I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet

Chapter 30: There are several cubs


Jian Luo returned home in such a daze, the lights were still on in the room, he swiped his card to enter the door, and when he walked into the living room, Su Liang was sleeping on the sofa with nothing covered.

In order not to disturb him, Jian Luo walked over lightly, took a blanket and covered her body.

As a result, just as the blanket was put on, Su Liang's eyelashes trembled slightly, he opened his eyes gently, and blinked in disbelief when he saw that it was Jane: "Luoluo, are you back?"

Jane Luo nodded, and replied: "Well, I'm back."

"There is food in the house." Su Liang rubbed his eyes: "Mom doesn't know why you came back, but it's always hot."

Jian Luo went inside to serve the meal: "Next time I come back late, don't wait for me, you can eat first, don't wait for me."

Su Liang smiled: "Mom is fine at home."

Jian Luo brought a few small stir-fried dishes to the table, only then did she realize that it was boring for her mother to be alone at home. She had a younger brother to accompany her before, but now she is fine. She is the only one left at home. Apart from the live broadcast, there seems to be nothing extra to do here.

"Mom." Jian Luo bit her chopsticks, her heart was full of viciousness: "You said, if I have a partner, I will give birth to a child for you, okay?"

Su Liang was taken aback.

She raised her face to look at Jian Luo, her eyes were a little shocked, which made Jian Luo panic.

Jane lowered her head: "Why, what's the matter?"

Su Liang pursed his lips, and tentatively said, "Do you have a date?"


Jane Luo said honestly: "No."

Could Lu Shifeng be his object? He is the commander of the military, that is the supreme flower of Gaoling, so don't be interested.

Su Liang sighed: "It's okay if you have a partner. Mom with a good personality will definitely agree, but if the other party is a Dark Star person..."

Jian Luo asked: "What's wrong with the Dark Star people?"

"It's nothing else." Su Liang frowned, and then sighed: "Mom is just worried that our family's conditions will not be in line with her wishes. If she comes over, the house is small and Luoluo, and you will probably be in trouble at that time." It's not going well, and my mother doesn't want you to bow down in front of others, so it's also useless to say that my mother is useless, I'm sorry for you and your brother."


Don't be sorry, really.

To be honest, it is impossible for Lu Shifeng to live with them.


Why did he want to assume Lu Shifeng? Jian Luo was stunned for a moment, feeling like a fool, thinking about all these things.

There was rice porridge in the bowl. While drinking the porridge, Jian Luo said to Su Liang, "Mom, you don't have to worry about my finding a partner. Speaking of which, you can actually find another partner."

Su Liang was slightly surprised.

"Hey, look at me, I just hope you can have a companion." Jian Luo ate the food on the table, and said, "You see, my younger brother is already living in school, and he doesn't usually live at home. As for me, Work is sometimes quite busy, isn't it boring to be alone at home, find a companion, and the old couple should take care of each other."

Su Liang glared at him: "What are you talking about, how old am I?"

Jian Luo almost sprayed: "Oh my god, you are only in your early forties, what are you looking for, where is your life?"

Su Liang was a little shy, and took the initiative to bypass this topic: "I'm going back to rest, you go to take a shower after eating, I'll wash all your clothes for you, and don't throw the changed ones in the basket."

Jane Luo: "Okay."

After Su Liang left, Jian Luo quietly put down the bowls and chopsticks. Now he especially wants to eat sweet and spicy food. Unfortunately, these dishes at home are basically just salted. They are simply tasteless. Fortunately, He just received the news that the holy dragon fruit has arrived and he can pick it up at the door.

What a nectar!

Jane went to the door and scanned the QR code to pick up the package from the cabinet. He ordered 5 Holy Dragon Fruits and prepared to unbox them with great joy. When he unpacked them, he saw a small box.

Really very small!

The smile on Jian Luo's face gradually disappeared. He took out the small box from inside. There was a button on it. When you opened it, you could see the contents inside. Jian Luo took a deep breath and pressed the switch.


