I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet

Chapter 124: Father is kind and son is filial


He never expected that Wen Ya would think so, and there was a question that aroused his curiosity, which forced him to ask: "Well, why didn't you think that the child might be his?"

Under Jian Luo's doubts, Wen Ya looked at him and said slowly: "You don't live together."



Speaking of which, he and Lu Shifeng haven't slept together since they came here. The dog man lost his memory and even unilaterally asked for a separation.

Originally, he was a little uncomfortable at first, but because there was Zai Zai around, he felt more fulfilled when he was sleeping alone, and he was not so uncomfortable.

But sometimes, for example, when he wants to drink water at night, or when he sleeps with his legs pressed down, he will think of Lu Shifeng inappropriately.

Sometimes he would look at the empty bed and laugh at himself, and he was used to the princess disease without becoming a princess. In fact, it is not a bad thing to do such a thing, and he can take the opportunity to let him see himself clearly. By the way, quit Lu Shifeng, it's pretty good.

Wen Ya said: "But you don't have to be too cautious. The folk customs of our tribe are very open. If you want to be together, you can stay together. Hahaha, after all, you have been pregnant for so long, so you must have been holding back for a long time, right?"


No, it's okay.

After Jian Luo cooked the rice, Wen Ya would always bring some ingredients with her. This time, she brought edible Ganoderma lucidum from their mountains. As for its cooking method, Jian Luo's method of cooking it is to cook it in one pot to ensure balanced nutrition. Fortunately, he has a good grasp of the heat, and turns off the fire at the right time, so that it will not be boiled for too long, and it can ensure the penetration of nutrients.

Jian Luo filled a soup bowl and brought it out to Wen Ya: "Be careful it's hot."

Wen Ya said to him: "You drink it, too. This is for replenishing qi and blood. I just gave birth and my health is the worst."

Jian Luo himself didn't drink much, he mainly wanted to leave it for a few cubs to drink, in fact, he felt pretty good, mainly because the cubs were weak, and wanted the children to eat more supplements, as for himself, he felt that it was not too bad. good.

Wen Ya finished her meal, and there were children at home, so she went back after not staying long.

Jian Luo started to feed the three cubs. The eldest, Hei Cub, had a fever at first, but now the fever has subsided by more than half, and he has regained his original vitality, especially curious about the fact that he has two more siblings .

Just as Jian Luo finished serving the meal, when she turned around, she saw Hei Zai and her younger brother fighting again. Jian Luo's hand holding the soup trembled slightly, and shouted: "Long Aotian!"

Hei Zai paused, and continued to bite his brother's horns with his small teeth.

The second child is also black, but his color is lighter than that of the eldest, and his eyes are also amber in color, which is exactly the same color as Jian Luo's. Things will probably be done once, and his temperament is relatively quiet and steady.

The reason why they often fight is relatively simple, that is, the boss, Hei Zai, went to play with his younger brother, but the younger brother ruthlessly rejected him, and Hei Zai became furious, which caused a quarrel.

But the better thing about the two is that the flames of war will never involve the younger sister. Little Silver Dragon prefers to sleep. After breaking his shell, he spends most of his time sleeping. His temper is not boring, and his favorite thing is to wake up Later, she approached Jane and acted like a baby.


The black cub was pinched, Lu Shifeng looked at him condescendingly, one big and one small looked at each other, Lu Shifeng said to him: "Stop the confinement again."


Although Hei Zai didn't understand, it didn't prevent him from being cowardly.

If you want to say who these little brats are most afraid of, it must be Lu Shifeng. No matter how hard you fight, no matter how mischievous you are, Lu Shifeng will rule all kinds of dissatisfaction.

Jian Luo finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing if he hit her, and said to Lu Shifeng, "You're back?"

Lu Shifeng nodded.

Since the last two days, because the common currency cannot be used, the juvenile version of Lu Shifeng has used the most traditional and primitive way of making money—hunting.

Although he was injured, his skills were still there. He would often bring back some Ganoderma lucidum and Lingzhi grass from the mountains, as well as some more nutritious and fattening prey. Generally, Jian Luo would keep the ones that were more suitable for eating. If you can't finish it, you can exchange it with the people of the tribe for things of equal value.

Lu Shifeng handed the processed meat to Jian Luo: "Today's."

Jian Luo took it over, and it was natural: "You go to take a bath first, I will steam the rice, and take the eldest and second child to take a bath, while the younger sister is still sleeping, so I will take her to wash at night."

Lu Shifeng bent down and picked up the two black cubs who were about to be beaten on the ground, one by one. The two cubs were pinched by the back of fate's neck, they were honest, they were picked up like two little chickens. Let's go, Jian Luo would feel distressed at first to make Lu Shifeng a little lighter, but later he really found that the dragon cub was not that fragile, and his skin was thick and durable, so he simply followed.

Jian Luo put the meat on the cutting board and began to ponder: "What do you want to eat?"

Because Lu Shifeng hates eating barbecue very much, Jian Luo usually doesn't roast it directly, either as a small stir-fry, or as meatballs, meat paste, or other things. Now the seasonings he has stored are almost used. Yes, he thought that he should save some money no matter what.

Out of the corner of Jian Luo's eyes, she noticed other plants that Lu Shifeng picked by hand. There are relatively large leaves in them, which look similar to lotus leaves. Today's meat happens to have chicken in it, so why not make a lotus leaf chicken, This thing doesn't need too much seasoning, just make it simple.

"That's it."

