I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet

Chapter 97: The smile gradually disappeared


Jian Luo looked at the queen quietly.

The queen was a little nervous, she looked at Jian Luo and said seriously: "Don't you believe me?"

Jian Luo stood on the spot: "You have given me so much advice, so I will give you one piece of advice as well."


"If you don't go, you won't be able to go."

The queen suddenly felt that something was wrong, she turned her head, and found that there was no one behind her, and no pursuers found this place: "You lied to me?"

Jian Luo said: "Believe it or not is up to you."

Someone's voice came from the information bracelet: "Sister, send it quickly, the signal on your side is getting weaker and weaker."

The queen frowned, and finally stopped hesitating. She took off the information bracelet, and as the bracelet was taken off, there seemed to be a transparent wall turning. When she got close, Jian Luo could feel the transmission from the other side of the wall. Come the vortex.

The queen's red dress was blown up by the wind from the other side of the wall, and she glanced at Jane again: "Are you really not going with me? Is it because of the child?"

Jian Luo watched her movements, indifferent: "Do you want to listen to the truth?"

The queen nodded.

"I never thought of running away from him." Jian Luo said, "I didn't before, and I probably won't in the future. Thank you for your kindness, and I wish you freedom."

After the words fell, he received the queen's rather complicated eyes.

The queen stepped in with one foot, and did not forget to say to Jian Luo: "You will regret it."

Jian Luo looked at her quietly, indifferent.

When the whole circle of light engulfed her, the living person who just stood there disappeared, Jian Luo stared at the empty space in a daze for a long time, he felt that he should think about something, but in fact he had nothing think.


There were loud noises and footsteps outside.

Jian Luo raised his head and looked outside. A group of people came in after a while. The leader, Lu Shifeng, was wearing a neat military uniform. Because he was leaving today, he wore a dark blue cloak on his back. The cloak was raised, making him look like he was taking every step with great momentum.

The black long military boots stepped on the clean floor, making a crisp sound, and finally, the owner of the boots stopped in front of Jane Luo.

Jian Luo raised her face to look at him, with a thin layer of sweat on her forehead.

Lu Shifeng looked at him condescendingly, as if confirming his safety, he said, "Are you injured?"

Jian Luo took two deep breaths before saying, "No."


Lu Shifeng looked around the bathroom, took off the cloak and put it on Jian Luo's shoulders, the man's voice was a little magnetic: "I'm afraid I might cry."


The cloak was tied on his shoulders, and there was a man's familiar smell, because he was together every day, and he had to say that he was already familiar with this smell and this person.

Jian Luo was actually trembling all over, she was just pretending to be calm just now, seeing the backbone now, she stopped pretending, and said, "If you don't come again..."

Lu Shifeng raised his eyebrows: "Huh?"

"Then my legs may be weak." Jian Luo let out a long sigh of relief, and said pitifully, "I thought I couldn't last that long."

Thanks to him trying to find topics to delay the time.

Lu Shifeng took out a clean white handkerchief and handed it to him: "Wipe."

Jian Luo was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that it was to wipe the sweat off his brow, and he took it: "Thank you."

Lu Shifeng said to Secretary Jin, "Take him back."

Secretary Jin: "Yes!"

Jian Luo was still on the spot, buffering his weak legs, when he suddenly saw that Lu Shifeng was about to leave, he subconsciously asked, "Where are you going?"

There were two rows of dragon soldiers standing outside, their eyes glanced here intentionally or unintentionally, watching how the marshal comforted his little wife, it was a joy to watch, think about who the marshal has coaxed before, if you don't smoke you It's already considered merciful, but now it's not easy to hold back your temper and talk nicely.

Lu Shifeng stopped, turned around and looked at Jian Luo: "What do you think?"

Jane Luo: "Are you going to find her?"

There was not much expression on Lu Shifeng's handsome face, and his blood-red eyes stared at Jian Luo quietly: "She has her idea on you."

The voice was quiet and steady, but inexplicably contained a hint of murderous intent: "Damn it."


Jane choked up.

Lu Shifeng's momentum was too strong, he was afraid.

The queen ran away, and the leader would definitely blame him, and as the last person who had contact with the queen, he would not be easily let go. Thinking of this, he walked up to Lu Shifeng with small steps: "I am not her accomplice .”

Lu Shifeng squinted at him condescendingly: "I know."

Jian Luo thought for a while, and decided to confess leniently: "She wanted me to go with her, but I didn't."

After speaking, he glanced at Lu Shifeng a few more times, wanting to observe the reaction of the marshal, but he met Lu Shifeng's unsurprised face.

Jian Luo hesitated: "Aren't you shocked at all?"

Lu Shifeng said: "It's obvious, isn't it? If you left, you wouldn't be standing here."


