I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet

Chapter 70: Brother Long, you are the best


Everyone in the classroom looked out.

Fei Yuhan frowned: "Which one is Jian Sheng?"

The homeroom teacher was also a little surprised. How did this ancestor come here? Fei Yuhan, the little overlord of the Dragon Clan, was given the nickname Xiao Lu Shifeng. He is a famous figure in the school, only a little lower than the Dragon King when he was in the school. Just a little bit.

"Well, this classmate, you have something to say." The head teacher still tried to save his children: "You can't solve the problem like this."

Fei Yuhan frowned: "Are you Jian Sheng?"

The head teacher shook his head: "I'm not."

"Then what did you answer?" Fei Yuhan leaned against the door, folded his arms, and said in a bad tone, "Don't make me ask it a third time."

Su Liang was already a little uneasy, and looked at his son rather anxiously, as if he was worried that his son would hang out with local hooligans.

Jian Sheng wasn't very scared, he stood up and said, "I am."

Compared with the Dark Star people, human beings are very thin, especially Jian Sheng, who has been malnourished since he was a child, looks even more inadequate when he comes to Fei Yuhan.

Jian Sheng said to the head teacher: "Teacher, I'll go out for a while."

The head teacher nodded.

Before he left, Jian Luo gave him a hand: "Call someone in time for something."

Although he didn't want to maliciously speculate on others, but this Fei Yuhan really looked very difficult to provoke, and he was comparable to Brother Long's aura.

Jian Sheng gave him a comforting look.

Because the parent meeting was coming to an end, Jian Luo was also preparing to go back. Before leaving, he chatted with the class teacher about the children's recent situation.

The head teacher said: "Mr. Jane, on behalf of the children, I would like to invite you and your mother to our flea market."

Jian Luo didn't expect: "Why did you invite me?"

"It can be seen that you still love children and don't reject them." The class teacher said politely: "The children are also very lively and active under your leadership today. I sincerely hope that you can come to the flea market."

Jian Luo is actually not very interested in these, but it is not easy to refuse directly: "But I can't help much."

The head teacher smiled: "I just invite you to play, and I don't really ask you to contribute. If you have time, please show me your face."

Jian Luo thought for a while, and did not rush to refuse: "Okay."

After pregnancy, he inexplicably became more receptive to children. There is no other reason, but he likes children very much.

When I see them, I always think of dragon cubs unconsciously.

I hope that the dragon cubs will be happier in the future, meet more gentle people, and let the world be gentler to them.

"Jingle Bell."

The get out of class bell rang outside.

Jian Luo greeted the homeroom teacher and left. When he came out, he met Jian Sheng who came back, bumped into his younger brother, and immediately checked whether he was injured.

Su Liang rushed faster: "A Sheng, are you not injured?"

Jian Sheng shook his head: "No, why did you get hurt? The senior asked me to return the things."

This has to arouse other people's interest, for example, Jian Luo's interest came: "What else?"

Jian Sheng scratched his head embarrassingly: "I picked up his meal card two days ago, but because I couldn't get in the S-class classroom, I was so busy these two days that I couldn't solve it."


Jian Luo was actually a little disappointed: "That's it?"

Jian Sheng was surprised: "What, what's wrong?"

Looking at the pure and innocent eyes of her younger brother, Jian Luo was speechless. According to the laws of romance novels on their earth, it should be the beginning of a beautiful love. Why did it become an ordinary meal card here

In the end, Jian Luo suppressed her own thoughts. After all, there is a pure friendship between children. As an adult, she should fully support her!

The group returned to Anyuan.

On the way, Jian Sheng couldn't hold back, and kept asking Jian Luo about voting: "Brother, you didn't vote, did you, those people..."

Jian Luo replied patiently: "No."

Jian Sheng: "Then..."

On the other side, Su Liang was a little more clever, and replied instead of Jian Luo: "Because your brother is going to do a live broadcast, so you know a lot of people during the live broadcast, and there must be kind people."

This explanation is perfect.

Jian Sheng believed it completely.

Jian Luo smiled guiltily, and didn't refute the excuse given by Su Liang. In fact, he didn't think that Lu Shifeng's identity could not be exposed or something. It's just that he didn't know what the future would be like for this relationship. Let's do this first.

After returning home, the three began to discuss the flea market.

