I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet

Chapter 10: Go to the military base


Teacher Wang saw it and was a little proud: "Brother, I advise you not to hold on."

Jian Luo took out a piece of paper from his pocket to wipe his younger brother's face, his voice lowered a degree: "Teacher Wang."

Teacher Wang was taken aback for a moment: "What?"

"Our ancient earth has a saying, you are a teacher, I don't know if you have heard of it." Jian Luo looked directly at the woman with a smile on her delicate face.

Teacher Wang pursed his lips: "What are you talking about?"

Jian Luo gently opened her thin lips, and said word by word: "A dog's eyes look down on people."

Teacher Wang was stunned for a while, she waited for a long time to figure out the meaning of this sentence, her face turned pale immediately: "You!"

"Aren't you here to go through the formalities for suspension of school?" Jian Luo raised her eyelids and looked at her: "Stop talking nonsense and do it quickly, I'm in a hurry."

Teacher Wang's chest heaved up and down in anger: "Don't regret it!"

A bright smile on Jane Luo's face: "Oh, I'm so scared."


Teacher Wang had never met such a person before, and Jian Luo's lungs were about to explode immediately.

She took out the agreement with resentment, and waited to see Jian Luo's jokes when she collected the money, who knew that the money would be credited directly to Jian Luo's credit card.

When handing back the agreement, Jian Luo said slowly: "Mr. Wang, it's thanks to you for coming here, otherwise we, Jian Sheng, don't know how long we will stay with you. Tsk, it's a good thing we found out early!"

Teacher Wang's face contorted for a moment. She raised her hand to hit someone, but Jian Luo grabbed it just as she raised her hand. He laughed and lowered his voice: "The whole yard is monitored by me."

Teacher Wang was taken aback.

"If you dare to do it." The smile on the corner of Jian Luo's mouth deepened: "I will post it on the optical network to promote it for the school?"

Teacher Wang's heart sank, she waved her hand and Jian Luo let go of her, but because of her unstable center of gravity, she staggered back a few steps, just guessed the stone, fell down, and said in a panic: "Ah!"

Jane looked at her condescendingly: "Oh, why is the teacher so careless?"

Teacher Wang pointed at him: "Do you know that there are stones here on purpose?"

"It's obvious that you waved your hand, so how can I do it on purpose?" Jian Luo's delicate face was full of doubts: "Oh, Mr. Wang will also fire me, right?"

Teacher Wang's face turned blue and white.

Jian Luo is actually a student, but she is not in the same class as Jian Sheng, and she applied for sick leave because of an injury.

Teacher Wang seemed to be reminded: "You dare to be so disrespectful, you are really uneducated, kneel down and apologize to me immediately! Otherwise, I will definitely report to the higher authorities to expel you."

Jian Luo was eager to be expelled. He stepped forward to help Teacher Wang, with a submissive attitude: "Mr. Wang, it hurts from the fall. To tell you the truth, I really didn't mean it..."

Teacher Wang snorted lightly.

The submissive expression on Jian Luo's face gradually turned cold, and she whispered softly in her ear: "I meant it."

With a strong hand, he pushed the person directly out of the door. Teacher Wang was stunned, and wanted to pounce on her. The door slammed shut and hit her nose, and she didn't speak for a while because of the pain.

She looked at the house number bitterly: "Crazy!"

The door closed, and the courtyard returned to tranquility. Jian Luo clapped her hands sharply.

The younger brother leaned over: "Brother."

Jane Luo touched his head: "Huh?"

"How can I tell my mother when she comes back?" The younger brother lowered his head, worried: "She really hopes that we will be successful in our studies."

Only those who have received education and obtained a diploma can enter the cultivation base to farm together, otherwise they can only do some hard work.

For humans, being able to grow vegetables is a great honor.

Jian Luo said, "Do you want to farm?"

The younger brother shook his head slowly: "I don't want to."

"Then what do you want to do?" Jian Luo was suddenly a little curious.

The little brother was silent for a while, and said: "I want to be a soldier, protect my mother, and protect my brother."

Jian Luo paused, and he smiled slightly: "We'll talk about it when you grow up, now brother protects you."

People are always extra excited when bragging

When I started to get down to business, I was stunned.

Jian Luo found that there was only 1.50,000 deposits left in his account. Originally, there was 3.50,000. The military gave 3,000 for a meal, and the remaining 5,000 was for selling potato chips and popcorn. The hard work is only 5,000 yuan, and the military's meal is a big deal.

If you look at it this way—

The military is really a rich dad!

Although the live broadcast can also make a living, but the younger brother needs 5w urgently to go to school, and the mother is working hard and unsafe in farming. The house at home is also dilapidated, and all the troubles have been piled up.