Can't refute.

Jian Luo felt very boring, he muttered: "Then what if I leave with her?"

Lu Shifeng looked down at him, his aura changed, became a little oppressive, became very coercive, the corner of the man's mouth curled into a sneer, and said word by word: "You can try."

Suddenly, a layer of cold sweat broke out behind Jane Luo.

He even had a bold idea, could it be... Could it be that Lu Shifeng was outside just now

If he agreed, he might not be able to speak so nicely now.

Thinking of this, Jian Luo was a little wronged, he was worried here, and the dog man didn't come in outside, which made him worry and fear here, what crime did he do to suffer this kind of grievance

Jane lowered her head, her nose was sour, and said perfunctorily, "Oh."

Lu Shifeng raised his eyebrows, the marshal was not good at dealing with this kind of reaction: "Why are you crying?"

"Didn't you say you could cry because you were afraid?" When a pregnant person got emotional, it was very unreasonable, and Jian Luo couldn't control her hypocrisy: "My crying is also hindering you, don't you have something to do? Why? Still standing here, it's so annoying."


If it was someone else, he would have been kicked to death by the marshal long ago.

Lu Shifeng was silent for a while, then said, "Jian Luo."

Jian Luo muttered: "What are you doing?"

"One million." Lu Shifeng said: "I'll ask someone to open an online shopping account for you when you go back, and swipe my card."

Jian Luo couldn't help but almost laughed out loud, and he wanted to hold back a bit: "What do you think of me, I don't care about these things."

Lu Shifeng: "Two million."

"Well then, don't forget!"


Yielding to the power of money, Jian Luo happily forgave Lu Shifeng, then obediently stopped messing around and went back to the warship with Secretary Jin.

Secretary Jin said, "Luoluo, take a rest in this room. If something calls me, I'll be outside."

Jane nodded: "OK, thank you."

Secretary Jin smiled and left.

When she left, Jian Luo, who was sitting by the bed, slowly lay down. He glanced at his information bracelet, and unconsciously remembered what the queen said today. Aftertaste one by one.

He has never heard of such things as plundering the luck of other planets, and it is indeed a bit like Lu Shifeng's style. In fact, Lu Shifeng has never labeled himself a good person. Marshal Ma is also cold-blooded and merciless, killing fiercely.

Su Liang scared him more than once to stay away from Lu Shifeng.

The matter of the star core just made Jian Luo realize once again that the people next to him are definitely not kind, and they are probably not the same people, but what can be done, he has no way out now, his stomach There is Lu Shifeng's child inside, and his family lives in Lu Shifeng's sphere of influence. According to what Lu Shifeng said, he has no ability to run away, and he can't run away.

Unless—he traveled back in time.

the other side.

The queen was sitting on the chair. She changed her previous weak side and held the wine glass charmingly: "The task is completed perfectly."

Yin Hui, who was sitting on it, sneered: "Fart finished, I asked you to bring him back, where is he?"

"If he doesn't want to come, what can I do?" The Queen scolded, "Besides, he is still your Dragon King's precious lump. If something happens, Lu Shifeng can't beat me to pieces?"

Yin Hui: "What are you afraid of him doing?"

The queen asked back, "Aren't you afraid?"

While talking, he even glanced at Yin Hui, wondering where this person's confidence came from. Last time he was beaten up by Lu Shifeng and was bedridden for half a month, now his scar is healed and he forgets the pain.

Yin Hui changed the subject, and the mask on his face looked a little strange under the light: "Stop fucking nonsense, have you done everything you were asked to do?"

The queen nodded: "Don't worry, everything is installed."

Yin Hui sighed: "Do you want to grab some baby supplies?"

"No need." The Queen said, "Dragon cubs are not ordinary children. They are basically weaned after birth and don't need to be taken care of by anyone. If you have fantasies about mother and baby supplies, why not think about how to raise humans so that they won't die."


After April.

Jian Luo originally thought that he and Lu Shifeng would go back after a few months, but who knew that was not the case at all. The Marshal must have wanted to ensure that he would not be harassed in the dark star, so the entire army never went back, but it was an interstellar battle. Others are traveling for honeymoon after they are married, but he is playing around with his child.

However, the warship is large and spacious, so it will not panic.

The only downside is that his belly is getting bigger and bigger. It used to be a small bag, but now it is a big one.


Jian Luo opened her eyes from the dream and woke up again.

As the month got older, the reaction became stronger. He couldn't sleep at night, and he would be woken up by the urge to urinate almost without sleeping for a while, or his legs would suddenly twitch.

This time it was the leg pumping.

Jian Luo sat up slowly, trying to get used to it and relax.

There was also some movement from the side, and Lu Shifeng sat up: "Cramp?"