Fingerprint authentication is successful.

The box was opened, and Jian Luo was full of anticipation, only to see that there was a holy dragon fruit in the box, and it was very small, about the size of a palm, and the one he ate in the moonlight was exactly the same as the sky and the ground. , The difference between seller show and buyer show.

Jian Luo was very unbelievable.

He carried the holy dragon fruit back to the room. Originally, this room was shared with the younger brother. Now that there is no younger brother, a bed can be put away temporarily, and the whole room is much more spacious.

Jane sat cross-legged on the bed and called the customer service: "Hello, are you the customer service of Xingbao.com?"

The call was answered: "Hello, what's the problem you have encountered?"

"That's it." Jian Luo briefly described what happened to her: "Will you give me a replacement or what?"

The customer service smiled: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Jian, that's it. We have received a national restriction. Since yesterday, all Shenglongguo will no longer be sold to the outside world. Yours is an additional compensation."

Jian Luo was taken aback: "No, why?"

"I'm sorry about this." The customer service said in a muffled voice: "We also received a ban and just acted according to the rules."


I feel that your ban is created out of nothing, making trouble for no reason, speechless, and hopeless.

Jian Luo held back her breath: "What about the money?"

The customer service was slightly surprised: "Didn't you check the bill? We have already returned the money to your account. Please pay attention to check."


OK, you cow.

Jane Luo was very angry. After hanging up the phone, she was angry for a while, and then she became hungry after a while.

There was also a pitiful holy dragon fruit on the table, but after some hesitation, Jian Luo picked it up and peeled it, preparing to eat it to satisfy her hunger.

"well… "

Raising a dragon is really exhausting.

And now that the holy dragon fruit is still unavailable, Jian Shi couldn't help but turn on the optical brain: "Baidu for me, does it matter if you can't eat the holy dragon fruit during pregnancy?"

This time, the optical brain is as fast as charging the Internet fee: "It does matter, according to Baidu Encyclopedia, the vitamins and nutritional value of the holy dragon fruit are very high, and it is an important supplementary food for cubs during the developmental period. Supplement, it is likely to cause congenital effects on the pups."

Jian Luo was frightened: "What kind of influence, won't you get any disease?"

"Frail and malnourished." Guangnao once again popularized science: "It is best to eat every day, otherwise the cubs will not get the nutritional supplement of food in the mother's body, and the cubs will absorb the mother's nutrition according to their nature and feed on blood. "


This little dragon cub is so ruthless

As expected of Lu Shifeng's species.

Jian Luo fell into deep thought. According to his calculations, now a holy dragon fruit costs 5,000 yuan, and if you eat it every day, it will be... 150,000 yuan a month

Oh shit, is this brat going to kill his father? It's so edible, not to mention it's impossible to buy now, okay?

Guangnao said: "Is there anything else you need to search for?"

Jian Luo thought for a while: "Where can I sell it now?"

"The search has been completed. According to the data, the military's hanging garden is connected to the Dragon Valley. Now all the dragons in the universe live here. If you need it, you can go to the military to negotiate."


I see through.

the next day.

Today is the first day for Jian Luo to go to the training base. Early in the morning, he arrived by car. The training base and the moonlight are in the opposite direction to the military.

In the south, the most sunny place, and it is very high. It took a full two minutes for the floating car to fly there.

When Jane landed, someone came over with a testing device and said, "Hello, please cooperate with the safety inspection."


The inspector held the scanner in his hand and scanned him in a big circle from top to bottom before saying, "Okay, it's done."

Jane nodded: "Thank you."

He walked inside, and there was a young man who seemed to have been waiting for a long time: "Hello, are you the seedling nurse recommended by Moonlight?"

Jane Luo said, "I am."

"I'm in charge of escorting you." The young man led him on the road and reminded him: "Please pay attention to your steps and try not to step on the red stone bricks."

