I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet

Chapter 45: I have nothing to do with Lu Shifeng


There was a moment of silence in the room.

Jian Luo turned around after realizing the strange silence, so innocent, wondering if something was wrong with Lu Shifeng in the army.

No way, such an unfortunate coincidence.

But I can't ask directly, is your job not going well? If you really hit a bad luck, wouldn't it add fuel to the fire

Lu Shifeng looked at the rice on the table: "Who ordered it?"

"Huh?" Jian Luo still had a packaged meal in his hand, and he said, "It seems to be an order from Royal One. It was only delivered to the door, and it was said that someone would pick it up. I don't know who it is."

Lu Shifeng tapped his fingertips on the table, and the Marshal's face showed no joy or anger, but his thoughts were very active.

There are only a handful of people who qualify to buy a home in Royal One.

Zhan Wentai stayed in Phoenix Terrace all the year round, so it was basically ruled out. The emperor was already in the palace, so he was ruled out.

Nie Yan

It's not impossible.

Lu Shifeng raised his eyelids and glanced at Jian Luo: "How did you get him?"

As soon as this Jian Luo was mentioned, he became excited, probably everyone would have the mentality of wanting to prove himself, or want to show off a little, Jian Luo couldn't hide his joy: "I received 88888 torpedoes from him!"

Lu Shifeng was silent for a while: "That's it?"


A question mark appeared on Jian Luo's head, and an inexplicable sense of victory came: "This is the biggest gift I have ever received since the start of the broadcast. I have never had it before. The entire Jinjiang live broadcast network is rarely like this. situation."

Lu Shifeng adjusted his sitting posture, and said casually: "Didn't anyone give you a gift before?"

He also brushes a lot.

I have never seen Jane Luo so enthusiastic.

Jian Luo was confident and confident: "Yes, but this gentleman did it at the right time. This is the recognition of my cooking, and maybe he is still my true fan."

True fan

Lu Shifeng sneered.

Seeing that the Marshal was full of displeasure, Jian Luo couldn't figure out what he was thinking, so he could only say: "Then I'll go out and send it."

He turned around and was about to leave when he heard a voice from behind: "Wait."

Jian Luo paused, and heard Lu Shifeng sit up a little bit, his face calmed down a little: "I'll have someone send it for you."

"Huh?" Jian Luo held the food delivery in his hands, hesitating: "Is this not very good?"

Lu Shifeng raised his eyebrows: "Isn't it only in the community, what are you afraid of?"


Jian Luo was relieved: "Well, this one should be delivered early, it's still hot, it won't taste good after a long time."

Marshal sneered again and again: "Don't worry."

So this ill-fated takeaway was sent out, and Jian Luo didn't know what would happen to it next.

After the meal, a waiter came to clear the table, and brought the cut fruit after the meal. The holy dragon fruit was cut and placed on the plate, which looked very beautiful.

Jane sat on the chair and asked casually, "Have you eaten?"

Lu Shifeng waited for a long time, and finally waited for this sentence, so he raised his eyebrows: "I thought Mr. Jian only cared about that 888 torpedo."


It is 88888.

Jane Luo added in her heart, but she still didn't dare to say: "No, no, well, I must care about you too, you are Xiaolong's father."

I don't know where this sentence touched Lu Shifeng, the mood of Marshal obviously turned from cloudy to sunny.

"Are you hungry?" Jian Luo poked the holy dragon fruit to eat: "I'll go and cook you some more rice? There's still rice in the pot, and there's vegetables over there."

Lu Shifeng shook his head: "Don't be so busy, you can rest."

Jian Luo let out a "huh" and didn't insist. She continued to concentrate on eating her own fruit. After a while, a servant came to the door and brought something in her hand.

The attendant bowed to Jian Luo: "Your Highness, the hospital has sent something, which is said to be a gift for you."


Jian Luo now has a headache when she hears about the hospital.

"Got it." Jian Luo stretched out her hand: "Give it to me."

In the attendant's hand was a big bag, which was so bulging that no one could tell what it was, and handed it to Jian Luo respectfully.

Jian Luo didn't expect to get any good things at all, and he thanked God if it wasn't a luxurious gift package of nutrient solution. He opened the package and opened it simply and rudely. He was surprised to see a few books, which read in gilt characters:

"Parenting Encyclopedia"

"999 things new mothers must know"

"Tens of Thousands of Years of Parenting History on the Dark Star"

Forget about these book titles, they are basically normal, and Jian Luo endured it, but after looking at it, it was even more outrageous.

"Guidelines for Raising Babies in 2-3 Months"

"Things You Need to Know in March-April"

"Do you know these things from April to May?" "

Jane fell into a long silence.

Lu Shifeng flipped through a few books at random: "Their work efficiency is really fast. The library has long since run out of such books, so they should be printed for you now."

