I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet

Chapter 137: Separate


After Jian Luo heard this, she felt sad in an instant.

He hugged his sister and touched its head: "We are going home, and we will be going home soon."

Not far away, Long Aotian seemed to have calmed down. After finding that the struggle was useless, he squatted obediently against the glass wall. The dragon cub was facing Jian Luo, and cast a hopeful look at him, hoping that his father would You can come and save yourself.

Jian Nan was stared at by such eyes, and his heart felt like a needle prick. He subconsciously took two steps forward, and the doctor behind said: "Don't cross the warning line, it may affect the test results. Once again, you can rest assured that our technology will not make His Royal Highness feel uncomfortable."

Seeing Jian Luo walking towards it, Long Aotian couldn't squat anymore. The little cub threw himself on the glass wall and twittered and screamed non-stop. Every piece of its scales revealed anxiety and uneasiness. At first it took the dragon horn I tried to hit it with my body after I found it was useless.

Jian Luo was in a hurry, his tears were about to fall, but he didn't have time to digest his feelings. As a mother, he was even more afraid that the child would hurt himself, so he asked the doctor: "Can I talk to it?"

The doctor hesitated for a moment: "Yes."

They gave Jian Luo a small button for communication, through which the sound could be transmitted to the glass, Jian Luo quickly walked to the child, he suppressed the emotions in his heart, and said softly, "Zai Zai?"

Long Aotian let out a grievance.

The child was probably so angry that he even forgot to say anything, and only used his voice to express his dissatisfaction, but fortunately, although he forgot to speak, he could understand what he said.

Jian Luo said: "It's okay, don't be afraid, uncles and aunts are checking your body, after the checkup, you won't always catch a cold, you can go out hunting with daddy."

Long Aotian was shocked when he heard the word hunting.

In the child's world, hunting is equivalent to having something to eat, and if there is something to eat, the father will make delicious meatballs for it, so that the younger siblings don't have to go hungry, so hunting is the best, the best game.


Long Aotian squatted down and called out to Jian Luo.

Jian Luo hurriedly said: "Zai Zai, do you still remember what Daddy said? Only a strong dragon is a mature and stable man. Zai Zai is an older brother. Your younger brothers and sisters are all watching you. What Dad believes you can do is no?"

Long Aotian couldn't understand some words, but he probably understood the meaning, a man would not be afraid!

Long Aotian is a very self-respecting dragon. He sat down immediately, let out a soft cry, and finally gave up on hitting the wall. After adapting to the temperature and light of the glass wall, he was not so afraid anymore. Turning around in the glass wall, holding your head high, it looks like a leader going to the countryside.


It yelled at Jian Luo again, proudly breaking through the sky.

Jian Luo laughed: "Enen, Zai Zai is indeed a man who is not afraid at all!"

The doctors were relieved to see that it had really calmed down, and quickly completed the examination after speeding up the pace.

The doctor said, "Next."

In fact, they treat the dragon cubs very seriously, everyone is respectful, and they are very rigorous in their work, which can be regarded as doing their duty.

Jian Luo patted the second child's head: "Don't be afraid, baby, brother is fine, it will be over soon."

The second child is always relatively silent.

It has the lowest sense of existence among the three children. The younger sister is smarter and also very expressive. Long Aotian jumps up and down and wants to chat with a piece of wood for a day. Only the second child is the most silent. He doesn't like to move or talk.

Sometimes Jian Luo would feel that this child might be the only one in the world, but sometimes she felt that it was not. It would also come and rub against her because of her sadness, and it would silently stand by her sister when she was sick. He even helped to deal with the aftermath when his brother got into trouble.

So Jian Luo thought, this cub might just be bad at expressing emotions, a bit...like Lu Shifeng.

The doctor said: "It seems that chatting more is useful. You can talk to it later."

Jian Luo nodded quickly: "Okay, don't worry."

After Long Aotian was picked up, he felt aggrieved and rolled into Jian Luo's arms, but when he saw his younger brother being taken away, he wanted to bite the doctor again, but fortunately, Jian Luo stopped him in time.

Finally, Long Batian was put into the glass wall.

After the machine was started, the light and temperature increased, and everyone worried that Long Batian would not be able to adapt for the first time, and would appear the same as the first one, but—

More than ten seconds passed, and Long Batian sitting in the middle of the glass wall remained motionless. It stood still like a sculpture, as if the outside world had nothing to do with him. Such an indifferent attitude could make the machine doubt life.

Finally, the machine scan is over.