Su Liang was about to make dinner, and said while wearing an apron: "Dark Star people are very good at high technology, if we sell ordinary things, we won't be able to attract people's eyes."

Jian Sheng helped pick vegetables in the living room: "Each of them has different preferences, so we can't generalize."

This is true.

Most Dark Star people have different tempers, and there is no uniform standard.

Jian Sheng and Su Liang chatted one after another, but they didn't reach a conclusion. Jian Luo, who was nestled on the sofa watching TV, decided to go to Lu Shifeng.

He thought for a while, and was about to send a message to Lu Shifeng, and typed out: "Are you there?"

This seems a little blunt. After all, is it still asking people questions? It seems that they should be more amiable.

Thinking of this, Jian Luo changed it to: "Brother Long, where are you? ^-^"

After the message was sent, there was a long wait. He thought he would have to wait at least a long time, but he didn't expect Lu Shifeng to reply very quickly: "What?"

Jane was not ashamed to ask: "Do you know what the students of Dark Star generally like, or what is more popular in the flea market?"

After the message was sent, there was no news.

While watching TV, Jane Luo looked down at the communicator from time to time, but she didn't reply to the message.

There is a little anxiety in my heart, and there is also some faint sense of expectation.

This kind of secret sense of anticipation probably only existed when Jian Luo used to chat with someone on WeChat when he was a student, but now he attributes it to the anxiety caused by worrying about his younger brother.

half an hour.

Lu Shi sealed his message back: "Each ethnic group likes different things, and there is no unified answer."

Jian Luo couldn't tell whether she was disappointed or happy: "Oh, that's it."

Lu Shifeng responded, and then called him again: "Instead of asking them what they like, it's better to stabilize the foundation and make good use of what you are good at."

He is like a seasoned general guiding ignorant soldiers.

Jian Luo rubbed his chin, pondered over and over again, and finally had an idea, his eyes lit up, and he came to an idea: "Got it, got it!"

Lu Shifeng was very satisfied, and after he finished speaking, he sent another document to Jian Luo. This document is not small. The network comparison on Anyuan's side is slow, and it may have been sent before, but Jian Luo's side did not display it in time. That's all.

The document was shown as being received, and he couldn't hold back his curiosity: "What is this?"

"What do you think?" Lu Shifeng said succinctly: "The statistics of the most popular products in the flea market in recent years."

? ! !

are you god

This can be found!

Jian Luo adored Lu Shifeng a little bit, and besides admiring him, an inexplicable moving and strange feeling rose in her heart.

Probably—the feeling of being valued.

Although it is possible that Lu Shifeng's tenderness now is just because he considers that there is a child, but this feeling of being valued and cared about is really wonderful.

No matter what, he is still very grateful to the marshal for his hard work, at least these beauties are real.

A smile appeared on Jane's face. Naturally, it is unavoidable to flatter Lu Shifeng: "Brother Long, you are really amazing!"

Lu Shifeng said softly, "Is this amazing?"


if not.

Jian Luo echoed him: "This, this is very powerful, thank you, it was a great help, and I will definitely repay you in the future!"

Lu Shifeng narrowed his eyes looking at the word "repay", and replied: "It's not necessary to be a cow or a horse, if you really want to repay me, just make medicine honestly, don't be foolish, even if you repay me .”


Too much.

After chatting with Lu Shifeng, Jian Luo started to read the document, and found that there are really many things that can be used for reference, but most of them are toys and food.

After thinking about it, the flea market is only a few days away. It is unrealistic to make toys in batches, and it is too late. If I have to say it, it is faster and easier to make food.

After listening to Jian Luo's thoughts, Su Liang said, "But Luo Luo, how do we know what people of these races like to eat?"

Jian Luo stood up, with a smile on her face: "Who says you don't know?"

Next day - flea market.

This is a relatively grand day for the college. Each class is different from each section, and the things they sell are similar, basically depending on the race.

Dark Star not only has a few major nobles, but also small races below, such as rabbits, dogs, and cats. These races are also real.

Dogs like to sell various bone decorations, rabbits like to sell straw woven toys, and cats like to make all kinds of traps. Of course, these are all ordinary grades. Stuff gets weirder.

Many classes are very lively in front of you, only class G has only a few people. In fact, the children have carefully brought their own things.