Jian Luo held a few books, and almost lost her courage: "There are so many, I still have to take the exam, how can I read them all?"

Lu Shifeng put the book on the table: "Just read it if you have nothing to do, I didn't ask you to read it all."

You speak lightly.

Jane turned her head around, and suddenly came up with an idea: "I think that as a cub's father, I can't be the only one who reads it. You also have the responsibility and obligation to read. I take the exam, and you have to take the exam too."

Lu Shifeng looked at him with interest.

"Cough." Jian Luo felt guilty when he saw him, and still stubbornly resisted: "Is there any problem?"

half an hour.

Lu Shifeng said slowly, "Mr. Jian is right."

The daring little human didn't realize his boldness at all, and no one in Dark Star dared to order Lu Shifeng like this, let alone someone who wanted to give the marshal an exam.

Jian Luoyi is bold: "Then you watch it, I will watch it later."

Lu Shifeng took it casually, but he was not in a hurry to look at it, but said to Jian Luo: "Go and wash first, you are stressed about the nutrient liquid, they changed their policy and made a nutrient liquid for soaking your feet."


Jian Luo nodded speechlessly: "Understood."

Facts have proved that only you can't think of it, there is no magical dark star person who can't do it, a pot of green and bubbling nutrient solution is served to soak your feet, Jian Luo's head is getting bigger when he sees it.

Sitting on the sofa, he said to Lu Shifeng, "Why is your nutrient solution always green? Can't you change the color?"

Lu Shifeng was reading a book, when he heard the words, he said slowly, "Can you change it to red?"

Jane fell silent.

Soaking your feet in the nutrient solution feels quite comfortable. It looks a bit unacceptable, but in fact it is colorless and odorless, and everything is fine. Jian Luo picked up the "Things You Need to Know in March-April" to take a look. Learn and learn the parenting knowledge of the Dark Star people.

Open the first page and it says:

"Starting in April, the cub's sense of hearing has basically taken shape. Parents can carry out music prenatal education. In order to promote parent-child relationship, they can also accompany them to talk for a while from time to time. Parents tell stories together to promote children's fun."

This is good.

Jian Luo counted the days, and the cub is indeed going to be 4 months soon, so in fact, his sense of hearing has really matured, so he can tell some stories

Lu Shifeng, who was opposite, read the book very quickly, basically reading ten lines at a glance. After a while, he would read more than half of a book, and Jian Luo only finished the first paragraph of the first page.

Jian Luo was puzzled: "Can you remember?"

"Why." Lu Shifeng left his attention to him a little: "You want to give me a test paper too?"

"...That's not true." Jian Luo hugged the book and hinted frantically, "Did you see what happened in April?"

Lu Shifeng put down the book.

Jian Luo was inexplicably a little nervous, and with anticipation: "Have you seen it?"

Lu Shifeng reached out to him: "Bring it."

Jane refused to give it up, and simply showed her cards: "He said in this book that he would tell stories to Zai Zai, that is, do you have any officially designated stories?"

Lu Shifeng said, "No."

A question mark slowly popped up on Jian Luo's head: "Then this book still says to tell stories, don't you guys have any stories at all?"

Lu Shifeng thought for a while: "Do you want to hear it?"

Jian Luo forcibly said: "The book says that father should tell, it's not that I want to hear it, it's your son who wants to hear it."

Lu Shifeng looked at him with dark eyes, as if he could see through all the thoughts in people's minds, until Jian Luo felt guilty for no reason.

Jane hesitated for a second: "No, it's fine if you don't talk."

Lu Shifeng threw the book aside: "Have you finished washing your feet?"

"Huh?" Jian Luo took his feet out of the sink, wiped them with a handkerchief, and said positively, "It's finished."

Lu Shifeng said "Yes": "Go to bed and wait, I'll tell you later."

I didn't expect to actually talk about it!

Jian Luo was very excited: "Okay, okay."

In fact, he hasn't heard the fairy tales of Dark Star yet, is it as wonderful and magical as Snow White or something

Really looking forward to it!

Jian Luo happily got into the quilt, and after Lu Shifeng finished washing, she put on the little black bear's pajamas and sat on the bed.

Jian Luo's small head popped out: "What are you talking about today?"

Lu Shifeng was half covered in the quilt, half sitting on the bed, and said softly, "Tell me about the battle between the Fengweipo Dragon Clan and the interstellar island group."

It's not like a fairy tale!

Jian Luo hesitated for a moment, but she still had hope: "What's the story?"

"Once upon a time, there was a team of dragons who met a group of interstellar pirates." Lu Shifeng told the story very professionally: "The fighter plane the opponent drives is a new type of b-257 warship, and the combat missile type it holds is f7. There are 17 people in the dragon team. According to the feedback from the detector, the opponent has at least 300 people. The terrain of Fengwei Slope is full of rocks, so it is suitable for offensive and defensive battles... "

Jane fell silent.

