I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet

Chapter 11: Touch the dragon horn


It was only after Su Liang came home that she found out about the dropout of the two children. Jian Luo thought she would cry or make trouble, and even thought about how Su Liang would stop him if he wanted to apologize to the teacher.

But Su Liang just pulled back the broken hair at the temples: "Mom is going to cook."

The little brother said anxiously: "Mom..."

"You have grown up and have your own ideas." Su Liang touched his face: "Mom can't control it."

Jian Luo was a little distressed. He came over and poured a glass of water for his mother: "Mom, I will transfer Asheng to another school. Don't worry about it."

Su Liang sat on the sofa: "Luoluo, do you know how difficult it is to transfer?"

Jian Luo said, "I will find a job."

"But you're just a child!" Su Liang suddenly raised her voice, obviously she didn't cry just now, but now the tears flowed down: "You just turned 20 last month, and the adult crown that your mother personally gave you , it’s all because the family has no money, and my mother has no ability to ask you to bear all this.”

Jian Luo patted her on the shoulder: "I have grown up mother, who said you are incapable, you have raised me and my brother in the past 20 years, you are the greatest mother, and it's not that our Asheng is not going to school anymore, the matter of transferring , I'll take care of it."

He speaks loudly and gives people an unspeakable sense of trust.

Su Liang raised his head and looked at his face, and what he saw was the determination and maturity on the child's face. Inexplicably, she had a bottom line in her heart.

Yes, although life is hard, it won’t be harder to cry anymore, everything will be fine, right

next day

It's rare for Jian Luo to get up early in the morning, and today is the day when he is going to the Sky City.

There is a need for a floating car to get there from Anyuan, and there is only one floating car coming to Anyuan every day, and it is still early in the morning, so he has to go there early.

Su Liang said, "Mom will take you there."

Jane Luo: "No, I'll be back soon."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Su Liang came over and asked him to tidy up his clothes. She said, "Don't try to hide it from mom, you're actually going for an interview, right?"


Really not.

However, what Su Liang said gave Jian Luo an inspiration. It would be great if he could find a job there. This body is really too weak. It would be a disservice to ask him to farm the land. Maybe he could find a job there. Working in a restaurant under a name

good idea.

Jian Luo smiled and said, "I will work hard!"

Su Liang patted his head and sent him all the way to the station. Before leaving, the two hugged. The woman looked down and saw a red mole on Jian Luo's shoulder.

Seeing that she hadn't spoken, Jian Luo asked, "Mom, what's wrong."

Su Liang smiled and said, "Mom, look at your mole, it hasn't faded yet."

"It's been there since I was a child, and I can't get rid of it." Jian Luo didn't care, just when the car came, he waved after getting up: "Mom, go home, I'll come back to buy meat to eat!"

Su Liang nodded slightly and watched him leave, the smile on his face gradually faded.

her son

Never had that mole.

Castle in the Sky.

The most developed magic city in the dark star, this is where the highest technology is gathered in the true sense. Floating vehicles drive in the air, and all the houses are built in the clouds. The vehicle driving routes here are very interesting, although it seems that there are no However, when a vehicle passes by, there will be a silver rail under your feet for driving. After the vehicle passes by, the silver rail will automatically disappear without feeling the pressure, and the sky will return to a blank again.

Not far from the floating panel in the air, an electronic sound came from inside:

"Today's weather is fine, the wind level is 3, the financial cloud is in the southeast, the marriage is in the north, and the mood dopamine station is 66%."

While Jian Luo was listening, there was a voice of discussion from behind:

"Today is Saturday, it's the high priest's divination!"

"The high priest said that there is wealth in the southeast, so it must be true."

"Marriage in the north? God, don't be ridiculous, isn't the north a military base?"

Jane Luo listened to them chatting and looked out the window, when she heard the broadcast from the car:

"The next stop is about to enter the military jurisdiction. Passengers who want to get off the bus are requested to wear their personal belongings. Passengers in the car should control their words and deeds. Thank you."

The floating car stopped quickly, and Jane got off the car.

The army's military base is docked alone on a floating island. The whole color is golden and shining, it really blinds people's eyes, it looks like a golden mountain.


The designer is so fun.

Jian Luo walked to the gate of the military defense, and there were two guarding soldiers standing in front of the gate. The dark star man is tall and mighty: "Do you have a pass."

Jian Luo quickly showed him the QR code given to him by Secretary Jin.

The soldier nodded: "Please wait a moment."

After a while, Secretary Jin came out. The woman was beautiful, and the collagen on her face made others envious.

Jian Luo smiled: "You are more beautiful than I imagined."

Secretary Jin was inexplicably happy: "Really? You are different from what I imagined, the chef is so young."

Jian Luo said: "I look a little tender, but I'm actually an adult."

"That's too young." Secretary Jin smiled: "The youngest soldier on our side is already 60 years old."

Jane was taken aback: "Really?"

Secretary Jin thought he didn't understand, so he explained: "It's not that big, our marshal is over 700 years old."