Just as she was thinking about it, there was a notification sound from the information bracelet, and Jane clicked on it to check:

Jiang Jiang: "Luoluo, hurry up and watch Optical Network."

Jian Luo was quite confused by his big news, so she decisively clicked on the information page of the light, and saw the biggest hot search on it:

#New Potato Chips Dopamine#

Here is a message from a man named Lorne:

"According to research, the new potatoes do not contain elements that can directly harm the body, but they are rich in iron factors, which help to promote the secretion of dopamine."

This person speaks neatly and looks very official and fair. Jian Luo has no impression of him.

But the Dark Star people below did not respond:

"High Priest!"

"The High Priest is right!"

"What are those potato chips, I'll buy them right away!"

Of course, when the netizens were boiling, they didn't forget the anchor of Star Food Network. After all, they were the ones who took the lead in saying that there was a problem with potato chips.

Dark Star people have always hated cheating, so most of them went to trouble Ling Ran, the blogger who issued the statement:

"Please give us an explanation."

"To be honest, I used to think he was very professional, but now he is nothing more than that!"

"Interstellar Food Network doesn't give an explanation?"

"This website is too disappointing, forget it, I will download Jinjiang."

The power of the Internet is already great, and the sudden addition of the High Priest to this incident made people who hadn't paid attention notice it.

The number of fans of the high priest is huge:

"Although I don't know about potato chips, I must go to Amway's."

"Jinjiang Live Streaming Network, I just download it."

"Potato chips are really delicious, and the anchor has other delicacies that are also delicious!"

This matter turned around in the end, Jinjiang Live Network ushered in the largest traffic since the establishment of the site, not only the audience, but even the anchors also came.

When the netizens turned against Jian Luo one-sidedly, the website did not withdraw the anchor to prevent the disaster, but stood up and acted bravely to protect its anchors. It was really popular, and many anchors chose to join Jinjiang.


The meeting room of Interstellar Live Network is grim.

The supervisor paced back and forth angrily: "Why did they invite Sir Sacrifice!"

Several auditors sat together, and someone said: "We have inquired, and someone helped to send the inspection to the procuratorate."

The supervisor slapped the table: "Who!?"

He angrily asked Qiu Hou to settle the score. After all, the people at the procuratorate were familiar with them, and they had already said hello that they would not accept Jinjiang's inspection. Who was so capable to hand it in

The auditor coughed lightly: "Military."

The supervisor couldn't believe it: "Who?"

"Lu Shifeng."

The room was suddenly quiet, as if a needle could be heard clearly when it fell.

the other side

Jian Luo received a message from Jiang Jiang.

Jiang Jiang sent him a message: "I really can't believe that the military really sent the inspection to the procuratorate, and they even hired the high priest."

Jian Luo said: "The military really helped a lot."

"Yes." Jiang Jiang also comforted him: "However, you should not broadcast the live broadcast for the next two days, and the public opinion on the Internet will settle first."

Jane Luo: "OK."

It can be regarded as solving a major problem.

Jian Luo wanted to thank the high priest and the military who had helped him, but just now he asked the optical brain to help check the school transfer, and now the optical brain reacted.

Optical Brain: "Students transfer schools, and the adults in the family need to have legitimate jobs."

Jian Luo said, "My mother has it."

"But you have been expelled and now you are a vagrant." Guangnao hit him mercilessly: "So you are considered an adult, and your work as a food anchor is not recorded in the proper occupation."


Occupational discrimination, reported.

If this is the case, it may cause the younger brother to be unable to go to school. After Su Liang came back, he knew that this matter must be reversed.

Just as Jian Luo was thinking, the voice of the information bracelet rang again. He clicked on it, and it was actually sent by Ai Jin: "Mr. Jian, how are you thinking?"

Jian Luo was about to ask her: "I heard from Jiang Jiang that you helped me with the inspection?"

Ai Jin quickly said, "It's a matter of little effort."

"Thank you." After this incident, Jian Luo had a good impression of the military: "Are you talking about food delivery?"

Aikin said: "Yes, yes, what have you considered, the conditions can be discussed again."

The people in the military seem to be quite negotiable. Jian Luo really doesn't have a good impression of the Dark Star people, like Mr. Wang and auditors. He feels disgusted when he sees them, but the people in the military are different. Bin Being polite, not even using force to force him, and patiently waiting for him to consider, is still doing such a big favor now.

Thinking of this, Jian Luo said: "I've thought about it, and I'm willing to accept your order."

Ai Jin beamed with joy: "Thank you so much, let's make an appointment to meet up, I'll be waiting for you in my military center in Sky City!"

Jian Luo thought for a while, and finally agreed: "Okay, I'll go there tomorrow."