Jian Luo squatted down to handle the ingredients. He found that Lu Shifeng was a really caring man sometimes, because he couldn't touch cold water after giving birth, so Lu Shifeng would handle the meat before handing it to him. If cold water is needed for cooking, he will first collect the water in the basin, then put the ladle on and go out.

Bit by bit, the damn details.


A black cub squatted on Lu Shifeng's shoulder and came out of the bathroom. The little dragons had all bathed, and they smelled delicious, and they were very happy when they came out, smelling the smell of meat, especially Long Aotian, as the boss, was even more unrestrained, humming and chirping. Yes, impatient.

Jane Luo Shengfan: "It's time to eat."

He found that only Dark Star seems to have rice to eat, because there is a human planting base, so there is special rice, and the staple food of this planet is a kind of glutinous rice that is a bit stuck in the throat, sticky, and the taste is very bad. But in this special period, I don't want to pick.

Lu Shifeng threw the two boys aside and came over to help Jian Luo get the bowls and chopsticks. He said, "Go, I'll take it."

Jane nodded: "OK."

Today's meal on the table is actually very simple. There is half a bowl of stewed Ganoderma lucidum soup in the small stew pot. Jian Luo also put some small meatballs in it. The meat tastes delicious, and the Ganoderma lucidum just dissolves the fishy smell. greasy.

In the middle of the table he made two lotus leaf chickens.

The others are two ordinary home-cooked vegetables. Although it is not as rich as a large table in the dark star, and it is not as rare and rare as in the parade, the meals on this table are steaming hot and full of food. No one dislikes the fireworks in the world.

Jian Luo pointed to a chicken in the middle and said, "You eat this."

Then he took another chicken and cut the meat evenly, and distributed it to the three cubs who were waiting to be fed. Xiaolong likes to eat meat very much, and now it is time to grow up. Jane puts great effort into eating and tries her best The best thing for the child is a total of two chickens, which he clearly divides.

Jian Luo ate with a rice bowl. When he was pregnant, he really gained a lot of weight and loved to eat. Now that the child is born, he doesn't like to eat so much. He usually eats some nutritious vegetarian dishes when he is free, with the intention of achieving The effect of weight loss, while eating, a chicken leg fell from the sky.

Jian Luo raised her head unexpectedly, and met Lu Shifeng's gaze.

Lu Shifeng said, "Let's eat."

Jian Luo wanted to say that she ate a lot of meat with Wen Ya during the day, and now she can't eat too much at night, and he still has to lose weight: "No need, you eat."

Lu Shifeng looked at Jian Luo with complicated eyes, and his tone was firm: "Don't worry, I will take care of other things, eat."


Are you misunderstanding something

Jian Luo was baffled by him, so in order not to irritate him, he had no choice but to eat chicken drumsticks, thinking in his heart that he would still go out to exercise tomorrow, otherwise what would happen if he kept getting fat like this every day


The delicate cries of the Dragon Clan seemed to be in his ears, calling back Jian Luo's thoughts.

Jian Luo looked at the table, and found that there was a piece of meat on the plate in front of her. She took a closer look and saw that it was the black cub Aotian who climbed up on the table and was squatting obediently in front of her. The little dragon was a circle bigger than before. One was about the size of a bowl. Seeing that Jane hadn't moved, he pushed his head against the plate again, moaning.

Jian Luo didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Is it for me?"

The black cub stared at him with wet ruby eyes, those eyes were clean and spotless, as if everything was written in them.

Jane's heart turned into a puddle of water, and he touched the cub's little head: "Thank you."

He thought it was over here, but he just finished eating a piece of chicken, and the second child pushed his plate over with difficulty. He is still too small, and the weight of the plate is a bit heavy for him, so he is very smart He called out to his sister, and from Jian Luo's point of view, there was a large piece of chicken on a plate, and behind the chicken were two little dragons, one black and one white, pushing the plate.

Finally, the plate arrived in front of Jian Luo.

The two dragon cubs were exhausted, and they squatted beside the plate panting for breath. Seeing that Jian Luo hadn't moved, the second cub yelled at Jian Luo as if urging her. The kitten scratches generally.

Jian Luo tentatively asked, "Do you want to eat together?"

Hei Zai groaned twice, with a serious expression on his face.

The youngest sister came and hugged Jian Luo's hand. The little girl was very clingy. Unlike the two elder brothers, she always liked to hug something, and her favorite was hugging her father.

Jian Luo patted the heads of the three cubs dumbfounded. The meal was full of excitement. It was late at night, and it was time for the three children to go to bed. In order to let them talk earlier, Jian Luo A bedtime story is told every night.

Tonight, Jian Luo had a whim, and dragged Lu Shifeng over: "Would you like to tell a story?"

In the past, Lu Shifeng's prenatal education always liked to tell stories about warship battles, but now that he is a teenager, he will always tell stories about dragons!

Lu Shifeng and the three cubs on the bed stared wide-eyed, silent for a while, and said, "What are you talking about?"

"It's an interesting story!" Jian Luo reminded him: "Folk legends are fine! Do you know this?"

Lu Shifeng grasped the point: "Legend?"

Ruzi can be taught, Jian Luo smiled, sat cross-legged and waited for the story: "Yes!"

Lu Shifeng seemed to have made up his mind. He sat down by the bed, pondered for a while, and said, "A long, long time ago..."

Here it comes, it smells like that!

Jian Luo was in high spirits and listened to the story carefully.

"The dragons are weak, and their scales have the effect of healing. Usually, at this time, if there are some dragons who are not enterprising and disobedient, their scales will be removed..."

The author has something to say: After hearing this, the dragon cubs were very moved and cried aloud