Jian Luo was suspicious: "Why?"

The young man smiled: "These red bricks have stamped seals on them, you'd better be careful."

Jian Luo suddenly discovered that the people here are really different from the Dark Star people in other places. Almost all of them are dressed in white magic robes and have a gold bracelet on their hands.

"Hmm..." Jian Luo hesitated: "I heard that everyone here is a phoenix?"

The young man was stunned, unable to laugh or cry: "You are really flattering yourself, how can you? We only have people with Phoenix genes here. Only the high priest of the real Phoenix can bear such a title."


These days, Jian Luo has gradually understood how the genes of the Dark Star population are distributed. Some people have real beast bodies, and those with beast bodies are generally stronger. The other part is not humans in the traditional sense. They are all people with genes, and they are also relatively strong, but they are slightly inferior to beast bodies.

The young man took him to the training center: "This is it, I'll take you in."

Jane nodded: "Okay, thank you."

There was a holy aura everywhere here, and Jian Luo obediently followed in. After arriving inside, she realized that there were not many people in the entire cultivation base.

The young man said: "Cultivating human seeds is a very labor-intensive task, so not many people are willing to do this job, and the success rate is very low. In order to prevent the seeds from being wasted, too many people are not allowed to try."

Jane nodded.

While the two were talking, a man walked up not far away, who looked about forty or fifty years old, wearing a white robe, with a serious face, the man walked up to Jian Luo, frowning: "Is this the newcomer?"

The young man said: "Yes, if there are no accidents, Luoluo will be your partner in the future."

The man glanced at Jane from top to bottom, and sneered: "Human? May I ask which university you graduated from?"

Jian Luo said, "I'm taking a break from school temporarily."

The man in the white robe said to the young man in disbelief: "Can such a person pass the application? The seeds are not for them to play with!"

The young man said helplessly: "The report given by the above shows that Luoluo is indeed capable of taking up this job."

"Capable?" The man glanced at Jane again, unable to hide his contempt: "What does a human being know, don't follow me in the future."


Jian Luo was not angry at first, but when he heard this, he felt that it was necessary to wait for a while, and said, "Did you misunderstand yourself?"

The man was taken aback.

"First of all, I'm not going to follow you." Jian Luo said slowly: "Secondly, I ask you to make it clear that the origin of these seeds is the earth, which is the home planet of human beings. Of course, the plants on our own planet know how to grow them. , you can disrespect me, but you need to clearly understand where the seeds you cultivated came from and who they originally belonged to!"


There was a moment of silence in the air.

The man's face was green and green, looking at Jian Luo's appearance as if he wanted to eat people, and finally he held back for a long time and said: "Immature."

Jian Luo sneered: "Don't dare to dare, compared with you, I'm just a little fool."

The Dark Stars naturally couldn't understand what they said, but they definitely knew it was not a good word, so they could only stare at Jane in the end.

The young man was very embarrassed: "This...you..."

Jian Luo comforted him: "Just tell me the process and the rules here, and I'll go pick the seeds with you."

The young man nodded.

For the next whole day, Jian Luo was familiar with the usage of various tools in the base, and gradually learned about it.

There is only one thing, he is not very satisfied.

"You mean, you don't have a canteen here?" Jian Luo was very surprised: "Then what do you usually eat?"

The white-robed man, the person who quarreled with him in the morning was called Wang Heng, and he said, "Do you think that we all have to eat like humans? We, the Phoenix family, don't need to eat!"


Jian Luo was very dissatisfied: "Then why does the military family have a canteen?"

Wang Heng sneered: "Then why don't you go to work in the military, why are you yelling at me here, you want to eat and figure out your own way!"

Okay, count yourself as cruel.

Jian Luo was really hungry. He didn't like to eat, but since he had this little dragon, he was very hungry.

Do you want to go to the military to get some holy dragon fruit

The main reason is that he still hasn't decided whether he wants this little brat or not.