Jian Luo's mind had already outlined the image of a gray-haired old man walking with a cane. Unexpectedly, the rumored Lu Shifeng was so old. He chatted with Secretary Jin unexpectedly, and entered the meeting room while talking. Secretary Jin and Jian Luo discussed the matter of cooperation, and they quickly reached an agreement.

Before leaving, Jian Luo had an idea: "Excuse me, may I ask you something?"

Secretary Jin held the contract and said generously, "Excuse me."

"Actually, I just graduated from school." Jian Luo said, "I want to find a job, so I want to find out if there are any hotels and restaurants that need people."

In fact, it is quite presumptuous to say these things.

Jian Luo thought for a while and added: "Of course, I'm just asking. If it's troublesome, don't worry about it."

Secretary Jin understood, and she said, "Are there any requirements for the job?"

Jian Luo shook her head: "It's just that the transportation is convenient for me to go home, and I have no other requirements."

Secretary Jin felt that the child was quite honest, and remembering the dopamine incident that the marshal had told him, he simply said, "Are you willing to work in our military?"

Jane was taken aback: "What?"

Secretary Jin led him out. Although the military looks golden on the outside, the decoration and architectural style inside is restrained and luxurious. As she walked, she introduced: "Our cafeteria has always lacked chefs who are good at vegetables. If you want , can take office."

At the beginning, Jian Luo's original intention was to find a place to make a transition, so that he could resign after his younger brother went to school, but if he came to the military, everything would be difficult. He is not stupid in this regard.

Thinking of this, he said: "Thank you for looking down on me, but..."

Secretary Jin quickly said: "Don't worry, you don't need to cook meals for the whole army, just continue to make customized meals, just cook one or two meals a day, oh, I know you live broadcast right, if you live broadcast at home, the equipment It’s inconvenient to prepare with ingredients, you can use our military’s equipment, and it’s all free.”

Jane Luo: "This..."

Secretary Jin smiled: "A monthly salary of 10w, weekends and weekends, and a car to pick you up."

Jian Luo: "It's my honor to come to work."

Is this the so-called more money, less work and closer to home!

Secretary Jin was overjoyed: "Then I will show you around the kitchen, as well as our other places, so you can familiarize yourself with the working environment!"

Jane nodded: "Okay!"

Secretary Jin is indeed very happy. You must know that the marshal has not had a meal these days, her workload is surprisingly heavy, so Jian Luo is her mascot. The next time the marshal gets angry, let the mascot Cooking and sending it over, isn't everything solved

Don't talk about one hundred thousand, let's make Lord Hades happy, one million is nothing, okay

"ding dong"

The machine door opened.

The two people came out from the inside, and their goal was the back garden of Nuo Da, where the flowers and plants are lush, and there are many flying dragons flying in the air, the dragon wings spread their wings, and they are huge. The living dragons are flying in the sky, and the hearts of the people watching Jump quickly.

Jian Luo was surprised: "Dragon?"

Secretary Jin nodded: "This is a battle dragon, and it can be fought, but if nothing happens on weekdays, the dragon group will rest and play here."

Jian Luo expressed the feeling of Grandma Liu entering the manor: "It's so cool!"

Seeing that he liked it so much, Secretary Jin simply said, "Do you want to ride? You can try it."


Think cool!

Jian Luo's eyes were full of excitement. He liked to play by nature, but he was still a little scared: "Is it okay, will it be dangerous?"

Secretary Jin said: "Our war dragons are all trained in an orderly manner. Although the dragon race is a very proud race, the war dragons here are very docile and will not attack people. Don't worry!"

Of course it is docile, with the Dragon King here, no dragon dares to make trouble.

Jane Luo smiled: "Okay, then I want to try."

So Secretary Jin picked a little dragon over. The little dragon was covered in golden yellow, shining brightly in the sun, its scales shone brightly, its eyes were ruby, and it was shaking its head slightly.

Jian Luo touched the scales carefully: "It's so beautiful!"

Xiaolong seemed to understand, and raised his head proudly, probably meaning that you have taste.

So Jian Luo gained a brief friendship with a human and a dragon, and carefully rode on the dragon. She wanted to turn her head and ask Ai Jin if he had any seat belts, but the golden dragon flapped its wings and took off suddenly. Jian Luo, who was sitting lazily, suddenly Stupid, subconsciously wanting to find something to grab, and randomly tied the golden dragon's horn: "Slow down..."

Jin Long turned his head, a little petulant, this man dared to touch the horns of Master Long, hum.

Just as Jian Luo got used to the wind speed, he raised his head. As a result, Jinlong suddenly spun 365% in the air as if he had a temper. Jian Luo was caught off guard and lost his grip. When he let go of his hand, the world seemed to spin around in an instant. Without a grip, he fell straight into the air.

The surrounding scenery changed rapidly, he was hanging freely in the air, Jian Luo was dumbfounded, and wailed: "Help!"