I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet

Chapter 134: surprise!


The silence in the room was eerie.

Lu Shifeng was silent for a while and said, "Let's talk about it later."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Jian Luo always feels that Lu Shifeng's eyes don't seem to be as calm as before, and there seems to be a little bit of dodging. This is really a very unprecedented thing, if it's a juvenile version, forget it, an adult version This is rarely the case with Lu Shifeng.

Inexplicably, a smile appeared on the corner of Jian Luo's mouth. He had an intuition that if he missed this opportunity, he might have to wait for a long time.

So it was rare for him to think badly: "Let's talk now."

Lu Shifeng's hand holding Jian Luo's arm tightened unconsciously, and the marshal was obviously a little nervous.

Jian Luo had a good time, but she didn't expect that she would turn over and sing as a serf. If this scene could be recorded, it would be included in the top ten dark star scenes. Under Jian Luo's gaze, Lu Shifeng's eyes gradually turned away. , obviously he should have fully recalled those scalp-tingling speeches:

"The child cannot be mine."

"You should be more respectful."

"I think… "

Looking at Jian Luo's triumphant little eyes, Lu Shifeng made him smile for a while before saying, "I'm your brother?"

Jian Luo's smile suddenly froze on his face.

"The child is silver gray?" Lu Shifeng repeated what Jian Luo said: "The pet name between us is your father, how stupid?"


Embarrassment slowly climbed up Jian Luo's whole body.

They clearly had the upper hand just now, but within a short while, it became a process of exposing each other's background and embarrassing each other.

Jian Luo coughed lightly: "Then, how about we take a look outside, what do you think?"

Lu Shifeng raised his eyebrows: "Really?"

He slowly withdrew his hand holding Jane Luo's arm, and asked, "No, do you want to listen now?"

"... I suddenly don't want to hear it anymore."

The corner of Lu Shifeng's mouth curled into a smile, and he looked at Jian Luo lovingly.

Jian Luo was angry from the bottom of her heart, and hugged the three cubs next to her, not to let the cubs learn to be bad with Lu Shifeng!


The fire and smoke continued.

From time to time, some surviving beasts flew past the village, and the sight of the whole village was shocking. Lu Shifeng asked Jian Luo to hug the three children, and said, "Wait for me."

Jian Luo didn't know what he was going to do, but he instinctively believed in Lu Shifeng: "Okay, you go."

After his words fell, Lu Shifeng disappeared.

The three cubs found out where Lu Shifeng was one step earlier than Jian Luo. The younger sister's immature voice was obvious in the surrounding fireworks and noise. She raised her little head to look at the sky, and said softly: "Daddy"

Jane raised her head.

There is a black dragon in the sky, its figure is particularly obvious in the orange-red sky, the black dragon moves through the clouds and mist, its movements are chic and free, and then, a somewhat distant and shocking dragon chant seems to come from In the distance, from the sky, dragons chant for nine days, and everything on the ground seems small and fragile.

Long Aotian suddenly climbed onto Jian Luo's shoulder and screamed along with his cerebellum

Different from the delicate cries of the past, this kind of cries and shouts seem to come from the dantian, from the whistling of the bones and blood, blood and tradition, and the fetters of race will not be hindered by age.

Jane lowered her head and found that the expressions of Long Batian and his sister were surprisingly serious.

"It's raining!"

There were cries of people not far away.

The sky was gradually covered by dark clouds, and the huge black dragon was in the dark clouds, like the master of the entire dark sky.


The second dragon chant came, and the battered beasts in the village seemed to have been programmed into machines and stopped. Many people in the village were saved, and the heavy rain poured down to extinguish the flames. Kneeling on the ground like the sky kneeling and praying, at that moment, Lu Shifeng was their god.

Jane watched quietly.

Until Long Aotian's excited cry came from beside her ear, Jian Luo turned her face and saw Lu Shifeng standing under the eaves.

Lu Shifeng said, "Scared you?"

Jane shook her head lightly.

Long Aotian's wings were injured and he couldn't sit still. Seeing his father, he jumped up and down excitedly and wanted to roll in Lu Shifeng's arms.

Lu Shifeng looked at him indifferently: "Be honest."

Long Aotian's red little gemstone eyes, which are exactly the same as Lu Shifeng's, were wet. After hearing this, Long Aotian felt aggrieved, rubbed against Jianluo, and looked forward to his father's support.

Jian Luo pinched him and put it in his pocket: "Be good, don't make trouble."


Let the dragon down.

The inside of the stockade has been cleaned up slowly, and the attacking beasts were all standing outside the stockade arranged by Lu Shifeng.

The leader personally came over to thank him, and said: "The casualties were not particularly serious. Most of the adults happened to be hunting on the mountain, and the women and children were planting plants on the other side of the mountain to attract honey. Fortunately, there were not many people in the village at that time. Most of the wild beasts attacked animals we kept in captivity, and there were not many casualties."

Jane let out a sigh of relief.

Lu Shifeng said: "The reason why the beast entered the village."

When the leader faced him, he looked like a small employee reporting to work. He said, "It seems that the Wushi suddenly failed."

Lu Shifeng frowned slightly, his voice was majestic: "It seems?"

It was just two words, but it seemed to be carrying a knife, causing cold sweat to fall from the leader's head. The leader hesitated for a moment: "It shouldn't be so sudden. It is impossible for our witch stone to fail suddenly after hundreds of years. If our stockade fails, then the other stockades must suffer too..."

Lu Shifeng said: "I saw from the sky that the other tribes were intact."