Looking at the combat experience of Marshal Lu, looking at the entire interstellar world, any military force could cry when they heard it, and the Marshal even condescended to analyze the combat experience for Xiaolong, which was really very attentive.

After Lu Shifeng basically analyzed the situation between the enemy and ourselves, Jian Luo who was next to him had completely fallen asleep, and slept very soundly.


the next day.

After a good night's sleep, Jian Luo didn't dare to mention what happened yesterday to Lu Shifeng.

Fortunately, Lord Marshal was also very kind and didn't tease him. After the two of them had breakfast together in a tacit understanding, Lord Marshal sent Jian Luo to work as usual and left after a few words of advice.

When Jane landed in the place, the first thing she did was to give the food box to Wang Heng: "Here, this is the finished product of chili."

Wang Heng took the food box and was taken aback after opening the lid: "Tofu?"

"Yeah." Jian Luo gave him all: "I made some in the morning, you can eat it hot at noon, or have it for dinner now, and I'll go write a re-application report on chili."

Only then did Wang Heng realize: "So that anchor is you!"

Jane laughed: "It's me."

Wang Heng, who was holding a lunch box, finally accepted the matter: "I just said, the new breed that was just bred, how could that anchor have it?"

Jian Luo didn't plan to hide it from the beginning, and said, "This is the new product that was broadcast live yesterday, you can try it."

Wang Heng was awkward for a long time before he could say: "Thank you."

Jian Luo didn't care about it, but reminded him: "You'd better eat it early, it won't taste good if it cools down, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"No need." Holding the box, Wang Heng was silent for a while before saying, "My wife likes to watch your live broadcast, so I'll take it home for her to eat."

Jane paused.

He remembered that Wang Heng also said before that he wanted to have a child with his wife, and now he is very kind to his wife. For no reason, Jian Luo actually felt a little envious. This may be true love, and it probably means that they will miss each other If you look after the other party, you will keep everything that is good for the other party.

Unlike the old Lu.

Well, tell him a mechanical battle story.


In the evening, the analysis batch of the pepper report came down.

Completely different from yesterday's tone and attitude, this time the reviewers seem to have changed their face suddenly: [After our multi-party certification investigation, the pepper is now upgraded to a high-grade ssr seed, and the food value is rated as a high-grade seasoning. It is agreed to plant in batches, The first-level authority for this matter has been issued to the account number of the seed breeder Jian Luo, please check it.]

Jian Luo asked Wang Heng: "What are the first-level authorities?"

Wang Heng was tinkering with his latest seeds, and replied: "If your seeds have obtained the permission for batch planting, then you need to follow up and guide the planting work on the human side, which means almost the next period of time, I'm afraid you have to go to Anyuan frequently."

Most of the Dark Stars don't want to go.

Except for Jane.

Hearing the news, Jian Luo was very happy: "Okay! Then I can go there tomorrow, and now the transfer order has come down."

Wang Heng looked at him rather strangely, and nodded: "In summer, the environment in Anyuan is even worse, you should pay attention."

Have you forgotten that I am human too.

Jane Luo said angrily: "Understood."

He is still happy to be able to travel at public expense, and the most important thing is that he doesn't have to worry that the priest will come over to let him take the exam at any time.

In the afternoon, Jian Luo was handling the handover work, and made all the handover preparations for her move to Anyuan from today.

"Ding dong."

The information terminal has a message.

Jian Luo casually clicked on it, unexpectedly it was Jiang Jiang who sent it, Jiang Jiang said: "Luo Luo, I found out that there is an anchor on the external network who will imitate you and cook the same food to gain popularity every episode after you finish the broadcast. Do you have authorization?"

Jian Luo was stunned, and replied: "No."

"Then go and have a look first." Jiang Jiang sent the address and name: "It's from Xingji Live. It's called Lord Chenguang."

Jane Luo said, "Okay."

Star Live Network, he is very impressed. At the beginning, he just wanted to live broadcast on this live network. Later, he came to Jinjiang when he didn't agree with it. After that, he also had some unpleasant things, but as time passed, he basically forgot about it. back of my head.

Who knew that after such a long time, this star could appear in his life again in this way.

Jane sat down on the chair and began to search for this Lord Chenguang. Obsidian's information bracelet is not fast enough. Sure enough, he found this person very quickly. After watching, there are about a dozen videos, the earliest and the most popular. The video is:

[Luoluo Potato Chips of the same style, no limit to purchase and taste]

The food anchor in the video also made potato chips, which attracted a large number of people to appreciate. Later, the taste tasting was opened, and the order volume exceeded 10 million. The unit price is 2 star coins, and Jian Luo’s own place only needs 1 star coin .