The doctor went to pick her up, and they all thought the cub was cooperative and indifferent, but when the doctor wanted to hold it, his amber eyes slowly became cold and vigilant. A dangerous hunter ready to bite your throat if you dare to take a step closer.

Inexplicably, the doctor was a little scared.

The female nurse turned her head and said to Jian Luo: "Luo Luo, please come and pick up the child."

Jian Luo responded, and he came over. He didn't see what happened here just now, and thought that Long Batian was injured, so he was a little anxious, bent down and reached out to fish for it: "What's wrong?"

The little dragon who was fierce just now will return to the Buddha-like state that the world has nothing to do with me. Jian Luo holds it in the palm of his hand and checks: "It seems to be fine."

The doctor also said beside him: "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Only then did Jane let out a sigh of relief.

Finally it was the last one, and the younger sister was also very resistant. She did not let go of Jian Luo's hand, and finally when the doctor came to pull it, she couldn't help but softly said: "Dad, I'm afraid."

All of a sudden, Jane Luo's eyes were red, and he touched his sister's head: "It's all right, it doesn't hurt, it will be fine soon, after the examination, Dad will take you home, okay?"

The younger sister hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay."

The younger sister inside the glass is not doing very well, she has been touching the glass wall, but she can't sit as energetic as Long Aotian, and can't sit as calm as the second brother, so she can only shrink herself In the corner of the glass, curl up the whole dragon into a small white ball.

Finally, the doctor finally said: "Okay."

The three cubs were tossed one by one in turn, and then it was Jian Luo's turn to have her own physical examination.

The doctor came over and asked him to put the three children outside and enter the inner room for a physical examination. Jian Luo was a little worried, seeing through what he was thinking, the doctor couldn't help crying and laughing: "Don't worry, we have an order from the marshal, except for the general physical examination scan Nothing else can be done, and we will implement the orders and demands you put forward, and we will not act without authorization if you do not ask for it."

Jian Luo finally felt relieved, and then put the child outside for a medical examination.

Gentle to children, but not so good to adults, the doctor said: "There are blood tests and routine checks, please lie down on this bed, and we will come right away."

Jane Luo said, "Okay."

Standing next to him was the nurse who checked him out before, and he said, "You don't seem to be as nervous as before."

"After all, he is a father, so he can't make no progress at all." Jian Luo also joked: "If the heart and mind are so fragile every day, I won't be able to survive."

"Actually, you don't have to be so pessimistic." The nurse said with emotion, "You really have luck that many people would not envy. The Dragon King is established in the future, and our king is also in his prime, he still... "

The nurse paused: "Not married yet."

Jian Luo smiled wryly.

"You are the only partner he has ever admitted." Seeing that the doctor had returned, the nurse lowered her voice, "I think your luck is yet to come. Come on."

The doctor came over, and she drew Jane Luo's blood while saying, "There is something I want to report to you."

Jane fell back to God: "What?"

The doctor said while moving: "Your Highnesses' physical examination results have come out. They are indeed partial malnutrition. We will give a recuperation plan as soon as possible. Starting today, they may have to undergo physical examinations every two days. Your Highnesses are already full moon now. You can accept the training of physique and various courses, so that they can be accepted and integrated quickly, I hope you can cooperate."

Jane Luo frowned: "So fast?"

The doctor smiled: "Don't worry, you won't be very tired. They are all basic courses. If you don't worry, you can follow them all the time."

Only then did Jian Luo nod his head. At this moment, he was more deeply aware of the saying that if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. This is the Dragon Clan, and the place they want to return to is the Dark Star, the strongest and most prosperous planet in the universe. , Weakness and tears cannot survive for long.


Lu Shifeng will be back after opening it.

On the first day when he came back, he had nothing to deal with for a whole month, and he was surrounded by people from all walks of life. It was already past nine o'clock in the evening after he could rest. He went back to his room and opened the door. The room was deserted, and it was clean and spotless. , just like the previous hundreds of years, it was unbelievably quiet.

Everything is normal and yet not so normal.

Lu Shifeng paused for a moment, and finally couldn't help calling Secretary Jin: "Did you arrange the wrong room for Jian Luo and the others?"

Secretary Jin was stunned for a moment before saying, "No, it's No. 303. Luoluo chose it by herself. He said he likes the layout of this room."

Lu Shifeng was silent for a while, and finally said: "Isn't he sharing a room with me?"

The phone froze.

Secretary Jin's scalp tightened, and after holding back for a long time, he finally said, "Luoluo said that she slept together because she was pregnant, and now that the child is born, there is no need for it. She also said that she hoped it would be best to separate her daily life from now on."

The author has something to say: Lu Shifeng: Quite bald.