Seeing that he woke up, Jian Luo hurriedly said: "It's okay, you go to sleep, I'll be fine by myself."

Lu Shifeng was wearing the little yellow duck pajamas that he was in Dark Star before, which greatly weakened the majesty of the Marshal. He sat up and asked in a familiar tone, "Which one?"


Jane Luo pointed: "This."

Lu Shifeng stretched out his hands to pinch his legs. After a long time, Jian Luo even suspected that Marshal is a professional massager. Who can achieve such an even force

Ever since he had severe reactions during pregnancy, he seldom slept well, even when he was tired and landed, Feng didn't sleep much.

Jian Luo looked at him and said softly, "Should we sleep in separate rooms?"

Lu Shifeng paused and glanced at him: "What are you going to do again?"

This tone is like, what kind of monster are you going to be like today, you little ghost.

Jian Luo said: "I don't want to disturb your rest, you prepare a bed for me, I'll sleep in another room, I'm reacting badly now, I can't sleep well, and you can't sleep well either."

Lu Shi didn't lift his head: "No need."

There was still a trace of emotion in Jian Luo's heart: "Why?"

"You weren't honest when you didn't react much." Lu Shifeng said calmly, "So don't think too much."


Then I can thank you.

They stayed on the warship for a month, and the warship finally arrived at another destination. It is also a friendly federation with Dark Star. This planet is richer, and according to Secretary Jin, this is the kingdom of elves.

Jian Luo began to get excited: "Elf, is it the kind with pointed ears and the pretty one?"

Secretary Jin smiled: "Almost."

"Wow!" Jane said impatiently, "I actually want to see the elves."

Secretary Jin was very curious: "Is the elf very rare? If you say so, our marshal is actually a dragon, and the priest is a phoenix. They are all rare nobles. You were not very excited at the time."

Jian Luo shook her head: "Of course they can't be compared together."

Secretary Jin: "Why?"

"Actually, I was also excited at the beginning." Jian Luo sighed: "I've seen it for a long time, old couples, don't you get tired of it? How can domestic flowers smell like wild flowers?"

"... Luoluo."

Jane Luo: "What?"

Secretary Jin glanced behind him: "Maybe you'd better look behind."

Jian Luo turned around and saw Lu Shifeng standing not far away looking at him. The man raised his eyebrows, and the silent murderous intent was transmitted over, as if to silently let him have the ability to say it again.

Jian Luo choked with sobs: "I mean, no matter how good the wild flowers are, they are not as good as the house flowers."

Secretary Jin covered her mouth and smiled.

They entered the kingdom of elves. Along the way, Jian Luo didn't hold back at all. He looked left and right, especially when he saw that among the delicate and beautiful flowers, there were some little ones with transparent wings. The elf couldn't help exclaiming, it's too cute!

Lu Shifeng said: "Don't touch them casually."

Jian Luo stood and watched: "Why?"

Secretary Jin explained: "Elves are not allowed to be touched at will. If you sign a contract, it will be very troublesome. It may be recognized as a lifelong partner, which means that you can only live with a palm-sized person in this life."


It doesn't seem so cute anymore.

A group of people entered the elf hall, where the elf king hosted a feast for the guests. He looked a little old and unshaven. The decorations in the elf hall were basically all crystals, bright and shining, and looked very delicate and beautiful, while the elves The costumes are also so delicate, the white dress, with a shiny mask-like chain on the face, the beauty that is halfway revealing, is admirable.

Jane said "wow" in her heart.

If he has a female baby in his womb, he will also dress up the cub beautifully in the future. If it is a male baby, hey, who cares, as long as he can wear it.

A group of people sat down at the banquet.

Jian Luo looked at the crystal jug on the table filled with water, and quietly asked Lu Shifeng next to him: "What do we eat?"

Lu Shifeng pointed to the kettle: "It's right in front of you."

Jian Luo couldn't believe it: "You said this?"

Do fairies really only drink dew?

Lu Shifeng raised his eyebrows: "Don't you like elves, do as the Romans do when you go to the countryside."


Suddenly there is nothing to like.

The dancing elves in the front hall are over. Their dancing posture is light, and each of them looks like a fairy descending from the earth.

Just when Jian Luo felt that she was feasting her eyes and was about to sneak away, the Elf King suddenly said, "What do Master Lu think of our dancer?"

With the cup in his hand, Lu Shifeng said slowly, "Not bad."

Jian Luo also nodded secretly, the dance was really good.

"That's great!" The king slapped the table: "These people will follow Mr. Lu in the future, and they can relieve their fatigue when they are bored. I will give you a smile."


The room was silent.

Jian Luo's smile, which was full of admiration and had a smile on her face, gradually disappeared.