Jian Luo thought about it for a while, and subscribed to one to taste. After taking a bite, it was very crispy, but it had almost the same problem as the moonlight one last time, that is, it was a bit burnt, and it tasted too big if I didn't grasp the degree properly. Part of the taste is okay, but this kind of food will get tired faster, and the thickness is not well grasped.

Jiang Jiang sent another message: "Luoluo, have you finished watching?"

"I read it." Jian Luo replied to him: "Actually, potato chips and French fries are not my ideas. I read them in a book. They belong to the culture of the ancient earth, so he can't be regarded as plagiarizing me."

Jiang Jiang was very surprised: "But if you don't mention it, how can he know, and he is just taking advantage of your enthusiasm, because you restricted the purchase, so he can use your enthusiasm to sell things unscrupulously!"

This is the truth.

Jian Luo frowned: "But I don't want to destroy the quality because of rushing the quantity."

Jiang Jiang was also very angry: "Actually, I found out about this matter two days ago. They are really good at taking advantage of loopholes, so that it is not easy for people to catch mistakes, but now there is a problem that they don't limit their purchases in batches. Now There is also a physical product, but there is a problem with their physical potato chips, and some people feel unwell after eating them, and now they do not admit that it is their potato chips, but that it is a problem with the food itself.”


Jian Luo thought it was amazing, he was sure: "As long as the potato chips are not eaten every day after eating, the appropriate amount will not cause any discomfort."

Jiang Jiang was also very angry: "It must be a problem with their production."

"Um… "

Jian Luo opened the homepage of Xingwang, browsed it, and finally found this discussion about potato chips in a list:

"Master Chenguang's potato chips will make you dizzy, do you have such a situation?"

"Slightly, I thought it was just me."

"Yeah, what's the situation?"

"Over there, the production method is the same as Luoluo's."

"It seems to say that you can't eat too much potato chips. If you eat more than ten chips at a time, you can't eat more."

There was a lot of discussion on the Internet, and there was a lot of discussion about potato chips, and everyone had different attitudes. It was precisely because Jian Luo didn't have an account on Xingwang that no one approached him.

Jiang Jiang sent a message to Jian Luo: "Luo Luo, in two days it will be a collective friendship for the anchor class, that group of people should be there, are you going?"

This has to be put on Jane's previous temper, and she will definitely go.

But now there is still a cub in the belly, what if something happens

Originally, he really didn't have any feelings for this unexpected child, but after three or four months, even the stones are warm, so how could he not care.

If possible, he really didn't want the child to face any danger.

Jian Luo's fingers quickly typed on the light screen: "Jiang Jiang, do you have the contact information of Lord Chenguang? I'll talk to him first."

Jiang Jiang was curious: "What are you going to do?"

"I suspect that the potatoes he used were sprouted or bad." Jian Luo never tolerated such things, and typed quickly: "I don't mind the heat, because I didn't invent the potato chips, but if he uses them badly With conscience, I must find him."

Jiang Jiang was also attracted by Jian Luo's momentum, and quickly replied: "I don't have any contact information here yet, but I can check it for you."

Jian Luo breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you."

It happened to be time to get off work, Wang Heng packed up and was ready to go home with spicy tofu, when he turned around, he saw Jian Luo sitting not far away.

Wang Heng frowned: "Not going back yet?"

Jane sat on the chair, wearing a clean white shirt. From a distance, she looked like a student who had just graduated from school. He looked up and smiled slightly: "Well, I'm going back, you go first."

Wang Heng waved his hand and left.

Jian Luo was full of worries and thoughts, so she sat in the shed all the time. If he were to go out now, he would have to face those Dark Star people. People who can talk and talk about this matter can be around, so he can only be quiet by himself.

"Jingle Bell."

The information terminal called again.

Jian Luo sighed and then opened it. It was Jiang Jiang who called. When he picked it up, he heard Jiang Jiang say: "I entrusted someone, and I can find out tomorrow. Also, the registration form for the anchor conference tomorrow, our platform will A quota, you can consider it, if you want to go, I will take you with me, it can be regarded as asking them for clarification."

Jian Luoxue became more cautious: "Okay, I understand. I will discuss it with others on my side."

Originally, he meant to think again.

Who knew that Jiang Jiang actually sent a message: "Okay, you can discuss it with your marshal!"


A mouthful of old blood choked in Jane's throat: "Why do you guess me and the marshal?"

Can't he discuss it with others? Couldn't he have someone else? Why is it Lu Shifeng


Jiang Jiang over there is much calmer: "Isn't it?"

Jian Luo decided to be tough for a while, and raised her breath: "Don't talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with him!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced sideways, and suddenly saw a figure standing at the door. Marshal Lu was standing there, leaning against the door and looking at him.

For a moment, Jian Luo suddenly shuddered.

Jiang Jiang asked suspiciously: "Really, there is nothing?"

"Ah." Jian Luo immediately changed her words: "That... is impossible."