Just as I was thinking, a voice came from not far away: "If you don't leave, you won't get overtime pay if you stay here."

"If the pepper seeds want to germinate, the temperature requirement should not be too low." Jane didn't look back: "I heard that it's very cold here at night, so I'll stay and adjust the temperature."

After all, there are not many seeds in the first place. Without this source of happiness, eating in the future will be boring.

Wang Heng snorted coldly: "It's hypocritical."

Jane sat on the side and looked at the temperature, and hit him back: "If you really don't like me, cultivate these seeds as soon as possible, and I promise that I will never appear in front of you again."


Wang Heng left.

Through this day's observation, Jian Luo discovered that the Dark Stars actually put a lot of effort into cultivating the seeds. They did pay attention to the temperature and humidity, but the earth was destroyed so cleanly that they couldn't even know where the seeds would be At what temperature can it germinate.

Moreover, the seeds are very delicate. They need one temperature during the germination period, and another temperature after germination to survive.

"well… "

Sitting on the ridge of the field, Jane sent a message to her mother.

Su Liang asked him: "I won't wait for you tonight? Will you come back very late?"

"As soon as possible." Jian Luo comforted her: "Don't worry."

Only then did Su Liang feel relieved and didn't ask any more questions. After comforting him, Jian Luo continued to watch over the temperature in the shed. The current temperature is 17 degrees, which is not too bad. Today, he has to keep watch in case the temperature outside drops suddenly. , He can also control it at any time. Once the pepper seedlings are lower than 15 degrees, they will not germinate.

the other side.

Inside the temple, the lights are bright.

Nuoda's Phoenix Terrace, a man in a golden robe sits on the Phoenix Terrace, behind him is a fiery red phoenix painted on the wall.

A disciple came over and said, "Master Sacrifice, it's late at night, it's time for you to rest."

Zhan Wentai opened his eyes, those eyes were golden, gentle as water, very beautiful: "Got it."

The disciple lowered his head, not daring to look at him.

Zhan Wentai stood up from the altar, walked to the large floor-to-ceiling windows of the temple, and looked outside. He saw that the light was still on in the cultivation base that should have been turned off.

Zhan Wentai frowned slightly: "What's going on."

"Huh?" The disciple looked out following the eyes of the priest, and quickly replied, "It should be the new trainer who arrived today."

Zhan Wentai's eyes fell on the shed and did not move away.

The disciples didn't dare to speak when they were beside them. Recently, the adults of their family have been divination and offering sacrifices day and night. The Phoenix family is born with psychics, and the purer the phoenix, the more psychic they are. In their generation, because of the scarcity of offspring, There was only Zhan Wentai's only pure-blooded phoenix left.

So in the next few days, the high priest said that the curse of Dark Star's childlessness might be broken, and everyone was very happy that their Phoenix clan would not be extinct at last.

Zhan Wentai said: "You step back."

The disciple respectfully said: "Yes."

A ray of gold flashed in the dark night, and that touch of gold flashed in the night sky, and finally stopped in front of a breeding shed.

Jian Luo was squatting by the side of the shed, digging a hole with vegetables in his hands. He was concentrating on his work and was very devoted. It can be said that he worked very hard.

Zhan Wentai said, "What are you doing?"


Jian Luo was so frightened that all the potatoes in her hand dropped.

In all fairness, a cold voice suddenly sounded from behind in the silence of the night, it was so frightening that people were almost out of their wits, okay

Zhan Wentai stood where he was, watching him quietly.

Jian Luo turned around, and saw a man wearing a golden robe standing in front of her. This man was tall and straight, with fair skin and beautiful appearance, especially his pair of eyes were gentle golden, just like Lu Shifeng's bloodthirsty and scary at first sight The red eyes are completely two styles.

"That." Jian Luo stammered a little when she saw the good-looking person: "I'm thinking, can I eat the vegetables here, I'm a little hungry."