Jian Sheng brought the food plate prepared by Jian Luo, which was divided into four small parts, filled with different foods, which Jian Luo made according to the tastes of several nobles.

Jian Sheng asked Jian Luo, who was like an old monk in meditation, "Brother, will they really like it?"

"Huh?" Jian Luo was calm: "Don't you want to talk about it, I can just make a taste survey and improve it next time."


You really don't waste your time.

Soon, some students also came to the stall here. They were attracted by the taste. The food in the food plate has different colors and tastes. There are spicy sticks that the dragon people like to eat, and there are sweet cakes that the phoenix people like. Pixiu Just made slightly saltier cakes, different flavors but all appealing.

The children in Class G are obviously not very interested.

Jian Sheng encouraged and said, "Let's try some advertising slogans?"

No one agrees.

In the end, it was a little girl who said: "Squad leader, no one is here at all, who are you yelling for?"

Compared with those big nobles who have so many small shops, everyone can't finish shopping. How can they have time to come to this remote place to ask for guilt? Not only this little girl, but the rest of the people are obviously downcast. It's as if it's already waiting in place for it to end.

Everyone was lifeless, as if they were participating in two activities with others.

Jian Sheng was not convinced, he found a board by himself, started to make an advertising sign, and wrote in childish fonts: [Snacks free when you buy something]

While it was being made, passers-by were attracted by the movement of the tossing billboards. When they walked over, they saw the pastry plate. The smell of the food was too good, so they couldn't help asking: "How do you sell these foods?"

Jian Sheng quickly said: "If you don't sell it, if you need to buy a product, I will give you a piece of food."

The child who asked the question was a dog family, belonging to the Pixiu family. He had a very good nose, and he stared at the cake from a long distance. Nothing else, it was so delicious.

The little dog boy looked around at the stall and ordered a book at random: "Then I'll buy an exercise book."

Jian Sheng's eyes lit up, and he was overjoyed: "Okay!"

He quickly helped to pack with his hands and feet, and soon the first business order was billed, which was unbelievably fast. After the first time, the rest of the things seemed to go much smoother.

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, more and more children come here attracted by the name, of course, all those who run are prizes.

"Did you get your prize?"

"You haven't eaten yet!"

"Go quickly, the prize will be gone."

Dark Star people generally like to eat, especially children, and children's expressions of likes and dislikes are generally simpler and more direct. Slowly, there are gradually more people in the stalls that were originally unattended.

Originally, some children were not motivated, but as the number of people increased, many children took action, and those with strong hands-on ability came to Jian Sheng: "Squad leader, let me help you."

With a slightly lively temper, he took the initiative to yell at customers: "These products are not bargained, but they are very affordable. This ball is not only for lighting. Look, it can also record video..."

The rest of the children also began to divide their work, and the whole class was visibly busy.

Such an obvious change was seen by the people in the opposite class. They are more advanced than class G, and they usually crush class G. They still have a lot of superiority, but they never expected that this time, class G Ben actually grew up, not only won the first vote, but also had so many customers in the flea market! !

A child asked: "Squad leader, what should we do?"

The class monitor was a little girl, and she snorted softly: "Isn't it just to give away snacks, let's have an event too?"

The child is very curious: "What activities are we doing?"

The little girl thought for a moment, then took out a framed mirrored storage compartment from the storage compartment, and said triumphantly, "Do you know what this is? This is the hand cover used by Marshal Lu."

For children, Lu Shifeng is like a god.

The things he used are like the surroundings of celebrities. When this thing came out, it immediately attracted the attention of other children.

The squad leader smiled proudly: "As long as you buy something, you can take a group photo, touch it, and write on the billboard!"

The other children all responded.

Their efficiency is very fast, and the billboards were created in a short while.

Many passers-by were attracted to Lu Shifeng when they saw the three characters, which shows the charm of Marshal.

Jian Sheng noticed the movement, turned his head and said to Jian Luo: "Brother, it seems that they are selling the marshal's cover over there!"

Jian Luo was sleeping in the back at first, but was startled when she heard this.

Jian Sheng was eager to try: "I really like the Marshal, and I want to see it too, are you going?"


Not interested in.

Jian Luo said casually, "Maybe it's fake."

"Brother, how do you know it's fake if you haven't seen it before?" Jian Sheng pulled him: "Let's go, let's go and have a look."