuxiang?"

"Haha." Sun Fei let out a chilly laugh. At this moment, her expression was terrifying, and the depression in her eyes seemed to flow directly out, "Weng Yuxiang was in your former home, since you miss her so much, then you Go find her!"

Xue Yanjing didn't seem to want to see Sun Fei's face, so he closed his eyes tiredly, turned his head, and put a hand on his forehead.

"You go out." Xue Yanjing whispered, "I'll take a rest."

Sun Fei stood up abruptly and tore the quilt on Xue Yanjing like crazy. She could no longer suppress the frantic jealousy and resentment in her heart, and could no longer bear Xue Yanjing's indifference and neglect.

"Why should I go out! This is my room too! If you want to go, don't you still think about Weng Yuxiang? Then you go to her and see if she is willing to pay attention to you!" Sun Fei roared frantically, messy Her long hair fell on her shoulders, making her look extremely terrifying.

Xue Yanjing's anger was also stirred up, but he didn't want to quarrel with Sun Fei in the middle of the night.

"I was driven crazy by you!" Sun Fei said, tears streaming down her entire face, "Don't forget that you and Weng Yuxiang are divorced, we are husband and wife!"

Xue Yanjing sneered: "Excuse me, have we obtained a marriage certificate?"

"..." Sun Fei's voice of collapse came to an abrupt end, she looked at Xue Yanjing in disbelief, and said in a hoarse voice for a long time, "What do you mean by that? Are you going to dump me?"

Originally, Xue Yanjing didn't think about it so much, but after hearing what Sun Fei said, and looking at Sun Fei's face that had turned pale in just half a year, he suddenly felt very disgusted, and his eyes were dirty when he looked at it more.

"If this is your wish, I can fulfill it for you." Xue Yanjing said.

This time, Sun Fei didn't dare to make trouble anymore. She knew very well how cruel Xue Yanjing was, and she could definitely say it and do it, just like he snubbed Weng Yuxiang at the beginning.

No matter how much she felt unwilling in her heart, she could only swallow all the tears into her stomach.

"Husband, I was wrong, I really knew I was wrong, I didn't mean to kill you just now..." Sun Fei plopped on her knees and said pitifully and cowardly, as if a chicken had been strangled by the throat, ready to go at any time. May be breathless.

Xue Yanjing glanced blankly at Sun Fei, who was sitting slumped and kept apologizing. His disgust grew stronger for a while. He ruthlessly shook off Sun Fei's hand that was pulling on his sleeve, and walked out of the bedroom without looking back.

Sun Fei's painful and forbearing whimper came from behind, rippling back and forth in the quiet room, although it was so soft, it seemed to pierce Xue Yanjing's eardrums.

For the first time in his life, Xue Yanjing had the idea of staying away from Sun Fei.

He walked away from the place that he temporarily called home. The winter night wind was blowing on his face, causing bursts of pain, which made Xue Yanjing's brain sober.

Xue Yanjing didn't want to go back to face Sun Fei, let alone see Sun Fei's vicissitudes face that had made him physically disgusted. He walked aimlessly on the empty street.

For some reason, he suddenly recalled the scene where he and Weng Yuxiang met again a few nights ago.

Xue Yanjing never dreamed that Weng Yuxiang, who was deep and sophisticated before, would become so radiant one day. When she walked from the crowd, it seemed that the lights in the whole hall had lost their color.

Noble, beautiful, gentle and generous.

At that moment, Xue Yanjing was stunned, until his niece Xue Man holding a glass of wine blocked his sight, and he recovered from the state of shock.

"Uncle, do you regret it?" Xueman said with a smile. "Your ex-wife is much prettier than that Sun Fei. If I were you, I wouldn't look down on Sun Fei."

Xue Yanjing opened his mouth. He wanted to refute Xue Man, but his throat was sore and he couldn't say a word.

Does he regret it

If he was still in the banquet hall at that time, he would say that he had no regrets.

just now...

He really regretted it.