Zhan Wentai glanced at the ground and said softly, "You don't have a pot."

Jian Luo is very good at grasping the key points: "Do you mean you can eat it?"


Zhan Wentai nodded slightly. He stood reservedly and dignifiedly, making the whole land look sacred and pure.

Jian Luo hesitated for a while, and finally said: "What are you... what do you do?"

Could it be some kind of patrol? Also, looking at this outfit, it is completely different from ordinary NPCs. Do you think he is stupid

Zhan Wentai said, "Priest."


Jian Luo doesn't quite understand what this profession does, but he's often heard it mentioned, is it a kind of profession: "Then what do you do?"

Zhan Wentai was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that there would be people who didn't know the high priest.

After all, he has always been greeted by people wherever he goes, and he never needs to explain what he does, but suddenly he is asked such a question, and he doesn't know what to say.

When she looked up, she saw Jian Luo looking at herself seriously, thirsty for knowledge.

Zhan Wentai pursed his lips: "Don't do anything, just read a book and reason about cause and effect."

Jane Luo expressed her thoughts: "Sounds pretty fun."

Is it fun

Zhan Wentai found that he didn't think it was fun, because it was quite boring, so he could only say: "It's okay."


Eyes met, there was a moment of silence.

Jian Luo threw the potatoes aside. Although he didn't know what the priest did, he always felt that it was very powerful, so he went back to check the temperature again, and withdrew if there was no problem.

The two passed by without saying a word.

Jane stayed inside to check the temperature, and after making sure that the temperature could be maintained at night, she came out. He originally thought that the people outside had left, but who knew it wasn't.

Zhan Wentai looked at him: "Why don't you get off work?"

"...I'm about to get off work." Jian Luo had a flash of inspiration. Could it be that this is an inspection by the leader, so he added: "The growth of seeds requires a constant temperature. I was afraid that it would not be safe, so I stayed for a while."

Leader, look at me, how hardworking I am.

Give me a salary increase, thank you!

Zhan Wentai just nodded: "Okay."

After waiting for a long time, Jian Luo didn't have anything to say, so she could only pursed her lips in disappointment: "Then I'm leaving, you can do what you want."

Zhan Wentai was also a little surprised.

Originally, he thought this human being was a bit special, so he came to take a look, but he didn't expect it to be so strange.

The people around him either respected him or admired him very much, but there was no such thing as Jian Luo, who was casual, as if they were just chatting in a normal way.

In a daze, Zhan Wentai raised his eyes again, and the man had already left.

"The station ahead, An Yuan."

The sound of trams sounded, bringing some warmth to the night.

Jian Luo came to the hospital with some hope, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the door was not closed. He trotted over and shook his head: "Old man, are you there?"

The old man said, "Hey, it's Little Hope."


what the hell.

Jian Luo walked in and sighed: "I've come to ask you something."

"Say it."

"If I kill this cub, will it affect my body?"

The old man looked at him a few more times, and his eyes were more complicated: "It shouldn't have any major impact, but it may cause a little loss."

Jane sighed.

"However, your current body needs to be nourished." The old man stroked his beard: "It is very hard to raise dragons. They need sufficient nutrition in the mother's womb to grow healthy. The holy dragon fruit is for better feeding. Born out of little dragons, you have the condition to eat more every day."


Eat a fart, you can't buy it.

Jian Luo sighed: "Let's make do with it, there is no such condition now."

The old man smiled: "That can't be done. If you don't think about yourself, you have to think about Xiaolong. If my diagnosis is correct, you have more than one cub here."


I see through

No wonder labor and management always feel hungry, no wonder labor and management always feel tired, you are not alone in your feelings, but you are forming a group to mess with me

Jane's lips trembled: "Can you see how many there are?"

The old man smiled and shook his head: "I'm not sure, but you are very lucky. Dragon descendants are precious, but you can win double prizes at once. Not bad, not bad!"