There was silence.

Suddenly, an unknown person said: "Boss, Da Sima came here, he did it!"

Lu Shifeng looked at Jian Luo.

Jian Luo whispered in his ear and briefly explained the matter of the commander-in-chief's coming to ask for the dragon scale, without embellishing it, but just narrating the original words.

The air pressure dropped by another degree. It was raining heavily the day they came to this planet, and it was also raining heavily today. Lu Shifeng turned his face and glanced at the rain curtain outside. The blood of animals was flowing along the rain, and the walls of the village were ruined. , Scenes were imprinted in his blood-red eyes as a frozen picture.

quite a while

Lu Shifeng said: "Let him come to me."

The leader hesitated and said: "We have contacted Da Sima just now, but we can't contact him. He should be at the Beast God, but the land of the Beast God is very sacred, and ordinary people cannot enter it. The last time Da Sima retreated was ten years ago. "

Lu Shifeng raised his eyebrows: "So?"

The other villagers couldn't bear it anymore:

"Boss, Da Sima doesn't even care about our lives, why are you hesitating?"

"That's right, let's go directly to them and ask them clearly."

"Back then, he allocated the most fertile forest to other tribes, completely forgetting how you were born and died for him!"

Even the woman next to the leader, that is, the woman who lives next door to Jianluo, said: "All these years, they have been afraid of us, afraid that we will turn against us, and in order to restrict us, they gave us this dangerous forest. In one year, how many good sons the Kars tribe has to sacrifice, we endure every step of the way, but he presses on..."

The leader hesitated for a while, and slowly, his expression became calm: "But, if we do this, we may be attacked by other tribes on this continent in the future, everyone..."

The leader glanced at everyone.

Everyone said: "It's all like this, how difficult can it be in a difficult day?"

These words seemed to finally make the leader make up his mind, he pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Let's go find him."

The whole tribe cheered.

It seems to be a carnival after depression, and it seems to be a cry to myself.

Jian Luo glanced at Lu Shifeng.

Lu Shifeng said: "Give him one last night, I will see him tomorrow morning."

The leader was taken aback, he had his own concerns: "But we are worried that we won't see him, the two largest tribes over there are also very strong, in case we are stopped."

Lu Shifeng said to him again: "I will let someone go with you."

"If he doesn't come." Lu Shifeng looked at the leader indifferently, and said without mercy: "I won't come."

This sentence seems to have an endless chill that makes people's hair stand on end.

The leader and everyone also had hatred for Da Sima in their hearts, they packed up and left, and the whole village was almost empty.

Jian Luo said to Lu Shifeng: "Then shall we stay here for one night, it seems that no one can live here."

Lu Shifeng said, "Go live on a warship."

"Warship... Warship!" Jian Luo's eyes widened, his heartbeat suddenly stopped: "You mean, they are here?"

Lu Shifeng let out a "hmm".

Before Jian Luo could react, she heard a familiar voice not far away. Secretary Jin was wearing a neat military uniform with the dragon badge on her shoulder, and she was waving: "We are here to pick you up!"

Behind Secretary Jin are several rows of dragon soldiers standing neatly. They are tall and straight, and they are all dressed in uniform military uniforms. This scene inexplicably reminds Jian Luo of when he was just pregnant, when Lu Shi Feng came home to find him.

That day, the rain was so heavy.

My life was rewritten from that day on.

The rest of the tribe also wrote panic when they saw the soldiers of the Dragon Clan. They were a small planet, and they had never really seen the soldiers of the Dragon Clan, so they were a little incoherent for a while.

Lu Shifeng put up a light umbrella for Jian Luo, and told Secretary Jin: "Send a team of people to follow them to see Da Sima, who wants to live."

Secretary Jin nodded: "Yes."

Turning around, Secretary Jin smiled at Jian Luo again: "Luo Luo, long time no see."

Jane smiled: "Long time no see."

The three cubs in his pocket couldn't bear it for a long time, but it was raining, and Jane wouldn't let them out. Secretary Jin looked around, obviously wanting to see the cubs too.

Lu Shifeng said, "Go back first."

Jian Luo smiled at Secretary Jin, and walked towards the warship together. The warship not far away was emitting a metallic luster in the rain. This was something he was very familiar with, but it was strange at this moment.

The ladder of the warship was lowered, and Secretary Jin said, "Please go up."

Jian Luo looked at the steps under his feet, and suddenly complicated emotions filled his heart. From today on, after stepping on this step, it will be different again, another life, and he has mixed feelings in his heart.

Lu Shifeng's hand held him from behind, the man's hand was wider and warmer than his, which instantly dispelled a lot of Jian Luo's uneasiness, and he pulled Jian Luo: "Let's go."

Jane raised her face to look at him.

Lu Shifeng said: "The ground is slippery, I will lead you along."

He opened the way ahead, as if blocking all the wind and rain, leading him through slippery steps one after another, slowly, Jane laughed, and he said softly: "Will you always be with me? "

The wind and rain were too loud, and his voice was too low.

Lu Shifeng turned his head: "What?"

"I'm a little hungry." Jian Luo smiled: "Let's go."

They returned to the warship, and the temperature inside was comfortable. Secretary Jin came over and said to Jian Luo in a low voice: "We have prepared a surprise for you."

Jane Luo said, "What surprise?"

"You will be very happy." Secretary Jin said, "This is what the marshal ordered when he contacted us."

Jian Luo smiled, just about to say how powerful it is, when she turned her head, she was stunned when she saw something not far away, he stood there stupidly, speechless for a while.